Beginner having an issue with classes and functions - c++

I am a beginner programmer working on a program in c++ visual studio 2015 that takes an instance of a class titled rect and passes it to a function within rect that sets a rectangle of random size and position somewhere on a imaginary board in a console window. At the bottom of the code there are full instructions on what the code needs to do. The problem I am having is when the program prints the rectangles, the rectangle of "0's" is not printing but the rectangle of "1's" is. The rectangle rect0 is being passed by reference and the rect1 is being passed by pointer.
iLab2: rectangles
#define NOMINMAX // prevent Windows API from conflicting with "min" and "max"
#include <stdio.h> // C-style output. printf(char*,...), putchar(int)
#include <windows.h> // SetConsoleCursorPosition(HANDLE,COORD)
#include <conio.h> // _getch()
#include <time.h>
* moves the console cursor to the given x/y coordinate
* 0, 0 is the upper-left hand coordinate. Standard consoles are 80x24.
* #param x
* #param y
void moveCursor(int x, int y)
COORD c = { x,y };
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), c);
struct Vec2
short x, y; // variables x and y for storing rectangle coordinates
Vec2() : x(0), y(0) { } // default constructor for vect2 if no parameters are specified
Vec2(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { } // default constructor for vect2 if parameters are given
void operator+=(Vec2 v) // function for adding or subtracting (if v is negative) to move the rectangle
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
class Rect
Vec2 min, max;
Rect(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy)
:min(minx, miny), max(maxx, maxy)
Rect() {}
void draw(const char letter) const
for (int row = min.y; row < max.y; row++)
for (int col = min.x; col < max.x; col++)
if (row >= 0 && col >= 0)
moveCursor(col, row);
void setMax(int maxx, int maxy)
this->max.x = maxx;
this->max.y = maxy;
void setMin(int minx, int miny)
this->min.x = minx;
this->min.y = miny;
bool isOverlapping(Rect const & r) const
return !(min.x >= r.max.x || max.x <= r.min.x
|| min.y >= r.max.y || max.y <= r.min.y);
void translate(Vec2 const & delta)
void setRandom(Rect & r);
void setRandom(Rect* r);
void Rect::setRandom(Rect & r)
srand(time(NULL)); // added to make the random placement and size of the rect different each time program runs
int pos_x, pos_y, height, width;
pos_x = rand() % 51;
pos_y = rand() % 21;
height = 2 + rand() % 11;
width = 2 + rand() % 11;
height = height / 2;
width = width / 2;
r.min.x = pos_x - width;
r.min.y = pos_y - height;
r.max.x = pos_x + width;
r.max.y = pos_y + height;
void Rect::setRandom(Rect * r)
srand(time(NULL)); // added to make the random placement and size of the rect different each time program runs
int posX, posY, heightPoint, widthPoint;
posX = rand() % 51;
posY = rand() % 21;
heightPoint = 2 + rand() % 11;
widthPoint = 2 + rand() % 11;
heightPoint = heightPoint / 2;
widthPoint = widthPoint / 2;
this->min.x = posX - widthPoint;
this->min.y = posY - heightPoint;
this->max.x = posX + widthPoint;
this->max.y = posY + heightPoint;
int main()
// initialization
//Rect userRect(7, 5, 10, 9); // (x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max) x-min how far left the rectange can be
//Rect rect0(10, 2, 14, 4); // (x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max)
//Rect rect1(1, 6, 5, 15); // (x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max)
//Rect userRect;
Rect * userRect;
Rect rect0;
Rect rect1;
const int rectSize = 5;
Rect rect[rectSize];
userRect = new Rect();
// set
rect[1].setRandom(& rect[1]);
userRect->setMin(7, 5);
userRect->setMax(10, 9);
//rect0.setMin(10, 2);
//rect0.setMax(14, 4);
//rect1.setMin(1, 6);
//rect1.setMax(5, 15);
int userInput;
// draw
rect[0].draw('0'); // drawing the 0 rectangle with an x width of 4 and a y height of 2
rect[1].draw('1'); // drawing the 1 rectangle with a x width of 4 and a y height of 9
moveCursor(0, 0); // re-print instructions
printf("move with 'w', 'a', 's', and 'd'");
userRect->draw('#'); // drawing the user rectangle in its starting location with a x width of 3 and a y height of 4
// user input
userInput = _getch();
// update
Vec2 move;
switch (userInput)
case 'w': move = Vec2(0, -1); break; // Moves the user Rectangle -y or up on the screen
case 'a': move = Vec2(-1, 0); break; // Moves the user Rectangle -x or left on the screen
case 's': move = Vec2(0, +1); break; // Moves the user Rectangle +y or down on the screen
case 'd': move = Vec2(+1, 0); break; // Moves the user Rectangle +x or right on the screen
userRect->draw(' '); // un-draw before moving
userRect->translate(move); // moves the user rectangle to the new location
} while (userInput != 27); // escape key
delete userRect; // delete dynamic object to release memory
return 0;
// ------------
// 3) Random rectangles, by reference and by pointer
// a) create a method with the method signature "void setRandom(Rect & r)".
// This function will give the passed-in Rect object a random location.
// The random x should be between 0 and 50 x. The random y should be
// between 0 and 20. Limit the possible width and height to a minimum of 2
// and a maximum of 10.
// b) test "void setRandom(Rect & r)" on the local Rect object "rect0".
// c) create a method with the method signature
// "void setRandomByPointer(Rect * r)", which functions the same as
// "void setRandom(Rect & r)", except that the argument is
// passed-by-pointer.
// d) test "void setRandomByPointer(Rect * r)" on the local Rect object
// "rect1".
// 4) Test and show overlap
// a) Using the existing function "isOverlapping(Rect const &)", test to see
// if userRect collides with any other Rect objects. If userRect is
// overlapping, draw it with '+' instead '#'.
// b) Create a Rect * pointer that points to the address if the Rect object
// that userRect collides with. It should point at NULL if userRect is
// colliding with no other Rect objects.
// c) Print to the screen the width and height of a Rect object that userRect
// collides with. If no collision is happening, print "no collision"
// instead.
// 5) Array of objects
// a) Replace the Rect objects rect0 and rect1 with an array of 2 Rect
// objects, "rect[2]".
// b) Make sure you replace every remaining "rect0" with "rect[0]", and every
// "rect1" with "rect[1]".
// c) Increase the size of the "rect" array to 5. Make sure all 5 Rect
// objects are randomized, drawn to the screen, and tested for collision.
// d) If you have not already done so, replace
// duplicate-code-using-array-elements with a for-loop. For example:
// If you have:
// rect[0].draw('0');
// rect[1].draw('1');
// rect[2].draw('2');
// rect[3].draw('3');
// rect[4].draw('4');
// Replace it with:
// for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECTS; i++)
// {
// rect[i].draw('0'+i);
// }
// Do this where objects are randomized, drawn, and tested for collision

You have two different setRandom() methods with three problems.
Each time either setRandom() gets called, srand() also gets called. srand() should only be called once, when the program starts -- read the first answer to that question, carefully.
Code duplication. The code in both setRandom() is nearly identical. Code duplication is bad. Duplicated code means that if the algorithm needs to be changed in some way, you will have to remember to do it in two places. Or three places. Or four places. Or however many duplicate chunks of code exist in the code. You have to remember them all, and find them. If you miss one, bugs galore.
Same problem as #2, but for the "nearly identical" part. The difference is: the first version of setRandom() takes a reference to another object and modifies another object that's passed by reference. The second version of setRandom() takes a pointer to another object instead of a reference, but ignores it completely, and instead initializes this, instead of the pointed object.
And, as a result of these bugs, we get the results you're seeing.
This ends up initializing rect0. rect[0] is ignored completely, and not initialized at all.
rect[1].setRandom(& rect1);
This ends up initializing rect[1]. rect1 is ignored completely, and not initialized at all.
And that's why the rest of the code fails to draw rect[0]. It does not get initialized at all.
The shown code is completely confused because it has four, and not two, objects. rect0, rect1, and the rect[] array containing two more objects. After they are declared, rect0 and rect1 are completely ignored, except for the misfired initialization, and they serve apparently no purpose whatsoever.
Neither is there any real reason here for setRandom() to take either a pointer or a reference to some other object. The apparent purpose of setRandom() is to initialize an object's dimensions randomly.
So it should simply initialize this's dimensions randomly. Passing some other object, by pointer or reference, makes no sense at all.
Then, after getting rid of rect0 and rect1, and simply calling a single setRandom() method...
... the rest of the code will proceed and properly draw two randomly-initialized objects.

the code Rect rect[ rectSize ] will create 5 rects to array rect and all of those rects are with min(0,0) max(0,0)(initial state). when you call rect[ 0 ].setRandom( rect0 ) which will update rect0(you pass it by reference) and do nothing to rect[0].when you call rect[ 1 ].setRandom( &rect1 ) you update rect[1] (by this->min.x = posX - some value).so you get difference between rect[0] and rect[1].


Low framerate with only map and minimap drawing (SFML)

I'm working on a small "game" like project as a practice, and I've managed to get my framerate down to not even 3 FPS. While the only thing that is being drawn is screen filling tiles and a minimap.
Now I've found that the problem is with the minimap, without it caps at 60 FPS. But unfortunately I'm not experienced enough to find out what the real problem is with it...
My draw function:
void StateIngame::draw()
// Frame counter
float ct = m_clock.restart().asSeconds();
float fps = 1.f / ct;
m_time = ct;
char c[10];
sprintf(c, "%f", fps);
std::string fpsStr(c);
sf::String str(fpsStr);
auto fpsText = tgui::Label::create();
fpsText->setPosition(15, 15);
// Draw map //
int camOffsetX, camOffsetY;
int tileSize = m_map.getTileSize();
Tile tile;
sf::IntRect bounds = m_camera.getTileBounds(tileSize);
camOffsetX = m_camera.getTileOffset(tileSize).x;
camOffsetY = m_camera.getTileOffset(tileSize).y;
// Loop and draw each tile
// x and y = counters, tileX and tileY is the coordinates of the tile being drawn
for (int y = 0, tileY =; y < bounds.height; y++, tileY++)
for (int x = 0, tileX = bounds.left; x < bounds.width; x++, tileX++)
try {
// Normal view
tile = m_map.getTile(tileX, tileY);
tile.render((x * tileSize) - camOffsetX, (y * tileSize) - camOffsetY, &m_window);
} catch (const std::out_of_range& oor)
bounds = sf::IntRect(bounds.left - (bounds.width * 2), - (bounds.height * 2), bounds.width * 4, bounds.height * 4);
for (int y = 0, tileY =; y < bounds.height; y++, tileY++)
for (int x = 0, tileX = bounds.left; x < bounds.width; x++, tileX++)
try {
// Mini map
tile = m_map.getTile(tileX, tileY);
sf::RectangleShape miniTile(sf::Vector2f(4, 4));
miniTile.setPosition((x * (tileSize / 4)), (y * (tileSize / 4)));
} catch (const std::out_of_range& oor)
// Gui
The Tile class has a variable of type sf::Color which is set during map generating. This color is then used to draw the minimap instead of the 16x16 texture that is used for the map itself.
So when I leave out the minimap drawing, and only draw the map itself, it's more fluid than I could wish for...
Any help is appreciated!
You are generating the view completly new for every frame. Do this once on startup should be enought.

trouble checking for overlap in a 2-D array of chars

I am having trouble with a part of a program that takes a dynamically allocated object called userRect and checks for it overlapping on an array of chars arranged in the shape of a rectangle. The other rectangles rect[0] and rect[1] are randomly placed on a imaginary grid in a console window.
rect[0] prints out with '0'
rect[1] prints out with '1'
userRect prints out with '#' if no overlap is present.
userRect prints out with '+' at each char in the array that is overlapping another object.
The object userRect is movable with the w,a,s,d keys.
What is supposed to happen is when the user moves the userRect object and it overlaps another rect object. Each character that overlaps is replaced with a '+'.
The program is not printing a '+' when the userRect is overlapping another rectangle. Can anyone point out what is causing this?
Here is a sample of my code:
bool isOverlapping(Rect const & r) const
return !(min.x >= r.max.x || max.x <= r.min.x
|| min.y >= r.max.y || max.y <= r.min.y);
int main()
// initialization
Rect * userRect;
const int rectSize = 5;
Rect rect[rectSize];
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 13; // size of userRect
userRect = new Rect();
// set
rect[1].setRandomByPointer(& rect[1]);
userRect->setMin(7, 5);
userRect->setMax(10, 9);
//rect0.setMin(10, 2);
//rect0.setMax(14, 4);
//rect1.setMin(1, 6);
//rect1.setMax(5, 15);
int userInput;
// draw
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
if (userRect->isOverlapping(rect[i]))
else userRect->draw('#');
I have figured out what was wrong. The problem was in my for loop. If the userRect was within the boundaries of the rect[0] but not within the bounds of rect[1] the userRect->draw('#'); would overwrite the userRect->draw('+'); operation that was just executed before it. Thank you guys for all the help.

Implementation of feature detection algorithm

I'm fairly new to programming and would like to know how to start implementing the following algorithm in C++,
Given a binary image where pixels with intensity 255 show edges and pixels with intensity 0 show the background, find line segments longer than n pixels in the image. t is a counter showing the number of iterations without finding a line, and tm is the maximum number of iterations allowed before exiting the program.
Let t=0.
Take two edge points randomly from the image and find equation of the line passing
through them.
Find m, the number of other edge points in the image that are within distance d pixels of
the line.
If m > n, go to Step 5.
Otherwise (m ≤ n), increment t by 1 and if t < tm go to Step 2, and
if t ≥ tm exit program.
Draw the line and remove the edge points falling within distance d pixels of it from the
image. Then, go to Step 1
Basically, I just want to randomly pick two points from the image, find the distance between them, and if that distance is too small, I would detect a line between them.
I would appreciate if a small code snippet is provided, to get me started.
this is more like a RANSAC parametric line detection. I would also keep this post updated if I get it done.
/* Display Routine */
#include "define.h"
ByteImage bimg; //A copy of the image to be viewed
int width, height; //Window dimensions
GLfloat zoomx = 1.0, zoomy = 1.0; //Pixel zoom
int win; //Window index
void resetViewer();
void reshape(int w, int h) {
glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)w, (GLsizei)h);
if ((w!=width) || (h!=height)) {
width=w; height=h;
gluOrtho2D(0.0, (GLdouble)w, 0.0, (GLdouble)h);
void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y) {
if((button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) && (state == GLUT_DOWN) &&
(zoomx==1.0) && (zoomy==1.0)){
printf(" row=%d, col=%d, int=%d.\n", y,x, (int)bimg.image[(*]);
void display() {
glRasterPos2i(0, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glDrawPixels((GLsizei),(GLsizei), GL_LUMINANCE,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bimg.image);
Let us assume you have an int[XDIMENSION][YDIMENSION]
Let t=0.
int t = 0; // ;-)
Take two edge points randomly from the image and find equation of the line passing through them.
Brute force: you could randomly search the image for points and re-search when they are not edge points
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
bool is_edge(Point a) {
return image[a.x][a.y] == 255;
int randomUpto(int upto) {
int r = rand() % upto;
return r;
, which needs the pseudo-random number generator to be initialized via
To find edge points
Point a;
do {
a.x = randomUpto(XDIMENSION);
a.y = randomUpto(YDIMENSION);
} while ( ! is_edge(a) );
Find m, the number of other edge points in the image that are within distance d pixels of the line.
You need the line between the points. Some searching yields this fine answer, which leads to
std::vector<Point> getLineBetween(Point a, Point b) {
double dx = b.x - a.x;
double dy = b.y - a.y;
double dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx /= dist;
dy /= dist;
std::vector<Point> points;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2*dist; i++ ) {
Point tmp;
tmp.x = a.x + (int)(i * dx /2.0);
tmp.y = a.y + (int)(i * dy /2.0);
if ( tmp.x != points.back().x
|| tmp.y != points.back().y ) {
return points;
Do you see a pattern here? Isolate the steps into substeps, ask google, look at the documentation, try out stuff until it works.
Your next steps might be to
create a distance function, euclidean should suffice
find all points next to line (or next to a point, which is easier) based on the distance function
Try out some and come back if you still need help.

Why returns the same value as

I'm programming a physis simulation with circles.
Ball.cpp Code:
angle = 0;
//set the speed
speed = 5;
double StartX = 720;
double StartY = 80;
StartX = (qrand() % 800);
StartY = (qrand() % 400);
radius = 40;
setPos (StartX,StartY);
QRectF Ball::boundingRect() const
return QRect(0,0,2*radius,2*radius);
bool Ball:: circCollide(QList <QGraphicsItem *> items) {
QPointF c1 = mapToParent(this->boundingRect().center());
foreach (QGraphicsItem * t, items) {
Ball * CastBall = dynamic_cast<Ball *>(t);
QPointF t1 = mapToScene(CastBall->boundingRect().center());
double distance = QLineF(c1,t1).length();
double radius1 = this->boundingRect().width() / 2;
double radius2 = CastBall->boundingRect().width() / 2;
double radii = radius1 + radius2;
if ( distance <= radii )
// qDebug() << "true collision";
return true;
// qDebug() << "false collision";
return false;
I've got the problem that this string of code returns always the same values for the position of the center for both objects, (t1.x == c1.x , t1.y == c1.y) but this == CastBall returns false, so it wasn't the same object, it just has the same coordinates for the centerpoint of the boundingRect.
The coordinates are already equal before this function is called and that for all 3 objects I generate, although the sets always have a different value.
First I thought it was a problem because boundingRect is defined as a const, so I made this function in my class
QRectF Ball:: centerRect()
return QRect(0,0,2*radius,2*radius);
and just replaced every use of boundingRect with it (was no problem since I already cast it in the method), but it still returned the same value for both centers.
Im really at my wits end with this one and hope to find some help.
The problem was following: the center of the bounding rectangle was not mapped to the coordinates of the ball. Following statement should work:
mapToScene(mapToItem(castBall, castBall->boundingRect().center()));

SDL - drawing 'negative' circles (Fog of War)

I have this 800x600square I want to draw to the screen. I want to 'cut' circles in it (where alpha would be 0). Basically I'm drawing this whole rectangle over a map so in these 'circles' I drew, you can see the map, otherwise you see the grey square
So, I assume you're trying to add fog of war to one of you game?
I had a small demo I made for a local University a few weeks ago to show A* pathfinding, so I thought I could add fog of war to it for you. Here's the results:
Initial map
First, you start with a complete map, totally visible
Then, I added a surface to cover the entire screen (take note that my map is smaller than the screen, so for this case I just added fog of war on the screen, but if you have scrolling, make sure it covers each map pixel 1:1)
mFogOfWar = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, in_Width, in_Height, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
SDL_Rect screenRect = {0, 0, in_Width, in_Height};
SDL_FillRect(mFogOfWar, &screenRect, 0xFF202020);
Then, you need to draw it... I added this call after drawing the game objects and before drawing the UI
DrawSurface(mFogOfWar, 0, 0);
void RenderingManager::DrawSurface(SDL_Surface* in_Surface, int in_X, int in_Y)
SDL_Rect Dest = { in_X, in_Y, 0, 0 };
SDL_BlitSurface(in_Surface, NULL, mScreen, &Dest);
Which should give you the following result:
"Punch Surface"
I then created a 32 bits .png that looks like this (checkerboard shows alpha)
When rendering my main character, I added this call:
gRenderingManager.RemoveFogOfWar(int(mX) + SPRITE_X_OFFSET, int(mY) + SPRITE_Y_OFFSET);
The offset is only there to center the punch with the sprite, basically, what I'm passing to RemoveFogOfWar is the center of my sprite.
Remove Fog Of War
Now the meat of the fog of war. I did two versions, one where Fog of War is removed permanently and one where the fog of war is reset. My fog of war reset relies on my punch surface to have a contour where the alpha is reset to 0 and the fact that my character moves of less pixels than the contour contains per frame, otherwise I would keep the Rect where my punch was applied and I would refill it before drawing again the new punch.
Since I couldn't find a "multiply" blend with SDL, I decided to write a simple function that iterates on the punch surface and updates the alpha on the fog of war surface. The most important part is to make sure you stay within the bounds of your surfaces, so it takes up most of the code... there might be some crop functions but I didn't bother checking:
void RenderingManager::RemoveFogOfWar(int in_X, int in_Y)
const int halfWidth = mFogOfWarPunch->w / 2;
const int halfHeight = mFogOfWarPunch->h / 2;
SDL_Rect sourceRect = { 0, 0, mFogOfWarPunch->w, mFogOfWarPunch->h };
SDL_Rect destRect = { in_X - halfWidth, in_Y - halfHeight, mFogOfWarPunch->w, mFogOfWarPunch->h };
// Make sure our rects stays within bounds
if(destRect.x < 0)
sourceRect.x -= destRect.x; // remove the pixels outside of the surface
sourceRect.w -= sourceRect.x; // shrink to the surface, not to offset fog
destRect.x = 0;
destRect.w -= sourceRect.x; // shrink the width to stay within bounds
if(destRect.y < 0)
sourceRect.y -= destRect.y; // remove the pixels outside
sourceRect.h -= sourceRect.y; // shrink to the surface, not to offset fog
destRect.y = 0;
destRect.h -= sourceRect.y; // shrink the height to stay within bounds
int xDistanceFromEdge = (destRect.x + destRect.w) - mFogOfWar->w;
if(xDistanceFromEdge > 0) // we're busting
sourceRect.w -= xDistanceFromEdge;
destRect.w -= xDistanceFromEdge;
int yDistanceFromEdge = (destRect.y + destRect.h) - mFogOfWar->h;
if(yDistanceFromEdge > 0) // we're busting
sourceRect.h -= yDistanceFromEdge;
destRect.h -= yDistanceFromEdge;
Uint32* destPixels = (Uint32*)mFogOfWar->pixels;
Uint32* srcPixels = (Uint32*)mFogOfWarPunch->pixels;
static bool keepFogRemoved = false;
for(int x = 0; x < destRect.w; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < destRect.h; ++y)
Uint32* destPixel = destPixels + (y + destRect.y) * mFogOfWar->w + destRect.x + x;
Uint32* srcPixel = srcPixels + (y + sourceRect.y) * mFogOfWarPunch->w + sourceRect.x + x;
unsigned char* destAlpha = (unsigned char*)destPixel + 3; // fetch alpha channel
unsigned char* srcAlpha = (unsigned char*)srcPixel + 3; // fetch alpha channel
if(keepFogRemoved == true && *srcAlpha > 0)
continue; // skip this pixel
*destAlpha = *srcAlpha;
Which then gave me this with keepFogRemoved = false even after the character had moved around
And this with keepFogRemoved = true
The important part is really to make sure you don't write outside of your pixel buffer, so watch out with negative offsets or offsets that would bring you out of the width or height. To validate my code, I added a simple call to RemoveFogOfWar when the mouse is clicked and tried corners and edges to make sure I didn't have a "off by one" problem
if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
gRenderingManager.RemoveFogOfWar(Event.button.x, Event.button.y);
Obviously, you don't need a 32 bits texture for the "punch", but it was the clearest way I could think of to show you how to do it. It could be done using as little as 1 bit per pixel (on / off). You can also add some gradient, and change the
if(keepFogRemoved == true && *srcAlpha > 0)
continue; // skip this pixel
To something like
if(*srcAlpha > *destAlpha)
To keep a smooth blend like this:
3 State Fog of War
I thought I should add this... I added a way to create a 3 state fog of war: visible, seen and fogged.
To do this, I simply keep the SDL_Rect of where I last "punched" the fog of war, and if the alpha is lower than a certain value, I clamp it at that value.
So, by simply adding
for(int x = 0; x < mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.w; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.h; ++y)
Uint32* destPixel = destPixels + (y + mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.y) * mFogOfWar->w + mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition.x + x;
unsigned char* destAlpha = (unsigned char*)destPixel + 3;
if(*destAlpha < 0x60)
*destAlpha = 0x60;
mLastFogOfWarPunchPosition = destRect;
right before the loop where the fog of war is "punched", I get a fog of war similar to what you could have in games like StarCraft:
Now, since the "seen" fog of war is semi transparent, you will need to tweak your rendering method to properly clip "enemies" that would be in the fog, so you don't see them but you still see the terrain.
Hope this helps!