How can I check what the cgroups option memory.use_hierarchy is set to? - cgroups

I'm trying to figure out if the cgroups option memory.use_hierarchy is set to true or false (1 or 0). Is there some standard file this is listed in or a command I can use to figure this out? If it is not set anywhere, is there a default setting for this?

memory.use_hierarchy is set to 0 by default.
A file called memory.use_hierarchy exists in cgroup virtual file system to retrieve/configure this option. To enable this option, you simply write '1' to this file. Likewise to disable this option, you write '0' to this file.
For example: if you have a cgroup called 'test' in your cgroup virtual file system, you enable memory.use_hierarchy by doing:
$ echo 1 > test/memory.use_hierarchy
And you turn it off by doing:
$ echo 0 > test/memory.use_hierarchy
To read the value in this file, you can use 'cat':
$ cat test/memory.use_hierarchy


Unable to do a word count of a file through ssh in unix shell scripting

I need to go another server and perform a word count. Based on the count variable I will perform a if else logic.
However i am unable to do a word count and further unable to compare the variable value in if condition.
wc: cannot open the file v.txt
ssh u1#s1 "cd ~/path1/ | fgrep-f abc.csv xyz.csv > par.csv | a=$(wc -l par.csv)| if ["$a" == "0"];
then echo "success"
First, although the wc program is named for 'word count', wc -l actually counts lines not words. I assume that is what you want even though it isn't what you said.
A shell pipline one | two | three runs things in parallel with (only) their stdout and stdin connected; thus your command runs one subshell that changes directory to ~/path1 and immediately exits with no effect on anything else, and at the same time tries to run fgrep-f (see below) in a different subshell which has not changed the directory and thus probably can't find any file, and in a third subshell does the assignment a= (see below) which also immediately exits so it cannot be used for anything.
You want to do things sequentially:
ssh u#h 'cd path1; fgrep -f abc.csv xyz.csv >par.csv; a=$(wc -l par.csv); if [ "$a" == "0" ] ...'
# you _might_ want to use && instead of ; so that if one command fails
# the subsequent ones aren't attempted (and possibly go further wrong)
Note several other important changes I made:
the command you give ssh to send the remote must be in singlequotes ' not doublequotes " if it contains any dollar as yours does (or backtick); with " the $(wc ...) is done in the local shell before sending the command to the remote
you don't need ~/ in ~/path1 because ssh (or really sshd) always starts in your home directory
there is no common command or program fgrep-f; I assume you meant the program fgrep with the flag -f, which must be separated by a space. Also fgrep although traditional is not standard (POSIX); grep -F is preferred
you must have a space after [ and before ]
However, this won't do what you probably want. The value of $a will be something like 0 par.csv or 1 par.csv or 999 par.csv; it will never equal 0 so your "success" branch will never happen. In addition there's no need to do these in separate commands: if your actual goal is to check that there are no occurrences in xyz.csv of the (exact/non-regexp) strings in abc.csv both in path1, you can just do
ssh u#h 'if ! grep -qFf path1/abc.csv path1/xyz.csv; then echo success; fi'
# _this_ case would work with " instead of ' but easier to be consistent
grep (always) sets its exit status to indicate whether it found anything or not; flag -q tells it not to output any matches. So grep -q ... just sets the status to true if it matched and false otherwise; using ! inverts this so that if grep does not match anything, the then clause is executed.
If you want the line count for something else as well, you can do it with a pipe
'a=$( fgrep -Ff path1/abc.csv path1/xyz.csv | wc -l ); if [ $a == 0 ] ...'
Not only does this avoid the temp file, when the input to wc is stdin (here the pipe) and not a named file, it outputs only the number and no filename -- 999 rather than 999 par.csv -- thus making the comparison work right.

Check if File Exists Informatica Workflow

I am trying to figure out a way to check if the file exists before running a session.
I currently have a command line task before a sessions that does the following:
I want to use the ErrorCode value on the link task, but I have no luck getting it to work. Is there a way to do this?
I use Command task with this command:
test -f $PMTargetFileDir/fdata.txt; echo $((1/$?))
1) If the file exists $? equals to 0.
2) If the file does not exist $? equals to 1.
So, in 1) $((1/$?)) will cause th error (division by zero). After the Command task you can add two or one of these links: first with the condition $TaskName.PrevTaskStatus=SUCCEEDED, and second with $TaskName.PrevTaskStatus=FAILED.
Create a command task just before your main session
Link this command task to main session and put link condition as $prevtaskstatus=succeeded
and write below code in Command task
head -2 /testfiledir/test.txt
Command task will fail if file does not exist and succeeds if file exist.

Is there a way to add custom keyboard shortcuts to Vim for running numerous commands?

I'm having the following issue - whenever I finish writing some C++ code in Vim and want to compile and run it, I have to:
Exit insert mode
Save the file using the command :w
Write :! g++ *.cpp -o programName; ./programName in order to compile and run at once
After inputting the last two commands once, I obviously make use of the upper arrow key on the keyboard to get the last few commands instead of writting them down again and again on future compilations and runs.
But it's still kind of slow to me. So I was wondering if there's some sort of way to maybe create a keyboard shortcut which inputs these last two commands or even does all the three things at once!
You can use map to map keys to commands. nmap for normal mode, imap for insert mode etc
map <key> command
the cpp compiling you mentioned should go like:
autocmd FileType cpp nmap <buffer> <F5> :w<bar>!g++ -o %:r % && ./%:r<CR>
Add this command to your vimrc and will compile and run the current cpp file.
FileType cpp- detects the cpp file directly, (no need of manual regex).
nmap- used for mapping key while normal mode.
buffer- for the current buffer (in case of multiple splits).
<F5>- for mapping the 'F5' key.
And the command that executes is: :w | !g++ -o %:r % && ./%:r<CR>
In the above command, % is the file name (with extension), while %:r is the file name(without extension), <CR> stands for the "Enter" button (Carriage Return)
Speeding up what you've used
If you :set autowrite, Vim will automatically persist the source file before invoking an external command (:!).
You can repeat the last external command via :!! (old vi trick), or / and then repeat the last Ex command via #: (still two keypresses less).
However, this doesn't scale, so you might be better off with a mapping.
As this is specific to C++, I would advise you to define a buffer-local mapping, in a filetype plugin:
You can define that for certain filetypes by prepending :autocmd Filetype cpp ..., and put that into your ~/.vimrc. But that gets unwieldy as you add mappings and other settings for various filetypes. Better put the commands into ~/.vim/ftplugin/cpp_mappings.vim. (This requires that you have :filetype plugin on.)
nnoremap <buffer> <F5> :update<Bar>!g++ -o %:r % && ./%:r<CR>
You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
:update is a variant of :write that only performs a write if there indeed are unpersisted changes; so, it's slightly more efficient.
For the %:r placeholders (that make the mapping independent of the current filename), see :help cmdline-special.

sublimerepl getenv failing

I'd like to use the SiblimeREPL package with Sublime Text. When I try to start a REPL, I get
SublimeREPL: obtaining sane environment failed in getenv()
Check console and 'getenv_command' setting
WARN: Falling back to SublimeText environment
This happens regardless of which REPL I try to start. (I tried Ruby, Python, and Clojure.) I tried Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 with the same results. This is on Mac OS X, if that matters.
I looked in the package settings, where I see
"getenv_command": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "env"],
If I run "/bin/bash --login -c env" at a Terminal prompt, I get my environment listed.
What do I need to change in order to get a successful getenv_command?
I had the same problem as ssgam. The problem line for me is in the getenv method. It calls subprocess.check_output(getenv_command), which doesn't exist in python 2.6, which ST2 seems to use.
The trick is, it only calls subprocess.check_output() if getenv_command is truthy, and defaults to os.environ.copy() otherwise. So to get ssgam's fix without modifying the SublimeREPL package, in Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeREPL > Settings - User, do something like this:
"getenv_command": false
I investigated this issue a little bit deeper and it seems SublimeText 3 is also affected. In my case the problem is related to bash-completion feature, in particular COMP_WORDBREAKS environment variable.
Use the following command to show the contents of COMP_WORDBREAKS:
will output
You can also use:
but note that with the second command (without quotes), you'll not see that
the variable also contains a line feed character.
The problem here is the line feed character which breaks output parsing in getenv_command feature. If you extract part of the source code for SublimeREPL you can get real error message from python interpreter.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 71, in getenv
env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines)
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #6 has length 1; 2 is required
You can match element #6 with the position of COMP_WORDBREAKS in env listing.
Solution (first that came to my mind)
I can't tell at the moment what is real impact on bash-completion feature after following solution is applied and of course SublimeREPL hopefully should be fixed accordingly. Please comment my answer to fill in missing knowledge.
We may want to remove disturbing characters to get rid of the error.
First let's identify those characters
$ echo -n "${COMP_WORDBREAKS}" | od -t x1c
will output
0000000 20 09 0a 22 27 3e 3c 3b 7c 26 28 3a
\t \n " ' > < ; | & ( :
so we have three to remove. The simplest way is to add to your .bashrc following line:
Voila! No more error message.
My final thought is about removed characters. I'm not fully in how bash-completion works and I'm aware of that modifying COMP_WORDBREAKS can affect other scripts using it. For now you can always change it ad-hoc.
I hope this helped.
Found it. Fixed it. SublimeREPL assumes that running getenv_command will produce SOLELY the output from running env, and every line will contain an equals sign. But my .bash_profile echos some stuff to stdout.
The solution was to wrap my .bash_profile output in a
if [[ $- == *i* ]]
to not produce extra output besides the executed command.
env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines)
in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeREPL/repls/ with
env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines if '=' in line)
(Thanks #MichaelOhlrogge for the shorter syntax)
Why this works
#develucas's solution helped me solve my issue. I didn't have the problem he was describing, but his investigation helped.
In my case, the login shell had a greeting. So, bash --login -c env (the command specified in SublimeREPL.sublime-settings file under the getenv_command option) was printing something like this:
Hello, parth!
It turns out that SublimeREPL uses the output of this command to load the environment variables - as mentioned in the comment above the getenv_command setting:
// On POSIX system SublimeText launched from GUI does not inherit
// a proper environment. Often leading to problems with finding interpreters
// or not using the ones affected by changes in ~/.profile / *rc files
// This command is used as a workaround, it's launched before any subprocess
// repl starts and it's output is parsed as an environment
"getenv_command": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "env"],
The code that parses this output is like this (in the ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeREPL/repls/ file for ST3):
def getenv(self, settings):
"""Tries to get most appropriate environent, on windows
it's os.environ.copy, but on other system's we'll
try get values from login shell"""
getenv_command = settings.get("getenv_command")
if getenv_command and POSIX:
output = subprocess.check_output(getenv_command)
lines = output.decode("utf-8", errors="replace").splitlines()
env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines)
return env
import traceback
"SublimeREPL: obtaining sane environment failed in getenv()\n"
"Check console and 'getenv_command' setting \n"
"WARN: Falling back to SublimeText environment")
# Fallback to environ.copy() if not on POSIX or sane getenv failed
return os.environ.copy()
The env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines) line causes an issue, because the first line in the bash --login -c env output has no =. So I modified this line to ignore the lines that don't have an = sign:
env = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines if '=' in line)
And this solved the issue for me. Don't forget the restart Sublime Text after modifying this file.
changing COMP_WORDBREAKS does not work for me ...
i'm using ST2, and the exception was thrown at check_output().
also, name completions at the command line fails, after changing COMP_WORDBREAKS.
in my case, i changed's env() method:
[wind]$ diff
< updated_env = env if env else self.getenv(settings)
> # updated_env = env if env else self.getenv(settings)
> updated_env = env if env else os.environ.copy()
would be interesting to find out why the problem started appearing suddenly ...
The answer from #develucas mostly works for me with ST3 with OSX El Capitan except I had to put
Note the export. However, if I do this, tab completion no longer works.
I had the same problem, it was my .bash_profile that had some utility outputs, such as a welcome message etc.
These outputs are parsed by SublimeREPL to try to extract environment variables from the output of the env command, and the extraneous text lines mixed together provoked the error.
(I'd like to make a PR to SublimeREPL to try to make that phase more robust, it should not depend on particular .bash_profile implementations!)

Windows Command Line Processor: Multiple and Nested IF Statements

Intended software: windows command line processor (version 6.1.7601.17514)
I've been trying to build a multiple-statement command line that runs within a short-cut. My goal is to be able to click one short-cut that checks if my hosted network is started or not, and then takes appropriate action based on the check. The code that starts and stops the hosted network is fine, and for the most part, the logic works, but I notice odd behavior when I check the outputs of the logic. I suspect that my problem has to do with the way I structured the statements, but I'm having difficulty properly interpreting the built-in documentation and the documentation I can find in the MSDN library. If it's possible, I want to avoid using batch files for this solution.
To keep things simple, I've substituted my lengthy "netsh" commands with "echo" commands that show the errorcode. The code below is what I'm using to test my logic:
Test Code
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | find "Not" && echo found %errorlevel% || echo lost %errorlevel%
Currently, the way I'm reading this is:
Show me hostednetwork's status and send the output to input
Attempt to find the string "Not" in the input
If the attempt succeeds, output "found" and the errorcode to the screen
If the attempt fails, then output "lost" and the errorcode to the screen
Notice that I'm not using any flags on the find command. I'm doing this because I want to reduce the chance of finding a false match. To clarify what I mean, I'll show the output if I just put in
netsh wlan show hostednetwork:
Sample Output of Hostednetwork Status
C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan show hostednetwork
Hosted network settings
Mode : Allowed
SSID name : "TestHost"
Max number of clients : 100
Authentication : WPA2-Personal
Cipher : CCMP
Hosted network status
Status : Not started
If I search for the string "Not", then that's sufficient to tell me that the hosteadnetwork is not started, because when the hosteadnetwork is started, the output shows "Started".
The way I'm simulating the conditions of the hostednetwork is with the following commands:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
I expect that when I open a command prompt (as an administrator):
If the hostednetwork is not started, I should see a "found 0" in the output, meaning that the string was found and that there were no errors.
If the hostednetwork is started, I should see a "lost 1" in the output, meaning that the string was not found and that there was an error.
Case #1 works, but case #2 doesn't work on the first try. Here's my output when the hostednetwork is already started:
Output With Hostednetwork Started
C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork
The hosted network started.
C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan show hostednetwork | find "Not" && echo found %er
rorlevel% || echo lost %errorlevel%
lost 0
C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan show hostednetwork | find "Not" && echo found %er
rorlevel% || echo lost %errorlevel%
lost 1
Other Attempted Solutions
The way I've written the test code is the best I could come up with so far. In previous attempts, I've tried:
Setting a custom variable instead of using the errorlevel variable, but I get the same output on case #2.
Changing the code into an if else equivalent, but that didn't pan out very well.
Wrapping the conditional statements in brackets "()" after the pipe and using different combinations of the special symbols "&" and "|".
Other Questions
This question is related to another that I've been trying to figure out. If I wanted to search for three different strings in a command's output and exit on a different error code for each string, how can I do this? The syntax below is my starting point:
myCommand [/options] | ((find "string1" && exit /b 2 || ver>nul) &&
(find "string2" && exit /b 3 || ver>nul) && (find "string3" && exit /b 4 || ver>nul))
For the same reasons above, I didn't use any flags on the "find" commands. Also, I used "ver>nul" in an attempt to keep the syntax correct since I know the "ver" operation succeeds.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I don't understand why you want to avoid use of a batch script. Your shortcut can simply point to a small batch script, and life will be much easier.
But it is possible to do what you want. The value of %errolevel% is determined during parsing, and the entire shortcut is parsed in one pass, so you get the value that existed prior to execution of your FIND commands. You need delayed expansion !errorlevel! to get your desired results.
In batch you use setlocal enableDelayedExpansion, but that does not work from the command line (or a shortcut). Instead you must instantiate an extra CMD.EXE with the /V:ON option.
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | cmd /v:on /c "find "Not" && echo found !errorlevel! || echo lost !errorlevel!"
There are multiple levels of quoting going on, and that can sometimes cause problems. You can eliminate the quotes enclosing the command if you escape the special characters.
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | cmd /v:on /c find "Not" ^&^& echo found !errorlevel! ^|^| echo lost !errorlevel!
Regarding your 2nd question, I see 2 problems.
1) I don't understand the point of having a shortcut designed to exit with different error codes. How can you possibly make use of the returned error code?
2) You cannot pipe content into multiple FIND commands. The first FIND command will consume all the content and close the pipe, and then subsequent FIND commands will wait indefinitely for content from the keyboard.
You would have to redirect your command output to a temp file, and then redirect input of each FIND command to the temp file.
You cannot evaluate a variable in the same line. It needs delayed expansion and !errorlevel! to be used.
Do it in a batch file and you won't have a problem using delayed expansion.