Error: cannot import name RemovedInDjango110Warning in django 1.9.5 - django

So this code has been running for like a week now, today it is throwing this error. And this is not happening at the URL level, which many places seem to say.
I am using celery, djcelery and Django 1.9.5. In my celery task, in one part where I am trying to connect to my DB, it is throwing this error. The strange part is when I run the code line by line in shell, it works.
All this code runs inside a virtualenv being used by two projects which have exactly same requirements. to confirm, I just checked the django version in pip. It is 1.9.5
Please let me know if any extra info is required.


Created a brand new Django Project, attempting to run the server generates an Improperly Configured Error

I have been working on a Django Project for a bit, until I took a break. One month later I dug back in to the project and went to run the server. I received an error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DEBUG, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
I figured I must have tweaked something by accident. So I created a brand new Django Project (using a virtual environment), and just went to test the server. I received the same error. I tried the python shell solution listed in another answers but to no avail.
If it helps I'm on Linux with Django version 2.1.5 and Python 3.6.
If anyone encounters something similar I found using python3 runserver works in place of using django-admin. Per Greg's answer below, I did begin to receive a new error ModuleNotFoundError: No Module named "mysite" exists. I will continue to search for an answer on that front.
Going off of the comments here.
If "env | grep DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" returns empty, it means you have to set an environment variable stating where your file is located.
This can be done by doing the following:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
Be sure to replace "mysite" with the name of your app!

_store_result() got an unexpected keyword argument 'request' in celery

I have no idea why celery suddenly stopped working, probably missing some settings but I don't think so .... and code of views that runs celery tasks is the same, sentry only shows as follows:
It works locally (develop env) but in production it doesn't, I'm using django 1.4.2, djcelery 3.0.11 and celery 3.1.9, what do you think happening?
I've run into the same problem, but but part of an upgrade (among others):
Django >=1.5,<1.6 -> >=1.6,<1.7
celery <3.1 -> >=3.1.17
django-celery <3.1 -> <=3.1.16
I can see you opened an issue on Celery's Github project. However, The request keyword argument was added to celery a long time ago, and it seems to be still present in the master branch.
This is the logic in a base back-end class, but if the implementation you're using doesn't have this keyword argument, it'll crash. In your case, it looks like the versions of celery and django-celery are incompatible.
The commit to bring support to 3.1 is only available in following versions of django-celery: v3.1.16 v3.1.15 v3.1.10 v3.1.9 v3.1.1 v3.1.0, I suggest upgrading to one of these.

Django is giving me a 404 error

I installed Django, and it works. I set it up so it uses my mysql database, and I started a project. So far so good.
I followed the tutorial on setting up your first Django app over at
It is a tutorial over setting up a pre-existing poll app where everything has practically been built for you. The database structure has even been handled.
I ran:
python startapp polls
python sql polls
python syncdb
I didn't receive any kind of success message so I went into my phpmyadmin, and hooray! There are new tables and rows in my database.
Their tutorial then told me to run:
python shell
and that I'd see some database stuff, but I didn't. Why could this be? I ignored it and went on to step two. I still hadn't set DEBUG in my to False so I did. Only to get a 500 error.
After some digging I read I needed to add:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['my ip address'];
I did this and now after running:
python runserver myip:8000
When I try to access Django in my browser I get a
Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.
Obviously / changes to a different location when navigating to those places as well, but the point is I get a 404 no matter what.
So I look at my terminal and I have a yellow message in my terminal that says.
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 74
and there is 1 message like this for each place I tried to access.
I'm thinking there is a Python package that I don't have installed on my server?
I do not want to use ALLOWED_HOSTS ['*'] I read that this is bad practice. I did try it and it produces the same results as using my ip address in place of the * (I just wanted to add that extra piece of info in case it helps)
If you want to use the database shell, you should run the dbshell command instead of shell as in your post, like this:
python dbshell
If you run shell, you get a Python shell, where you can easily import and inspect the Python objects of your project.
On your local PC, it's better to have DEBUG = True in your That way you don't need to bother about ALLOWED_HOSTS, because in debug mode all hosts are allowed. Secondly, when you get a 404 error in debug mode, the page will show you the valid URLs that you can try.
The Django tutorial certainly works. The only way it won't work for you is if you missed a step or mistyped something somewhere. If you start over and pay extra attention, I think it will work.

Django gevent single thread error in Apache

I'm importing a library with my code that gives me the
NotImplementedError: gevent is only usable from a single thread
the library is internal so I can't share it unfortunately.
I managed to solve this for the Django development server by adding:
import gevent.monkey
gevent.monkey.patch_all(signal=False, httplib=False)
as the first two lines of my file after the shebang. Then I got to deploying it on apache with mod_wsgi and tought that it would be enough to have it as the first two lines of my This was wrong. I think I've tried everything now, does anyone have any idea of what to do?!
Any ideas of a file that is executed before the file where I could try the monkey patch?
I did not manage to solve this problem, but I managed to replace the two gevent client to other client types which made the problem go away...

What is the correct configuration for %autoreload in a Django ipython shell?

Ipython has a plugin called autoreload that will presumably reload all your modules after every command, so you can change the source and not have to quit the shell and reenter all your commands. See for example.
However, this seems flaky at best when using it with Django, e.g.
python shell
gives me an IPython shell with Django context, but the autoreloading does NOT seem to work reliably at all.
Here's what I have added to my file:
def main():
... # rest of the fn here
import ipy_autoreload
ip.magic('%autoreload 2')
The autoreloading works in limited cases, maybe 10-20% of the time.
Has anyone successfully configured this to work with Django?
This answer might also be applicable to your situation. Django keeps its own cache of all models, so if you want to reload everything, you have to clean this cache manually.