Issue connecting to Google Cloud SQL with Cloud Shell - google-cloud-platform

When I try to connect to Google Cloud SQL via the Cloud Shell, I get the following error:
gcloud beta sql connect mysql-1 --user=root
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.connect) You do not have permission to access instance [mysql-1]: The client is not authorized to make this request.
I am not sure what permission is required to grant this access.

It turns out that I typed in my project name incorrectly when configuring the CLI.
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID


getting get-credentials requires edit permission error on gcp

I'm trying to setup credentials for kubernetes on my local.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ***** --zone **** --project elo-project-267109
This query works fine when I tried it from cloud shell, but I got this error when I tried run it from my terminal:
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.get-credentials) get-credentials requires edit permission on elo-project-267109
I've tried this query from admin account as well as default service account also from new service account by assigning editor role and it still doesn't seem to work for me.
i am using macOs Mojave(10.14.6) and gcloud SDK version installed in my system is 274.0.1
i was able to resolve this issue on my local but i was actually trying to build a CI/CD from gitlab and the issue persists there, i have tried using gcloud(279.0.0) image version.
i am new to both gitlab and gcloud. i am trying to build CI/CD pipeline for the first time.
Do gcloud auth list to see which account are you logged into.
You need to login with the account which has the correct credentials to access the action that you're trying to perform.
To set the gcloud account: gcloud config set account <ACCOUNT>
It's turned out to be the image version mismatch issue on GitLab.

Permission error when trying to deploy to Google Cloud Run

I'm getting a permission error when trying to deploy an image to cloud run:
gcloud beta run deploy endpoints_proxy \
--image="" \
This is the error:
ERROR: ( User [email-goes-here] does not have permission to access namespace [project-id-goes-here] (or it may not exist): Cloud Run does not have permission to get access tokens for the default compute service account, Please give Google Cloud Run Service Agent the permission iam.serviceAccounts.getAccessToken on the default compute service account.
My account has owner and editor permissions, I even tried attaching the Cloud Run Service Agent role.
I also tried adding these roles to the "default compute service account" listed in the error, didn't work.
The error message is very misleading, the error occurs because the Cloud Run Service Agent was missing.
After creating the following service account:
Name: service-<account-id>
Role: Google Cloud Run Service Agent
The problem got solved. Looks like Cloud Run needs this service account to work, so don't ever delete it :)
You should enable permissions to the Cloud Build service account.
It won't work unless you do so.
Google Cloud Console > Cloud Build > Cloud Build Settings > enable access to the GCP services that you are using.
(see the images attached)
Cloud Build Panel
Cloud Build Panel - enable services that you want
Also, just make sure billing hasn't expired. When mine did, I got these opaque errors (such as this one) that didn't reference to billing in any way.
If the service-<project-id> is not present in GCP console, just run this command:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --member=serviceAccount:service-<project-id> --role=roles/run.serviceAgent <project-id>

Unable to connect to SQL Cloud Instance in GCP

I just created a 2nd gen My SQL instance in GCP. I used the below command in the console to connect to the sql instance but I'm getting permissions error.
gcloud beta sql connect instance-name --user=root
You need the [cloud_sql_proxy] component to use the sql connect
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.connect) You cannot perform this action
because you do not have permission to modify the Google Cloud SDK
installation directory [/google/google-cloud-sdk].
I have tested the command and it is giving me the same error. After that I removed the beta and run the command gcloud sql connect instance-name --user=root.
I got the following message:
Whitelisting your IP for incoming connection for 5 minutes...done.
Connecting to database with SQL user [root].Enter password:
So try removing the beta from the command.

Missing Cloud Function User Agent role in Google Cloud IAM

I'm working on a series of Cloud Functions in one Google Cloud project and, for some reason, I suddenly get this error:
Deployment failure:
Missing necessary permission resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy for on resource projects/la-cloud-functions. Please grant the Cloud Functions Service Agent role. You can do that by running 'gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding projects/la-cloud-functions --role=Cloud Functions Service Agent'
Besides the badly formatted error response (you can't have --role=Cloud Functions Service Agent - it should be --role=roles/cloudfunctions.serviceAgent), when I try to run the amended command:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding projects/la-cloud-functions --role=roles/cloudfunctions.serviceAgent
I get this error:
The requested URL <code>/v1/projects/la-cloud-functions/serviceAccounts/projects/la-cloud-functions:getIamPolicy?alt=json</code> was not found on this server.
Finally, trying to assign the Cloud Functions Server Agent role through the console gave me another surprise - the role is missing from the list, where it should be under Service Management:
I have tried to reset the service account by re-enabling the Cloud Functions API with this command:
gcloud services enable
But again, no success.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem and make the Cloud Functions Service Agent role available again?
TIA - Joe
Try the following steps to solve this:
Disable Cloud Functions API:
gcloud services disable --project la-cloud-functions
Wait about a minute for the disable to complete.
Delete the cloud functions member account using the CLI or using the GCP Console under IAM.
gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding la-cloud-functions --member="" --role="roles/cloudfunctions.serviceAgent"
Wait about a minute. Then verify that this member has been removed in the GCP Console under IAM.
Enable Cloud Functions API:
gcloud services enable --project la-cloud-functions
Go back to the GCP Console. You should find a new Google Cloud Functions Service Agent member.
You are using the wrong command to add cloudfunctions.serviceAgent. Here is the correct command:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding la-cloud-functions --member="" --role="roles/cloudfunctions.serviceAgent"

(gcloud.compute.scp) Could not fetch resource

I'm using Google Cloud for the first time and I'm trying to upload a test file to my root folder on my instance. However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.scp) Could not fetch resource:
- Invalid value '[ua2r-website]'. Values must match the following regular expression: '[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?'
I'm in the path for that file. Here's my command:
gcloud compute scp [testtext.txt] [ua2r-website]:~/
I've double-checked the spelling and the punctuation of the VM instance, and I can't find a difference.
You need to use gcloud auth login
gcloud auth login - authorize gcloud to access the Cloud Platform with Google user credentials
write the command
gcloud auth login
then you will get a link to click on from GCP. you will get a code from the link , copy it back to the VM. then you will be authorized to do the operation.
Here is more details
Remove the ['s and ]'s
gcloud compute scp testtext.txt ua2r-website:~/
You can also drag and drop the files from your local computer filesystem to the open unix shell of your where your project is.