Input one fixed cluster centroid, find N others (python) - python-2.7

I have a table of shipment destinations in lat, long. I have one fixed origination point (also lat, long). I would like to find other optimal origin locations using clustering. In other words, I want to assign one cluster centroid (keep it fixed) and find 1, 2, 3 . . . N other cluster centroids. Is this possible with the scikit learn cluster module?

Rather than recycling clustering for this, treat it as a regular optimization problem. You don't want to "discover structure", but optimize cost.
Beware that earth is not flat, and Euclidean distance (i.e. k-means) is a bad idea. 1 degree north is only at the equator approximately the same distance to 1 degree east. If your data is e.g. in New York, you have a non-neglibile distortion, and your solution will not even be a local optimum.
If you absolutely insist on abusing kmeans, it's easy to do.
Choose n-1 centers at random and the predefined one.
Then run 1 iteration of k-means only. Then replace that center with the desired center again. Repeat with the next iteration.


'Stable' multi-dimensional scaling algorithm

I have a wireless mesh network of nodes, each of which is capable of reporting its 'distance' to its neighbors, measured in (simplified) signal strength to them. The nodes are geographically in 3d space but because of radio interference, the distance between nodes need not be trigonometrically (trigonomically?) consistent. I.e., given nodes A, B and C, the distance between A and B might be 10, between A and C also 10, yet between B and C 100.
What I want to do is visualize the logical network layout in terms of connectness of nodes, i.e. include the logical distance between nodes in the visual.
So far my research has shown the multidimensional scaling (MDS) is designed for exactly this sort of thing. Given that my data can be directly expressed as a 2d distance matrix, it's even a simpler form of the more general MDS.
Now, there seem to be many MDS algorithms, see e.g. and . I need to do this in C++ and I'm hoping I can use a ready-made component, i.e. not have to re-implement an algo from a paper. So, I thought this: would be the ticket. And it works, but:
The layout is not stable, i.e. every time the algorithm is re-run, the position of the nodes changes (see differences between image 1 and 2 below - this is from having been run twice, without any further changes). This is due to the initialization matrix (which contains the initial location of each node, which the algorithm then iteratively corrects) that is passed to this algorithm - I pass an empty one and then the implementation derives a random one. In general, the layout does approach the layout I expected from the given input data. Furthermore, between different runs, the direction of nodes (clockwise or counterclockwise) can change. See image 3 below.
The 'solution' I thought was obvious, was to pass a stable default initialization matrix. But when I put all nodes initially in the same place, they're not moved at all; when I put them on one axis (node 0 at 0,0 ; node 1 at 1,0 ; node 2 at 2,0 etc.), they are moved along that axis only. (see image 4 below). The relative distances between them are OK, though.
So it seems like this algorithm only changes distance between nodes, but doesn't change their location.
Thanks for reading this far - my questions are (I'd be happy to get just one or a few of them answered as each of them might give me a clue as to what direction to continue in):
Where can I find more information on the properties of each of the many MDS algorithms?
Is there an algorithm that derives the complete location of each node in a network, without having to pass an initial position for each node?
Is there a solid way to estimate the location of each point so that the algorithm can then correctly scale the distance between them? I have no geographic location of each of these nodes, that is the whole point of this exercise.
Are there any algorithms to keep the 'angle' at which the network is derived constant between runs?
If all else fails, my next option is going to be to use the algorithm I mentioned above, increase the number of iterations to keep the variability between runs at around a few pixels (I'd have to experiment with how many iterations that would take), then 'rotate' each node around node 0 to, for example, align nodes 0 and 1 on a horizontal line from left to right; that way, I would 'correct' the location of the points after their relative distances have been determined by the MDS algorithm. I would have to correct for the order of connected nodes (clockwise or counterclockwise) around each node as well. This might become hairy quite quickly.
Obviously I'd prefer a stable algorithmic solution - increasing iterations to smooth out the randomness is not very reliable.
EDIT: I was referred to and some comments have been made there; for algorithmic suggestions, please see .
Image 1 - with random initialization matrix:
Image 2 - after running with same input data, rotated when compared to 1:
Image 3 - same as previous 2, but nodes 1-3 are in another direction:
Image 4 - with the initial layout of the nodes on one line, their position on the y axis isn't changed:
Most scaling algorithms effectively set "springs" between nodes, where the resting length of the spring is the desired length of the edge. They then attempt to minimize the energy of the system of springs. When you initialize all the nodes on top of each other though, the amount of energy released when any one node is moved is the same in every direction. So the gradient of energy with respect to each node's position is zero, so the algorithm leaves the node where it is. Similarly if you start them all in a straight line, the gradient is always along that line, so the nodes are only ever moved along it.
(That's a flawed explanation in many respects, but it works for an intuition)
Try initializing the nodes to lie on the unit circle, on a grid or in any other fashion such that they aren't all co-linear. Assuming the library algorithm's update scheme is deterministic, that should give you reproducible visualizations and avoid degeneracy conditions.
If the library is non-deterministic, either find another library which is deterministic, or open up the source code and replace the randomness generator with a PRNG initialized with a fixed seed. I'd recommend the former option though, as other, more advanced libraries should allow you to set edges you want to "ignore" too.
I have read the codes of the "SimpleMatrix" MDS library and found that it use a random permutation matrix to decide the order of points. After fix the permutation order (just use srand(12345) instead of srand(time(0))), the result of the same data is unchanged.
Obviously there's no exact solution in general to this problem; with just 4 nodes ABCD and distances AB=BC=AC=AD=BD=1 CD=10 you cannot clearly draw a suitable 2D diagram (and not even a 3D one).
What those algorithms do is just placing springs between the nodes and then simulate a repulsion/attraction (depending on if the spring is shorter or longer than prescribed distance) probably also adding spatial friction to avoid resonance and explosion.
To keep a "stable" diagram just build a solution and then only update the distances, re-using the current position from previous solution as starting point. Picking two fixed nodes and aligning them seems a good idea to prevent a slow drift but I'd say that spring forces never end up creating a rotational momentum and thus I'd expect that just scaling and centering the solution should be enough anyway.

Estimating/Choosing optimal Hyperparameters for DBSCAN

I need to find naturally occurring classes of nouns based on their distribution with different preposition (like agentive, instrumental, time, place etc.). I tried using k-means clustering but of less help, it didn't work well, there was a lot of overlap over the classes that I was looking for (probably because of non-globular shape of classes and random initialisation in k-means).
I am now working on using DBSCAN, but I have trouble understanding the epsilon value and mini-points value in this clustering algorithm. Can I use random values or do I need to compute them. Can anybody help? Particularly with epsilon, at least how to compute it if I need to?
Use your domain knowledge to choose the parameters. Epsilon is a radius. You can think of it as a minimum cluster size.
Obviously random values won't work very well. As a heuristic, you can try to look at a k-distance plot; but it's not automatic either.
The first thing to do either way is to choose a good distance function for your data. And perform appropriate normalization.
As for "minPts" it again depends on your data and needs. One user may want a very different value than another. And of course minPts and Epsilon are coupled. If you double epsilon, you will roughly need to increase your minPts by 2^d (for Euclidean distance, because that is how the volume of a hypersphere increases!)
If you want lots of small and fine detailed clusters, choose a low minpts. If you want larger and fewer clusters (and more noise), use a larger minpts. If you don't want any clusters at all, choose minpts larger than your data set size...
It is highly important to select the hyperparameters of DBSCAN algorithm rightly for your dataset and the domain in which it belongs.
eps hyperparameter
In order to determine the best value of eps for your dataset, use the K-Nearest Neighbours approach as explained in these two papers: Sander et al. 1998 and Schubert et al. 2017 (both papers from the original DBSCAN authors).
Here's a condensed version of their approach:
If you have N-dimensional data to begin, then choose n_neighbors in sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors to be equal to 2xN - 1, and find out distances of the K-nearest neighbors (K being 2xN - 1) for each point in your dataset. Sort these distances out and plot them to find the "elbow" which separates noisy points (with high K-nearest neighbor distance) from points (with relatively low K-nearest neighbor distance) which will most likely fall into a cluster. The distance at which this "elbow" occurs is your point of optimal eps.
Here's some python code to illustrate how to do this:
def get_kdist_plot(X=None, k=None, radius_nbrs=1.0):
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, radius=radius_nbrs).fit(X)
# For each point, compute distances to its k-nearest neighbors
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X)
distances = np.sort(distances, axis=0)
distances = distances[:, k-1]
# Plot the sorted K-nearest neighbor distance for each point in the dataset
plt.xlabel('Points/Objects in the dataset', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Sorted {}-nearest neighbor distance'.format(k), fontsize=12)
plt.grid(True, linestyle="--", color='black', alpha=0.4)
k = 2 * X.shape[-1] - 1 # k=2*{dim(dataset)} - 1
get_kdist_plot(X=X, k=k)
Here's an example resultant plot from the code above:
From the plot above, it can be inferred that the optimal value for eps can be assumed at around 22 for the given dataset.
NOTE: I would strongly advice the reader to refer to the two papers cited above (especially Schubert et al. 2017) for additional tips on how to avoid several common pitfalls when using DBSCAN as well as other clustering algorithms.
There are a few articles online –– DBSCAN Python Example: The Optimal Value For Epsilon (EPS) and CoronaVirus Pandemic and Google Mobility Trend EDA –– which basically use the same approach but fail to mention the crucial choice of the value of K or n_neighbors as 2xN-1 when performing the above procedure.
min_samples hyperparameter
As for the min_samples hyperparameter, I agree with the suggestions in the accepted answer. Also, a general guideline for choosing this hyperparameter's optimal value is that it should be set to twice the number of features (Sander et al. 1998). For instance, if each point in the dataset has 10 features, a starting point to consider for min_samples would be 20.

Is there a way to identify regions that are not very similar from a set of images?

Given an image, I would like to extract more subimages from it, but the resulting subimages must not be overly similar to each other. If the center of each ROI should be chosen randomly, then we must make sure that each subimage has at most only a small percentage of area in common with other subimages.
Or we could decompose the image into small regions over a regular grid, then I randomly choose a subimage within each region. This option, however, does not ensure that all subimages are sufficiently different from each other. Obviously I have to choose a good way to compare the resulting subimages, but also a similarity threshold.
The above procedure must be performed on many images: all the extracted subimages should not be too similar. Is there a way to identify regions that are not very similar from a set of images (for eg by inspecting all histograms)?
One possible way is to split your image into n x n squares (save edge cases) as you pointed out, reduce each of them to a single value and group them according to k-nearest values (pertaining to the other pieces). After you group them, then you can select, for example, one image from each group. Something that is potentially better is to use a more relevant metric inside each group, see Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python for two such metrics. By using this metric, you can select more than one piece from each group.
Here is an example using some duck I found around. It considers n = 128. To reduce each piece to a single number, it calculates the euclidean distance to a pure black piece of n x n.
f = Import[""];
pieces = Flatten[ImagePartition[ColorConvert[f, "Grayscale"], 128]]
black = Image[ConstantArray[0, {128, 128}]];
dist = Map[ImageDistance[#, black, DistanceFunction -> EuclideanDistance] &,
nf = Nearest[dist -> pieces];
Then we can see the grouping by considering k = 2:
Thread[pieces[[i]] -> nf[dist[[i]], 2]], {i, Length[pieces]}]],
VertexRenderingFunction -> (Inset[#2, #, Center, .4] &),
SelfLoopStyle -> None]
Now you could use a metric (better than the distance to black) inside each of these groups to select the pieces you want from there.
Since you would like to apply this to a large number of images, and you already suggested it, let's discuss how to solve this problem by selecting different tiles.
The first step could be to define what "similar" is, so a similarity metric is needed. You already mentioned the tiles' histogram as one source of metric, but there may be many more, for example:
mean intensity,
90th percentile of intensity,
10th percentile of intensity,
mode of intensity, as in peak of the histogram,
variance of pixel intensity in the whole tile,
granularity, which you could quickly approximate by the difference between the raw and the Gaussian-filtered image, or by calculating the average variance in small sub-tiles.
If your image has two channels, the above list leaves you already with 12 metric components. Moreover, there are characteristics that you can obtain from the combination of channels, for example the correlation of pixel intensities between channels. With two channels that's only one characteristic, but with three channels it's already three.
To pick different tiles from this high-dimensional cloud, you could consider that some if not many of these metrics will be correlated, so a principal component analysis (PCA) would be a good first step.
Then, depending on how many sample tiles you would like to chose, you could look at the projection. For seven tiles, for example, I would look at the first three principal components, and chose from the two extremes of each, and then also pick the one tile closest to the center (3 * 2 + 1 = 7).
If you are concerned that chosing from the very extremes of each principal component may not be robust, the 10th and 90th percentiles may be. Alternatively, you could use a clustering algorithm to find separated examples, but this would depend on how your cloud looks like. Good luck.

Minimizing Sum of Distances: Optimization Problem

The actual question goes like this:
McDonald's is planning to open a number of joints (say n) along a straight highway. These joints require warehouses to store their food. A warehouse can store food for any number of joints, but has to be located at one of the joints only. McD has a limited number of warehouses (say k) available, and wants to place them in such a way that the average distance of joints from their nearest warehouse is minimized.
Given an array (n elements) of coordinates of the joints and an integer 'k', return an array of 'k' elements giving the coordinates of the optimal positioning of warehouses.
Sorry, I don't have any examples available since I'm writing this down from memory. Anyway, one sample could be:
array={1,3,4,5,7,7,8,10,11} (n=9)
Ans: {7}
This is what I've been thinking: For k=1, we can simply find out the median of the set, which would give the optimal location of the warehouse. However, for k>1, the given set should be divided into 'k' subsets (disjoint, and of contiguous elements of the superset), and median for each subset would give the warehouse locations. However, I don't understand on what basis the 'k' subsets should be formed. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: There's a variation to this problem also: Instead of sum/avg, minimize the maximum distance between a joint and its closest warehouse. I don't get this either..
The straight highway makes this an exercise in dynamic programming, working from left to right along the highway. A partial solution can be described by the location of the rightmost warehouse and the number of warehouses placed. The cost of the partial solution will be the total distance to the nearest warehouse (for fixed k minimising this is the same as minimising the averge) or the maximum distance so far to the closest warehouse.
At each stage you have worked out the answers for the leftmost N joints and have them indexed by number of warehouses used and position of the rightmost warehouse - you need to save only the best cost. Now consider the next joint and work out the best solution for N+1 joints and all possible values of k and rightmost warehouse, using the answers you have stored for N joints to speed this up. Once you have worked out the best cost solution covering all the joints you know where its rightmost warehouse is, which gives you the location of one warehouse. Go back to the solution that has that warehouse as the rightmost joint and find out what solution that was based on. That gives you one more rightmost warehouse - and so you can work your way back to the location of all the warehouses for the best solution.
I tend to get the cost of working this out wrong, but with N joints and k warehouses to place you have N steps to take, each of the based on considering no more than Nk previous solutions, so I reckon cost is kN^2.
This is NOT a clustering problem, it's a special case of a facility location problem. You can solve it using a general integer / linear programming package, but because the problem is on a line, there may be more efficient (and less expensive software-wise) algorithms that would work. You might consider dynamic programming since there are probably combination of facilities that could be eliminated rather quickly. Look into the P-Median problem for more info.

Finding the spread of each cluster from Kmeans

I'm trying to detect how well an input vector fits a given cluster centre. I can find the best match quite easily (the centre with the minimum euclidean distance to the input vector is the best), however, I now need to work how good a match that is.
To do this I need to find the spread (standard deviation?) of the vectors which build up the centroid, then see if the distance from my input vector to the centre is less than the spread. If it's more than the spread than I should be able to say that I have no clusters to fit it (given that the best doesn't fit the input vector well).
I'm not sure how to find the spread per cluster. I have all the centre vectors, and all the training vectors are labelled with their closest cluster, I just can't quite fathom exactly what I need to do to get the spread.
I hope that's clear? If not I'll try to reword it!
Use the distance function and calculate the distance from your center point to each labeled point, then figure out the mean of those distances. That should give you the standard deviation.
If you switch to using a different algorithm, such as Mixture of Gaussians, you get the spread (e.g., std. deviation) as part of the model (clustering result).