Deletion of Dynamically Allocated Memory - c++

I have been given a task, where I need to create the string_copy function Note that the function body and prototypes have been given by the source and that needs to be maintained. The portions written by me are after the comment write your code here.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int string_length(const char* string_c);
char* string_copy(const char* string_c);
int main()
const char* string_c = "This is a string and is a long one so that we can create memory leaks when it is copied and not deleted";
// write your code here
int length = string_length(string_c);
cout << "Copied String: " << string_copy(string_c) << endl;
return 0;
int string_length(const char* string) {
int length = 0;
for (const char* ptr = string; *ptr != '\0'; ++ptr) {
return length;
char* string_copy(const char* string) {
// we need to add 1 because of ’\0’
char* result = new char[string_length(string) + 1];
// write your code here (remember zero-termination !)
int i;
for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; ++i)
result[i] = string[i];
result[i] = '\0';
return result;
Now task tells me
that it is very important that any memory allocated with e=new TYPE is
released later with delete e (and a=new TYPE[size] with delete [] a)
else this will lead to an error.
It is not exactly clear if error means compile/runtime error or error as in my task did not meet the requirement error.
My question is, in this code how do I delete the intermediate dynamically created result array? If I delete result, won't it fail the purpose of the task? Then how am I to respect the quotation above or maybe simulate memory leak as given in the long string constant?
EDIT: Why the negative votes? Please at least explain the reason! I am not asking any solution or something, but mere suggestion if I am missing some point or not!

The caller of string_copy would be responsible for releasing the memory when it's done with it by calling delete[] on it.
This is, by the way, a terrible way to write C++ code. You should be using std::string or std::vector<char> or something like that.
Here's why:
int length = string_length(string_c);
char* copy = string_copy(string_c);
cout << "Copied String: " << copy << endl;
delete[] copy;
return 0;

In fact the ideal solution is to use std::string and not char *. There is no real need of using char * instead of std::string in your example.
With std::string:
You don't need to new anything
You don't need to delete anything
You can do everything with std::string, that you do with char *.


Program crashes in the second run, after the return 0 from main C++

I have built my own functions of strlen and strdup.
When i use my strdup in the first time it's okay, i close the window, run it again, then in the end of the program after the return 0 from the main the program crashes. VS just says that it triggered a breakpoint.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int MyStrlen(const char* str);
char* MyStrdup(const char* str);
int main()
char *s1 = "Hello World!";
char *s2 = MyStrdup(s1);
cout << s1 << " , " << s2 << endl;
return 0;
int MyStrlen(const char* str)
register int iLength = 0;
while (str[iLength] != NULL)
return iLength;
char* MyStrdup(const char* str)
char* newStr;
int strLength = MyStrlen(str);
newStr = new char(strLength+1);
for (register int i = 0; i < strLength; i++)
newStr[i] = str[i];
newStr[strLength] = NULL;
return newStr;
Can someone note the place that makes it crash? I think it's a memory leak maybe.
Also, can you note things to improve in the code? For my learning purpose
EDIT: Thanks, I don't know why I used () instead of [] to define my new char[]. That was a memory leak or overwrite after all.
The "new" statement for an array should be with square brackets:
newStr = new char[strLength+1];
When you do
new char(c)
It allocates a single character and copies the character c into it.
When you do
new char[n]
it allocates memory for n characters
The expression new char(strLength+1) allocates a single character, and initializes it to strLength + 1. That of course means you will write out of bounds and have undefined behavior when you copy the string.
You should use new char[strLength + 1] instead, to allocate an "array" of characters.
On an unrelated note, while the terminating character in a string is commonly called the null character, it's not actually a null pointer (which is what NULL is for). Not that it really matters since in C++ NULL is a macro that expands to 0, but you should probably be explicit and use '\0' anyway (it gives more context for future readers).

C++ char* problems [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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using namespace std;
int main()
char *name="Siva",*str;
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
return 0;
The first program gives output Sivaœ> i.e siva with some garbage values....
But the second program show segmentation fault...Please help me to find out
exact answer...
using namespace std;
int main()
int i=0;
char *name="Siva",*str;
return 0;
char *name="Siva",*str;
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
str is a pointer, but it doesn't yet point to anything.
Since you're in C++, you should be using std::string:
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
char *name="Siva";
std::string str;
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
str += name[i];
return 0;
Even better, get rid of the hand-written loop:
#include <algorithm>
int main()
char *name="Siva";
std::string str;
std::copy (name, name + strlen (name), std::back_inserter (str));
return 0;
Better even still, there's no reason in this particular example why you need to do any of that at all:
char* name = "Silva";
std::string str = name;
cout << str;
By the way, string literals in C++ are inherently const:
const char* name = "Silva";
If you really must use a char*, first I would strongly question why, and then I would tell you to do this:
int main()
const char *name="Siva";
char* str = new char [strlen (name)+1]; // +1 for the null terminator
strcpy (name, str);
cout << str;
delete [] str;
return 0;
I would even more strongly question your need to copy it byte-by-byte:
int main()
const char *name="Siva";
char* str = new char [strlen (name)+1]; // +1 for the null terminator
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen (name); ++i )
str [i] = name [i];
str [strlen (name)] = '\0';
cout << str;
delete [] str;
return 0;
You have undefined behaviour here:
str has not been initialized to anything. You are writing to places you shouldn't.
There are two problems with this.
The pointer str doesn't point to allocated memory, so writing through it is undefined behavior.
Even if it did point to valid memory, you're not writing the correct amount of data. When copying a string, you need to copy the 0 byte at the end which marks the end of the string; so the upper limit of your loop should bt strlen(name) + 1. Or you could use a library method like strdup() instead of your own for loop.
The reason the "working" version prints some garbage characters is that there's no 0 at the end of the copied string to tell iostreams to stop printing. The reason the "working" one doesn't crash, and the other one does, is pure dumb luck: the garbage in str, by chance, points to memory you're allowed to write to, while in the crashing program, it points to memory you're not allowed to write to. Simple as that.
It is because you have no memory allocated for str. (it will cause an undefined behavior)
You can mix that by using a merory allocation function like in this example :
using namespace std;
int main()
char *name="Siva",*str;
// Allocate memory with malloc
str = (char*)malloc( (strlen(name)+1) * sizeof(char) );
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
str[strlen(name)] = 0;
// Free the allocated memory
return 0;
As you are using c++, you can do :
using namespace std;
int main()
char *name="Siva",*str;
// Allocate memory with new
str = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
str[strlen(name)] = 0;
// Free the allocated memory
delete []str;
return 0;
The reason you have some weird caracters at the end of your ouput is that because you string is not terminated with a '\0', it will continue to print it. (This will occur only if you don't have a segmentation fault )
There are a couple problems with your code.
Firstly, *str is not allocated, so it starts off by pointing to whatever bit of memory the pointer value happens to start off as.
Secondly, strlen() returns the length of the string excluding the terminating null character. So what you are doing is copying all the values of name into some random bit of memory, not terminating it, then telling the system to print that off, which could be any length.
str[i]=name[i]; is illegal, causes Undefined behavior, because you have not allocated memory for str.
Before for loop allocate memory for destination string str:
str = malloc (strlen(name) + 1 );
Also you forgetting string termination, after for-loop add terminate string str[i] = '\0';
Undefined behavior refers to computer code whose behavior is unpredictable.
You code should be:
char *name="Siva", *str;
str = malloc (strlen(name) + 1 ); // mistake
for(int i=0;i<strlen(name);i++)
str[i] = '\0'; // forgetting
To understand further you can read this answer: strcat() implementation works but causes a core dump at the end
Your problem is using char arrays and pointers to represent strings in language which has proper string type.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string name = "Siva", str;
str = name;
cout << str;
return 0;
Problem is with str[i]=name[i] you must know that C++ does not care for memory leaks
as Java or some others. So you must allocate memory to a variable or pointer in order to avoid these problems. Already there are number of answers, you can also try
str=new char[strlen(name)+1];
and do not forget to terminate the char array with null when you done copy. In this case

Segmentation fault from calling a function from an object within an array

I have a programming assignment that requires us to use a dynamically allocated two-dimensional char array in-lieu of strings and vectors. I have two classes: Word which holds a pointer to a char array, and WordList which holds a pointer to a Word array.
The segmentation fault comes from this section of code:
for(int i=0; i<listLength; i++)
fout << "Word " << i << (wordList[i])->getWord() << endl;
where fout is an ofstream object, wordList is a Word** object, and getWord() is a member function of a Word object. The thing is that I use the same wordList[i]->getWord() syntax in another member function of WordList and get the proper output.
Please let me know if more code is needed to properly diagnose the problem
More code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "Word.h"
using namespace std;
class WordList
int listLength_;
Word** wordList_;
char blank = ' ';
char* blankPtr = &blank;
wordList_ = new Word* [listLength_];
for(int i=0; i<listLength_; i++)
wordList_[i] = new Word(blankPtr);
void addWord(Word* word, Word** wordList, int n)
Word** wl_temp = new Word* [n+1];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
wl_temp[i] = wordList[i];
wl_temp[n] = word;
delete[] wordList;
cout << " " << (wordList_[n]->getWord()); //works here
void parse(const char* filename)
ifstream fin(filename);
char end;
char* tw;
while(fin >> end)
fin.get(tw=new char[49], 49, ' ');
Word* w = new Word(tw);
addWord(w, getWordList(), getListLength());
delete w;
delete[] tw;
void output(const char* outfile)
ofstream fout(outfile);
for(int i=1; i<=listLength_; i++)
fout << "Word " << i << (wordList_[i])->getWord() << endl; //not here
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
WordList wordList;
return 1;
In WordList::Wordlist:
wordList_[i] = new Word(blankPtr);
You're passing a pointer to a local variable here.
Not only is that a problem in itself, but the "string" isn't zero-terminated.
Regardless of whether Word assumed ownership of the object, this will cause undefined behaviour.
If Word::Word copies its argument, this is a very roundabout (and wrong) way to write new Word(" ").
In parse:
Word* w = new Word(tw);
addWord(w, getWordList(), getListLength());
delete w;
You added w to the word list. Now you're deleteing it.
The word list now contains a pointer to released memory.
Dereferencing it also causes undefined behaviour.
delete[] tw;
This is only OK if Word::Word copies its argument. Otherwise it now holds a pointer you aren't allowed to use for anything.
If you're going to work with hand-rolled allocation and raw pointers, you need to set a very clear policy for which object owns which memory and is responsible for allocating and releasing it.
The best time to do this is before you touch the keyboard.
Note that blankPtr in the constructor points to a local variable, this pointer will not be valid once the constructor returns. Also, in the parse function you delete the pointer to the string, making that pointer invalid as well. Not only that, you actually delete the Word object pointer, meaning you have now have an illegal pointer in your array.
Unless you create a copy (not just copy the pointer, but allocate new memory) inside the Word constructor, your Word objects will contain illegal pointers leading to undefined behavior.
Undefined behavior is tricky, since it can seem to work one time, but not another.

c++ element of string array (chars) relies on source string

A little context: I'm trying to make a very simple hashing function/hash table as described here. I'm basically on the first step, blindly adding a key to an array based on the letter it starts with (no checking if space is occupied yet). The code I'm using to do this so far:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *arrayKeys[300];
std::string aName("Charles");
char *aNameCpy = new char[aName.size() + 1];
std::copy(aName.begin(), aName.end(), aNameCpy);
aNameCpy[aName.size()] = '\0';
int kPos = storeKey(arrayKeys, aNameCpy);
std::cout << "The new position in arrayKeys for 'Charles' is: " <<
kPos << "\ncontaining the text: " << arrayKeys[kPos] << std::endl;
delete[] aNameCpy;
return 0;
int storeKey(char **keys, char *key) {
int charLett = -1;
charLett = (int)key[0];
if(charLett != -1)
charLett = charLett - 65;
keys[charLett * 10] = key;
return charLett*10;
My question is, how can I add a string to the array (arrayKeys) where it is fully apart of the array, and not reliant upon the original string? If I delete the copy of the string (aNamCpy) before I print the array key out, the array key turns into garbled symbols. I'm copying the string before sending it to the function because I need a non-const string to add to the arrayKeys array (so it can be modified), and any method of string I looked at seemed to return const.
(Another version of this I attempted can be found here, but I would rather not initialize the arrayKeys like that - with a definite second dimension (string) length)
C++ is still very new to me so I can't figure out how to juggle the non-const part with copying the string into arrayKeys. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Here's how I'd change the code to use more modern C++ constructs. I think you'll find this way easier to use.
int storeKey(vector<string> &keys, const string &key) {
int charLett = -1;
if (!key.empty()) { // you weren't doing this before!
charLett = key[0];
charLett = toupper(charLett) - 'A';
keys[charLett * 10] = key;
return charLett*10;
int main() {
vector<string> arrayKeys(300);
std::string aName("Charles");
// No need to bother with the awkward copying.
// std::vector and std::string will take care of it for us.
int kPos = storeKey(arrayKeys, aName);
if (kPos >= 0) {
cout << "The new position in arrayKeys for 'Charles' is: " <<
kPos << "\ncontaining the text: " << arrayKeys[kPos] << endl;
// Don't have to remember to delete anything because nothing was new'ed.
return 0;
(#Kristo has the right idea. I'm just going to add a comment to the question as asked.)
Basically, don't delete aNameCpy. You require the copy to remind valid and therefore it shouldn't be deleted. You should only delete the strings if and when you ever delete the entire hash.
C++ is still very new to me so I can't figure out how to juggle the
non-const part
You could declare both keys and key to be const char **keys, const char *key. keys is pointer-to-pointer-to-char. More precisely, it's a pointer to nonconst pointer to const char. In other words, you can modify keys, you just cannot modify the actual characters it points (indirectly) at.
So, simply put const in your declaration of storeKey int storeKey(const char **keys, const char *key) and update arrayKeys accordingly const char *arrayKeys[300];
One final style issue: You should copy the string inside storeKey, not in main. This is better design, as it makes clear to the reader that storeKey "owns" the copy.
int storeKey(char **keys, const char *key) {
char * the_copy = new char[strlen(key)+1];
strcpy(the_copy, key);
... and so on
But, in short, use C++ string instead of all this, if you can!

Basic Custom String Class for C++

EDIT: I don't want to delete the post because I have learned a lot very quickly from it and it might do someone else good, but there is no need for anyone else to spend time answering or viewing this question. The problems were in my programming fundamentals, and that is something that just can't be fixed in a quick response. To all who posted, thanks for the help, quite humbling!
Hey all, I'm working on building my own string class with very basic functionality. I am having difficulty understand what is going on with the basic class that I have define, and believe there is some sort of error dealing with the scope occurring. When I try to view the objects I created, all the fields are described as (obviously bad pointer). Also, if I make the data fields public or build an accessor method, the program crashes. For some reason the pointer for the object is 0xccccccccc which points to no where.
How can a I fix this? Any help/comments are much appreciated.
//This is a custom string class, so far the only functions are
//constructing and appending
using namespace std;
class MyString1
//no arg constructor
char *string;
string = new char[0];
string[0] ='\0';
std::cout << string;
size = 1;
//constructor receives pointer to character array
MyString1(char* chars)
int index = 0;
//Determine the length of the array
while (chars[index] != NULL)
//Allocate dynamic memory on the heap
char *string;
string = new char[index+1];
//Copy the contents of the array pointed by chars into string, the char array of the object
for (int ii = 0; ii < index; ii++)
string[ii] = chars[ii];
string[index+1] = '\0';
size = index+1;
MyString1 append(MyString1 s)
//determine new size of the appended array and allocate memory
int newsize = s.size + size;
MyString1 MyString2;
char *newstring;
newstring = new char[newsize+1];
int index = 0;
//load the first string into the array
for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ii++)
newstring[ii] = string[ii];
for(int jj = 0; jj < s.size; jj++, ii++)
newstring[ii] = s.string[jj++];
//null terminate
newstring[newsize+1] = '\0';
delete string;
//generate the object for return
return MyString2;
char *string;
int size;
int main()
MyString1 string1;
MyString1 string2("Hello There");
MyString1 string3("Buddy");
return 0;
Thank you everyone so far who has responded and dealing with my massive lack of understanding of this topic. I'll begin to work with all of the answers, but thanks again for the good responses, sorry my question is vague, but there isn't really a specific error, but more of a lack of understanding of arrays and classes.
Here's just the mistakes from the first constructor.
//no arg constructor
char *string; //defines local variable that hides the member by that name
string = new char[0]; //sort of meaningless
string[0] ='\0'; //not enough room for that (out-of-bounds)
std::cout << string;
size = 1; //I don't think you should count null as part of the string
Similar mistakes elsewhere.
Also you should pass parameters in a more careful way.
MyString1(const char* source); //note const
MyString1 append(const MyString1& what); //note const and reference
If the latter is correct, also depends on what it is supposed to do. Based on std::string the expected result would be:
MyString1 a("Hello "), b("world");
assert(a == "Hello world");
Some comments on your code:
//no arg constructor
Perhaps your instruction requires it, but in general this is the kind of comment that's worse than useless. Comments should tell the reader things that aren't obvious from the first glance at the code.
char *string;
string = new char[0];
string[0] ='\0';
This invokes undefined behavior. Calling new with zero elements is allowed, but you can't dereference what it returns (it may return a null pointer, or it may return a non-null pointer that doesn't refer to any storage). In most cases, you're better off just setting the pointer to NULL.
std::cout << string;
What's the point of writing out an empty string?
size = 1;
The string is empty so by normal figuring, the size is zero.
//constructor receives pointer to character array
Still useless.
MyString1(char* chars)
Since you aren't (or shouldn't be anyway) planning to modify the input data, this parameter should be char const *.
int index = 0;
//Determine the length of the array
while (chars[index] != NULL)
While this works, "NULL" should really be reserved for use as a pointer, at least IMO. I'd write it something like:
while (chars[index] != '\0')
Unless you're using the previous value, prefer pre-increment to post-increment.
//Allocate dynamic memory on the heap
As opposed to allocating static memory on the heap?
MyString1 MyString2;
Using the same naming convention for types and variables is confusing.
while (string[index] != NULL)
Same comment about NULL as previously applies here.
MyString1 append(MyString1 s)
IMO, the whole idea of this function is just plain wrong -- if you have a string, and ask this to append something to your string, it destroys your original string, and (worse) leaves it in an unusable state -- when you get around to adding a destructor that frees the memory owned by the string, it's going to cause double-deletion of the storage of a string that was the subject (victim?) of having append called on it.
I'd consider writing a private "copy" function, and using that in the implementations of some (most?) of what you've shown here.
As a bit of more general advice, I'd consider a couple more possibilities: first of all, instead of always allocating exactly the amount of space necessary for a string, I'd consider rounding the allocation to (say) a power of two. Second, if you want your string class to work well, you might consider implementing the "short string optimization". This consists of allocating space for a short string (e.g. 20 characters) in the body of the string object itself. Since many strings tend to be relatively short, this can improve speed (and reduce heap fragmentation and such) considerably by avoiding doing a heap allocation if the string is short.
index doesn't start at 0 in the second while loop in your append function. You should probably be using for loops. Oh, and you're using the wrong form of delete. You should be using delete[] string because string is an array.
There are numerous other style issues, and outright errors, but the thing I mentioned first is the basic error you were encountering.
I would write the append function in this way:
void append(MyString1 s)
//determine new size of the appended array and allocate memory
int newsize = s.size + size;
char *newstring = new char[newsize+1];
int destindex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
newstring[destindex++] = string[index];
for (int index = 0; index < s.size; ++index) {
newstring[destindex++] = s.string[index];
newstring[destindex] = '\0';
delete[] string;
string = newstring;