RequestS want to use ReportUrlThread's function(send) .ReportUrlThread is a template class.
It look like below the code is that "request->process(reportUrl->send);",
how can I achieve it?
The codes below can't be through compilation.
int main()
typedef Threadpool<RequestS> ThreadpoolDealFromBS2;
ThreadpoolDealFromBS2 threadpool;
ReportUrlReq* req = new ReportUrlReq();
class RequestS {
virtual ~RequestS()
virtual void process(void (*send)(bool &exp))
log(Info, "");
class ReportUrlReq:public RequestS {
virtual void process(void (*send)(bool &exp))
log(Info, "");
template< typename T >
class ReportUrlThread {
ReportUrlThread(uint32_t id)
virtual ~ReportUrlThread()
void send(bool &exp)
Threadpool< T >* threadpool;
template< typename T >
class Threadpool
Threadpool( std::vector<ReportUrlThread<T>*>& reportUrl);
bool appendReportHiUrl( T* request );
static void* reportWorker( void* arg );
void reportRun(ReportUrlThread<T> *reportUrl);
pthread_t* m_ReportUrlThreads;
template< typename T >
Threadpool< T >::Threadpool( std::vector<ReportUrlThread<T>*>& reportUrl)
m_ReportUrlThreads = new pthread_t[reportUrlThreadNum];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
ReportUrlThread<T> * reportUrlThread = reportUrl[i];
reportUrlThread->threadpool = this;
if( pthread_create( m_ReportUrlThreads + i, NULL, reportWorker, reportUrlThread ) != 0 )
delete [] m_ReportUrlThreads;
throw std::exception();
if( pthread_detach( m_ReportUrlThreads[i] ) )
delete [] m_ReportUrlThreads;
throw std::exception();
template< typename T >
void* Threadpool< T >::reportWorker( void* arg )
ReportUrlThread<T>* reportUrl = (ReportUrlThread<T>*)arg;
Threadpool* pool = reportUrl->threadpool;
return pool;
template< typename T >
void Threadpool< T >::reportRun(ReportUrlThread<T> *reportUrl)
while ( ! m_ReportStop )
if ( m_ReportWorkqueue.empty() )
T* request = m_ReportWorkqueue.front();
m_ReportWorkqueueSize = m_ReportWorkqueue.size();
The actual error is, that you're passing the memberfunction reportUrl->send to request->process expecting an ordinary function. But a member function needs an instance of its class! If send depends on members of ReportUrlThread, you might want to pass an instance of ReportUrlThread (or a derived class implementing send):
virtual void process(ReportUrlThread<RequestS> *RepUrlThReqS) {
bool exp;
// ...
If not, you might want to use a static function:
static void send(bool &exp) {
// ...
You might even want to use a lambda function (which is quite a bit hacky here):
class RequestS {
virtual void process(void(*send)(bool &exp, void* instance), void *instance) {
bool exp;
send(exp, instance);
template< typename T >
class ReportUrlThread {
void send(bool &exp) { }
int main() {
ReportUrlThread<RequestS> *reportUrl = new ReportUrlThread<RequestS>;
RequestS *request = new RequestS;
[](bool &exp, void* reportUrlA) {
((ReportUrlThread<RequestS> *)reportUrlA)->send(exp);
}, reportUrl);
And many more possibilities...
It's up to you to decide, which is the best solution in your case.
I've defined the following serializer stack:
namespace discordpp {
using Snowflake = uint64_t;
namespace nlohmann {
template <> struct adl_serializer<discordpp::Snowflake> {
static void to_json(json &j, const discordpp::Snowflake sf) {
j = std::to_string(sf);
static void from_json(const json &j, discordpp::Snowflake sf) {
std::istringstream(j.get<std::string>()) >> sf;
template <typename T> struct adl_serializer<std::shared_ptr<T>> {
static void from_json(json &j, std::shared_ptr<T> &ptr) {
if (j.is_null()) {
ptr == nullptr;
} else {
ptr = std::make_shared<T>(j.get<T>());
static void to_json(json &j, const std::shared_ptr<T> &ptr) {
if (ptr.get()) {
j = *ptr;
} else {
j = nullptr;
template <typename T> struct adl_serializer<std::shared_ptr<const T>> {
static void from_json(json &j, std::shared_ptr<const T> &ptr) {
if (j.is_null()) {
ptr == nullptr;
} else {
ptr = std::make_shared<const T>(j.get<T>());
static void to_json(json &j, const std::shared_ptr<const T> &ptr) {
if (ptr.get()) {
j = *ptr;
} else {
j = nullptr;
template <typename T> struct adl_serializer<std::optional<T>> {
static void to_json(json &j, const std::optional<T> &opt) {
if (opt.has_value()) {
j = nullptr;
} else {
j = *opt;
static void from_json(const json &j, std::optional<T> &opt) {
if (j.is_null()) {
opt = std::nullopt;
} else {
opt = j.get<T>();
And I'm poking around with things like so:
class MessageIn : protected util::ObjectIn {
opt<sptr<const Snowflake>> guild_id;
void from_json(const json &j, MessageIn *m) {
j["guild_id"].get<const Snowflake>();
j["guild_id"].get<sptr<const Snowflake>>();
m->guild_id = j["guild_id"].get<opt<sptr<const Snowflake>>>();
My compiler is throwing an error on the j["guild_id"].get<sptr<const Snowflake>>(); line with error: no matching function for call to ‘nlohmann::basic_json<>::get<discordpp::sptr<const long unsigned int> >() const’. Have I missed something?
The std::shared_ptr<const T> synthesizer is not needed.
In the from_json methods of both std::shared_ptr sythesizers the json parameter wasn't static.
Here is simplified sample of problem, featuring CRTP:
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
enum ActionTypes {
eInit = 2 << 0,
eUpdate = 2 << 1,
eMultUpdate = 2 << 2
template <class Data,
unsigned Actions = eInit|eUpdate|eMultUpdate>
class ActionData
template<ActionTypes As /*???*/>
struct action {
static void exec(Data*) { std::cout << "ActionData:: /*dummy*/ exec()\n"; };
static void exec(Data*,int) { std::cout << "ActionData::/*dummy*/ exec(int)\n"; };
struct action < /*???*/ >
static void exec(Data*) { /*...*/ };
struct action < /*???*/ >
static void exec(Data*, int) { /*...*/ };
Data* derived() { return static_cast<Data*>(this); }
void init() { action<eInit>::exec(derived()); }
void update() { action<eUpdate>::exec(derived()); }
void update(int key) { action<eMultUpdate>::exec(derived()); }
enum Keys { DEFAULT_KEY = -1 };
void call(ActionTypes a, int key = DEFAULT_KEY)
switch (a) {
case eInit:
init(); break;
case eUpdate:
if (key == DEFAULT_KEY)
case eMultUpdate:
class Test : public ActionData<Test, eUpdate>
void update() { std::cout << "Test :: update()\n"; }
int main()
Test actor;
ActionTypes a = eInit;, 0); // useless here but must be possible., 0);;
Essentially not all derived classes may implement all handlers, a enum is used to declare that and a dummy version of handler must be called. The problem is that it's not possible to select any implementation but default one using enum and enable_if alone, it requires a non-type parameter, which stupefied me.
PS. Another problem is target platform is limited to C++98\C++03 or tr1 C++11 (no variadic templates). The awkward interface is a legacy of dynamic (but not used as such) polymorphic architecture using function pointers in a big C (not C++!) project. Necessity of pointers or vtable made system unstable to programmer errors leading to vtable being overwritten.
I didn't realize that I should use a partial specialization for all cases including where there is no match:
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
enum ActionTypes {
eInit = 2 << 0,
eUpdate = 2 << 1,
eMultUpdate = 2 << 2
template <class Data,
unsigned Actions = eInit|eUpdate|eMultUpdate>
class ActionData
// Never gets selected
template<ActionTypes A, typename Enable = void > struct action {};
template< ActionTypes A >
struct action<A, typename std::enable_if<(A & Actions) == 0>::type >
static void exec(Data*) { std::cout << "ActionData:: /*dummy*/ exec()\n"; };
static void exec(Data*,int) { std::cout << "ActionData::/*dummy*/ exec(int)\n"; };
template< ActionTypes A >
struct action < A, typename std::enable_if<(A & Actions) == eInit>::type >
static void exec(Data* o) { o->Data::init(); };
template< ActionTypes A >
struct action < A, typename std::enable_if<(A & Actions) == eUpdate>::type >
static void exec(Data* o) { o->Data::update(); };
template< ActionTypes A >
struct action < A, typename std::enable_if<(A & Actions) == eMultUpdate>::type >
static void exec(Data* o, int key) { o->Data::update(key); };
Data* derived() { return static_cast<Data*>(this); }
void init() { action<eInit>::exec(derived()); }
void update() { action<eUpdate>::exec(derived()); }
void update(int key) { action<eMultUpdate>::exec(derived(), key); }
enum Keys { DEFAULT_KEY };
void call(ActionTypes a, int key = DEFAULT_KEY)
switch (a) {
case eInit:
init(); break;
case eUpdate:
if (key == DEFAULT_KEY) {
} else {
case eMultUpdate:
class Test : public ActionData<Test, eUpdate>
void update() { std::cout << "Test :: update()\n"; }
int main()
Test actor;
ActionTypes a = eInit;, 0);;, 0);
I have class MyClass that can be modified by calling setX.
I want to know if an object of MyClass has been changed by calling isChanged.
In the code below, I don’t like to add setDirty or m_dataChanged in every method that can change the state of an object.
class ChangesHolder
bool m_isChanged;
// boost::signals2::signal<void()> m_dataChanged;
// long m_stamps;
: m_isChanged{false}
// , m_stamps{0}
// m_dataChanged.connect(std::bind(&ChangesHolder::setDirty, this));
bool isChanged() const
return m_isChanged;
// return (m_stamps == 0);
void resetChanges()
m_isChanged = false;
// m_stamps = 0;
void setDirty()
m_isChanged = true;
// ++m_stamps;
class MyClass : public ChangesHolder
int m_x;
void setX(int x)
if (m_x != x)
m_x = x;
// m_dataChanged();
I want to register such methods like this:
template<typename ... Funcs>
void startTrack(Funcs ... funcs)
auto connect = [&](auto func)
// connect func to setDirty
do_foreach(connect, funcs ...);
startTrack(&MyClass::setX, &MyClass::setY);
How can this be done or maybe there are other ways to do it?
I would like to do something like this:
class Base{};
class Specialized1 : public Base
int GetCount(){ return 1; }
class Specialized2 : public Base
bool IsCorrect() { return true; }
class Example
int GetPerfectAttributeIndex( const RETURNED_PARAMETER_CLASS & perfect_parameter, ***RETURNED_PARAMETER_CLASS (*function_to_call)()*** )
for ( int i = 0; i < AttributeCount; ++i )
if ( perfect_parameter ==
static_cast< ATTR_CLASS >( MyAttributeTable[ i ] )->function_to_call() )
return i;
return -1;
Base** MyAttributeTable;
int AttributeCount;
And the call would be:
example.GetPerfectAttributeIndex< Specialized1, int >( 1, &Specialized1::GetCount );
So I know that this code is not working because of the part between ***
But how can I change it to make it work? Using some C++11 magic?
Thank you for any help!
The problem is that function_to_call is not a pointer to member function. You should also downcast from Base* more safe with dynamic_cast and checking against nullptr afterwards.
class Base
virtual ~Base() = default;
class Specialized1 : public Base
int GetCount() { return 1; }
class Specialized2 : public Base
bool IsCorrect() { return true; }
class Example
int GetPerfectAttributeIndex(
RETURNED_PARAMETER_CLASS const& perfect_parameter,
RETURNED_PARAMETER_CLASS(ATTR_CLASS::*function_to_call)()) // added ATTR_CLASS::
for(int i = 0; i < AttributeCount; ++i)
auto ptr = dynamic_cast<ATTR_CLASS*>(MyAttributeTable[i]);
// handle the case of an invalid cast
if(perfect_parameter == (ptr->*function_to_call)()) // extra parentheses added and ->* operator used
return i;
return -1;
Base** MyAttributeTable;
int AttributeCount;
This is a simple delegate class that only works for methods of the format void ClassType::MethodType( InputType& ), but can easily be expanded to more generic functions, not shown simply because it would be too large.
class Delegate
Delegate( void ) : Object( NULL ), Argument( NULL ) { }
virtual ~Delegate( void ) { }
template <class ClassType, class InputType, void (ClassType::*MethodType)( InputType )>
void Create( ClassType* SetObject, void* SetArgument = NULL )
Object = SetObject;
Argument = SetArgument;
StaticCall = &CallMethod<ClassType, InputType, MethodType>;
template <class InputType>
inline void operator()( InputType InputValue ) const
(*StaticCall)( Object, static_cast<void*>(InputValue) );
inline void operator()( void ) const
(*StaticCall)( Object, Argument );
typedef void (*FunctionCallType)( void*, void* );
void* Object;
void* Argument;
FunctionCallType StaticCall;
template <class ClassType, class InputType, void (ClassType::*MethodType)( InputType )>
static inline void CallMethod( void* SetObject, void* PassArgument )
(static_cast<ClassType*>( SetObject )->*MethodType)( static_cast<InputType>(PassArgument) );
It's flexible and can be used to pool callback classes, but one problem I have with it is that so far it's on par with (or even slower when used in large vectors like I plan to) than a virtual call if it's used as a base class. I'm looking for any suggestions on how to increase performance since I'm out of ideas, even if it affects functionality.
The simplest performance measuring code I used (with -O3) was:
class VirtualBase
virtual void TestCall( int* Data ) {}
class VirtualTest : public VirtualBase
VirtualTest() : Value(0) {}
void TestCall( int* Data )
Value += *Data;
int Value;
class DelTest : public Delegate
DelTest() : Value(0)
Create<DelTest, int*, &DelTest::TestCall>( this );
void TestCall( int* Data )
Value += *Data;
int Value;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
clock_t start;
int Value = 1;
VirtualBase* NewBase = new VirtualTest;
start = clock();
for( size_t Index = 0; Index < 1000000000; ++Index )
NewBase->TestCall( &Value );
delete NewBase;
std::cout << (( std::clock() - start ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << std::endl;
Delegate* NewDBase = new DelTest;
start = clock();
for( size_t Index = 0; Index < 1000000000; ++Index )
NewDBase->operator()( &Value );
delete NewDBase;
std::cout << (( std::clock() - start ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << std::endl;
return 0;
I should mention that I'd like the class to stay non-template, as it makes classes using callbacks to anything easy to iterate through in a single vector.
You might want to look at this Lightweight Generic C++ Callbacks article on CodeProject
Some of the code from the linked article, showing the use of a function template to do the forwarding:
template<typename R, typename P1, typename P2>
class Callback
typedef R (*FuncType)(void*, P1, P2);
Callback() : func(0), obj(0) {}
Callback(FuncType f, void* o) : func(f), obj(o) {}
R operator()(P1 a1, P2 a2)
return (*func)(obj, a1, a2);
FuncType func;
void* obj;
template<typename R, class T, typename P1, typename P2, R (T::*Func)(P1, P2)>
R Wrapper(void* o, P1 a1, P2 a2)
return (static_cast<T*>(o)->*Func)(a1, a2);
class Foo
float Average(int n1, int n2)
return (n1 + n2) / 2.0f;
float Calculate(int n1, int n2, Callback<float, int, int> callback)
return callback(n1, n2);
int main()
Foo f;
Callback<float, int, int> cb
(&Wrapper<float, Foo, int, int, &Foo::Average>, &f);
float result = Calculate(50, 100, cb);
// result == 75.0f
return 0;
There is also a great write up on stackoverflow here which will give you better insight.