Currently I have installed MSXML3 and MSXML6 (they also can be found in system32 directory).
When I run windows command line tool MSXSL with help option -?:
I get a message stating that
-u version Use a specific version of MSXML: '2.6', '3.0', '4.0'
Even If I try to use '6.0' - I get an error.
My question is:
Is it possible to use MSXML6 with MSXSL command line tool? If yes, then how?
I downloaded the sdk (3.0a1). According to cocos2d-x guide, I have to run the command in order to create a project, but the script doesn't exist in the package I have downloaded.
The guide says
Note: These instructions are only valid for cocos2d-x v3.0-alpha0 or newer
So I suppose that I have downloaded the right package (windows 8.0 64bit).
The script has been moved to tools/project-creator/ and renamed to You can use the script the same way like
./ -p MyGame123 -k com.MyCompany.AwesomeGame -l cpp
I'm trying to install the command line tools on Code::Blocks on my Mac, i have downloaded Xcode and tried to install their command line tools, but i get this error when I try to enter Apple's download page:
I've even tried downloading from code block preferences , but i don't get the option to:
Any Suggestions?
My main aim is just to have a C++ compiler working on my Mac, and I'm aiming to start developing C++ applications. Any further suggestions on this alternatively to Code::Blocks would help.
Download xcode and install their command line tools. All of the xcode tools are generally updated well and easy to install
I am trying to use netbeans (7.2.1) for unit testing. But it is giving me this error. anyone can tell me what is wrong in it?
PHPUnit 3.7.14 by Sebastian Bergmann. unrecognized option --skeleton-test
I stumbled upon this problem too. It's solved in NetBeans 7.3, but if you are still using 7.2, here is the solution:
Install phpunit-skelgen as mentioned in the other answers. If you are using pear: sudo /opt/lampp/bin/pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator
In NetBeans, open the unit testing options: Tools > Options > PHP > Unit Testing
Click on the Search button for the skeleton generator field (or you can just browse of course)
That solved it for me.
This issue is documented in the NetBeans issue tracker right here:
The newer PHPUnit does not use the --skeleton-test option. You call an external script, phpunit-skelgen to do the same thing.
Verify that the phpunit-skelgen file exists in the same directory as the phpunit binary (eg. /opt/lampp/bin/).
If not, install the PHPUnit SkeletonGenerator the same way you installed PHPUnit, eg. from PEAR:
$ sudo /opt/lampp/bin/pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator
I am coding a computer vision program, which is using OpenCV 2.4, by Xcode 4.4. I want to compile and make it in the Terminal by g++ or make command. But the system shows a lot of errors that the compiler cannot find the "opencv2/opencv.hpp" file and Vec3d, etc..!
My question is how to configure the system the I can make and build the code in Terminal? Thanks.
First, you need to have command line tools (I guess you already have it)
Bring up Preference in Xcode
Select "Downloads" tab
Select "Components' tab
Click 'install' on the command line tools line.
Then, you need to install OpenCV. I suggest to use Homebrew
setup homebrew, then
brew install opencv
It will install library in /usr/local, which is in g++'s standard lookup path, thus should be ok.
If you still need help, post the log file.
I'm running windows XP.
I have been following this tutorial and so downloading mingw-get-inst here.
I've done this a couple times and the last time I checked boes to install EVERYTHING including, but not limited to, gcc, g++, MSYS and the MinGW Compiling Suite. I told it to make a program menu shortcut, too.
I believe I have correctly added MinGW/bin to the Environment Settings' Path.
So I have the shortcut to the MSYS shell now. It goes to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat, but the whole msys directory does not exist!
There are tons of "packages" have been downloaded as far as I can tell ("mingw-get show" brings up a lot!), but it doesn't seem like any of it installed correctly.
Also, should I be able to use commands like "g++ foo.cpp -o foo.exe" from cmd.exe or only from the MSYS shell? Because I was unable to use cmd.exe.
Please help!
The MSYS and MinGW installation procedure is a nightmare, and has got worse over the years. If you just want the compiler suite (no UNIX tools like sed, grep), then I suggest you go to Twilight Dragon Media and download GCC from there. If you also want all the tools, including the Bash shell, the easiest way I've found to get them is to install Git for Windows (which you may want anyway), which includes them all. And if you want a C++ IDE that works well with GCC, take a look at Code::Blocks.
What is the result of running, at a cmd.exe prompt, the command echo %Path%? It should (given what you wrote about your system) include “C:\MinGW\bin”—does it?
What is the result of running dir C:\MinGW?
Note that mingw-get show shows details of available packages—those mingw-get knows how to download and install. The installer is a bit primitive, but has gotten better over the last year or so.
If you issue the command $ echo $PATH, you'll notice it contains /mingw/bin But the /mingw directory is unavailable. To mount it, edit the MSYS fstab, adding a line like C:\MinGW /mingw For details, see the MingW Getting Started guide, more specifically section "After Installing You Should..."
You only need to add MinGW/bin to the Windows' Environment Settings' Path if you plan to use MingW's executables outside of MSYS.