I am trying to display WDDX data using Coldfusion.
The data in the DB is: 8"x8"
When displayed on the front end, only the first '8' is visible. When i remove the " from the string, it works fine.
Here is a code snippet:
<!---read WDDX data and output as var--->
<cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#stImage.metainfo#" output="exif"> <cfcatch>
<cfset exif=structnew()>
<cfset exif.exif.artist="">
<cfset exif.exif['Image Description']="">
Description: <cfoutput>#exif.exif['Image Description']#</cfoutput>
My buddy answered this one for me, and I wanted to post the answer here in case it helps anyone! We replaced the " with &##34 (ascii format).
#replace(exif.exif['Image Description'],'"',"&##34;",'all')#
I have a string retrieved from the database that can contain a series of codes in either {} or [] brackets as well as plain, user entered text. For example, each of the following would be possible values:
{code1} Some user entered text. {code2}{code3} Some more user entered text.
Etc. etc.
What I need to do using ColdFusion is extract the codes within the {} and [] brackets so I can retrieve their descriptions from a database. For example:
{code1} Some user entered text. {code2}{code3} Some more user entered text.
Would become a list similar to:
Normally I could just do something like REMatch but unfortunately I'm stuck doing this on a server running ColdFusion version 4.5 (groan) so my options are limited.
I'm thinking maybe I could do some Replaces on the string to convert it into a pipe delimited list that I can then easily process but I'm not sure if there might be a more straight forward approach? I'm not even really sure what a sensible way to process this using a Replace would be.
<cfset myString = "{code1} Some user entered text {code2}{code3} More user entered text" />
<cfset myArray = listToArray(myString, "{[") />
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(myArray)#">
<cfset myArray[i] = "{" & listFirst(myArray[i], "}]") & "}" />
<cfdump var="#myArray#" />
<cfset myList = arrayToList(myArray, "|") />
<cfdump var="#myList#" />
TryCF.com Gist:
i'm working on my legacy system old code of coldfusion, is there a way i can define cfcatch in application.cfc and catch all errors of my application with
Function name
Query name
Line Number of code
Template Name
To debug fast rather then writing everywhere in code.
application developer did not catch any error anywhere in code.i did insert cfcatch in code some of the places but still lot more to do, and because of production i don't want to modify so much of code.
im inserting cfcatch in databse and sending email to development team. because system is in production.
You can use the cferror tag, or onError to direct all errors to a given page/function.
If you use cferror, the exception will be passed in the error variable. If you use OnError, it's a parameter.
To help you along, my own error emails include the following. You will notice that we have special handling to help point out places where a blank may have been passed into a sql integer field, which happens more often than I'd like to admit.
An error occurred: http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#?#cgi.query_string#<br />
Time: #dateFormat(now(), "short")# #timeFormat(now(), "short")#<br />
<!--- Smarter error catching for form fields --->
<cfif (error.message contains "Invalid data '' for CFSQLTYPE CF_SQL_INTEGER") and isdefined("form")>
<!--- This stores a list of the Id fields --->
<cfloop collection="#form#" item="thisField">
<!--- Get the last two characters of the field name --->
<cfset lastTwoChars = right(thisField, 2)>
<!--- Get the value of the field --->
<cfset thisFieldValue = evaluate('form.#thisField#')>
<!--- Check to see if this is an Id field and if it's value is blank. --->
<cfif lastTwoChars eq 'Id' and thisFieldValue eq ''>
<h3 style="font-weight: bold; color: red">#thisField# is blank and it's possibly an integer field.</h3>
<cfdump var="#error#" label="Error">
<cfdump var="#form#" label="Form">
<cfdump var="#url#" label="URL">
<cfdump var="#session#" label="session">
I'm following a tutorial by Ben Nadel and I am receiving the following error in browser Network/XHR.
Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values
I think the problem is in the CFLoop tag but I'm not sure exactly what I should modify to resolve the error.
Get the content as a byte array (by converting it to binary,
we can echo back the appropriate length as well as use it in
the binary response stream.
<cfset binResponse = ToBinary(ToBase64( objRequest.FileContent )) />
<!--- Echo back the response code. --->
<cfheader statuscode="#Val( objRequest.StatusCode )#" statustext="#ListRest( objRequest.StatusCode, ' ' )#" />
<!--- Echo back response legnth. --->
<cfheader name="content-length" value="#ArrayLen( binResponse )#" />
<!--- Echo back all response heaers. --->
<cfloop item="strKey" collection="#objRequest.ResponseHeader#">
<!--- Check to see if this header is a simple value. --->
<cfif IsSimpleValue( objRequest.ResponseHeader[ strKey ] )>
<!--- Echo back header value. --->
<cfheader name="#strKey#" value="#objRequest.ResponseHeader[ strKey ]#" />
Echo back content with the appropriate mime type. By using
the Variable attribute, we will make sure that the content
stream is reset and ONLY the given response will be returned.
<cfcontent type="#objRequest.MimeType#" variable="#binResponse#" />
I commented out each line of code until I found out that the problem line of code was the cfheader. It turned out, I don't even need the whole cfloop block of code. The author of this tutorial may have other use for this block of code but for what I do, it works fine without it. Many thanks for those who tried to help.
<cfheader name="#strKey#" value="#objRequest.ResponseHeader[ strKey ]#" />
<cfsavecontent variable="s">
This is some text. It is true that Harry Potter is a good
<cfset matches = reMatch("<[aA].*?>",s) />
I need to get only "http://www.cnn.com" how to do this
#Bhargavi : Your regex is fine.
Try #matches[1]# instead.
<cfdump var="#matches#"> will show you the array of values on which the results can be manipulated accordingly.
I'm doing some web scraping with ColdFusion and mostly everything is working fine. The only other issues I'm getting is that some URL's come through with text behind them that is now causing errors.
Not sure what's causing it, but it's probably my regex. Anyhow, there's a distinct pattern where text appears before the "http://". I'd like to simply remove everything before it.
Any chance you could help?
Take this string for example:
"I'M OBSESSED WITH MY BEAUTIFUL FRIEND" src="http://scs.viceland.com/feed/images/uk_970014338_300.jpg
I'd much appreciate your help as regex isn't something I've managed to make time for - hopefully I will some day!
I thought it might be helpful to post my entire function, since it could be my initial REGEX that is causing the issue. Basically, the funcion takes one argument. In this case, it's the contents of a HTML file (via CFHTTP).
In some cases, every URL looks and works fine. If I try digg.com for example it works...but it dies on something like youtube.com. I guess this would be down to their specific HTML formatting. Either way, all I ever need is the value of the SRC attribute on image tags.
Here's what I have so far:
<cffunction name="extractImages" returntype="array" output="false" access="public" displayname="extractImages">
<cfargument name="fileContent" type="string" />
<cfset var local = {} />
<cfset local.images = [] />
<cfset local.imagePaths = [] />
<cfset local.temp = [] />
<cfset local.images = reMatchNoCase("<img([^>]*[^/]?)>", arguments.fileContent) />
<cfloop array="#local.images#" index="local.i">
<cfset local.temp = reMatchNoCase("(""|')(.*)(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)", local.i) />
<cfset local.path = local.temp />
<cfif not arrayIsEmpty(local.path)>
<cfset local.path = trim(replace(local.temp[1],"""","","all")) />
<cfset arrayAppend(local.imagePaths, local.path) />
<cfif isValid("url", local.path)>
<cfif fileExists(local.path)>
<cfset arrayAppend(local.imagePaths, local.path) />
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset application.messagesObject.addMessage("error","We were not able to obtain all available images on this page.") />
<cfset local.imagePaths = application.udfObject.removeArrayDuplicates(local.imagePaths) />
<cfreturn local.imagePaths />
This function WORKS. However, on some sites, not so. It looks a bit over the top but much of it is just certain safeguards to make sure I get valid image paths.
Hope you can help.
Many thanks again.
Take a look at ReFind() or REFindNoCase() - http://cfquickdocs.com/cf9/#refindnocase
Here is a regex that will work.
<cfset string = 'IM OBSESSED WITH MY BEAUTIFUL FRIEND" src="http://scs.viceland.com/feed/images/uk_970014338_300.jpg' />
<cfdump var="#refindNoCase('https?://[-\w.]+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_.]*)?)?',string, 1, true)#">
You will see a structure returned with a POS and LEN keys. Use the first element in the POS array to see where the match starts, and the first element in the LEN array to see how long it is. You can then use these values in the Mid() function to grab just that matching URL.
I'm not familiar with ColdFusion, but it seems to me that you just need a regex that looks for http://, then any number of characters, then the end of the string.