Why is the database used by Django subqueries not sticky? - django

I have a concern with django subqueries using the django ORM. When we fetch a queryset or perform a DB operation, I have the option of bypassing all assumptions that django might make for the database that needs to be used by forcing usage of the specific database that I want.
b_det = Book.objects.using('some_db').filter(book_name = 'Mark')
The above disregards any database routers I might have set and goes straight to 'some_db'.
But if my models approximately look like so :-
class Author(models.Model):
class Book(models.Model):
author=models.ForeignKey(Author, null = True)
And I fetch a QuerySet representing all books that are called Mark like so:-
b_det = Book.objects.using('some_db').filter(book_name = 'Mark')
Then later if somewhere in the code I trigger a subquery by doing something like:-
if b_det:
auth_address = b_det[0].author.author_address
Then this does not make use of the original database 'some_db' that I had specified early on for the main query. This again goes through the routers and picks up (possibly) the incorrect database.
Why does django do this. IMHO , if I had selected forced usage of database for the original query then even for the subquery the same database needs to be used. Why must the database routers come into picture for this at all?

This is not a subquery in the strict SQL sense of the word. What you are actually doing here is to execute one query and use the result of that to find related items.
You can chain filters and do lots of other operations on a queryset but it will not be executed until you take a slice on it or call .values() but here you are actually taking a slice
auth_address = b_det[0].#rest of code
So you have a materialized query and you are now trying to find the address of the related author and that requires another query but you are not using with so django is free to choose which database to use. You cacn overcome this by using select_related


Should I use JSONField over ForeignKey to store data?

I'm facing a dilemma, I'm creating a new product and I would not like to mess up the way I organise the informations in my database.
I have these two choices for my models, the first one would be to use foreign keys to link my them together.
Class Page(models.Model):
data = JsonField()
Class Image(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
data = JsonField()
Class Video(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
data = JsonField()
The second is to keep everything in Page's JSONField:
Class Page(models.Model):
data = JsonField() # videos and pictures, etc... are stored here
Is one better than the other and why? This would be a huge help on the way I would organize my databases in the futur.
I thought maybe the second option could be slower since everytime something changes all the json would be overridden, but does it make a huge difference or is what I am saying false?
A JSONField obfuscates the underlying data, making it difficult to write readable code and fully use Django's built-in ORM, validations and other niceties (ModelForms for example). While it gives flexibility to save anything you want to the db (e.g. no need to migrate the db when adding new fields), it takes away the clarity of explicit fields and makes it easy to introduce errors later on.
For example, if you start saving a new key in your data and then try to access that key in your code, older objects won't have it and you might find your app crashing depending on which object you're accessing. That can't happen if you use a separate field.
I would always try to avoid it unless there's no other way.
Typically I use a JSONField in two cases:
To save a response from 3rd party APIs (e.g. as an audit trail)
To save references to archived objects (e.g. when the live products in my db change but I still have orders referencing the product).
If you use PostgreSQL, as a relational database, it's optimised to be super-performant on JOINs so using ForeignKeys is actually a good thing. Use select_related and prefetch_related in your code to optimise the number of queries made, but the queries themselves will scale well even for millions of entries.

Ordering Django querysets using a JSONField's properties

I have a model that kinda looks like this:
class Person(models.Model):
data = JSONField()
The data field has 2 properties, name, and age. Now, lets say I want to get a paginated queryset (each page containing 20 people), with a filter where age is greater than 25, and the queryset is to be ordered in descending order. In a usual setup, that is, a normalized database, I can write this query like so:
person_list_page_1 = Person.objects.filter(age > 25).order_by('-age')[:20]
Now, what is the equivalence of the above when filtering and ordering using keys stored in the JSONField? I have researched into this, and it seems it was meant to be a feature for 2.1, but I can't seem to find anything relevant.
Link to the ticket about it being implemented in the future
I also have another question. Lets say we filter and order using the JSONField. Will the ORM have to get all the objects, filter, and order them before sending the first 20 in such a case? That is, will performance be legitimately slower?
Obviously, I know a normalized database is far better for these things, but my hands are kinda tied.
You can use the postgresql sql syntax to extract subfields. Then they can be used just as any other field on the model in queryset filters.
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
age=RawSQL("(data->>'age')::int", [])
See the postgresql docs for other operators and functions.
In some cases, you might have to add explicit typecasts (::int, for example)
Performance will be slower than with a proper field, but it's not bad.

Using django prefetch_related() to get the time of last activity

I upgraded to Django 1.7 so I could get Prefetch objects, but I'm having a hard time getting them to behave as expected.
I have an Employee model like this:
class Employee(Human):
... additional Employee Fields ...
def get_last_activity_date(self):
return self.activity_set.all().order_by('-when')[0:1].get().when
except Activity.DoesNotExist:
return None
and activities like this
class Activity(models.Model):
when = models.DateTimeField()
employee = models.ForeignKey(Employee, related_name='activity_set')
I want to use prefetch_related to get the last activity date for this employee. I've tried to express this many ways, but no matter how I do it, it ends up generating another query. My other 2 my prefetch_related parts work as expected, but this one does not ever seem to save me any queries.
I'm using this with Django Rest Framework, so I really need the prefetch_related part to work since I have no way of reaching inside DRF to do the mapping outside of the queryset.
Here is one of the ways that DOES NOT WORK
def get_queryset(self):
return super(EmployeeViewSet, self).get_queryset()\
.prefetch_related('phone_number_set', 'email_address_set')\
.prefetch_related(Prefetch('activity_set', Activity.objects.all().order_by('-when')))\
.order_by('last_name', 'first_name')
Notice that on the activity_set prefetch query that I can't slice to only get the latest entry either which is a concern in terms of how much memory this is going to eat up.
I do actually see the prefetch query take place, but then each employee gets a separate query for that piece of information, meaning I have one bigger wasted query and still get the ~200 querys I'm trying to prevent.
How do you get the prefetch_related to work for me in this case?
I suspect You are missing the point of prefetch_related. The docs state that this is the expected behavior: many queries and the 'joining' in python. If you want less queries you should use select_related Also I'm not sure It would work with your specific models (not stated in the question) since select_related does work well with many to many relations.
UPDATE - the docs:
prefetch_related, on the other hand, does a separate lookup for each relationship, and does the ‘joining’ in Python

How to retrieve values from Django ForeignKey -> ManyToMany fields?

I have a model (Realtor) with a ForeignKey field (BillingTier), which has a ManyToManyField (BillingPlan). For each logged in realtor, I want to check if they have a billing plan that offers automatic feedback on their listings. Here's what the models look like, briefly:
class Realtor(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
billing_tier = models.ForeignKey(BillingTier, blank=True, null=True, default=None)
class BillingTier(models.Model):
plans = models.ManyToManyField(BillingPlan)
class BillingPlan(models.Model):
automatic_feedback = models.BooleanField(default=False)
I have a permissions helper that checks the user permissions on each page load, and denies access to certain pages. I want to deny the feedback page if they don't have the automatic feedback feature in their billing plan. However, I'm not really sure the best way to get this information. Here's what I've researched and found so far, but it seems inefficient to be querying on each page load:
def isPermitted(user, url):
premium = [t[0] for t in user.realtor.billing_tier.plans.values_list('automatic_feedback') if t[0]]
I saw some solutions which involved using filter (ManyToMany field values from queryset), but I'm equally unsure of using the query for each page load. I would have to get the billing tier id from the realtor: bt_id = user.realtor.billing_tier.id and then query the model like so:
BillingTier.objects.filter(id = bt_id).filter(plans__automatic_feedback=True).distinct()
I think the second option reads nicer, but I think the first would perform better because I wouldn't have to import and query the BillingTier model.
Is there a better option, or are these two the best I can hope for? Also, which would be more efficient for every page load?
As per the OP's invitation, here's an answer.
The core question is how to define an efficient permission check based on a highly relational data model.
The first variant involves building a Python list from evaluating a Django query set. The suspicion must certainly be that it imposes unnecessary computations on the Python interpreter. Although it's not clear whether that's tolerable if at the same time it allows for a less complex database query (a tradeoff which is hard to assess), the underlying DB query is not exactly simple.
The second approach involves fetching additional 1:1 data through relational lookups and then checking if there is any record fulfilling access criteria in a different, 1:n relation.
Let's have a look at them.
bt_id = user.realtor.billing_tier.id: This is required to get the hook for the following 1:n query. It is indeed highly inefficient in itself. It can be optimized in two ways.
As per Django: Access Foreign Keys Directly, it can be written as bt_id = user.realtor.billing_tier_id because the id is of course present in billing_tier and needs not be found via a relational operation.
Assuming that the page in itself would only load a user object, Django can be told to fetch and cache relational data along with that via select_related. So if the page does not only fetch the user object but the required billing_tier_id as well, we have saved one additional DB hit.
BillingTier.objects.filter(id = bt_id).filter(plans__automatic_feedback=True).distinct() can be optimized using Django's exists because that will redurce efforts both in the database and regarding data traffic between the database and Python.
Maybe even Django's prefetch_related can be used to combine the 1:1 and 1:n queries into a single query, but it's much more difficult to judge whether that pays. Could be worth a try.
In any case, it's worth installing a gem called Django Debug Toolbar which will allow you to analyze how much time your implementation spends on database queries.

Django .order_by() with .distinct() using postgres

I have a Read model that is related to an Article model. What I would like to do is make a queryset where articles are unique and ordered by date_added. Since I'm using postgres, I'd prefer to use the .distinct() method and specify the article field. Like so:
articles = Read.objects.order_by('article', 'date_added').distinct('article')
However this doesn't give the desired effect and orders the queryset by the order they were created. I am aware of the note about .distinct() and .order_by() in Django's documentation, but I don't see that it applies here since the side effect it mentions is there will be duplicates and I'm not seeing that.
# To actually sort by date added I end up doing this
articles = sorted(articles, key=lambda x: x.date_added, reverse=True)
This executes the entire query before I actually need it and could potentially get very slow if there are lots of records. I've already optimized using select_related().
Is there a better, more efficient, way to create a query with uniqueness of a related model and order_by date?
The output would ideally be a queryset of Read instances where their related article is unique in the queryset and only using the Django orm (i.e. sorting in python).
Is there a better, more efficient, way to create a query with uniqueness of a related model and order_by date?
Possibily. It's hard to say without the full picture, but my assumption is that you are using Read to track which articles have and have not been read, and probably tying this to User instance to determine if a particular user has read an article or not. If that's the case, your approach is flawed. Instead, you should do something like:
class Article(models.Model):
read_by = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='read_articles')
Then, to get a particular user's read articles, you can just do:
That takes the need to use distinct out of the equation, since there will not be any duplicates now.
To get all articles that are read by at least one user:
Or, if you want to set a threshold for popularity, you can use annotations:
from django.db.models import Count
Which would give you only articles that have been read by at least 10 users.