Scenarios possible in apache nifi - hdfs

I am trying to understand apache nifi in and out keeping files in hdfs and have various scenarios to work on. Please let me know the feasibility of each with explanations. I am adding few understanding with each scenario.
Can we check null value present with in a single column? I have checked different processors, and found notNull property, but I think this works on file names, not on columns present within file.
Can we drop a column present in hdfs using nifi transformations?
Can we change column values as in replace one text with other? I have checked replaceText property for the same.
Can we delete a row from file system?
Please suggest the possibilities and how to achieve the goal.

Try with this:
1.Can we check null value present with in a single column? I have checked different :
Yes using replace text processor you can check and replace if you want to replace or use 'Route on Attribute' if want to route based on null value condition.
Can we drop a column present in hdfs using nifi transformations?
Yes using same 'ReplaceText' processor you can put desired fields with delimiter as I used to have current date field and some mandatory fields only in my data with comma separated so I provided replacement value as
To change column value use 'ReplaceText' processor.


Quicksight breaking up strings for use of all aspects

I was wondering if anyone has every had experience with breaking a string up in quicksight and using certain aspects of the string. My example is a data set that returns tags like this "animals|funny|dog-park" I have used "split(tags,'|',1)" but then all that gets returned is the first part(animals). I have also tried a combination of ifelse->locate->split with no luck. Is there a way to split these tags to where they are all usable (animals) & (funny) or (funny) & (dog-park), etc.? Say the article associated will then be broken up into one tag but also another separately? I know this will end up being a calculated field most likely. Thank you in advance!
Since QuickSight does not support any form of nested fields (including objects and list) in analysis, you need to normalise this into separate rows before feeding the data to QuickSight.
Otherwise, if you leave it as is, you would be limited to filtering using string contains and doing string lookup in calculated fields - nevertheless you would not be able to use these tags as categories (such as in colours field well of visuals).

AWS Glue not detecting header in CSV

Hi I have a bunch of CSV's located in S3, a crawler setup via AWS Glue, this crawler builds about 10 tables as it scan 10 folders and only 1 of them where the headers are not being detected. The structure of the csv is the same as all the others. Advice please?
AWs glue crawler interprets header based on multiple rules. if the first line in your file doest satisfy those rules, the crawler wont detect the fist line as a header and you will need to do that manually. its a very common problem and we integrated a fix for this within our code to do it is part of our data pipeline.
Excerpt from aws doco
To be classified as CSV, the table schema must have at least two
columns and two rows of data. The CSV classifier uses a number of
heuristics to determine whether a header is present in a given file.
If the classifier can't determine a header from the first row of data,
column headers are displayed as col1, col2, col3, and so on. The
built-in CSV classifier determines whether to infer a header by
evaluating the following characteristics of the file:
Every column in a potential header parses as a STRING data type.
Except for the last column, every column in a potential header has
content that is fewer than 150 characters. To allow for a trailing
delimiter, the last column can be empty throughout the file.
Every column in a potential header must meet the AWS Glue regex
requirements for a column name.
The header row must be sufficiently different from the data rows. To
determine this, one or more of the rows must parse as other than
STRING type. If all columns are of type STRING, then the first row of
data is not sufficiently different from subsequent rows to be used as
the header.
You can create the table yourself and instead of crawling point to an s3 path, you can crawl based on an existing table. This is the concept used when a crawler is not detecting the schema especially just column headings.
Also check if the skip.header.line.count=1 is being added automatically, if not you can add manually and it an update the schema to the correct one you require. On your subsequent runs for your crawler, you can change the properties so that it will ignore schema updates and only perform partition updates to your table.
You could use a custom classifier on your crawler to solve this problem:
Normally choosing Has headings in the classifier options Column Headings section will do the trick, if not, it may be necessary to enter in a list of headings in text box for that purpose.
because your columns are all classified as strings, it's likely that the columns violate the rules. in my case, i had a column name that was greater than 150 characters so Glue read the first row as data, as opposed to a header, and then assumed all columns were strings.

Using RegEx in SSIS

I currently have a package pulling data from an excel file, but when pulling the data out I get rows I do not want. So I need to extract everything from the 'ID' field that has any sort of letter in it.
I need to be able to run a RegEx command such as "%[a-zA-Z]%" to pull out that data. But with the current limitation of conditional split it's not letting me do that. Any ideas on how this can be done?
At the core of the logic, you would use a Script Transformation as that's the only place you can access the regex.
You could simply a second column to your data flow, IDCleaned and that column would only contain cleaned values or a NULL. You could then use the Conditional Split to filter good rows vs bad. System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace error in C# for SSIS
If you don't want to add another column, you can set your current ID column to be ReadWrite for the Script and then update in place. Perhaps adding a boolean column might make the Conditional Split logic easier at this point.

How to Scan HBase Rows efficiently

I need to write a MapReduce Job that Gets all rows in a given Date Range(say last one month). It would have been a cakewalk had My Row Key started with Date. But My frequent Hbase queries are on starting values of key.
My Row key is exactly A|B|C|20120121|D . Where combination of A/B/C along with date (in YearMonthDay format) makes a unique row ID.
My Hbase tables could have upto a few million rows. Should my Mapper read all the table and filter each row if it falls in given date range or Scan / Filter can help handling this situation?
Could someone suggest (or a snippet of code) a way to handle this situation in an effective manner?
A RowFilter with a RegEx Filter would work, but would not be the most optimal solution. Alternatively you can try to use secondary indexes.
One more solution is to try the FuzzyRowFIlter. A FuzzyRowFilter uses a kind of fast-forwarding, hence skipping many rows in the overall scan process and will thus be faster than a RowFilter Scan. You can read more about it here.
Alternatively BloomFilters might also help depending on your schema. If your data is huge you should do a comparative analysis on secondary index and Bloom Filters.
You can use a RowFilter with a RegexStringComparator. You'd need to come up with a RegEx that filters your dates appropriately. This page has an example that includes setting a Filter for a MapReduce scanner.
I am just getting started with HBase, bloom filters might help.
You can modify the Scan that you send into the Mapper to include a filter. If your date is also the record timestamp, it's easy:
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setTimeRange(minTime, maxTime);
TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob("mytable", scan, MyTableMapper.class,
OutputKey.class, OutputValue.class, job);
If the date in your row key is different, you'll have to add a filter to your scan. This filter can operate on a column or a row key. I think it's going to be messy with just the row key. If you put the date in a column, you can make a FilterList where all conditions must be true and use a CompareOp.GREATER and a CompareOp.LESS. Then use scan.setFilter(filterList) to add your filters to the scan.

How can i query to get the multiple values in SimpleDB (AWS)

In that Picture i have colored one part. i have attribute called "deviceModel". It contains more than one value.. i want to take using query from my domain which ItemName() contains deviceModel attribute values more than one value.
Senthil Raja
There is no direct approach to get what you are asking.. You need to manipulate by writing your own piece of code. By running SELECT query you will get the item Attribute-value pair. So here you need to traverse each each itemName() and count values of your desire attribute.
I think what you are refering to is called MultiValued Attributes. When you put a value in the attribute - if you don't replace the existing attribute value the values will multiply, giving you an array of items connected to the value of that attribute name.
How you create them will depend on the sdk/language you are using for your REST calls, however look for the Replace=true/false when you set the attribute's value.
Here is the documentation page on retrieving them: (look under Using Amazon SimpleDB -> Using Select to Create Amazon SimpleDB Queries -> Queries on Attributes with Multiple Values)