Identify which QPixmapItem has been selected - c++

I am adding QGraphicsPixmapItems to my scene, and I can see that when I pick on the item, it gets the white dashed selection rectangle, but I'm struggling to get any data from this selection. Here is how I'm adding it to the scene.
void MainWindow::drawImage(curTarget *newTarget){
QGraphicsPixmapItem *tgt = new QGraphicsPixmapItem;//new pixmap
tgt = scene->addPixmap(newTarget->myIcon);//assign pixmap image
tgt->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
Each PixmapItem that I add to the scene has struct data associated with it, and I need to be able to retrieve that data when I select on the QGraphicsPixmapItem inside of the QGraphicsScene. If the selection rectangle is showing up when the pixmapitem is selected, isn't there some easy way to return information to me based on that fact? A Pointer to what is selected perhaps?
I do have a mousePressEvent method implemented but I'm struggling getting anything relevant with that.
void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event){
qDebug() << "Clicked" << endl;
When I run the app, I see Clicked everywhere in my scene except when I click on my pixmapitems.
I've tried every version of the mousePressEvents available and the ones that actually do something, only do something as long as I don't press on my pixmapitems.

Thank to the help I received in my comments, I will post up what ultimately worked for me.
void MainWindow::drawImage(curTarget *newTarget)
QGraphicsPixmapItem *tgt = new QGraphicsPixmapItem
tgt = scene->addPixmap(newTarget->myIcon);
tgt->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
With the new function added...
void MainWindow::whatIsSelected(){
QDebug() <<scene->selectedItems() << endl;}
And then I made the connection of the scene to the window elsewhere...
QObject::connect(scene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(whatIsSelected);


Qt how to use paintEvent function to refresh two or more widgets silmultaneously

Now I am using Qt5 to draw Kline of stocks. Two classes are defined for price bar and volume bar, then I add them to a widget by a QSplitter. However, When I move mouse forward or backward and the price-bar chart updates, the volume-bar section will not repaint simultaneously until I put mouse under volume widget. I tried some ideas, but it didn't work. Many thanks.
A part of codes like this:
pvolume = new VolumeBar(this);
pkline = new PriceBar(this);
QSplitter *splitterMain = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, 0);
splitterMain->insertWidget(0, pkline);
splitterMain->insertWidget(1, pvolume);
splitterMain->setStretchFactor(0, 4);
splitterMain->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
For pricebar, the paintEvent function is overrided as follows,
void PriceBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
KLineGrid::paintEvent(event); // parent of VolumeBar and PriceBar
drawLine(); // draw price bar
For VolumeBar, it is overrided like this,
void VolumeBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
drawYtick(); // y axis

How to adjust QTextEdit to fit it's contents

I'm developing a Qt Application and I'm trying to find a way to use QTextEdit as a label with long text without the scroll bar. In my ui I have a QScrollArea and inside of it I want to place a couple off QTextEdit widgets and I only want use scrolling inside QScrollArea. Problem is that no matter how I try to resize the QTextEdit it seems it has a maximum height and cuts of text, even if I set the size manually and QTextEdit::size returns the correct value.
I did the same thing with QLabel and it works fine, but in this case I need some methods that are only provided in QTextEdit.
I found this post:
Resizing QT's QTextEdit to Match Text Height: maximumViewportSize()
And the answer given was the following:
I have solved this issue. There were 2 things that I had to do to get
it to work:
Walk up the widget hierarchy and make sure all the size policies made
sense to ensure that if any child widget wanted to be big/small, then
the parent widget would want to be the same thing.
This is the main
source of the fix. It turns out that since the QTextEdit is inside a
QFrame that is the main widget in a QScrollArea, the QScrollArea has a
constraint that it will not resize the internal widget unless the
"widgetResizable" property is true. The documentation for that is
The documentation was not clear to me until I played around with this
setting and got it to work. From the docs, it seems that this property
only deals with times where the main scroll area wants to resize a
widget (i.e. from parent to child). It actually means that if the main
widget in the scroll area wants to ever resize (i.e. child to parent),
then this setting has to be set to true. So, the moral of the story is
that the QTextEdit code was correct in overriding sizeHint, but the
QScrollArea was ignoring the value returned from the main frame's
The problem is that I have no idea how to access the QTextEdit's QScrollArea to enable widgetResizable. Can anyone explain how I can achieve this or suggest a different way of resizing QTextEdit to perfectly fit it's content?
This will allow the height of the text box to change as required. You can edit the code a little to handle the width as well.
connect( m_textField, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( onTextChanged() ) );
void MyClass::onTextChanged()
QSize size = m_textField->document()->size().toSize();
m_textField->setFixedHeight( size.height() + 3 );
Try this one :
QTextEdit textEdit;
textEdit.setHtml("<p>test test test test test test</p><p>|||||||||</p>");;
textEdit.setFixedWidth(textEdit.document()->idealWidth() +
textEdit.contentsMargins().left() +
Without a concrete example it's difficult to judge, but... it sounds as if you simply want a QTextEdit whose sizeHint depends on the current document size.
class text_edit: public QTextEdit {
using super = QTextEdit;
explicit text_edit (QWidget *parent = nullptr)
: super(parent)
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
virtual QSize sizeHint () const override
QSize s(document()->size().toSize());
* Make sure width and height have `usable' values.
s.rwidth() = std::max(100, s.width());
s.rheight() = std::max(100, s.height());
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) override
* If the widget has been resized then the size hint will
* also have changed. Call updateGeometry to make sure
* any layouts are notified of the change.
Then use as...
QScrollArea sa;
text_edit te;
It appears to work as expected in the few tests I've done.
In ui i defined QTextEdit *textEdit object. I write it as height scalable-content :
int count = 0;
QString str = "";
// set textEdit text
str = ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
for(int i = 0;i < str.length();i++)
if( == '\n')
// resize textEdit (width and height)
ui->textEdit->resize(ui->textEdit->fontMetrics().width("this is the max-length line in qlabel")
, ui->textEdit->fontMetrics().height() * (count + 2));
Notice : this work if you change QTextEdit font face or size! just in height scalable (before every thing set your QTextEdit frameShape to BOX).
if you want do width scalable-content, you should do these steps :
read QTextEdit(textEdit object) text as line to line
calculate every line length
select maximum of line length
use of QTextEdit::fontMetrics().width(QString str) for investigate str size in width
I hope this can help you...

Qt - Adding a drawing to a Layout

I'm trying to make an application where the user can input some drawings (gestures) that will then be saved and displayed in a gallery on the top of the screen:
When the user presses "Validate", the drawing is supposed to be displayed on the scroll area on the top. However, for some reason, my code is not working the way I intended it to. It saves the drawing with no problem, but when I tell it to add it to the top, nothing happens.
Code here:
void MainWindow::galleryUpdate()
for (int i = 0; i < gestureTemplates.size(); i++)
QPolygonF scaledGesture = gestureTemplates[i].scaleToSquare(gestureTemplates[i]);
StrokeDrawer * strD = new StrokeDrawer();
QPalette Pal(palette());
Pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::white);
strD->setMinimumSize(50, 50);
gestureTemplates is a vector of GestureTemplate (a custom class inheriting from QPolygonF) containing all the drawings. The first line inside the for simply scales the drawing to fit in a square, and returns a QPolygonF.
StrokeDrawer is the class used to display the drawing (code below). I then try to fill it with a white background, save it to galleryList which is a list of StrokeDrawer for each drawing, and then add it to the top, by using topZone->addWidget(strD), where topZone is a HBoxLayout.
I also use the setStroke method to set the drawing to the StrokeDrawer (this method also calls the update() function in the class, which calls its paintEvent, which should take care of actually drawing the QPolygonF).
Initially, I tried to do addWidget by directly using the QPolygonF but that didn't work. That's why I'm using this StrokeDrawer class (which just displays the drawing, it doesn't even allow making changes to it).
By debugging the code on QtCreator, everything works fine until the addWidget line, where nothing happens. I mean, even if the drawing is not being correctly displayed, it should at least show a small, white, 50x50 square, or am I missing something here?
Some code for StrokeDrawer:
void StrokeDrawer::setStroke(QPolygonF g)
gesture = g;
void StrokeDrawer::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
QPainter pait(this);
if (!gesture.empty())

QT QGraphicsView rotation

Disclaimer: I am pretty much a beginner with QT.
I've been struggling for some time to rotate a QGraphicsView (no 3D rotation) but, despite what i do, it doesn't work. I have tried:
QTransform transform;
or more simply:
These seem like very straightforward ways to do it that should work, but for some reason, whenever i run it, the QGraphicsView doesn't rotate at all. If possible, i'd like some direct and easy to understand code snippets, and/or what i'm doing wrong.
EDIT: This is the code in the widget cpp file i have problems with. It should be a simple timer with an animated hourglass icon. It gets repeated every .5 seconds.
void Widget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (timerFlag < 115){
animateTimer = QString("\":/new/100/timerFrames/timerIconFrame%1.png\"").arg(timerFlag);
QPixmap pix(animateTimer);
if (timerFlag >= 115 && timerFlag < 119){
if(timerFlag == 119){
if(timerFlag == 120){
timerFlag = 0;
if (timeFlag==2){
timeFlag = 0;
} else {
if (sec == 60) {
sec = 0;
You're merely decorating the QGraphicsView using the style mechanism. You could have used a plain QWidget instead, since you don't use any graphics view functionality. None of the images in the stylesheet are what the view actually displays. The image must be on the scene displayed by the view.
Set the image on a QGraphicsPixmapItem, add that item to a scene, set the scene on the view, and then the transformations will work. You can then keep replacing the pixmap in the timer handler.
Finally, you must also check the timer id in the timerEvent. I assume that you're using a QBasicTimer, say called m_timer, you'd then check as follows:
void Widget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev) {
if (ev->timerId() != m_timer.timerId()) return;
... // rest of the code
As you can see, the code that you've not included in the original question was absolutely essential! Without it, the question was wholly off-topic.
You need to implement a QGraphicsView, a QGraphicsScene and then add something that inherits from QGraphicsItem to that scene to rotate.
Here is an example that rotates a QWidget in a QGraphicsView:
QGraphicsView* view = new QGraphicsView(parent);
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(view);
// Widget to rotate - important to not parent it
QWidget* widget = new QWidget();
QProxyWidget proxy_widget = scene_->addWidget(widget);
QPropertyAnimation* animation = new QPropertyAnimation(proxy_widget, "rotation");

How to highlight the entire row on mouse hover in QTableWidget: Qt5

I want to highlight the row on mouse hover in my QTableWidget.
When I hover the mouse, only single cell highlighted.
I have tried this approach :
bool MyTabWidget::eventFilter(QObject *target, QEvent *event)
if( target == ui->MyTableWidget )
//Just to print the event type
qDebug() <<"EventType : "<<event->type();
Output : EventType : 13.
`(13 = QEvent::Move)`
I have done lost of googling. but not get any proper solution.
Is there any other approach to fulfill my requirment (to highlight entire row on mouse hover)?
Please help. Thank in advance.
Please refer below screen shot for more clear.
This is my QTableWidget
I want to change the background color of that red boarder(edited) row on mouse hover.
Here is my implementation,it works well.First you should subclass QTableView/QTabWidget ,emit a signal to QStyledItemDelegate in mouseMoveEvent/dragMoveEvent function .This signal will send the hovering index.
In QStyledItemDelegate ,use a member variable hover_row_(changed in a slot bind to above signal) to tell paint function which row is be hovered.
Here is the code examaple:
//1: Tableview :
void TableView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
emit hoverIndexChanged(index);
//2.connect signal and slot
connect(this,SIGNAL(hoverIndexChanged(const QModelIndex&)),delegate_,SLOT(onHoverIndexChanged(const QModelIndex&)));
void TableViewDelegate::onHoverIndexChanged(const QModelIndex& index)
hoverrow_ = index.row();
// Delegate paint():
void TableViewDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
if(index.row() == hoverrow_)
painter->fillRect(option.rect, kHoverItemBackgroundcColor);
painter->fillRect(option.rect, kItemBackgroundColor);
I had similar task and answer from baixiangcpp helped me, but it worked only when mouse button was pressed, not on simple hovering. I resolved this issue with help from user mrjj on qt forum, who suggested I should set "mouseTracking" property in TableView (CustomView in my case) to "true".
CustomView::CustomView(QWidget *parent) : QTableView(parent)
connect(this,SIGNAL(hoverIndexChanged(const QModelIndex&)),parent,SLOT(onHoverIndexChanged(const QModelIndex&)));
It's not the correct way to solve the problem, but if you would like to continue using QTableWidget you can just show the verticalheader and click above them to highlight its specific row.
I'm adding another answer cause it's too long:
Ok, you're right, this is happening on QTableView. Now the question is, why you need a QTableView? If you just need a resume like the one you posted there, you can use a QTreeView, that instead of the QTableView, supports hovering on the entire row, instead of a single cell.
If you absolutely need a QTableView, you need to disable your current hover effect and override the paint and mouseMoveEvent method. On your mouseMoveEvent method calculate the row under the mouse using QTableView::rowAt(y) (also remember to map your mouse coords to the Widget relative coords), and store an index, if it changes from the previous one, invalidate the entire table. On the paint event, just paint a rect around the row manually after calling the base class paint event.
Haven't played with QT5 still, but with QT4 this is super-easy using a style sheet:
QTableView::item:hover {
background-color: rgba(200,200,220,255);