Making Beamer Handout in RMarkdown (removing pauses) - r-markdown

Is there a way to convert a Beamer presentation to a handout presentation and remove the pauses? In LaTeX, this can be accomplished by changing the heading from \documentclass{beamer} to \documentclass[handout]{beamer}. What is the analog in RMarkdown?
One note, I have some slides that are incremental and others that are not, so I have used > instead of incremental: true in the YAML header to insert my pauses.

Kindly refer to: for more information.
Following this post, all you need to do is amend your YAML header at the top of your RMarkdown document. Specifically, use classoption: "your_usual_option" to pass whatever argument you would usually pass inside \documentclass[your_usual_option]{beamer}. Here is how I did it for your specific case:
keep_tex: true
classoption: "handout"
To make sure my suggestion is working, I added the keep_tex: true option in the YAML header above and indeed, my .tex file now shows \documentclass[10pt,ignorenonframetext,handout]{beamer}. If I remove the classoption: line, then the .tex file shows \documentclass[10pt,ignorenonframetext,]{beamer}
I just found another solution, thanks to How can we pass pandoc_args to yaml header in rmarkdown? Probably more what you were looking for I am guessing?
You can alternatively adjust your YAML header with:
pandoc_args: [
# "-M", "classoption=a4paper"
"-M", "classoption=a4paper,handout"
Your resulting .tex file will show the "updated" document class.


Rmarkdown rticles - MDPI template. How to print your own abbreviations

I am using the MDPI template (from the rticles package), and keen to also use the glossaries packages so I don't have to manually feed all the abbreviation on the appropriate YAML field.
For such, I have loaded the LaTex package glossaries using the header-includes:
\usepackage[acronym, section=section]{glossaries}
after creating several acronyms within the Rmarkdown body, I would be willing to either input the latex commands and have it printed in within the "Abbreviations" section of the template.
Currently, I am able to hack it through the following steps (I am sure there is a better way):
1- keep all the aux files chunk with :
options(tinytex.clean = FALSE)
2- cmd makeglossaries "filename"
3- Raw Latex on Rmarkdown file:
However, I would be keen to know if I could insert something on the YAML and use the MDPI formatting.
Alternatively, I could edit the rticles MDPI template (but I am not sure how).
Any ideas?
Include in YAML:
include-after: glossary.tex
I tried without success, but it seems reasonable that this approach might work with a few modifications

Bookdown: Password protect a *single* page/chapter in HTML

I am producing a Tutorial Workbook for my class using bookdown. I have a large class (500+), and so have a couple of other people helping me with the course.
So I would like to produce the answers for these tutorial questions.
I can produce a whole new document... but then it would be tricky to (automatically) cross-reference the exercise numbers.
So I wondered: Is there a way to password-protect a single page, or a single chapter, in bookdown? (Thinking HTML here; in PDF I can just not include that page/chapter.)
Is this possible? If so how? If not... any other ideas...?
This solution does not use a password, but since you say that for PDF you can simply distribute a version that does not include the material in question, perhaps the following simple approach might help
Inspired by this question on how to conditionally input material as well as the option to use parameters in Rmarkdown, consider two Rmarkdown files:
main.Rmd, which contains what you want to show everyone.
protected.Rmd, which should only be shown to some people.
These files look as follows:
output: html_document
label: "Include extra material?"
value: ""
input: select
choices: [True, False]
```{r, include=FALSE}
show_all <- as.logical(params$include)
```{r conditional_print, child="protected.Rmd", eval = show_all}
Hello World!
Assuming you are in RStudio, if you choose "Knit with parameters" on main.Rmd, you will be asked to select either TRUE or FALSE from an interactive dropdown. If and only if you choose TRUE, the output will include "Hello World". More generally, code blocks with eval = show_all will only be displayed when selecting to include extra material. Therefore, you can of course have multiple sections (each contained in a separate .Rmd file) that are only conditionally included.
In this way, you could knit the same document twice: once with questions only, and once with questions and answers both. Since this is the same for both pdf and html, it also gives you a consistent workflow for both of these output types.

Chapter(s) before table of contents in Bookdown PDF output

I'd like for a chapter to appear before the table of contents (but after the title page) in the pdf_book output of Bookdown.
One way to do this is to add the chapter to a .tex file and and link it using before_body:. However, this means the chapter will not appear in gitbook (which I also need). I'd prefer not to keep both a .tex and .Rmd version of the same chapter.
An ideal solution would be if the chapter could be kept in a .Rmd file, and its contents extracted into the before_body for pdf_book. That way it's still available for gitbook. Though I'm not sure how I might do that, or indeed if it's possible?
Is there a solution? Or is it exceeding the limits of Bookdown's flexibility?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
One can trigger ToC creation manually in the document, which gives more control over its placement. Of course, automatic table of contents creation should be disabled:
title: "MWE"
toc: False
```{r child = 'file-you-want-to-include.Rmd'}
% Trigger ToC creation in LaTeX
# Rest of your document starts here
The downside is that this only works with PDF output, not HTML.

Use additional Latex packages for math expressions in RMarkdown `output = "html_document"`

I`m aware how to use additional Latex-packages for pdf-format output from .Rmd files using
- \usepackage{mathtools}
in the YAML header.
However, this does (of course) not work if one specifies output: html_document.
output: html_document
- \usepackage{mathtools}
Using additional Latex-Packages could be of interest for output: html_document, too - especially in math expressions (MWE below)
title: "MWE"
output: html_document
- \usepackage{mathtools}
## Use "Defined by" Symbol
$$sin(x) \coloneqq \frac{opposite}{hypothenuse}$$
MathJax offer a number of extensions, and there are third-party extensions as well. If your desired package is not available in this way, then things get difficult.
Simple commands, such as \coloneqq, can be recreated using \newcommand. The simplest way is to add these via the include-before option. Using your MWE with a solution from Mathematics Meta SE, one gets:
title: "MWE"
html_document: default
- '$\newcommand{\coloneqq}{\mathrel{=}}$'
## Use "Defined by" Symbol
$$sin(x) \coloneqq \frac{opposite}{hypothenuse}$$
RMarkdown is build around pandoc, which performs most of the format conversions. Pandoc creates PDF via LaTeX (by default), and will simply include any raw LaTeX commands which are given in the source. When seeing \usepackage{mathtools}, the package is not parsed, but the command is simply added verbatim to the intermediate LaTeX. However, when exporting to HTML, it wouldn't make sense to pass through LaTeX commands, so any such command will simply be omitted from the output, so any \usepackage in your document won't effect the HTML output.
Alternative solution
If you are using very complex LaTeX-packages, then you could consider setting up a complex pipeline to still use it: E.g, one could use a pandoc filter to extract all equations, compile each equation as a separate document, and then convert the resulting PDF to SVG. Finally, that SVG can then be included in the HTML output. This is non-trivial and probably not worth the effort. A similar approach is recommended to include TikZ pictures.

Rmarkdown: use Komadown and Specify Pandoc Arguments

Hi at all i have the following Problem:
I'm using Rmarkdown to write a Dokument. I'm also using the komadown package to use some bookdown features for referencing and be able to use the scrartcl document Class (Latex Output). I want to specify a citation style using a .csl file.
Normaly a simple csl: FILENAME.csl in the YAML header does the trick. But with the Komadown package this doesn't work.
My YAML Header is as follows, it finds my bibliography but it doesn't find the .csl file :(
title: "Komadown Try"
bibliography: library.bib
csl: kaktus.csl
output: komadown::scrartcl
Furthermore i want to set the keep_tex option to TRUE or yes but this also doesn't work.
Many thanks in advance. Would be awesome if someone could help me out.
i just got an answer to my questions. Maybe It'll help others that run into the same problem.
I can specify the csl file now. There was a bug in the code and the developer has fixed it. Currently the latest Version isn't on Cran so you have to download the developer Version from Github:
# install.packages("devtools")
If you have done that you can specify the csl and the keep_tex argument as follows:
title: "Thesis Template"
bibliography: library.bib
keep_tex: yes
csl: kaktus.csl