Find deprecated or changed methods in site core with different versions - sitecore

I am planning to migrate site core 6.5 to site core 8.1. So here i am using below dlls sample
Sitecore.Marketing.Wildcards and etc.
While i am doing POC i got understand Sitecore.Marketing.Wildcards is changed because of vast changes in Rules Engine.I figured out by compile time errors in my code after code has setup with sitecore 8.1. So i planned for another work around.
My question is how can I find a way to discover deprecated or changed functions from one version to another version of site core migrations? I'm trying to fgire this out before I dive into development.

The best way is to go through the release notes and find what is changed.
For example, on the release notes for Sitecore 8.1 on above link, you will find certain deprecated features, functionality, framework like SPEAK 1.1 framework etc. So with every release, some features or components may get deprecated and you need to fix the code break due to this.


Which is the correct steeltoe connector for Redis in VMWare(PCF) Application Service

Looks like there three connector nuget packages available from steeltoe I have an ASP.NET Core application in .net core 3.1. Which one I should select now? Also can i get detailed documentation of each of these packages. Looks like Steeltoe.Connector.ConnectorCore need .netcore3.1 and the other two simply requires .nestandard2.0. Any idea why is it so? Ideally all reusable libraries target .netstandard2.X, if I am not wrong
For Steeltoe 3.0 use Steeltoe.Connector.ConnectorCore and Steeltoe.Connector.CloudFoundry -
For Steeltoe 2.x use Steeltoe.CloudFoundry.ConnectorCore.
As far as the targeting goes, Steeltoe 3.0 is focused on .NET Core 3.1+, so we aren't intentionally building compatibility for anything older on that branch. There may be some cases where we're targeting netcoreapp3.1 and could be targeting netstandard2.0... We've already dialed back several packages, though it doesn't look like ConnectorCore has been adjusted yet, we'd have to look at it to see if we can.
If you use anything that came before .NET Core 3.1, you should use Steeltoe 2.x, which is still maintained.

Can I add Swift 3 in Xcode11?

I am using some Cocoapods packages that works well in Swift 3.2. If I changed those packages I need to do lot of code editing which will consume lot of time and effort. Is there any ways to add Swift 3 to Xcode 11?
I doubt you can ADD a Swift version. I.e. use 5.1 for your code and 3.1 for libraries. AFAIK, all binaries have to be built using the same compiler.
Technically, you can CHANGE the toolchain. This article illustrates how (not sure if nowadays 3.1 is stretching this though):
Medium Blog about Xcode toolchains
However, I doubt that you can submit apps built with 3.1 to the AppStore.
I also wonder if you really even want to try to buy into this. If you use Swift 3.1 you may need to make sure to bundle the runtime with your app. Since one of the more recent evolutions of iOS, the Swift runtime is not packaged with apps anymore, but relies on the OS runtime.
Good luck on this endeavor. Really want to kick all the Swift 5.x goodies? ;)

Infragistics And Intersoft Webcombo.NET 3.0

Facing design issues in my application, I have installed Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 Vol 1 and Intersoft Webcombo.NET 3.0 SP3 Build 18 in my system, if I run the application getting design issues.
Example: I couldn't navigate into the tab.Currently I am using.NET 3.5 framework. Do I need to install any other later versions?
I assume the reason that you are having issues at design time is because there is an exception thrown in the designer for one of the controls though it would be best if you expanded on your question to include more details if this isn't the case.
For your specific question, do you want to install any later versions, that is up to you.
For resolving the design time issue, if it is caused by the Infragistics controls make sure that you have the exact version installed that you are using in the project so that the design assemblies are in your GAC. It is important that you have the correct service release installed. Also there are known issues using the .NET 1.x controls in .NET 2.0 or later at design time so you will want to make sure you are using the .NET 2.0 controls unless you are using Visual Studio 2003.
Please note that NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 has been retired since the spring of 2009 and wasn't tested with any version of Visual Studio later than 2005. The WebCombo was also retired in 2011 and was only ever supported in IE and Firefox when it was supporter. This control isn't expected to work in any modern browser and you should upgrade your application.

How to include .NET framework library in executable

I've recently made a Windows Forms Application in VS 2010 Express. When running on my machine it works fine but on other machines it needs to install the .NET framework first. Is there anyway around this? By including the library in my executable? By not using the .NET framework?
I would really appreciate some help.
Typically this kind of problem would be handled by your Windows Forms Application's installation package.
Opinions vary but I'd suggest the safest/most polite thing to do is to treat .NET as a prerequisite. If .NET is not present, display a message that it is required before the install will succeed and perhaps point to a Microsoft download page like this one or this one. The risk is that you point them to an obsolete download page or that the page moves and invalidates your link.
That said, I would have expected most machines to have some version of the .NET Framework installed (by Windows Update for example) so it's a bit surprising that you're being told it needs to be installed.
I suggest you follow the instructions in How to: Determine Which .NET Framework Versions Are Installed to check one of your failing machines to confirm that .NET is not installed (very unlikely) or to determine which version (or versions) of .NET is (are) installed.
Update 6/21/2015 From the comment below, we have evidence of two systems without .NET installed so my "very unlikely" comment above is a bit off base!
Update 7/4/2015 I have a bad habit of forgetting that not everyone configures their Windows systems exactly the same way I configure mine. From this blog post it seems that the .NET Framework is 'only' a Recommended Update.

Getting error about Lucene version while upgrading Sitecore version to 7.0

Earlier we were using Lucene version version 6.5) everything working fine but now we have upgraded to sitecore version 7.0(Initial release) and now we are using Lucene version dll in project.
But now we are not able to compile project because of errors in code file.
Does that means Lucene version dll doesn't support code written in Lucene version version 6.5)
Upgrading from Sitecore 6.x to 7.0 needs some adjustments in code to get everything work again.
Which error do you get? I also had a specific error regarding lucene dll when compiling after the upgrade but this error was only caused by a wrong assembly redirect in the web.config.
In fact, the search API changed completely and if you made an upgrade to 7.0 it is recommended to update your search logic to the possibilities are now available in 7.0 like LINQ support and so on. Search is much more comfortable now in sitecore 7 and it is really worth taking a closer look at the changes. They took a lot of the advanced database crawler module like dynamic fields (they are now called computed fields) and much more and added it to the sitecore 7 standard search api.