Why is a [[noreturn]] function checked for return type? - c++

Suppose I have a function with signature [[noreturn]] void die(int exit_code);. If I write the statement:
check_some_condition() or die(EXIT_FAILURE);
I get an error message (with GCC 5.4.0):
error: expression must have bool type (or be convertible to bool)
but why is the type checked, if the compiler knows that going into that function, the return value won't matter; and if the condition checks out, again the return type doesn't matter?
Edit: Does the wording of the standard regarding [[noreturn]] not address this point, i.e. relax the requirements regarding types so as to "legitimize" such expressions?

The concept you are looking for is called a bottom type. In a type system, a bottom type is a type that is convertible to any other type. (Also compare it with a top type, to which all types are convertible.)
The bottom type is a perfect candidate for a function that doesn't return. It's type-safe to assign it to anything, precisely because the assignment will never happen anyway. If C++ had a bottom type, and if you declared your function as returning the bottom type, your snippet could have been perfectly legal and your expectation would have been correct.
Unfortunately, C++ doesn't have such a type. As pointed out already, [[noreturn]] is not a type -- it's an attribute that's used to express an intention (to other programmers and to the optimizer) in a way that's orthogonal to the type system. As far as the type checker is concerned, the function's return type is still void and that can't be converted to a boolean.

noreturn doesn't tell the compiler that the function returns no value. It tells the compiler that the function will not return. It also has no effect on the function's return type.
In an expression, the compiler is required to check that operands of expressions have valid types. In an expression like check_some_condition() or die(EXIT_FAILURE), that requires the return type of both check_some_condition() and die() to be checked. noreturn does not affect the function's return type, so does not affect the need for that check. If the function returns void, the expression is invalid.

Every expression must have a well determined type, period. So even though the function doesn't return, it must still be possible to evaluate the type of the expression check_some_condition() or die(EXIT_FAILURE)
And from that it follows that the function return type must be viable for use in a logical operation.


C++ Construct to check whether a local expression is not a constant expression

I'm looking for some construct that can detect whether a local expression is a constant expression, or whether it's not, that can be used in a static_assert declaration.
In code:
int main()
constexpr int i = 1;
if constexpr(i) {}
int j = 1;
//if constexpr(j) {} // error: 'j' is not usable in a constant expression
The is_constexpr here can be a macro, a class (then probably with other syntax), or a function. How to make is_constexpr(i) return true/true_type and, conversely, is_constexpr(j) return false/false_type?
I tried a lot of the solutions available here on SO (also using old-school SFINAE) without success. I can edit in the links and my failed attempts if required.
Playground on godbolt here
The problem is that parameters (like t) are not constant expressions. For example, we cannot use t as a template non-type parameter, or as a size of a built-in array.
This means that some expression say some_expr( t ) that contains(involves) the subexpression t is itself not a constant expression, either.
Can is_constexpr be a function?
The simple fact that you write is_constexpr(i) means that you're looking for a function of type bool(auto); but you also want to be able to pass it constexpr arguments or non-constexpr arguments, so for sure it can't be consteval otherwise it would error when called in the latter scenario; so you can at most make it constexpr. However, there's no such a thing (yet?) as a constexpr function parameter, so as soon as you pass something to that constexpr function you have no way to detect whether or not the argument was a constant expression at the call site.
Can is_constexpr be a meta-function?
The other opportunity would be to use a metafunction, but how would you expect to call it? If you expect is_constexpr<i>, i.e. passing the entity you are querying as a template argument, that would be clearly only possible if i is constexpr; if you go for is_constexpr<decltype(x)>, you are expecting that decltype(x) contains some info about the constexpr-ness of x, but that's not the case, as constexpr/consteval are not part of the type of an expression.
Do you really need it?
This, I believe, means that whenever you ask whether an expression is a constant expression, you can always find the answer by looking at the code before that expression, and that answer will not depend on any boolean condition, not even a constexpr condition.
In other words, I believe (and happy to be proved wrong), there's no way for an expression appearing in a C++ program to be constexpr or not in the same line of code depending on the path that leads there.
Do we really have a usecase?
I agree that this is likely an XY problem.
So I challenge you to write an example where a given C++ expression of your choice appearing at a certain line of code is constexpr across one branch of execution and non-constexpr across another branch. And the branches can also be compile-time (well, given your question, you were not asking about non-compile-time branching, so in the previous sentence you can can also be are).

What does static_cast mean when it's followed by two pairs of parentheses?

What does this say:
return static_cast<Hasher &>(*this)(key);
I can't tell whether *this or key is passed to static_cast. I looked around and found this answer, but unlike what I'm stuck on, there's nothing inside the first pair of parentheses.
The statement is parsed as
return (static_cast<Hasher &>(*this))(key);
So, the argument to static_cast is *this. Then the result of the cast, let's call it x, is used as postfix-expression in a function call with key as argument, i.e. x(key), the result of which is returned.
I can't tell whether *this or key is passed to static_cast
If you're unsure, you can just look up the syntax.
In the informal documentation, the only available syntax for static_cast is:
static_cast < new-type > ( expression )
and the same is true in any standard draft you compare.
So there is no static_cast<T>(X)(Y) syntax, and the only possible interpretation is:
new-type = Hasher&
expression = *this
and the overall statement is equivalent to
Hasher& __tmp = static_cast<Hasher &>(*this);
return __tmp(key);
In the skarupke/flat_hash_map code you linked, the interpretation is that this class has a function call operator inherited from the private base class Hasher, and it wants to call that explicitly - ie, Hasher::operator() rather than any other inherited operator(). You'll note the same mechanism is used to explicitly call the other privately-inherited function call operators.
It would be more legible if it used a different function name for each of these policy type parameters, but then you couldn't use std::equal_to directly for the Equal parameter, for example.
It might also be more legible if it used data members rather than private inheritance for Hasher, Equal etc. but this way is chosen to allow the empty base-class optimization for stateless policies.

Widening of integral types?

Imagine you have this function:
void foo(long l) { /* do something with l */}
Now you call it like so at the call site:
foo(65); // here 65 is of type int
Why, (technically) when you specify in the declaration of your function that you are expecting a long and you pass just a number without the L suffix, is it being treated as an int?
Now, I know it is because the C++ Standard says so, however, what is the technical reason that this 65 isn't just promoted to being of type long and so save us the silly error of forgetting L suffix to make it a long explicitly?
I have found this in the C++ Standard:
4.7 Integral conversions [conv.integral]
5 The conversions allowed as integral promotions are excluded from the set of integral conversions.
That a narrowing conversion isn't being done implicitly, I can think with, but here the destination type is obviously wider than the source type.
This question is based on a question I saw earlier, which had funny behavior when you didn't specify the L suffix. Example, but perhaps it's a C thing, more than C++?!!
In C++ objects and values have a type, that is independent on how you use them. Then when you use them, if you need a different type it will be converted appropriately.
The problem in the linked question is that varargs is not type-safe. It assumes that you pass in the correct types and that you decode them for what they are. While processing the caller, the compiler does not know how the callee is going to decode each one of the arguments so it cannot possibly convert them for you. Effectively, varargs is as typesafe as converting to a void* and converting back to a different type, if you get it right you get what you pushed in, if you get it wrong you get trash.
Also note that in this particular case, with inlining the compiler has enough information, but this is just a small case of a general family if errors. Consider the printf family of functions, depending on the contents of the first argument each one of the arguments is processed as a different type. Trying to fix this case at the language level would lead to inconsistencies, where in some cases the compiler does the right thing or the wrong one and it would not be clear to the user when to expect which, including the fact that it could do the right thing today, and the wrong one tomorrow if during refactoring the function definition is moved and not available for inlining, or if the logic of the function changes and the argument is processed as one type or another based on some previous parameter.
The function in this instance does receive a long, not an int. The compiler automatically converts any argument to the required parameter type if it's possible without losing any information (as here). That's one of the main reasons function prototypes are important.
It's essentially the same as with an expression like (1L + 1) - because the integer 1 is not the right type, it's implicitly converted to a long to perform the calculation, and the result is a long.
If you pass 65L in this function call, no type conversion is necessary, but there's no practical difference - 65L is used either way.
Although not C++, this is the relevant part of the C99 standard, which also explains the var args note:
If the expression that denotes the called function has a type that
does include a prototype, the arguments are implicitly converted, as
if by assignment, to the types of the corresponding parameters, taking
the type of each parameter to be the unqualified version of its
declared type. The ellipsis notation in a function prototype
declarator causes argument type conversion to stop after the last
declared parameter. The default argument promotions are performed on
trailing arguments.
Why, (technically) when you specify in the declaration of your function that you are expecting a long and you pass just a number without the L suffix, is it being treated as an int?
Because the type of a literal is specified only by the form of the literal, not the context in which it is used. For an integer, that is int unless the value is too large for that type, or a suffix is used to specify another type.
Now, I know it is because the C++ Standard says so, however, what is the technical reason that this 65 isn't just promoted to being of type long and so save us the silly error of forgetting L suffix to make it a long explicitly?
The value should be promoted to long whether or not you specify that type explicitly, since the function is declared to take an argument of type long. If that's not happening, perhaps you could give an example of code that fails, and describe how it fails?
UPDATE: the example you give passes the literal to a function taking untyped ellipsis (...) arguments, not a typed long argument. In that case, the function caller has no idea what type is expected, and only the default argument promotions are applied. Specifically, a value of type int remains an int when passed through ellipsis arguments.
The C standard states:
"The type of an integer constant is the first of the corresponding list in which its value can be represented."
In C89, this list is:
int, long int, unsigned long int
C99 extends that list to include:
long long int, unsigned long long int
As such, when you code is compiled, the literal 65 fits in an int type, and so it's type is accordingly int. The int is then promoted to long when the function is called.
If, for instance, sizeof(int) == 2, and your literal is something like 64000, the type of the value will be a long (assuming sizeof(long) > sizeof(int)).
The suffixes are used to overwrite the default behavior and force the specified literal value to be of a certain type. This can be particularly useful when the integer promotion would be expensive (e.g. as part of an equation in a tight loop).
We have to have a standard meaning for types because for lower level applications, the type REALLY matters, especially for integral types. Low level operators (such as bitshift, add, ect) rely on the type of the input to determine overflow locations. ((65 << 2) with integers is 260 (0x104), but with a single char it is 4! (0x004)). Sometimes you want this behavior, sometimes you don't. As a programmer, you just need to be able to always know what the compiler is going to do. Thus the design decision was made to make the human explicitly declare the integral types of their constants, with "undecorated" as the most commonly used type, integer.
The compiler does automatically "cast" your constant expressions at compile time, such that the effective value passed to the function is long, but up until the cast it is considered an int for this reason.

What are the uses of the type `std::nullptr_t`?

I learned that nullptr, in addition to being convertible to any pointer type (but not to any integral type) also has its own type std::nullptr_t. So it is possible to have a method overload that accepts std::nullptr_t.
Exactly why is such an overload required?
If more than one overload accepts a pointer type, an overload for std::nullptr_t is necessary to accept a nullptr argument. Without the std::nullptr_t overload, it would be ambiguous which pointer overload should be selected when passed nullptr.
void f(int *intp)
// Passed an int pointer
void f(char *charp)
// Passed a char pointer
void f(std::nullptr_t nullp)
// Passed a null pointer
There are some special cases that comparison with a nullptr_t type is useful to indicate whether an object is valid.
For example, the operator== and operator!= overloads of std::function could only take nullptr_t as the parameter to tell if the function object is empty. For more details you could read this question.
Also, what other type would you give it, that doesn't simply re-introduce the problems we had with NULL? The whole point is to get rid of the nasty implicit conversions, but we can't actually change behaviour of old programs so here we are.
The type was introduced to avoid confusion between integer zero and the the null memory. And as always cpp gives you access to the type. Where as Java only gives you access to the value. It really doesnt matter what purpose you find for it. I normally use it as a token in function overloading.
But I have some issues with the implementation of cpp null const.
Why didnt they just continue with NULL or null? That definition was already being used for that purpose. What about code that already was using nullptr for something else.
Not to mention nullptr is just too long. Annoying to type and ugly to look at most times. 6 characters just to default initialize a variable.
With the introduction of nullptr, you would think zero would no longer be both a integer and null pointer const. However zero still holds that annoying ambiguity. So I dont see the sense then of this new nullptr value. If you define a function that can accept an integer or a char pointer, and pass zero to that function call, the compiler will complain that it is totally ambigious! And I dont think casting to an integer will help.
Finally, it sucks that nullptr_t is part of the std namespace and not simply a keyword. Infact I am just learning this fact, after how long I have been using nullptr_t in my functions. MinGW32 that comes with CodeBlocks allows you to get away with using nullptr_t with std namespace. Infact MinGW32 allows void* increment and a whole lot of other things.
Which leads me to: cpp has too much denominations and confusion. To the point where code compatibility with one compiler is not compatibility with another of the same cpp version. Static library of one compiler cannot work with a different compiler. There is no reason why it has to be this way. And I think this is just one way to help kill cpp.

Why won't this c++ lamba function compile?

Why does this fail to compile:
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? []()->void{} : []()->void{};
with following error msg:
Error 2 error C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'red_black_core::`anonymous-namespace'::< lambda1>' to red_black_core::anonymous-namespace::< lambda0>
While this complies correctly:
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
The return type of the ?: operator has to be deduced from it's two operands, and the rules for determining this type are quite complex. Lambdas don't satisfy them because they can't be converted to each other. So when the compiler tries to work out what the result of that ?: is, then there can't be a result, because those two lambdas aren't convertible to each other.
However, when you try to compute the functions, then you actually called them, but you didn't call the lambdas. So when you call the functions, they both have void, so the return type of ?: is void.
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
is equivalent to
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? [](){}() : [](){}();
Note the extra () on the end- I actually called the lambda.
What you had originally is equivalent to
compiler_deduced_type var;
if (myVar)
var = [](){};
var = [](){};
But- no type exists that can be both lambdas. The compiler is well within it's rights to make both lambdas different types.
I remembered something. In the latest Standard draft, lambdas with no captures can be implicitly converted into function pointers of the same signature. That is, in the above code, compiler_deduced_type could be void(*)(). However, I know for a fact that MSVC does not include this behaviour because that was not defined at the time that they implemented lambdas. This is likely why GCC allows it and MSVC does not- GCC's lambda support is substantially newer than MSVC's.
Rules for conditional operator in the draft n3225 says at one point
Otherwise, the result is a prvalue. If the second and third operands do not have the same type, and either
has (possibly cv-qualified) class type, overload resolution is used to determine the conversions (if any) to be
applied to the operands (, 13.6). If the overload resolution fails, the program is ill-formed. Otherwise,
the conversions thus determined are applied, and the converted operands are used in place of the original
operands for the remainder of this section.
Up to that point, every other alternative (like, convert one to the other operand) failed, so we will now do what that paragraph says. The conversions we will apply are determined by overload resolution by transforming a ? b : c into operator?(a, b, c) (an imaginary function call to a so-named function). If you look what the candidates for the imaginary operator? are, you find (among others)
For every type T , where T is a pointer, pointer-to-member, or scoped enumeration type, there exist candidate operator functions of the form
T operator?(bool, T , T );
And this includes a candidate for which T is the type void(*)(). This is important, because lambda expressions yield an object of a class that can be converted to such a type. The spec says
The closure type for a lambda-expression with no lambda-capture has a public non-virtual non-explicit const conversion function to pointer to function having the same parameter and return types as the closure type’s function call operator. The value returned by this conversion function shall be the address of a function that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type’s function call operator.
The lambda expressions can't be convert to any other of the parameter types listed, which means overload resolution succeeds, finds a single operator? and will convert both lambda expressions to function pointers. The remainder of the conditional opreator section will then proceed as usual, now having two branches for the conditional operator having the same type.
That's why also your first version is OK, and why GCC is right accepting it. However I don't really understand why you show the second version at all - as others explained, it's doing something different and it's not surprising that it works while the other doesn't (on your compiler). Next time, best try not to include useless code into the question.
Because every lambda is a unique type. It is basically syntactic sugar for a functor, and two separately implemented functors aren't the same type, even if they contain identical code.
The standard does specify that lambdas can be converted to function pointers if they don't capture anything, but that rule was added after MSVC's lambda support was implemented.
With that rule, however, two lambdas can be converted to the same type, and so I believe your code would be valid with a compliant compiler.
Both snippets compile just fine with GCC 4.5.2.
Maybe your compiler has no (or partial/broken) support to C++0x features such as lambda?
It doesn't fail to compile. It works just fine. You probably don't have C++0x enabled in your compiler.
An error message has now been added to the original question! It seems that you do have C++0x support, but that it is not complete in your compiler. This is not surprising.
The code is still valid C++0x, but I recommend only using C++0x features when you really have to, until it's standardised and there is full support across a range of toolchains. You have a viable C++03 alternative that you gave in your answer, and I suggest using it for the time being.
Possible alternative explanation:
Also note that you probably didn't write what you actually meant to write. []()->void{} is a lambda. []()->void{}() executes the lambda and evaluates to its result. Depending what you're doing with this result, your problem could be that the result of calling your lambda is void, and you can't do much with void.