My data look like this:
rep model x Reject
1 1 1.36 1
1 2 -0.76 0
1 3 3.74 1
1 4 -0.42 0
2 1 -0.56 0
2 2 -5.78 0
2 3 -2.00 0
2 4 -3.67 0
and i want output look like this:
rep model x Reject
1 1 1.36 1
2 1 -0.56 0
I want just 1 from 4 model where Reject=1 but if it can't find,every Obs could be.
Sort your data by REP and REJECT and take first record per REP.
Proc sort data=have;
By rep descending reject model;
Data select;
Set have;
By rep descending reject model;
If first.rep;
Suppose i have random diagnostic codes, such as 001, v58, ..., 142,.. How can I construct columns from the codes which is 1 for the records?
id found code
1 1 001
2 0 v58
3 1 v58
4 1 003
5 0 v58
15000 0 v58
id code_001 code_v58 code_003 .......
1 1 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
4 1 0 0
5 0 0 0
You will want to TRANSPOSE the values and name the pivoted columns according to data (value of code) with an ID statement.
In real world data it is often the case that missing diagnoses will be flagged zero, and that has to be done in a subsequent step.
data have;
input id found code $;
1 1 001
2 0 v58
2 1 003 /* second diagnosis result for patient 2 */
3 1 v58
4 1 003
5 0 v58
proc transpose data=have out=want(drop=_name_) prefix=code_;
by id;
id code; * column name becomes <prefix><code>;
var found;
* missing occurs when an id was not diagnosed with a code;
* if that means the flag should be zero (for logistic modeling perhaps)
* the missings need to be changed to zeroes;
data want;
set want;
array codes code_:;
do _n_ = 1 to dim(codes); /* repurpose automatic variable _n_ for loop index */
if missing(codes(_n_)) then codes(_n_) = 0;
I am dealing with a repeated measures dataset in a wide format. Each observation represents one measurement for one subject and each subject is measures six times. The data contains mainly dummy variables.
I am looking to do a count of unique dummy variable values across all six observations for each subject.
MeasurementNum SubjectID Dummy0 Dummy1 Dummy2 Dummy3 Dummy4
1 1 1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 1 0
3 1 - - - - -
4 1 0 0 1 1 0
5 1 - - - - -
6 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 2 1 0 0 1 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 0 1 0 0 0
4 2 1 1 0 1 0
5 2 - - - - -
6 2 1 1 1 0 0
Total for Overall
MeasurementNum SubjectID ... MeasurementNUM Total
1 1 ... 2 4
2 1 ... 2 4
3 1 ... - 4
4 1 ... 2 4
5 1 ... - 4
6 1 ... 1 4
1 2 ... 2 4
2 2 ... 0 4
3 2 ... 1 4
4 2 ... 3 4
5 2 ... - 4
6 2 ... 3 4
My current approach is to consolidate all six rows within each subject to one rows retaining value 1 using Proc MEANS with BY and OUTPUT statements, as described in this related question. I then use Proc SUMMARY to get the values listed under variable 'Total` in the have statement.
proc summary
By SubjectID
class Dummy1-4;
output out=want sum=sum;
Is there a way to get the distinct/unique counts across observations without consolidating rows first?
I prefer PROC SQL as it will also allow me to do conditional counts according to subject covariates present in my working dataset. I.e. producing the want descriptives on condition of a covariate specific to the subject.
I suspect that using PROC SUMMARY (aka PROC MEANS) will be the easiest way. Sounds like you want to find the MAX for each SUBJECT and then SUM those to get the subject totals.
proc summary data=have nway ;
class SubjectID ;
var Dummy0-Dummy999;
output out=any(drop=_type_ _freq_) n=n_reps max= ;
data want ;
set any ;
total = sum(of Dummy0-Dummy999) ;
Not sure how SQL helps any with conditional counts. But you could generate the counts and total in one step with PROC SQL, but it would require wallpaper code like this:
proc sql ;
create table want as
select SubjectID
, count(*) as n_reps
, max(dummy0) as dummy0
, max(dummy1) as dummy1
, max(dummy999) as dumyy999
, sum
( max(dummy0)
, max(dummy1)
, max(dummy999)
) as Total
from have
group by 1
You could probably define a macro (or some other tool) to generate that wallpaper code for you from a list of variable names.
I have data with
One binary variable, poor
Two socio-demographic variables var1 and var2
I would like to have the poverty rate of each of my var1 * var2 possible value, that would look like that :
But with three variables in a proc freq, I get multiple outputs, one for each value of the first variable I put on my product
proc freq data=test;
table var1*var2*poor;
How can I get something close to what I would like ?
Try this
data test;
input var1 var2 poor;
1 1 1
2 3 0
3 2 1
4 1 1
1 2 1
2 3 0
4 1 0
4 2 0
3 1 1
1 2 0
3 2 0
1 3 1
3 3 0
3 3 0
3 3 1
1 1 0
2 2 0
2 2 1
2 2 1
2 1 1
2 1 1
2 1 1
proc tabulate data=test;
class var1 var2 poor;
tables var1,
I would like to create a table that has three variables where var2 is a percentage of var1 and var3 is a percentage of var 2, broken down by class variables that have missing values.
To explain, imagine I have data showing who applied, was interviewed, and was hired for a job, e.g.
data job;
input applied interviewed hired;
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 0 .
1 0 .
1 0 .
1 0 .
it's very easy to create a table that shows the count of who applied, and then the percentage of those who were interviewed and then of those people, the percentage who was hired.
proc tabulate data = job;
var applied interviewed hired;
tables applied * n (interviewed hired) * mean * f=percent6.;
which gives:
applied interviewed hired
10 60% 50%
Now I would like to break that down by several class variables with missing values.
data have;
input sex degree exp applied interviewed hired;
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 . 0 1 1 1
. 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 . 1 1 0 .
0 1 . 1 0 .
. 0 0 1 0 .
1 0 0 1 0 .
If I do one class variable at a time it will give me the correct percentages:
proc tabulate data = have format = 6.;
class sex;
var applied interviewed hired;
tables sex, applied * sum (interviewed hired) * mean * f=percent6.;
Is there a way to do all three class variables in the table at once and get the right percentage for each category. so the table looks like:
applied interviewed hired
0 4 75% 33%
1 4 50% 50%
0 4 50% 50%
1 4 75% 33%
0 5 60% 33%
1 4 75% 67%
This is something I must do many, many times and I need to populate tables in a report with the numbers, so I'm looking for a solution where the table can be printed all in one step.
How would you solve this problem?
The problem you're running into is that of missing data. When a case is missing for any class variable, it is eliminated from the entire table, unless you specify MISSING in the proc call. So, for example, your 4th sex=0 who did not interview was missing EXP; so they didn't show up at all in the table, though you would want them showing up in SEX.
You can get the correct numbers, mostly:
proc tabulate data = have format = 6. missing;
class sex degree exp;
var applied interviewed hired;
tables (sex degree exp), applied * sum (interviewed hired) * mean * f=percent6.;
However, you have an extra row that includes those with missing data. You cannot eliminate those rows from the printed output while also including them in the other class calculations; this is just one of those limitations of SAS tabulation. Other PROCs have a similar problem; PROC FREQ is the only one that doesn't do this if you have multiple tables generated, but even then within one table (combined with asterisks) you will have the same issue.
The only way I've found around this is to output the table to a dataset and then filter out those rows, and PROC REPORT or PRINT or TABULATE the data back out.
I think this is close to what you want. You will have to fix the row labels, but it is one PROC TABULATE step.
data have;
input sex degree exp applied interviewed hired;
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 . 0 1 1 1
. 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 . 1 1 0 .
0 1 . 1 0 .
. 0 0 1 0 .
1 0 0 1 0 .
proc print;
proc summary data=have missing ;
class sex degree exp;
ways 1;
output out=stats sum(applied)= mean(interviewed hired)= / levels;
data stats2;
set stats;
if n(of sex degree exp) eq 0 then delete;
proc print;
proc tabulate data=stats2;
class _type_ / descend;
class _level_;
var applied interviewed hired;
tables (_type_*_level_),applied*sum='N'*f=8. (interviewed hired)*sum='Percent'*f=percent6.;
/* applied interviewed hired*/
/*sex */
/* 0 4 75% 33%*/
/* 1 4 50% 50%*/
/*degree */
/* 0 4 50% 50%*/
/* 1 4 75% 33%*/
/*exp */
/* 0 5 60% 33%*/
/* 1 4 75% 67%*/
Hi I am trying to subset a dataset which has following
ID sal count
1 10 1
1 10 2
1 10 3
1 10 4
2 20 1
2 20 2
2 20 3
3 30 1
3 30 2
3 30 3
3 30 4
I want to take out only those IDs who are recorded 4 times.
I wrote like
data AN; set BU
if last.count gt 4 and last.count lt 4 then delete;
But there is something wrong.
EDIT - Thanks for clarifying. Based on your needs, PROC SQL will be more direct:
proc sql;
For posterity, here is how you could do it with only a data step:
In order to use first. and last., you need to use a by clause, which requires sorting:
proc sort data=BU;
When using a SET statement BY ID, first.ID will be equal to 1 (TRUE) on the first instance of a given ID, 0 (FALSE) for all other records.
data AN;
set BU;
by ID;
retain keepMe;
If first.ID THEN DO;
IF count = 4 THEN keepMe=1;
ELSE keepMe=0;
if keepMe=0 THEN DELETE;
During the datastep BY ID, your data will look like:
ID sal count keepMe first.ID
1 10 4 1 1
1 10 3 1 0
1 10 2 1 0
1 10 1 1 0
2 20 3 0 1
2 20 2 0 0
2 20 1 0 0
3 30 4 1 1
3 30 3 1 0
3 30 2 1 0
3 30 1 1 0
If I understand correct, you are trying to extract all observations are are repeated 4 time or more. if so, your use of last.count and first.count is wrong. last.var is a boolean and it will indicate which observation is last in the group. Have a look at Tim's suggestion.
In order to extract all observations that are repeated four times or more, I would suggest to use the following PROC SQL:
1 10 1
1 10 2
1 10 3
1 10 4
3 30 1
3 30 2
3 30 3
3 30 4
Slight variation on Tims - assuming you don't necessarily have the count variable.
proc sql;
HAVING Count(ID) >= 4;