LoadLibrary Error 126 dependent on user rights - c++

I have a strange issue, where my application that runs at my place doesn't work somewhere at customers place.
In my application I try to load another dll with LoadLibrary() from within the same folder.
If the application is run as normal user a 126 error is returned. If the same application is started with Admin rights the dll is loaded correctly.
It's hard to diagnose because I cannot reproduce the error at my machine.
Any ideas?
OK, it was a dependency: the dll was a Debug-Build and the MSVCP120D.dll and MSVCR120D.dll could not be found. I could tell this by a Process Monitor-Log.
BUT: I have a log as normal user and a log as Admin and in both cases the dependencies cannot be found. Why does LoadLibrary work in case of Admin-rights??

That is ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND, which is pretty self-explanatory. Either the DLL you are loading, or one of its dependencies, cannot be found. Perhaps you failed to install the necessary dependencies, e.g. the MSVC runtime. Or perhaps it is something else.
You'll need to do some debugging and investigation. I would start by profiling the DLL load using Dependency Walker.


Disable System Error Popup On Run time (DLL Dependencies)

I am working on a WINAPI project which has a few .dll dependencies.
Just for clarification, see below:
Let's say I took away MySpecialValuable.dll from the folder path; I will get a message like this:
My question is, is there a way I can disable the popup entirely - silently exit? Or somehow hide the name of the .dll inside the popup?
This may seem pointless to most but I do not want to expose the libraries I am using.
When you don't link to the .dll with an import library but load it during runtime with LoadLibrary() you can fail silently.
You cannot "silently exit". The process hasn't started executing user code when the dialog is displayed by the system. Imports are resolved by the loader prior to executing user code.
While there may be ways to configure the system to prevent the error dialog (which I am not aware of), you have other options:
The obvious one: Ship all your dependencies. As the author you know your dependencies. There won't be any error messages when all imports can be resolved at load time.
Postpone import resolution until you have a chance to handle failure. Marking the respective DLLs as /DELAYLOAD will allow you to do that. See Linker Support for Delay-Loaded DLLs for more information.
Use run-time dynamic linking.
Make sure you understand, that none of those options will provide a solution to what you are ultimately trying to accomplish. A user could easily enable loader snaps and get full information on every single module that is loaded into your process.

CPP DLL CustomAction code is not executing during installation

I have a Basic MSI project,in that I'm calling CPP Custom Action from DLL. But it's failing with following error.
CustomAction returned actual error code 1157 (note this may not
be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
When I checked in EventViewer, I got the following error.
DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using
any of the configured protocols; requested by PID 94c
I'm suspecting it's an issue with DCOM or VC++ redistributables. I enabled the DCOM rules from firewall as well, but still installation is failing with above error. Is this issue because of some corruption of system DLLs? How I can find the root cause and solution for this issue.
1157 is a dependency issue, and one of the easiest ways to get a complete list of dependent Dlls is the get the dependency walker program and run it on your Dll.
You might have a dependency on the Universal C runtime, which I believe is separate from the VC++ runtimes. It seems to be a common problem because it varies depending on the OS and what updates have been installed.

DLL won't load: Module not found 0x8007007E. Not sure whats causing this dependency issue

The DLL (my.dll) is loaded by the Windows Time Service. It has an associated log, which is registered with the windows event logging service with wevtutil im mymanfile.man.
I rebuilt the project with VS12 libraries and am now having a problem with my.dll loading. It's not touched at all - no logging occurs, remote debugging doesn't work because it's not being loaded.
I have looked at it with dependency walker and resolved most of the dependency issues, except a bunch of API_MS_WIN_* dependencies, which I think are just noise and not actually root cause.
I need some more help figuring out what can cause a "The specified module could not be found 0x8007007E" error in the system logs. How does Windows determine a DLL is not loadable? What could be missing when I changed from vs10 to vs12 libraries? What's the Windows procedure for loading a DLL for a service (such as w32time)?
It looks like you may be missing C++ runtime DLLs.
Give this program a try: http://www.dependencywalker.com
I found out what the answer to this issue was:
The w32time time service was unable to load the .dll. The reason why is that the load order goes: 1) current working directory 2) system path 3) default system directory.
My problem was the current working directory was NOT the place where the DLL actually was. I needed to add my path to PATH in order for the system to find it.
The solution was simply set PATH = %PATH%/dir_where_dll_lives

Why is my DLL failing to register?

I am building a project in VS2005 and several of my DLLs are failing to register. The error message I am getting in Visual Studio is:
Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Registering ActiveX Control..."
which is nicely vague. When I register the DLL manually through the command line (using regsv32.exe, I get the following error:
LoadLibrary("test.ocx") failed - This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem.
I ran Dependency Walker (depends.exe) on the culprit .ocx file but it isn't showing any obvious problems.
I have also done a re-build but I'm still getting the same problem.
Any suggestions as to how I could determine the cause of this failure to register?
Microsoft had recently released a Security Update for ATL (KB971090). It is un update on top of MSVS2005sp1 and it's both compilate-time and runtime compatibility breaker. Check if your building environment has this patch.
ATL Security Update:
Breaking changes in ATL:
And this is a must read:
Most probable is because the embedded manifests. You should take a resource explorer application and check your DLLs for the embedded manifests. It might be that one of the dependent DLLs (or your DLL) require some versions of other DLLs which don't exists.
I got this message: "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect." in case of embedded manifest mistmatches.
Probably the easiest way to troubleshoot this whole category of problem is to install Process Monitor from microsoft.com.
Process Montior lets you observe the system calls processes are making, and in this case you will be able to see if some system call is failing. For example, if you are lacking a dependency, then a CreateFile() call will be seen failing with a DLL, OCX, etc. as the filename.
Launch procmon and configure the filter to exclude events other than from regsvr32.exe, reproduce your test case, and then check the log. Look for NAME_NOT_FOUND errors in the return value column.
Do you have the C++ Redistributable Package Installed?
There are several things you can try:
try regsvr32 w/ fusion log enabled (fuslogvw.exe - it works for unmanaged dlls as well). This would give you a bit more information than depends on what external dependencies are loaded, where are they loaded from and what errors were hit.
copy the .ocx and its dependencies to the root or a first level folder and try registering from there. I don't remember details, but there was an old problem with registering a COM dll from within too deep of a path.
run regsvr32 under WinDbg. Set a breakpoint DllMain and see if it does anything funky.
If you never break on DllMain in WinDbg, set a breakpoint on module load for your dll and once it's hit, you can either step through LoadLibrary, or just set a generic load library breakpoint and check every dll after that.

C++ Linking and COM Registration issue

I've added a new library to my application (multiple projects-DLLs) - SQLite, to perform some in memory caching. There is just one library/project that is affected by this change - Lib1.
A build goes through fine. All libraries are built successfully and no errors are reported, including a couple of Com Objects.
If I try to register the com objects, I get the The DLL could not be loaded. Check to make sure all required application runtime files and other dependent DLLs are available in the component DLL's directory or the system path. message. But all the libs are at the same place. And all are in the path. A copy of this project builds and registers fine (without the few changes made for SqlLite ofcourse). Dependency walker reports no issues
Oddly, if I try to register the DLL of the com object (using regsvr32) it works fine. Also, I have another library, which is dependant on Lib1 (not on SqlLite) which also cannot be loaded.
Any ideas?
You can use Process Monitor (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx) set to filter process name regsvr32.exe in order to see all file and registry access.
Always use full path to your-com-dll when you issue regsvr32 commands, if you have the same dll somewhere else in path (for example c:\windows\system32) regsvr32 will use the other dll and not the one in your current directory.
Another trick would be to use "rundll32 your-com-dll,DllRegisterServer". In case of missing dlls it will tell which dll is missing instead of just saying that LoadLibrary failed.
What do you mean by "If I try to register the com objects"? How are you doing this? I'm asking because you say that regsvr32 on the dll which actually implements these com object works fine.
Use the dependency walker tool to figure out what other dlls the COM server relies on. Then check the executable paths that is set in Visual Studio (Tools -> Options -> Projects -> Directories (I think)). Note that VS does not use the system PATH environment variable - it uses what is set in the options page so if the path to the dependencies is not listed there, the registration would fail, even though if you used regsvr32 from the command line it would succeed.
And so, the plot thickens!!!!
I've actually narrowed down the to the line of code that causes this linking problem.
In the modified library (LIB1) I've added a new class A1 which inherits from an existing class A.
When I change an existing class B which used to inherit from A to now inherit from A1 - this is when the problem is caused. Class B is in a lib3.
I've verified that just when I change the inheritance, only then the problem occurs!!!
I've used file-mon on regsvr32 when loading successfully and when failing. I stuggle to find the difference! Tomorrow morning I'll try Process Monitor and see if it helps.
Still desperate for help,
hmm... as Christian asks, how else are you attempting to register the objects if regsvr32.exe succeeds?
the rundll32.exe advice is also good. have you tried stepping through DllRegisterServer in a debugger to see precisely when it's failing? this sounds like a potential runtime failure if depends.exe isn't revealing anything.
btw, when i google for that exact error text i see: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqldataaccess/thread/402c1767-cf1d-42f0-aec9-e0169dbf1083/, but I assume you've probably already done this search and found it not helpful :)