Don't apply existing migrations for a Django model - django

I need to tell Django not to apply already existing migrations for a model. Is there a way I can achieve it?
Why: I have some customizations on top of django.contrib.auth. With those, Group model is left unused. However, migrations for it are included into the auth app. Unlike User, Group is not swappable.

You can set MIGRATION_MODULES and django will use migrations from setted directory for app
MIGRATION_MODULES = {'django.contrib.auth': 'local_package'}

You can simply edit the migrations files.
So, simply comment out the parts you don't want to be applied.
You can also set your Model to be managed=False , but I'm not sure if that is what you need.


Detect database DDL schema changes with Django

Let's say that we have a Django app that looks on a legacy database.
If someone make changes on some database tables from a db client as DBeaver for example and not through Django models, is there a way to identify these changes?
You can do in a terminal, inside your Django project directory : python inspectdb >
You will have models related to your tables.
By default, inspectdb creates unmanaged models. That is, managed = False in the model’s Meta class tells Django not to manage each table’s creation, modification, and deletion.
If you do want to allow Django to manage the table’s lifecycle, you’ll need to change the managed option above to True (or remove it because True is its default value).

Do i need even for ready made mysql databases?

I spin up a django project. Afterwards, i didn't write but instead I created a database from MySQL command line(independent from django) and created three tables with required columns. Finally i connected my django app with that database successfully. I applied migrations. But now i am confused do i need to write with every field name as in column?
I remember implementing a basic project in which i did write and created database using "python shell" and then put values using
"from polls.models import Choice, Question"? How do i put data now initially and then using python on some action from UI?
Do i need even for ready made mysql databases?
You do not need to construct models. Some (small) webservers are even completely stateless, and thus do not use a database. But a large part of how Django can help you is based on models.
You can write your own queries, forms, etc. But often by using a ModelForm, Django can for example remove a large amount of boilerplate code. It will make it furthermore less likely that there are mistakes in your code. So although not strictly necessary, the models are usually a keystone in how Django can help you.
You can use the inspectdb [Django-doc] command to inspect the database, and let Django "sketch" the models for you. Usually you will have still some work. Since Django can, for example, not derive that a field is an EmailField, since both a CharField and EmailField look exactly the same at the database side.
You do not need to use inspectdb however. You can construct your own models. If you create your own models, but these exist already at the database side, you might want to set managed = False [Django-doc] in the Meta of your model, to prevent Django from constructing migrations.

How to store third party apps migrations in django

I'm fairly new to python and django, and trying to build a simple calendar based on django-scheduler package.
According to django-scheduler docs, a custom base class can be used to add additional fields, managers and such.
So, I used an abstract model to add a new field:
from django.db import models
from main.models import Customer
class CalendarAbstract(models.Model):
customer = models.OneToOneField(to=Customer, null=True, blank=True, related_name='calendar')
class Meta:
abstract = True
And added this to
'Calendar': ['customer_calendar.models.CalendarAbstract'],
Now, if I use makemigrations command, a new migration is created inside scheduler app (which is located in site-packages of the current virtual env), which doesn't allow me to keep track of migrations via VCS.
I've found a couple of solutions:
1) Keep the whole scheduler app inside my project. According to SO it' s considered a bad practice and third-party apps should always be retrieved via pip.
2) Use django setting to store all django-scheduler migrations inside my calendar app
'schedule': 'customer_calendar.migrations',
The second one looks good to me, but I don't know if it's considered to be a valid solution to this problem.
Is there any other ways to store third-party apps migrations?
The second one looks good to me, but I don't know if it's considered
to be a valid solution to this problem. Is there any other ways to
store third-party apps migrations?
As also stated in this answer, FeinCMS docs recommend the use of MIGRATION_MODULES to monitor the migrations of FeinCMS as a third-party app.
FeinCMS itself does not come with any migrations. It is recommended
that you add migrations for FeinCMS models yourself inside your
Create a new folder named migrate in your app with an empty inside.
Add the following configuration to your
'page': '',
'medialibrary': 'yourapp.migrate.medialibrary', }
You must not use migrations as folder name for the FeinCMS migrations,
otherwise Django will get confused.

About change AUTH_USER_MODEL and customize the built-in User model

The doc says" If you intend to set AUTH_USER_MODEL, you should set it before creating any migrations or running migrate for the first time.".
So i want to double check about this, and is it possible to change the built-in User model the DB setup?
You can create your own user model rather than changing the built-in one. That's what AUTH_USER_MODEL does. It tells django to use your user model as the default, rather than the default django.contrib.auth.models.User.
You should do this once in the beginning of the project and then stick with whatever you have setup; as this setting has effects for many other areas of the framework. That is why there is a warning in the documentation.

When you change the fields in the models in django

After you initially create the model and you want to change the fields in the models. If you syncdb ,it replies no fixtures found, meaning to say the models has not recognised the change. One way to solve this is to delete the database and recreate the database but you lose all the data. Is there any other better solution? Thanks...
Use south to help you for models changes. It will automatically detect any changes to models and generate appropriate script to update db schema.