OpenGL/SDL2 double depth buffering - c++

the big picture: I'm writing a renderer for volumetric models using a splatting approach (with C++, OpenGL and SDL2). I've got a multi-resolution data structure (an octree). While the camera is moving rendering is done at a resolution that runs in real time. As soon as the camera stands still, rendering at higher resolutions is done (= iterative refinement).
The problem: Since rendering during refinement can last multiple seconds, I need to cancel it once the user decides to change the camera position. Not a problem regarding the color buffer, I use double buffering and simply don't switch it. But I have to clear the depth buffer before rendering, so when I cancel the rendering run, the information in the depth buffer is lost. The thing is, I need the depth information in another part of my renderer.
My question: What is the best strategy in this case? Backup the depth buffer? Or is there a way to do depth double buffering out of the box using OpenGL and SDL2?

You can render the depth information to a frame buffer to back it up
This way you can implement the double depth buffer thing yourself


Depth-fighting solution using custom depth testing

The core of my problem is that I have troubles with depth-fighting in pure OpenGL.
I have two identical geometries, but one is simpler than the other.
That forms a set of perfectly coplanar polygons, and I want to display the complex geometry on top of the simpler geometry.
Unsurprisingly, it leads me to depth-fighting when I draw sequentially the two sets of triangles using the OpenGL depth buffer. At the moment, I've patched it using glPolygonOffset but this solution is not suitable for me (I want the polygons the be exactly coplanar).
My idea is to temporary use a custom depth test when drawing the second set of triangles. I would like to save the depth of the fragments during the rendering of the first set. Next, I would use glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS) to disable the depth buffer (but still writing in it). When rendering the second set, I would discard fragments that have a greater z than the memory I just created, but with a certain allowance (at least one time the precision of the Z-buffer at the specific z, I guess). Then I would reset depth function to GL_LEQUAL.
Actually, I just want to force a certain allowance for the depth test.
Is it a possible approach ?
The problem is that I have no idea how to pass information (custom depth buffer) from one program to another.
PS : I also looked into Frame Buffer Objects and Deferred Rendering because apparently it allows passing information via a 'G-buffer', but once I write:
unsigned int gBuffer;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &gBuffer);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gBuffer);
My window goes black... Sorry if things are obvious I'm not familiar yet with OpenGL
As Rabbid76 said, I can simply disable depth writing using glDepthMask(GL_FALSE).
Now, I can draw several layers of coplanar polygons using the same offset.

Terrain Object collision detection

I've written my own 3D Game Engine in the past few years and wanted to actually use it for a game.
I stumbled accros the following problem:
I have multiple planes in my game but lets talk about one single plane.
Naturally, planes are not able to dive into the ground and fly under the terrain.
Therefor, I need to implement something that detects the collision between a plane/jet and my ground.
The informations given are the following:
Grid of terrain [2- dimensional array; stores height at according x,z coordinate]
Hitbox of my plane (it moves with my plane, so the bounds etc. are all already calculated and given)
So about the hitboxes:
I though about which method to use. The best one in terms of performance seems to be simple spheres with different radius.
About the ground: Graphically, the ground is subdivided into triangles:
So what I need now is the optimal type of hitbox (sphere, AABB,...) and the according most efficient calculations.
My attempt was to get every surrounding triangle and calculate the distance from that one to each center of my hitbox spheres. If the distance is less than the radius, it has successfully detected a collision. But when I have up to 10/20 spheres in my plane and like 100 triangles to check, it will take to much time.
Another attempt was to get the vertical distance to the ground from each hitbox sphere. This one needs way less calculations but fails when getting near steep surfaces.
I would be very happy if someone could help me implementing an efficient version of plane/terrain collision detection :)
render terrain
May be you could try liner depth buffer to improve accuracy.
read depth texture
you can use glReadPixels with GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT and GL_FLOAT. That will copy depth buffer into CPU side memory. So now you can do also collision on CPU side or any computation related to ground in view...
use the depth buffer as texture
so copy it back GPU with glTexImage2D. I know this is slow (but most likely much faster then your current computation of collision. In case you are not using Intel HD Graphics You can instead #2,#3 use FBO for depth which will render depth buffer directly to texture. But on Intel this does not work reliably (or at all).
now render your objects (off screen) with GLSL
inside fragment shader just compare rendered position with depth (attached as texture). If bellow output the collision somewhere. If done in compute shaders than you can store results in some texture. Or you could use some attachment or FBO for this.
In case you can not use FBO you could render to "screen" with specifically color encoded collisions. Then read it with glReadPixels and scan for it to handle what ever collision logic you have on CPU side...
Do not write to Depth buffer in this pass !!! And also do not use CULL_FACE because that could miss some collision of the back side of your object.
now render the objects normally
in case you do not render in #4 or you encode collision to screen buffer you need to overwrite/render the stuff. Otherwise this step is not needed. But rendering after collision detection is good because in case of collision you most likely change the object position/orientation/mesh and already rendered object could be hindering the altered one.
Copying image between CPU and GPU is slow so use FBO and render to texture if you can instead.
If you are not familiar with multiple pass rendering see some QAs for inspiration:
OpenGL Scale Single Pixel Line
Render filled complex polygons with large number of vertices with OpenGL
This works only in view ... but you can do just collision rendering pass (per object). Render with camera set to view from top to down (birdseye) and covering only area around your object... Also you do not need too big resolution for this so it should be relatively fast ... So you can divide your screen to square areas (using glViewport) testing more objects in single frame to lover the sync time slowdowns as much as possible (use less glReadPixel calls). Also you do not need any vertex colors or textures for this.

getFrameBufferPixels taking too long in libgdx

I am basically trying to do something with the default frame buffer pixmap. I wish to blur it when somebody pauses the game . My problem is that even if I am using a separate thread for the whole blur operation, the method ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixmap has to be called on the rendering thread. But this method takes atleast 1 second to return even on nexus 5. Calling the method on my blur processing thread is not possible as there is no gl context available on any other thread other than rendering thread .
Is there any solution for eliminating the stall
What you're trying to do: take a screenshot, modify it on the CPU and upload it back to the GPU. There are 3 problems with this approach.
1.Grabbing pixels, takes a lot of time.
2.Blurring can be successfully executed independentely for each pixel so there is no point doing it on CPU. GPU can do it in a blink of an eye.
3. Uploading the texture back still takes some time.
The correct approach is: instead of rendering everything to the screen render it to the offscreen texture. (See offscreen rendering tutorials) Next, draw this texture on a quad of the size of your screen, but while drawing, use a blur shader. There is a number of example blur shaders available. It should basically sample the surroundings of the target pixel and render it's average.
In the source for you can see that getFrameBufferPixmap is basically a wrapper around OpenGL's glReadPixels. There isn't too much you can do to improve the Java or Libgdx wrapper. This is not the direction OpenGL is optimized for (its good at pushing data up to the GPU, not pulling data off).
You might be better off re-rendering your current screen to a (smaller, off-screen) FrameBuffer, and then pulling that down. You could use the GPU to do the blurring this way, too.
I believe the screen's format (e.g., not RGBA8888) may have an impact on the read performance.
This isn't Libgdx-specific, so any tips or suggestions for OpenGL in general like Making glReadPixel() run faster should apply.

OpenGL: Specify what value gets wrote to the depth buffer?

As I understand the depth buffer, it calculates a fragment's relation to the far/near clipping planes, and deduces the depth value from that before writing it. However, this isn't what I want as I don't utilize the clipping planes, or the 3rd dimension at all. However, depth testing would still be immensely helpful to me.
My question, is there any way to specify what value gets written to the depth buffer manually, for all geometry rendered after you set it (that passes the Alpha Test) regardless of it's true depth in a scene? The Stencil buffer works this way, with the value specified as the second argument of glStencilFunc(), so I thought glDepthFunc() might have behaved similarly but I was mistaken.
The main reason I need depth testing in a 2D game, is because my lighting model uses stencils a great deal. Objects closer to the camera than the light must be rendered first, for shadow stencils to be properly laid out, with the lights drawn after that. It's a pretty tricky draw order, but basically it just means lights have to be drawn after the scene is finished drawing, is all.
The OpenGL version I'm using is 2.0, though I'm trying to avoid using a fragment shader if possible.
It seems you are talking about a technique called Parallax scrolling. You don't need to write to the depth buffer manually, just enable it, and then you can use a layer approach and specify the Z manually for each object. Then render the scene front to back (sorting).

How to efficiently implement "point-on-heightmap" picking in OpenGL?

I want to track the mouse coordinates in my OpenGL scene on the ground surface of the world which is modeled as a height map. Currently there is no fancy stuff like hardware tessellation. Note that this question is not about object picking.
Currently I'm doing the following which is clearly dropping the performance because of a read-back operation:
Render the world (the ground surface)
Read back the depth value at the mouse coordinates
Render the rest of the scene
Swap buffers and render the next frame
The read back is between the two render steps because I want the depth value of the ground surface without any objects in front of it. It is done using the following command:
GLfloat depth;
glReadPixels(x, y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth);
My application limits the frame rate to 60 frames per second. When rendering the scene without the read back operation, I experience a CPU usage of less than 5%, but when doing the read back, it increases to about 75% although I'm not doing much to render the scene or update any game model or such things.
A temporary solution is to cache the depth value of the pixel under the mouse and update it only every 5th or 10th frame which causes the CPU usage going back down below 10%. But clearly can't be the best solution to the problem.
How can I implement picking (not object picking since I want the (floating point) coordinates on the surface) efficiently?
I already thought of reading back the depth value of the front buffer instead of the back buffer, but when googling on how to do so, I only find people complaining about glRead* methods to be best avoided at all. But how can I read something (do picking) without reading something (using glRead*)?
I'm confused. How do other people implement picking?
A totally different approach would be implementing the world surface picking in software. It should be no big deal to reconstruct a 3D ray from the camera "into the depth", representing the points in space which are rendered at the target pixel. Then I could implement an intersection algorithm to find the front-most point on the surface.
You typically implement it on the CPU! Find your picking ray in heightmap coordinates and do a simple line-trace across the heightmap. This is very similar to line-drawing. In each cell you intersect, test against the triangles you used to triangulate it.
It is important to avoid reading from the GPU until it's done. Since you normally schedule drawing commands several frames ahead (GL does this automatically), this means that you will also only get the results then - or stall the CPU until the GPU caught up. But don't do that for simple things like this!