django - how to pass datetime arguments to modelform - django

i want to filter serve_date field in Reserve modelform.
when run this form, return: expected string or buffer
class Reserve(forms.ModelForm):
food_name = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Food.objects.all())
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, serve_date=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(Reserve, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.year = year
self.month = month = day
self.serve_date = serve_date
date_stamp = time.strptime(year+month+day,"%Y%M%d")
serve_date =*date_stamp[:3])
self.fields['food_name'].queryset = Food.objects.filter(
serve_date__year = year, serve_date__month = month, serve_date__day = day)
class Meta:
model = Reservation
fields = ('food_count', 'food_name')
Food model:
class Food(models.Model):
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Food"
verbose_name_plural = "Foods"
def __unicode__(self):
return self.food_name
food_name = models.CharField(verbose_name="Food Name", max_length=50)
price = models.CharField(verbose_name="Food Price", max_length=50)
serve_date = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name="Serve Date")
args ()
day None
kwargs {u'auto_id': u'id_%s',
u'empty_permitted': True,
u'error_class': <class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>,
u'prefix': u'form-0',
u'use_required_attribute': False}
month None
self <ReservationForm bound=False, valid=Unknown, fields=(food_name;food_count)>
serve_date None
year None

you can use form_kwargs:
django Doc: Passing custom parameters to formset forms


Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field `user` on serializer `cart_serializer`

Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field user on serializer cart_serializer.
The serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the QuerySet instance.
Original exception text was: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'user.
class view_cart(APIView):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
def get(self, request, total=0, quantity = 0, cart_items=None):
grand_total = 0
cart = Cart.objects.get(user=request.user)
cart_items = CartItems.objects.filter(cart=cart)
for item in cart_items:
total += item.product.price * item.quantity
quantity += item.quantity
delivery = 150
grand_total = total + delivery
serializer = cart_serializer(
context={"total": total, "grand_total": grand_total, "delivery": delivery},
return Response(
class cart_serializer(ModelSerializer):
total = SerializerMethodField()
delivery = SerializerMethodField()
grand_total = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Cart
fields = ["id", "user", "total", "delivery", "grand_total"]
def get_total(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.context["total"]
def get_delivery(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.context["delivery"]
def get_grand_total(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.context["grand_total"]
class Cart(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(Account, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = 'Cart'
def __str__(self):
class CartItems(models.Model):
cart = models.ForeignKey(Cart, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
product = models.ForeignKey(Products, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
quantity = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = 'Cart Items'
def sub_total(self):
return self.product.price * self.quantity
def __str__(self):
return self.product.product_name
Don't know why this error shows
The cart_serializer expect a Cart instance not a CartItems queryset.
class view_cart(APIView):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
def get(self, request, total=0, quantity = 0, cart_items=None):
grand_total = 0
cart = Cart.objects.get(user=request.user)
cart_items = CartItems.objects.filter(cart=cart)
for item in cart_items:
total += item.product.price * item.quantity
quantity += item.quantity
delivery = 150
grand_total = total + delivery
serializer = cart_serializer(
cart, # ==> Here use the cart instance..
context={"total": total, "grand_total": grand_total, "delivery": delivery},
return Response(

apply a filter to the choices field of my model

Hi I have problems with some filters in django.
I have my own view where I can choose the day of the week which is a select choice field
once chosen it is saved in the db.
I would like to filter those already present so as not to repeat them if I had to choose another day.
Can anyone help me out please?
class Piano(models.Model):
nome_piano = models.CharField(max_length=100)
data_inizio = models.DateField()
data_fine = models.DateField()
utente_piano = models.ForeignKey(
on_delete = models.CASCADE,
related_name = 'utente_piano'
def __str__(self):
return self.nome_piano
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Piano alimentare"
verbose_name_plural = "Piani alimentari"
class PianoSingleDay(models.Model):
giorni_settimana_scelta = [
giorni_settimana = models.CharField(
choices = giorni_settimana_scelta,
max_length = 300
single_piano = models.ForeignKey(
on_delete = models.CASCADE,
related_name = 'single_piano'
def __str__(self):
return self.giorni_settimana
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Piano singolo"
verbose_name_plural = "Piani singoli"
def PianoSingleView(request, id):
piano = get_object_or_404(models.Piano, id = id, utente_piano = request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(request.POST, prefix = 'giorno')
if giorno_form.is_valid():
day_piano = = False)
day_piano.single_piano = piano
return redirect('gestione-piano', id =
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(prefix = 'giorno')
context = {'piano': piano, 'giorno_form': giorno_form}
return render(request, 'crud/create/gestione_piano_single.html', context)
class PianoSingleDayForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.PianoSingleDay
exclude = ['single_piano']
You can let the PianoSingleDayForm exclude the days that have already been selected for that Piano with:
class PianoSingleDayForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, piano=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if piano is not None:
days = set(PianoDaySingle.objects.filter(
).values_list('giorni_settimana', flat=True))
self.fields['giorni_settimana'].choices = [
(k, v)
for k, v in self.fields['giorni_settimana'].choices
if k not in days
class Meta:
model = models.PianoSingleDay
exclude = ['single_piano']
We can then use this in the view by passing the Piano object to the form both in the GET and POST codepath:
def PianoSingleView(request, id):
piano = get_object_or_404(models.Piano, id=id, utente_piano=request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(request.POST, piano=piano, prefix='giorno')
if giorno_form.is_valid():
giorno_form.instance.single_piano = piano
return redirect('gestione-piano',
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(piano=piano, prefix='giorno')
context = {'piano': piano, 'giorno_form': giorno_form}
return render(request, 'crud/create/gestione_piano_single.html', context)

Filter by fields from foreignKey relationships

I got a bunch of models and some of them are connected (by foreign-key relationships) and I wrote a serializer which allows me to print out all of the connected fields that I want, and leave out what I do not want to see. Great. Now I also have a basic filter, which uses the model (PmP) which contains all the foreignkeys, but now I want to add another filter for a field (field name e from PmPr Model) from a different Model, one that is read in via foreignkey connection (li in Model PmP connects to model PmL containing field pro which connects to model PmPr where the field e is). But I dont know how to do that and as far as I can see, I cant set two filter_classes inside my view (PmPLListView)?! And I dont know how to access the field via the foreignkey relation. So how do I go about this? If I can access the e field from PmPr Model via my existing filter - than that is also fine with me, I dont necessary want two filter classes (if even possible). It was just me first thought. (btw. sorry about the strange names, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to write the real names)
these are my models (at least the relevant ones):
class PmP(models.Model):
created_at = models.DateTimeField()
pr = models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
li = models.ForeignKey(PmL, models.DO_NOTHING)
se = models.ForeignKey('PmSe', models.DO_NOTHING)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'pm_p'
class PmL(models.Model):
u = models.TextField()
pro = models.ForeignKey('PmPr', models.DO_NOTHING)
sh = models.ForeignKey('PmS', models.DO_NOTHING)
active = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'pm_l'
class PmSe(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
s_i_id = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
sh = models.ForeignKey('PmS',
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'pm_se'
class PmPr(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
e = models.CharField(max_length=13)
created_at = models.DateTimeField()
cus = models.ForeignKey(PmC, models.DO_NOTHING)
u_v_p = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10,
cf = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
s_k_u = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'pm_pr'
this is what my serializer looks like:
class PmPLSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
# id = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_l_id')
u = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_l_u')
sh = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_sh_name')
name = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_pro_name')
e = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_pro_e')
u_v_p = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_pro_u_v_p')
s_k_u = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_pro_s_k_u')
se = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_se_name')
pr = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_pr')
created_at = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_created_at')
class Meta:
model = PmP
# fields = '__all__'
fields = ('u', 'sh', 'name', 'e', 's_k_u', 'u_v_p', 'pr',
'created_at', 'se')
depth = 2
def get_l_id(self, obj):
def get_l_u(self, obj):
def get_sh_name(self, obj):
def get_pro_name(self, obj):
def get_pro_e(self, obj):
def get_pro_u_v_p(self, obj):
def get_pro_s_k_u(self, obj):
def get_se_name(self, obj):
def get_pr(self, obj):
def get_created_at(self, obj):
return obj.created_at
this is my filter class:
class PmPFilter(rfilters.FilterSet):
class Meta:
model = PmP
fields = [
for field in ["pr"]:
exec(f'min_{field} = rfilters.NumberFilter(field, lookup_expr="gte")')
exec(f'max_{field} = rfilters.NumberFilter(field, lookup_expr="lte")')
# filter by date as "is_less_than_or_equal_to"
written_to = rfilters.CharFilter(method="created_at_to", label="created_at to")
# filter by date as "is_greater_than_or_equal_to"
written_from = rfilters.CharFilter(method="created_at_from", label="created_at from")
# filter by exact date
written = rfilters.CharFilter(method="created_at_exact", label="created_at exact")
def created_at_exact(self, queryset, name, value):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self.parse_date(value)
cdate = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
return queryset.filter(created_at=cdate)
def created_at_to(self, queryset, name, value):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self.parse_date(value)
cdate = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
return queryset.filter(created_at__lte=cdate)
def created_at_from(self, queryset, name, value):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self.parse_date(value)
cdate = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
return queryset.filter(created_at__gte=cdate)
def parse_date(self, value):
return (
and finally, this is my view:
class PmPLListView(generics.ListAPIView):
queryset = PmP.objects.all()
serializer_class = PmPLSerializer
filter_backends = (DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter, OrderingFilter)
ordering_fields = ["created_at", "pr"]
filter_class = PmPFilter
fields = ("created_at", "pr")
filter_fields = fields
search_fields = fields
def get_queryset(self):
This view should return a list of all data
return PmP.objects.filter()
oh I got it! I can access the foreign relationship with two underscores. So I modified my Filter class to this:
class PmPFilter(rfilters.FilterSet):
class Meta:
model = PmPrice
fields = [
and inside my PmPLListView view I also added the double underscores to access the field:
class PmPLListView(generics.ListAPIView):
queryset = PmP.objects.all()
serializer_class = PmPLSerializer
filter_backends = (DjangoFilterBackend, SearchFilter, OrderingFilter)
ordering_fields = ["created_at", "pr"]
filter_class = PmPFilter
fields = ("created_at", "pr", "li__pro__e")
filter_fields = fields
search_fields = fields
now I can filter by field e

django - how to add additional parameters to queryset in forms

i want to add additional parameters to the queryset in forms
class Reserve(forms.ModelForm):
food_name = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Food.objects.all())
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(Reserve, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.year = kwargs.pop('year')
self.month = kwargs.pop('month') = kwargs.pop('day')
self.fields['food_name'].queryset = Food.objects.filter(
serve_date__year = year, serve_date__month = month, serve_date__day = day)
class Meta:
model = Reservation
fields = ('food_count', 'food_name')
but its return KeyError:
Year is an explicit keyword parameter here, it isn't in kwargs.
self.year = year
And so on for the other parameters you've listed explicitly.

django-select2 not working with inlines in django-admin

Here are my models and admin classes:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
buyer = models.ForeignKey(User)
is_debit = models.BooleanField(default = False)
delivery_address = models.ForeignKey('useraccounts.Address')
organisation = models.ForeignKey('useraccounts.AdminOrganisations')
date_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
total_discount = models.IntegerField()
tds = models.IntegerField()
mode_of_payment = models.ForeignKey(ModeOfPayment)
is_active = models.BooleanField(default = True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Purchase Orders"
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % (
This class is used to add, edit or delete the details of item purchased
class PurchasedItemInline(admin.StackedInline):
form = ItemSelectForm
model = PurchasedItem
fields = ['parent_category', 'sub_category', 'item', 'qty', ]
extra = 10
class BuyerChoices(AutoModelSelect2Field):
queryset = User.objects.all()
search_fields = ['username__icontains', ]
class BuyerForm(ModelForm):
user_verbose_name = 'Buyer'
buyer = BuyerChoices(
'width': '220px',
'placeholder': 'Lookup %s ...' % user_verbose_name
class Meta:
model = PurchaseOrder
fields = '__all__'
This class is used to add, edit or delete the details of items
purchased but buyer has not confirmed the items purchased, this class
inherits the fields of PurchaseOrder derscribing the delivery address of
buyer , is_debit , total discount , tds and mode of payment
class PurchaseOrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = BuyerForm
#list_display = ['id','buyer','delivery_address','date_time','is_active']
inlines = [PurchasedItemInline]
# model = PurchaseOrder
#actions = [mark_active, mark_inactive]
#list_filter = ['date_time']
#search_fields = ['id']
list_per_page = 20
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
request.session['old_post'] = request.POST
request.session['purchase_order_id'] =
return HttpResponseRedirect('/suspense/add_distance/')
I am trying to implement django-select2, but when I use inlines in
PurchaseOrderAdmin it doesn't show the field where I have implemented
But when I remove inlines, it works fine:
Here is the ItemSelectForm
class ItemSelectForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Media:
js = (
parent_category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.\
sub_category_id = Category.objects.values_list('id',flat=True)
sub_category_name = Category.objects.values_list('name',flat=True)
sub_category_choices = [('', '--------')] + [(id, name) for id, name in
itertools.izip(sub_category_id, sub_category_name)]
sub_category = forms.ChoiceField(sub_category_choices)
item = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset = Product.objects.all())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemSelectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['parent_category'].widget.attrs={'class': 'parent_category'}
self.fields['sub_category'].widget.attrs={'class': 'sub_category'}
self.fields['item'].widget.attrs={'class': 'item'}
It worked for me by adding the following line in the static/suit/js/suit.js
(function ($) {
Suit.after_inline.register('init_select2', function(inline_prefix, row){