PEG.js help - optional free text followed by key value pairs - regex

I wrote the following parser (paste into and it works):
Expression = Pairs / FullTextWithPairs
Pairs = (';'? _ p:Pair { return p; })*
FullTextWithPairs = fto:FullText po:Pairs
var arr = [];
if (fto) {
return arr.concat(po);
FullText = ft:ValueString ';'
return {'key' : 'fullText', 'op': '=', 'value': ft};
Pair = k:Field op:Operator v:ValueString
var res = {'key' : k, 'op': op, 'value': v};
return res;
Operator = ('<>' / [=><])
ValueString = vs:[^;]+ {return vs.join('');}
Field = 'location' / 'application' / 'count'
_ = ' '*
It parses this string of key-value pairs: location=USA; application<>app; count>5
to this:
"key": "location",
"op": "=",
"value": "USA"
"key": "application",
"op": "<>",
"value": "app"
"key": "count",
"op": ">",
"value": "5"
The problem is I want to enable a free-text search as well, which is entered before the key-value pairs, for example:
this: free text foobar; location=USA; application<>app; count>5
and get this:
"key": "fullText",
"op": "=",
"value": "free text foobar"
"key": "location",
"op": "=",
"value": "USA"
"key": "application",
"op": "<>",
"value": "app"
"key": "count",
"op": ">",
"value": "5"
The parser should recognize that the first part is not a key-value pair (according to "Pair" rule) and insert it as "fullText" object.
Basically "Expression" rule should do it, according to what I read in the docs - A / B means if A doesn't pass the B is tried. In the second case "Paris" is faild because "free text foobar" doesn't pass the Pairs rule, but it just throws an exception instead of moving on.
Congrats to whomever survived up to here, what am I doing wrong? :)
Thank you

Played with the grammar some more, the solution was to use !Pair and (for some reason) to change the order of the "Expression" rule:
Expression = FullTextWithPairs / Pairs
Pairs = (';'? _ p:Pair { return p; })*
FullTextWithPairs = fto:FullText po:Pairs
var arr = [];
if (fto) {
return arr.concat(po);
FullText = !Pair ft:ValueString ';'
return {'key' : 'fullText', 'op': '=', 'value': ft};
Pair = _? k:Field op:Operator v:ValueString
var res = {'key' : k, 'op': op, 'value': v};
return res;
Operator = ('<>' / [=><])
ValueString = vs:[^;]+ {return vs.join('');}
Field = 'location' / 'application' / 'count'
_ = ' '*


How to fix this error in my appsync while creating an array of data

I am creating an array of date and in my resolver it only return one output of date and count audited
I search throughout the google to find some answer and I found a code how to make an array of list but the problem is it didn't return well
this is a result and the code I use it attached in the picture
#set ($tu = 0) #set ($pc = 0) #set ($fc = 0) #set ($da = [])#set ($cda = []) #foreach($item in $ctx.result.items)
#set($tu = $item.total_audits + $tu)
#set($pc = $item.passed_compliance + $pc)
#set($fc = $item.failed_compliance + $fc)
#set($date = $item.sort)
#set($count = $item.total_audits)
$util.toJson({"total_audits":$tu, "passed_compliance":$pc,
"failed_compliance":$fc, "daily_audit": [{"date": $da, "count": $cda}]})
here is the error
"errors": [
"path": [
"locations": null,
"message": "Can't serialize value (/getAuditSummary/daily_audit[0]/date) : Unable to serialize `[2018-12-26, 2018-12-27, 2018-12-28]` as a valid date."
"path": [
"locations": null,
"message": "Can't serialize value (/getAuditSummary/daily_audit[0]/count) : Expected type 'Int' but was 'ArrayList'."
what i want to make is it would return something like this
"daily_audit": [
"date": 2018-12-26,
"count": 1
"date": 2018-12-27,
"count": 4
"date": 2018-12-28,
"count": 2
This is happening because $da and $cda are arrays. So it's probably returning:
"daily_audit": [
"date": [2018-12-26,2018-12-27,2018-12-28],
"count": [1,4,2]
So, in your response mapping template, you can try something like:
#set ($tu = 0)
#set ($pc = 0)
#set ($fc = 0)
#set ($da = [])
#foreach($item in $ctx.result.items)
#set($tu = $item.total_audits + $tu)
#set($pc = $item.passed_compliance + $pc)
#set($fc = $item.failed_compliance + $fc)
#set($date = $item.sort)
#set($count = $item.total_audits)
$util.qr($da.add({"date":$date, "count":$count}))
$util.toJson({"total_audits":$tu, "passed_compliance":$pc, "failed_compliance":$fc, "daily_audit": $da})

Elasticsearch in Django - sort alphabetically

I have a following doc:
class BrandDocument(DocType):
class Meta:
model = Brand
id = IntegerField()
name = StringField(
'raw': {
'type': 'keyword',
'fielddata': True,
lookup_name = StringField(
'raw': {
'type': 'string',
and I try to make a lookup using this:{
'name.keyword': order,
The problem is that I'm getting results sorted in a case sensitive way, which means that instead of 'a', 'A', 'ab', 'AB' I get 'A', 'AB', 'a', 'ab'. How can this be fixed?
EDIT After some additional search I've come up with something like this:
lowercase_normalizer = normalizer(
lowercase_analyzer = analyzer(
class BrandDocument(DocType):
class Meta:
model = Brand
id = IntegerField()
name = StringField(
'raw': Keyword(normalizer=lowercase_normalizer, fielddata=True),
The issue persists, however, and I can't find in the docs how this normalizer should be used.
I would suggest to create a custom analyzer with lowercase filter and apply it to the field while indexing.
So you have to update the following in the index settings:
"index": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"custom_sort": {
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [
Add a field (based on which you need to sort) in mapping with the custom_sort analyzer as below:
If the field already exists in mapping then you can add a sub fields to the existing field with the analyzer as below.
Assuming the field name having type as keyword already exists, update it as:
"type": "keyword",
Once done you need to reindex your data so that lowercase values are indexed. Then you can use the field to sort as:
Case 1 (new field):
"sort": [
"sortField": "desc"
Case 2 (sub field):
"sort": [
"name.sortval": "desc"

Using python re regex in MongoDB $filter condition

I have a document like below:
_id: 1,
data: [ { zip: 001, city: "abc" }, { zip: 002, city: "xyz" } ]
I want to filter data array using python regex. But it doesn't seem to be working.
city = "abc"
regx = re.compile("^%s$" %city, re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
for doc in db.testusers.aggregate([ { "$project": { "data": { "$filter": { "input": "$data", "as": "item", "cond": { "$eq": [ "$$", regx ] } } } } } ]):
It doesn't match anything.
Am I doing it right?
I think $filter does not support regex. See doc.
I cannot test this here but it should work like according to this sample:
city_list = ["cityAbc", "Metroid"]
city_list = [re.compile("^" + str(c_id) + "$", re.IGNORECASE) for c_id in city_list]
pipe = [ { "$match" : { "_id":{"$in" : city_list}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$rp"},
{"$group":{"_id": "$_id", "rp": { "$push": "$rp" }}} , {"$limit":500}]
res = list(db.coll.aggregate(pipeline = pipe,allowDiskUse=True))

Determine velocity template request body property type?

I have an API Gateway that uses velocity templates as a thin wrapper to allow users to do CRUD operations on a DynamoDB table.
I'm trying to write the update operation as dynamically as possible, but where I'm stuck is with determining type from the request body's properties from within the velocity template. This is what I'm working with:
#set($body = $input.path('$'))
#set($updateExpression = "set")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "")
#set($expressionAttributeValues = "")
#foreach($attrName in $body.keySet())
#set($updateExpression = "${updateExpression} #$attrName = :${attrName},")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "${expressionAttributeNames}""#${attrName}"":""${attrName}""")
#set($attrValue = $input.json("$.${attrName}"))
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""N"": ${attrValue}, ")
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""S"": """ + $util.escapeJavaScript($attrValue) + """ },")
#set($expressionAttributeValues = "${expressionAttributeValues} ${attrValue}")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "${expressionAttributeNames}, ")
"TableName": "TABLE",
"Key": { "id": { "S": "$input.params('id')" } },
"UpdateExpression": "${updateExpression} updatedOn = :updatedOn",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {$expressionAttributeNames},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":updatedOn": { "N": "$context.requestTimeEpoch" }
Edit: This would be a sample request body:
"location": {
"lat": 42,
"lon": -71
"rating": 4
This is the current transformation I get:
"TableName": "users",
"Key": { "gcn": { "S": "123" } },
"UpdateExpression": "set #number = :number, #location = :location, updatedOn = :updatedOn",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#number":"number", "#location":"location"},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":number": { "S": "1" }, ":location": { "S": "{\"lat\":26.89199858375187,\"lon\":75.77141155196833}" },
":updatedOn": { "N": "" }
I currently just have a test for checking if a value is a number...and it isn't working.
After doing some more digging I reached what I set out for. I have a dynamic Velocity Template mapping for AWS API Gateway for the purpose of updating DynamoDB items.
So far it supports strings, numbers, booleans, and string-escaped objects, as that's how my project stores them (they are not query-able). ExpressionAttributeNames exists in case you use a reserved keyword for an attribute I did for 'location'.
If anyone has any improvements/enhancements please let me know, it's a beast of a script.
#set($body = $input.path('$'))
#set($updateExpression = "set")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "")
#set($expressionAttributeValues = "")
#foreach($attrName in $body.keySet())
#set($updateExpression = "${updateExpression} #$attrName = :${attrName},")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "${expressionAttributeNames}""#${attrName}"":""${attrName}""")
#set($attrValue = $input.json("$.${attrName}"))
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""N"": ""${attrValue}"" }, ")
#elseif($attrValue.toString() == "true" || $attrValue.toString() == "false")
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""BOOL"": ${attrValue} }, ")
#elseif(($attrValue.toString().startsWith("{") && $attrValue.toString().endsWith("}")) ||
($attrValue.toString().startsWith("[") && $attrValue.toString().endsWith("]")) )
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""S"": """ + $util.escapeJavaScript($attrValue) + """ },")
#set($attrValue = """:${attrName}"": { ""S"": " + $attrValue + " },")
#set($expressionAttributeValues = "${expressionAttributeValues} ${attrValue}")
#set($expressionAttributeNames = "${expressionAttributeNames}, ")
"TableName": "", ## Insert your table here.
"Key": { "gcn": { "S": "$input.params('')" } }, ## Insert your key expression here.
## Update below if `updatedOn` is not your audit attribute.
"UpdateExpression": "${updateExpression} updatedOn = :updatedOn",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {$expressionAttributeNames},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":updatedOn": { "N": "$context.requestTimeEpoch.toString()" }
Sample Request Body:
"firstName": "John",
"isActive": true,
"_status": 1
Sample Transformation:
"TableName": "users",
"Key": {
"id": {
"S": "1"
"UpdateExpression": "set #firstName = :firstName, #isActive = :isActive, #_status = :_status, updatedOn = :updatedOn",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#firstName": "firstName",
"#isActive": "isActive",
"#_status": "_status"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":firstName": {
"S": "John"
":isActive": {
"BOOL": true
":_status": {
"N": "1"
":updatedOn": {
"N": "123456789"

DynamoDB DeleteItem Expressions not working

I'm getting a really weird error when I try to preform a DeleteItem with expressions. Can anyone help?
"TableName": "MyTable",
"Key": {
"S": "1E3E181C-1238-D168-725D-9B0FE7F5EA3E"
"FilterExpression": "#X < :X ",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#X": "ttl"
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":X": {
"N": "1502905189"
[__type] =>
[message] => ExpressionAttributeNames can only be specified when using expressions
The delete item should not contain FilterExpression. If you would like to delete the item based on some condition, you can use ConditionExpression to specify the condition.
"ConditionExpression" : "#X < :X "
Please replace the FilterExpression with ConditionExpression.