Get the checksum of an open QIODevice - c++

i need the checksum of a file and found this, which works perfectly fine. Now i want to change this function to take a pointer to a QIODevice that has been opened before with the following lines:
if (! | QFile::Text))
This is passed to read (;) as device:
bool XmlReader::read(QIODevice* device)
QByteArray b = fileChecksum(device);
This is my implementation of fileChecksum. It returns a checksum, but i am caught in a loop forever and i am getting an xml parse error. What am i doing wrong here?
QByteArray XmlReader::fileChecksum(QIODevice* device)
if (device->isOpen())
QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha256);
if (hash.addData(device)) {
return hash.result();
return QByteArray();
right after QByteArray b = fileChecksum(device); i do:
qDebug() << "Checksum: " << b.toHex();
whick keeps printing and printing and printing...
The parse error is: premature end of document which is rubbish.
Hope this helps.

Since the lines of code that eventually caused the error are not in view I can only speculate about what happened.
The function fileChecksum called hash.addData(device) which read the QIODevice until the end and kept the cursor position there.
Most likely you tried to read from the QIODevice afterwards which would explain the premature end of documen message.
As a fast workaround you can just try to reset the position afterwards with
auto pos = device->pos();
QByteArray b = fileChecksum(device);
But you should only read the data once if you can (to support non random-access QIODevices too). For example you can store the result in a QBuffer and use that as a QIODevice. Like this:
bool XmlReader::read(QIODevice* device)
QByteArray contents = device->readAll();
QBuffer buffer(&contents);
device = &buffer;//you can also just use &buffer from here on out instead of overwriting the pointer
QByteArray b = fileChecksum(device);
/* ... further reads from device here */


How to get datas send by Protobuf with a QTcpSocket [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Correct way to losslessly convert to and from std::string and QByteArray
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm new on protobuf and QTcpServer/Socket and I want to read my .proto data send by my client, but when i'm reading the data, the QString done is empty
For now, I just want to send a message that say "hello" when my client is connected. The QByteArray returning by QTcpSocket::readAll is NOT empty, but the QString created with the bytes is empty.
Here is my .proto ultra basic one :
syntax = "proto3";
package protobuf;
message Message
string content = 2;
write functions :
// When i'm connecting to the server i create a PlayerManager and i call this function with message = "hello"
void Server::sendMessageToPlayer(const PlayerManager& playerManager, const QString& message)
auto messageProto = new protobuf::Message;
// I serialize the protobuf
template <typename protobufType>
void sendData(const protobufType& protobuf)
std::string dataToSend;
if (!protobuf.SerializeToString(&dataToSend))
// This never pass -> the protobuf is well serialize
qDebug() << "The protobuf send cannot be serialized, please, make sure that you used protobufs correctly";
// Before i write it
void SocketManager::write(const std::string& data)
// I tried this but it's not working either
// QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("CP1251");
// QString codecData = codec->toUnicode(data.c_str());
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << data.c_str();
qDebug() << block;
read functions :
void SocketManager::read()
QByteArray bytes = _tcpSocket->readAll();
qDebug() << bytes;
// Doesn't work either
// QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("CP1251");
// QString data = codec->toUnicode(bytes);
QString data(bytes);
qDebug() << data;
void SocketManager::emitMessageType(const std::string& data)
// Protobufs can parse an empty string (and so, emit signal), to avoid that, the function will tell you if data
// are empty, then return
if (data.empty())
qDebug() << "Datas are empty";
protobuf::Message message;
if (message.ParseFromString(data))
emit messageProtoReceived(message);
qDebug() << "The data send cannot be translate, please, make sure that you used protobufs correctly";
So, I would like that my client receive "hello" when he is connected but my debug are :
Server side :
Client side
Datas are empty
When I use QTextCodec (commented lines of the code) the debug are :
Server side :
Client side
The data send cannot be translate, please, make sure that you used protobufs correctly
So the QByteArea is parse, but protobuf don't succeed to parse the given string.
Thanks for reading, I hope youc ould help me
Not sure if it's the case but the documentation says that the default constructor of a QString that takes a QByteArray:
The given byte array is converted to Unicode using fromUtf8(). Stops copying at the first 0 character, otherwise copies the entire byte array.
So probably, you are having some troubles whit the conversion.
As alternative, you can try ParseFromArray method, instead of converting a QByteArray into a std::string.
const auto byteArray = _tcpSocket->readAll();
protobuf::Message message;
if (!message.ParseFromArray(, byteArray.size())) {
qDebug() << "Failed to parse person.pb.";
out << data.c_str() inside SocketManager::write might discard at first \0. Try converting to QByteArray as described at Correct way to losslessly convert to and from std::string and QByteArray to ensure the whole string is sent.

Sending images over TCP from labVIEW to QT

I am trying to capture images taken from a camera connected to a myRIO and send them over a TCP/IP connection from labVIEW to a QT GUI application.
My problem is that QT keeps throwing a heap pointer exception and crashing when I read the data.
Expression: is_block_type_valid(header->_block_use)
I believe this could be because the data being sent is over 35k bytes, so I tried to read the data in separate chunks, but alas am still getting the error.
Below is my function that gets called on readyRead() being emitted:
void TCPHandler::onRead() {
QByteArray byteArray;
QByteArray buffer;
QByteArray dataSize = mainSocket->read(5); //read the expected amount of bytes incoming (about 35000)
while (buffer.size() < dataSize.toInt()) {
int bytesLeft = dataSize.toInt() - buffer.size();
if (bytesLeft < 1024) {
byteArray = mainSocket->read(bytesLeft);
else {
byteArray = mainSocket->read(1024);
QBuffer imageBuffer(&buffer);;
QImageReader reader(&imageBuffer, "JPEG");
QImage image;
image =;
else {
emit read("Cannot read image data");
if (!image.isNull())
emit read(reader.errorString());
In the LabVIEW code I send the size of the bytes being sent first, then the raw image data:
EDIT: Connect for the slot. Also should have mentioned this is running in a separate thread to the Main GUI.
TCPHandler::TCPHandler(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
mainSocket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(mainSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onRead()));
connect(mainSocket, QOverload<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>::of(&QAbstractSocket::error), this, &TCPHandler::displayError);
You are sending your length as a decimal string. Then followed by the string.
I would expect that the length would be binary value. So instead of an 'I32 to String' function use a typecast with a string as the type.

Is it necessary to flush a QTextStream before closing a QFile?

I need to log some text messages to a file with following requirements :
Each text messages is written in a new line at the end of the file.
Be reasonably sure that each message was correctly written to the file.
So far, the function is using QTextStream and QFile:
bool FileManager::appendLine(const QString &line)
if(! | QIODevice::Text)) // m_file is a QFile
return false;
QTextStream ts(&m_file);
ts << line << endl;
bool status = (ts.status() == QTextStream::Ok);
return status;
Point 1 is satisfied but i have doubts about Point 2.
Even Qt Doc says that it is sufficient to close() the QFile to flush all its internal buffers :
void QFileDevice::close()
Reimplemented from QIODevice::close().
Calls QFileDevice::flush() and closes the file. Errors from flush are ignored.
What about the internal buffer of the QTextStream ?
Is it necessary to call QTextStream::flush() before closing the file ?
About Point 2, i guess that reading back the line just after it has been written would be the only way to be 100% sure of that. (for example a power failure may occur while the kernel has still datas in its buffers )
In your case, its not, because you are appending &endl in each write!
Writting &endl to the QTextStream writes '\n' to the stream and flushes the stream. It is Equivalent to: stream << '\n' << flush;
Further, when QTextStream is flushed due to &endl, it will empty all data from its write buffer into the device and call flush() on the device.
While this particular code will work because operations with QTextStream end with an endl, it's still better to ensure that QTextStream is completely and utterly finished working with the file when you close it. Just use scopes.
bool FileManager::appendLine(const QString &line)
if(! | QIODevice::Text)) // m_file is a QFile
return false;
bool status {false};
QTextStream ts(&m_file);
ts << line << endl;
status = (ts.status() == QTextStream::Ok);
return status;

Qt getting network requests with QNetworkReply that download data to temp file

I am having some issues reading an online file. I'm trying to read what is in the file after it gets downloaded to a temporary file. Here is my code:
void MainWindow::fileIsReady( QNetworkReply * reply)
QTemporaryFile tmpFile;
QByteArray asdf = reply->readAll();
qDebug() (QString("%1").arg(asdf.length())); // returns 0
if (
qDebug << "attempting to read file";
QTextStream stream(&tmpFile);
QString value = stream.readAll();
qDebug << value; // value is returning nothing
qDebug() << "failed to open internet file";
// in MainWindow constructor (MainWindow::MainWindow)...
QNetworkAccessManager * manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(fileIsReady(QNetworkReply*)) );
I'm going to be using this to compare two md5 strings.
There are several issues in your code:
You need to open tmpFile before writing to it.
reply->readAll() will return data only once. Further calls will return empty array. Once you received data using readAll, it's your responsibility to store it in a variable if you need it later.
After you wrote someting to file, the file pointer is at its end. You cannot read anything from it because there is no data there. You can use seek to move pointer to the beginning of the file and read its content.
There is no point in reading from file just after you wrote data to it. You can use QTextStream on QNetworkReply directly to read text from it. (Maybe this was just for debugging, I don't know.)
It's hard to believe that you need to create a temporary file just to calculate md5. There are simplier ways to do that.
So turns out I was dumb and forgot to open the reply first. Also, it was unnecessary for me to create a temp file. Here is my solution::
void MainWindow::fileIsReady( QNetworkReply * reply)
if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)
if (reply->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
QByteArray asdf = reply->readAll();
qDebug() << (QString("asdf %1").arg(asdf.length()));
qDebug() << (QString(asdf));
qDebug << "cant open reply";

Unable to read correctly from socket

I have a server application which sends some xor encrypted strings. I am reading them from my QT client application. Sometimes, the server is slower and I am not able to receive the entire string. I have tried something like below but it gets stuck ( see the comment below). How can I wait until I have the entire data. I tried bytesAviable() but then again i get stuck (infinite loop)
QTcpSocket * sock = static_cast<QTcpSocket*>(this->sender());
if (key == 0)
QString recv(sock->readLine());
key = recv.toInt();
qDebug() << "Cheia este " << key;
char * response = enc_dec("#AUTH|admin|admin",strlen("#AUTH|admin|admin"),key);
busy = true;
while (sock->bytesAvailable() > 0)
unsigned short word;
//Sleep(100); if i do this than it works great!
QByteArray bts = sock->read(word);
while (bts.length() < word)
char bit; //here get's stuck
if (sock->read(&bit,1) > 0)
char * decodat = enc_dec((char*),bts.length() - 2,key);
qDebug() << decodat;
I don't know what the meaning of key == 0 is, but you are almost certainly misusing available(), like almost everybody else who has ever called it, including me. It tells you how much data can be read without blocking. It has nothing to do with how much data may eventually be delivered down the connection, and the reason is that there are TCP APIs that can tell you the former, but not the latter. Indeed the latter doesn't have any real meaning, considering that the peer could keep writing from now until Doomsday. You should just block and loop until you have read the amount of data you need for the next piece of work.
I offer you to do the following:
QObject::connect(this->m_TCPSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(processRecivedDatagrams()));
Some explanation:
It is convinient to create a class instance of which will manage network;
One has the member which is pointer on TCPSocket;
In constructor implement connection of signal from socket readyRead() which is emmited when needed data was delivered with SLOT(processRecivedDatagrams()). which is responsible for processing recived datagrams/ in this case it is processRecivedDatagrams(), also implement this slot
Mind that class which manages network has to inherit from QObject and also in its declaration include macrosQ_OBject` for MOC.
i also offer you to store recived data in container like stack or queue this will allow you to synhronize sender and reciver (container in this case acts like buffer)
// SLOT:
void Network::processRecivedDatagrams(void)
if (!this->m_flagLocked) // use analog of mutex
this->m_flagLocked = true; // lock resource
QByteArray datagram;
m_TCPSocket->readDatagram(, datagram.size());
Qt::String YourString; // actualy I don`t remember how to declare Qt string
while (m_TCPSocket->hasPendingDatagrams());
QDataStream in (&datagram, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
in >> YourString
this->m_flagLocked = false; // unlock resource