Change application property value in unit test method - unit-testing

My REST API generates a password on a POST request and stores it in a DB. For development purpose, I'd like to put it in the response, when a development.mode flag is set to true in the file.
I would like to test this controller and check that if the flag is true, the password is in the response, if false the password is not.
I would like to know if and how I can dynamically set this property value from each test method.
This is my controller:
public class PasswordController {
private boolean isDevelopmentMode;
#RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<String> generatePassword(#RequestParam(USERNAME_PARAM) String username) {
String password = manager.generatePassword();
String body = "";
if (isDevelopmentMode) {
body = "New password: " + password;
return new ResponseEntity<>(body, HttpStatus.OK);
I have seen documentation to define different property files for testing, using #PropertySource, but it's at the class level and I would like to avoid creating a different file just to change a flag.
I've also seen posts saying you can use ReflectionUtils.setField to change the value of a private field, but for this I have to explicity instantiate my controller and consequently have some issues with Autowired fields. I've tried this:
public class PasswordControllerTest extends OtpTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void newRoute_developmentModeIsFalse_responseBodyIsEmpty() throws Exception {
PasswordController controller = new PasswordController();
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "isDevelopmentMode", false);
MockMvc mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new PasswordController()).build();
mvc.perform(post("/new").param(PasswordController.USERNAME_PARAM, "test_user")).andExpect(status().isOk()).andExpect(content().string(""));
Is there a possibility to set the value of a #Value field in each test method? Should I refactor my code to access it differently?
Thanks to Borys Zibrov it works with this code:
public class PasswordControllerTest extends OtpTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private WebApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void newRoute_developmentModeIsTrue_passwordIsInTheResponseBody() throws Exception {
PasswordController controller = applicationContext.getBean(PasswordController.class);
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "isDevelopmentMode", true);
mockMvc.perform(post("/new").param(PasswordController.USERNAME_PARAM, "test_user")).andExpect(status().isOk())
.andExpect(content().string("New password: 123456"));
Getting my controller bean from the application context didn't work at first because in my previous code I was using my test class in WebMvcTest annotation.

You could create another applicationContext-tests.xml, connect it to your test via:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "path_to applicationContext-tests.xml")
public class PasswordControllerTest extends OtpTest {
and override that property development.mode there.
You could also stick to using ReflectionTestUtils but instead of a direct instantiation use a bean from applicationContext constructed by spring for you, and then set a property on that bean.
Or you could just provide a setter for that field.


spring boot - why is #valid not working on controller for type?

I have Spring Boot application with a rest endpoint in a #RestController annotated class that is something like this:
#Postmapping(path = "<url>")
private #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<?> methodName(
otherParameters otherParameters,
#Valid #RequestBody Entity entity,
Errors errors) {
if(errors.hasErrors()) {
// log something
// do something
// rest of the controller
The Entity class is something like this:
public class Entity {
#Pattern(regexp = "[^<>&]+")
private String someString;
// getters and setters
But when I try to reach the controller with someString as some&tring, the #Valid annotation does not seem to work.
This is accessible only from a rest call. There are no forms that use this action.
There is no spring-security implementation in this application at the moment.
What am I missing here?
Be sure to add #Valid on the member fields of your pojos if those fields represent pojo's themselves, otherwise the validation does not propagate.
I think you are missing the object add to the page.
check the following code.
check 1 :
// on controller side
public String registration(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("entity", new Entity());
return "registration";
public String registration(#ModelAttribute("entity") Entity entity, BindingResult bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "registration"; // stay on that page here
return "login"; // after no error go here
use this entity in form on the page where you want to access the validation
<form action="#" th:action="#{/registration}" th:object="${entity}" method="post" class="m-t">
check 2 :
both the get and post method must be the same name for the object created like **entity**

Spring boot Unit test with #WebMvcTest - execution doesn't enter service layer from controller and returns null without error

I am writing unit test for a controller of my spring boot application.
I have typical MVC classes: ObjectSchemaController, ObjectSchemaService and ObjectSchemaDao.
I have written unit test with #WebMvcTest and mocked my service and dao class with #MockBean. (following this guide:
Below is my unit test :
public class ObjectSchemaControllerTest2 {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ObjectSchemaService service;
private ObjectSchemaDao dao;
ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void testCreateObjectSchemaPass() throws Exception {
String payload = "{\"some_key\":\"some val\"}";
ObjectSchema objectSchema = objectMapper.readValue(payload, ObjectSchema.class);
below is my service class:
public class ObjectSchemaService {
ObjectSchemaDao objectSchemaDao;
public ObjectSchema createSchema(#Valid ObjectSchema objectSchema)throws Exception {
return objectSchemaDao.createSchema(objectSchema);
The issue I am facing with Unit test is, the service layer doesn't get executed and returns null value.
When I debug, I can see execution reaching in my controller class and ObjectSchemaService as being mockito-mocked in the controller. But the execution never goes in service layer and the value returned by service method is null.
I have referenced other guides- they are doing similar steps. But its not working for me. What am I missing here?
I have also seen this post with similar issue.
Unit Test POST with #WebMvcTest - #MockBean Service returns null
I made sure the input objects to both my actual controller and the one I am passing in unit case are instances of same class.
You are mocking the ObjectSchemaService but no behaviour is expected.
You need to setup the behaviour for the services that are mocked. So depending on the method signature and result somethink like.
At the moment the ObjectSchemaService mock just returns a default value which is null in your case.
In order to be transparent and unobtrusive all Mockito mocks by default return 'nice' values. For example: zeros, falseys, empty collections or nulls.
If you update your answer with details for ObjectSchemaService I could also update my answer.
You mock ObjectSchemaService so you need to tell the service how mock the values from the service when a method is called. If you don't mock the values of the service Mockito don't know what they have to return always give you null. Not need to mock ObjectSchemaDao in this test.
Note: I use Lombok in the code as ObjectSchema.builder() to return the object with the Id when is stored in the database, you can use a constructor. Assuming the service return the object.
The code looks like this:
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given;
public void testCreateObjectSchemaPass() throws Exception {
String payload = "{\"some_key\":\"some val\"}";
ObjectSchema objectSchema = objectMapper.readValue(payload, ObjectSchema.class);
.someKey("Some Val")

Repository Test in spring boot leads to Unknown entity Exception

Application.class //Main class
The above is my folder structure, I am tryring to test CampaignRepository using spring dataJpaTest ,
I have written the following test
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.mohendra.user")
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = SmsDomainPackage.class)
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class CampaignRepositoryTest {
private TestEntityManager entityManager;
private CampaignRepository repository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void findByCode() {
Campaigns campaigns = new Campaigns();
campaigns.setStartDate(new Date());
campaigns.setEndDate(new Date());
Campaigns campaigns1 = repository.findByCode("HELP123");
The test gives an exception of
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity:
I have also used #ComponentScan as you can see, and I've also used #EntityScan to try scan entities from packages, but both of them dont work.
I cannot change my folder structure to make it standard, as it is not my project. Is there a solution to it?
The Application class should be in the root package. That way you will not need any #CompontenScan or #EntityScan because Spring Boot scans everything below your root package
Therefor I recomment to put Application.class in the package com.mohendra.user
And you have to decide which test slice you want. You have three:
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
But I assume that you only want #DataJpaTest

#WebMvcTest No qualifying bean of type repository

I'm writing a controller test where controller looks like
public class VehicleController {
private VehicleService vehicleService = null;
While the test class looks like
public class VehicleControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc = null;
private VehicleService vehicleServie = null;
public void test() {
When I run this test it fails with the following error
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.example.database.repositories.SomeOtherRepository' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {#org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}
Here, SomeOtherRepository is not used in a given controller or service.
If I do #MockBean for SomeOtherRepository the test works but the same problem occurs for the rest of the repositories.
#MockBean private SomeOtherRepository someOtherRepository = null
# Bunch of other repositories
Ideally I should not be concerned about all the repositories except the one's I'm using. What am I missing here? How can I avoid writing bunch of #MockBeans?
You have specified
which is fine, however you might find some beans from other dependencies, such as a custom UserDetailsService, some custom validation, or #ControllerAdvice that are also being brought in.
You can exclude these beans by using exclude filters.
#WebMvcTest(controllers = VehicleController.class, excludeFilters = #Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = CustomUserDetailsService.class)
Your VehicleService depends on SomeOtherRepository, so you have to mock it too in your test class. Try adding:
#MockBean private SomeOtherRepository someOtherRepository
in your VehicleControllerTest class.

Mocking EntityManager (Mockito)

I have the following code in one of my classes:
protected EntityManager entityManager;
public entryPoint() {
for(Animal:getTheAnimals()) {
private List<Animal> getTheAnimals() {
return List<Animal>entityManager.createNamedQuery("myQuery").setParameter("myParam", new Date()).getResultList();
In my test class I have the following:
private EntityManager entityManager;
private Query query;
private ClassToTest classToTest;
public void someTest() {
List<Animal> list = new ArrayList<Animal>();
Mockito.when(query.setParameter(any(String.class), any(java.util.Date.class)).getResultList()).thenReturn(list);
...something more here...
As you can see the expected behavior is that the empty list is returned, and zero animal names get printed. However that is not the case and the actual animals from the db are being returned in the list. What am I missing? I tried several variations of this with the same result.
Thanks for reading.
In your question, you use #Autowired directly on the field for the system under test, which seems to instruct Spring to resolve the dependencies. It likely does so from your actual (production) configuration.
By comparison, a common Mockito annotation is #InjectMocks, which ignores Spring, instantiates the object using as many #Mock objects as possible.
Related SO question: Injecting into #Autowired variable during testing