IfEqual always evaluating to False (AutoHotKeys) - if-statement

I have two methods which I'm using to get and compare two colors. The first is to get the color
This function returns the color at the given coordinates in hexadecimal format
GetColor(x, y) {
MouseMove x, y
PixelGetColor, colorToReturn, x, y
Return %colorToReturn%
And here is my check color method
This function checks the passed color with the color at 600, 475.
CheckColor(colorToCheck) {
colorToCompare := GetColor(600, 475)
MsgBox %colorToCheck% - %colorToCompare%
IfEqual %colorToCheck%, %colorToCompare%, Return, 1
Return 0
I call it with this hotkey but I always get 0 back even though the two colors are the same color.
^t:: ; CTRL + T test color compare
colorToTest := GetColor(600, 475)
result := CheckColor(colorToTest)
MsgBox %result%
Why does my check color always return false?

IfEqual, var, value
var - The variable name.
value - A literal string, number, or variable reference (e.g.
So if you are set on using IfEqual command instead of if (expression) it should look like that:
IfEqual, colorToCheck, %colorToCompare%,Return 1
if (expression) altrenative:
if (colorToCheck=colorToCompare)
Return 1

"IfEqual %colorToCheck%, %colorToCompare%, Return, 1"
should be
IfEqual colorToCheck, %colorToCompare%, Return, 1
Variable names in an expression are not enclosed in percent signs (except for pseudo-arrays and other double references).
If a variable is enclosed in percent signs within an expression (e.g. %Var%), whatever that variable contains is assumed to be the name or partial name of another variable (if there is no such variable, %Var% resolves to a blank string).


Remove everything but numbers from a cell

I have an excel sheet where i use the follwoing command to get numbers from a cell that contains a form text:
It searches for the string "number" and gets the next 13 characters that comes after it. But some times the results get more than the number due to the fact these texts within the cells do not have a pattern, like the example below:
6299999993) (
58741236714 P
How do i avoid taking anything but numbers OR how do i remove everything but numbers from what i get?
You can user this User Defined Function (UDF) that will get only the numbers inside a specific cell.
Function only_numbers(strSearch As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, tempVal As String
For i = 1 To Len(strSearch)
If IsNumeric(Mid(strSearch, i, 1)) Then
tempVal = tempVal + Mid(strSearch, i, 1)
End If
only_numbers = tempVal
End Function
To use it, you must:
Press ALT + F11
Insert new Module
Paste code inside Module window
Now you can use the formula =only_numbers(A1) at your spreadsheet, by changing A1 to your data location.
Example Images:
Inserting code at module window:
Executing the function
Ps.: if you want to delimit the number of digits to 13, you can change the last line of code from:
only_numbers = tempVal
only_numbers = Left(tempVal, 13)
Alternatively you can take a look a this topic to understand how to achieve this using formulas.
If you are going to go to a User Defined Function (aka UDF) then perform all of the actions; don't rely on the preliminary worksheet formula to pass a stripped number and possible suffix text to the UDF.
In a standard code module as,
Function udfJustNumber(str As String, _
Optional delim As String = "number", _
Optional startat As Long = 1, _
Optional digits As Long = 13, _
Optional bCaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional bNumericReturn As Boolean = True)
Dim c As Long
udfJustNumber = vbNullString
str = Trim(Mid(str, InStr(startat, str, delim, IIf(bCaseSensitive, vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare)) + Len(delim), digits))
For c = 1 To Len(str)
Select Case Asc(Mid(str, c, 1))
Case 32
'do nothing- skip over
Case 48 To 57
If bNumericReturn Then
udfJustNumber = Val(udfJustNumber & Mid(str, c, 1))
udfJustNumber = udfJustNumber & Mid(str, c, 1)
End If
Case Else
Exit For
End Select
Next c
End Function
I've used your narrative to add several optional parameters. You can change these if your circumstances change. Most notable is whether to return a true number or text-that-looks-like-a-number with the bNumericReturn option. Note that the returned values are right-aligned as true numbers should be in the following supplied image.
By supplying FALSE to the sixth parameter, the returned content is text-that-looks-like-a-number and is now left-aligned in the worksheet cell.
If you don't want VBA and would like to use Excel Formulas only, try this one:
=SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&MID(D2,SEARCH("number",D2)+6,13),LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(MID(D2,SEARCH("number",D2)+6,13),ROW($1:$13),1))* ROW($1:$13),0),ROW($1:$13))+1,1)*10^ROW($1:$13)/10)

If contains and if does not Contain a colon, select the number

I have an IF statement that return the number, if there is a colon symbol in the string. Sometimes the string does not contain a colon symbol. I'm looking for an else statement that would select the only number "45061 if there is no colon in the string. A = Works when the string has a colon sign but I need some assistance with B, if the string does not have a colon.
String/Text = OM_Account_Master_Slave~Account CP~3712011:Shared-001
String/Text = OM_Account_Master_Slave~Account CP~45061Shared-001
Result = 3712011:Shared-001
Consider the following User Defined Function:
Public Function GetNumber(r As Range) As Variant
Dim v As String, capture As Boolean
Dim i As Long, t As String
v = r.Value
GetNumber = ""
If v = "" Then Exit Function
t = ""
capture = False
For i = 1 To Len(v)
m = Mid(v, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(m) Then
t = t & m
capture = True
If capture Then Exit For
End If
Next i
If Len(t) > 0 Then
GetNumber = CLng(t)
End If
End Function
User Defined Functions (UDFs) are very easy to install and use:
ALT-F11 brings up the VBE window
ALT-M opens a fresh module
paste the stuff in and close the VBE window
If you save the workbook, the UDF will be saved with it.
If you are using a version of Excel later then 2003, you must save
the file as .xlsm rather than .xlsx
To remove the UDF:
bring up the VBE window as above
clear the code out
close the VBE window
To use the UDF from Excel:
To learn more about macros in general, see:
and for specifics on UDFs, see:
Macros must be enabled for this to work!

Jasper if condition

I have a BigDecimal variable that contains number with minus(-) and not. I want to put static text that should be match with this conditions:
If $V{saldo} contains minus (-) value The static text will show "Rugi"
If $V {saldo} doesnt's contain minus(-) value the static text will show "Laba"
For example, if $V{saldo} = -250000 then the static text should be "Rugi", and if $V{saldo} = 400000 then the static text should be "Laba"
Try using this if-else construct:
$V{saldo}.intValue() < 0 ? "Rugi" : "Laba"
Please see this SO post for more information.
First Check for ZERO then apply your logic
$V{saldo}.$V{saldo} != 0.0 ? ($V{saldo}.intValue() < 0 ? "Rugi" : "Laba"): "Zero"

trying to find the value is numeric or integer from string

With the url string below, I need to find the value of the parameter named construction.
<cfset understand = "http://www.example.com/ops.cfm?id=code&construction=148&construction=150&Building=852&Building=665&Building=348&Building=619&Building=625&Building=626&_=1426353166006&action=SUBMIT">
<cfset understand2 = "http://www.example.com/ops.cfm?id=code&construction=AVENT+Construction+Site&construction=Signore+upper+constructions&Building=852&Building=665&Building=348&Building=619&Building=625&Building=626&_=1426353166006&action=SUBMIT">
I then want to check if the value is numeric or a string. I am doing this:
isDefined('understand') and isnumeric(understand)
But it always returns "NO".
Seems like a good case for REGEX, but that's not my strength. If you are always looking for the value of the same item (construction), you could take advantage of the underlying Java and use the STRING.split() method. Then use the Coldfusion val() function to see what you get. The following solution assumes that 0 is not a valid value. If it is then you have more work to do.
//target=understand2; //uncomment to try the second values
potentialValues = target.split(token); //creates an array of values using the token as a separator
for (item in potentialValues )
writeoutput(val(item) & "<br />"); //val will grab the numerical value and ignore everything that follows. No number will become 0
Try this:
constructionIsAt = find(understand, "construction");
characterAfterConstruction = mid(understand, constructionIsAt + 13, 1);
if isNumeric(characterAfterConstruction) {
code for numeric
else {
code for non numeric

How to do a single line If statement in VBScript for Classic-ASP?

The "single line if statement" exists in C# and VB.NET as in many other programming and script languages in the following format
lunchLocation = (dayOfTheWeek == "Tuesday") ? "Fuddruckers" : "Food Court";
does anyone know if there is even in VBScript and what's the extact syntax?
The conditional ternary operator doesn't exist out of the box, but it's pretty easy to create your own version in VBScript:
Function IIf(bClause, sTrue, sFalse)
If CBool(bClause) Then
IIf = sTrue
IIf = sFalse
End If
End Function
You can then use this, as per your example:
lunchLocation = IIf(dayOfTheWeek = "Tuesday", "Fuddruckers", "Food Court")
The advantage of this over using a single line If/Then/Else is that it can be directly concatenated with other strings. Using If/Then/Else on a single line must be the only statement on that line.
There is no error checking on this, and the function expects a well formed expression that can be evaluated to a boolean passed in as the clause. For a more complicated and comprehensive answer see below. Hopefully this simple response neatly demonstrates the logic behind the answer though.
It's also worth noting that unlike a real ternary operator, both the sTrue and sFalse parameters will be evaluated regardless of the value of bClause. This is fine if you use it with strings as in the question, but be very careful if you pass in functions as the second and third parameters!
VBScript does not have any ternary operator.
A close solution in a single line and without using a user defined function, pure VBScript:
If dayOfTheWeek = "Tuesday" Then lunchLocation = "Fuddruckers" Else lunchLocation = "Food Court"
BTW, you can use JScript in Classic ASP if ternary opertor is so important to you.
edited 2017/01/28 to adapt to some of the non boolean condition arguments
Note: If all you need is to select an string based on an boolean value, please, use the code in the Polinominal's answer. It is simpler and faster than the code in this answer.
For a simple but more "flexible" solution, this code (the original code in this answer) should handle the usual basic scenarios
Function IIf( Expression, TruePart, FalsePart)
Dim bExpression
bExpression = False
On Error Resume Next
bExpression = CBool( Expression )
On Error Goto 0
If bExpression Then
If IsObject(TruePart) Then
Set IIf = TruePart
IIf = TruePart
End If
If IsObject(FalsePart) Then
Set IIf = FalsePart
IIf = FalsePart
End If
End If
End Function
If uses the Cbool function to try to convert the passed Expression argument to a boolean, and accepts any type of value in the TrueValue and FalseValue arguments. For general usage this is fast, safe and fully complies to documented VBScript behaviour.
The only "problem" with this code is that the behaviour of the CBool is not fully "intuitive" for some data types, at least for those of us that constantly change between vbscript and javascript. While numeric values are coherent (a 0 is a False and any other numeric value is a True), non numeric types generate a runtime error (in previous code handled as false), except if it is a string with numeric content or that can be interpreted as true or false value in english or in the OS locale.
If you need it, a VBScript version "equivalent" to the ? javascript ternary operator is
Function IIf( Expression, TruePart, FalsePart )
Dim vType, bExpression
vType = VarType( Expression )
Select Case vType
Case vbBoolean : bExpression = Expression
Case vbString : bExpression = Len( Expression ) > 0
Case vbEmpty, vbNull, vbError : bExpression = False
Case vbObject : bExpression = Not (Expression Is Nothing)
Case vbDate, vbDataObject : bExpression = True
Case Else
If vType > 8192 Then
bExpression = True
bExpression = False
On Error Resume Next
bExpression = CBool( Expression )
On Error Goto 0
End If
End Select
If bExpression Then
If IsObject( TruePart ) Then
Set IIf = TruePart
IIf = TruePart
End If
If IsObject( FalsePart ) Then
Set IIf = FalsePart
IIf = FalsePart
End If
End If
End Function
BUT independently of the version used, be careful, you are calling a function, not using a ternary operator. Any code, or function call you put in TruePart of FalsePart WILL BE EXECUTED independently of the value of the condition. So this code
value = IIf( 2 > 3 , DoSomething(), DontDoSomething() )
WILL EXECUTE the two functions. Only the correct value will be returned to value var.
There's a weird trick possible (hi, Python!) for exact one-liner:
lunchLocation = array("Food Court", "Fuddruckers")(-(dayOfTheWeek = "Tuesday"))
The "magic" works because of a boolean operation specifics in VBScript.
True is actually -1 and False is 0, therefore we can use it as an index for array (just get rid of a minus). Then the first item of array will be a value for False condition and second item for True.
related to #MC_ND answer:
to execute only one function, you can do something like that:
If VarType(TruePart) = vbString and InStr(1,TruePart,"function:") = 1 then
IIf = GetRef(Mid(TruePart,10))()
IIf = TruePart
End If
the same for the FalsePart, and call IIf() it like that:
value = IIf( 2 > 3 , "function:DoSomething", "function:DontDoSomething" )
and will call DoSomething() or DontDoSomething()