I'm trying to hide the edit and more button in user form if the connected user is not the admin.
Here is my code
<xpath expr='//form[#string="Users"]' position='attributes'>
<attribute name="edit" >{'false':[('id', '!=', '1')]}</attribute>
<attribute name="more">{'false':[('id', '!=', '1')]}</attribute>
i get the following error:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or '}' at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
Unfortunately, what you trying achive is not possible using expression, rather I would advise to user "Customized Views"
Make out of user form edit="false" this will make edit button go away for all users (res.users.form).
Now go to Customized Views under Settings/Technical/User Interface/Customized Views, you need to be in debug mode to be able to see this menu.
Under Customized Views create a new record and choose User : Admin and in original view choose : res.users.form and in View Architecture
copy and pare original view View Architecture and just remove edit='false'
This should help, I believe.
Expanding #shodowsjedi's answer, To achieve what you want you have to create two views (They're essentially the same just that one is attached to a specific group and will be displayed for a user that belongs to that group)
This is a mockup of how your xml file should look
<!--original form view-->
<record id="model_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">your.model</field>
<field name="model">your.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Users">
<!--whatever is in your form -->
<!--inherited formview to hide edit option -->
<record id="model_form_view_noedit" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">your.model</field>
<field name="model">your.model</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="model_form_view"/>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6, 0, [ref('base.group_user') ])]"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<xpath expr='//form[#string="Users"]' position='attributes'>
<attribute name="edit">false</attribute>
It's always better to know how things work from the backend in Odoo
I don't know what's missing here but the menuitem doesn't show in Odoo 10
I want to add a menuitem for showing a specific Customers called "Annonceur"
here my field in python code
from odoo import models, fields, api
class Annonceur(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
annonceur = fields.Boolean("annonceur", default=False)
then I want to add a menuitem in Left menu of Sale addon and window_action for showing this type of Customers axactly like Customers
<record id="action_partner_annonceur_form" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Annonceurs</field>
<field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name="res_model">res.partner</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,kanban,form</field>
<field name="domain">[('annonceur','=','True')]</field>
<field name="context">{'default_customer':1, 'search_default_customer':1}</field>
<field name="filter" eval="True"/>
<field name="help" type="html">
<p class="oe_view_nocontent_create">
Click to add a contact in your address book.
Odoo helps you easily track all activities related to
a customer: discussions, history of business opportunities,
documents, etc.
<menuitem id="annonceur_view"
that's all my code please help me what's missing here
Add inherit id in Action menu.
Add the code below in your action menu.
<field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_res_partner_filter"/>
I want to add another options in action button on tree view. Moreover in export and delete, i want to add "Confirm" options. I don't know how, please help me. Thanks
<record id="action_id" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">name</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="module_name.model_object_name" />
<field name="code">
action = model.function_name()
You can do by this way:
<record id="id" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Confirm Order</field>
<field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name="res_model">custom.model.name</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="target">new</field>
If you want to add custom group for this option then you can add one attribute here also like:
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(4,ref('model.group_name'))]"/>
I was able to make a popup wizard appear in a different model with this:
<act_window id="module_name.your_custom_action_name"
I want to replace purchase order form id purchase.purchase_order_form to own custom id in Odoo 10 using
replace id priority or X path or other method using xml please sort out my problem and send some demo.
you can try with this:
<record id="purchase.purchase_order_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">purchase.order.form</field>
<field name="model">purchase.order</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Purchase Order">
don`t forget add depends for purchase at manifest.py
maybe this can help you
I am using Lucene.NET with Sitecore for searching. I have created a custom Lucene index. Normally it is a one-to-one mapping between Sitecore fields and Lucene index fields. I would like to be able to take 2 fields and combine them in the Lucene index. Below is an example of my custom index definition. You will see a field called Activity and a field called Board. Then below it is an example of what I am trying to do - combine Activity and Board in to one field in the index. I just am not sure if this is possible and if so, what the syntax is for defining a combined field like this. Any ideas?
<index id="reportsIndex" singleInstance="true" type="IOM.library.CustomIndexer, IOM">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<template hint="list:AddTemplate">
<fields hint="raw:AddField">
<field target="Title">Title</field>
<field target="SortTitle" storage="keyword">Title</field>
<field target="ShortDescription">ShortDescription</field>
<field target="FullDescription">FullDescription</field>
<field target="Topic">Topic</field>
<field target="Type">Type</field>
<field target="ReleaseDate">ReleaseDate</field>
<field target="Series">Series</field>
<field target="Activity">Activity</field>
<field target="Board">Board</field>
<field target="MyCombinedField">??Activity, Board??</field>
UPDATE: I tried to do what people have suggested and map 2 different Sitecore fields to the same Lucene field. However that doesn't seem to work. I tried the following:
<index id="reportsIndex" singleInstance="true" type="IOM.library.CustomIndexer, IOM">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<template hint="list:AddTemplate">
<fields hint="raw:AddField">
<field target="Title">Title</field>
<field target="Activity">Activity</field>
<field target="Board">Board</field>
<field target="MyCombinedField">Activity</field>
<field target="MyCombinedField">Board</field>
When I look in IndexViewer this is what I see. If the content item has content for the Activity field then that will get populated in the "MyCombinedField" (since it is first). If the Activity field has no content then Lucene will populate the "MyCombinedField" with the Board content. But it never puts both field's content in to the MyCombinedField field. Am I doing something wrong?
You must be using the old data indexes. Are you running pre Sitecore 6.5? You might consider rewriting your code to use Sitecore.Search.
Anyway you can index multiple Sitecore Fields in the same Lucene field by something similar to this:
<index id="system" singleInstance="true" type="Sitecore.Data.Indexing.Index, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<fields hint="raw:AddField">
<field target="name">#name</field>
<field target="name">__created</field>
<field target="name">#tid</field>
In this case both the name of the item, the created date field and the template id is indexed in the same field.
So in short: Just create multiple field elements with the same target attribute
I'm creating a custom list definition in Visual Studio for SharePoint 2010. In the list definition elements file, I've provided some default values for the list instance as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<ListInstance Title="News"
Description="Contains news articles related to happenings at Corporate.">
<!-- Default list data -->
<Field Name="Photo">http://myserver/sites/foobar/Style%20Library/Images/Custom/myimage.png</Field>
<Field Name="Title">My Title</Field>
<Field Name="Body">My article.</Field>
<Field Name="Modified">12-21-2012</Field>
<Field Name="Author">99;#mydomain\bsmith</Field>
<Field Name="Expires">01-22-2013</Field>
The default list is successfully created with the values above, except that the Photo and Author columns are displaying as blank. Any ideas on how I can populate those columns correctly? I know the photo URL is valid as I can browse to it. And another posting pointed me to the "99;#" prefix for the author column--without the prefix, every column in the list displays as blank.
Also, here are the list schema fields, if it matters:
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc17}"
Name="Photo" ShowInNewForm="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="TRUE"
Type="Image" DisplayName="Photo"
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc11}"
Type="Text" DisplayName="Title"
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc16}"
Type="Note" DisplayName="Body"
Required="TRUE" NumLines="100"></Field>
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc13}"
Type="DateTime" DisplayName="Modified"
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc14}"
Type="Text" DisplayName="Author"
<Field ID="{d3a92d97-2b77-4a25-9698-3ab54874bc15}"
Type="DateTime" DisplayName="Expires"
Try provisioning your field data like this in your list instance.
<Field Name="Photo"><![CDATA[<IMG SRC="/sites/foobar/Style%20Library/Images/Custom/myimage.png"></IMG>]]></Field>