How to change the image of a MenuSpriteItem Cocos2d-x C++ - c++

I've got a button that I need to be a toggle button for the sound of a game. I'm using the MenuSpriteItem class.
auto menuSoundOn = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("soundOn.png");
auto menuSoundOff = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("soundOff.png");
auto menuSoundBtn = MenuItemSprite::create(menuSoundOn, menuSoundOff, CC_CALLBACK_1(LevelsLayer::shutSound, this));
_mainMenu = Menu::create(menuSoundBtn, nullptr);
//Then in my shutSound method
auto menuSoundBtn = _mainMenu->getChildByTag(0);
if (_ifSound){
_ifSound = false;
//Do some stuff to shut the sound
_ifSound = true;
//Do some stuff to bring the sound back
The problem is that getting the Btn from his parent with getChildByTag(0) method I receive a Node according with the documentation, but setSelectedImage is not part of the Node class and there is an error telling me so, so what is the right way to access MenuSpriteItems from their Parents and then manipulate them as in this case by changing the Normal Image?

I've got the answer and It's really powerful and simple.
auto menuSoundBtn = dynamic_cast<MenuItemSprite*>(_mainMenu->getChildByTag(0));
This is the explanation from the guy:
This code will get the child with tag 0 and turn it into a MenuItemSprite* object if it is a MenuItemSprite* object, or it returns null if the object was not a MenuItemSprite*.
Hope it helps someone. Greetings.


How do I make a custom event with VTK?

I'm making a thread software with VTK, where I need to change the model itself in real time, while I need to change his method of rendering. Everything is working fine, but, the problem start with the interactor->start(); , the model data gets updated just fine, but it's only showed on screen when I move The camera. Also I have selected some methods for generating a 3D data from a imagedata file, for that I need to close the vtk window (interactor window) and then the code will reopen it and send the new data generated to it...
I would need something like these:
int force close_window = false; int refresh_interactor = false;
I managed to make the Window close, but only with vtkcommand::Keypressed command, but idk how do I do with a new command :S, I tried the vtkcommand::UserEvent but I didn't found a good information about how to deal with that data (like some way to call it)
the way I'm dealing with VTK is with two threads, the first one, is just about the vtk iren loop, and the second one would manage the models and check if iren requires to be updated.
In my dream code it should be something like this:
bool VTKWindow()
vtkSmartPointer ator = vtkSmartPointer::New();
iren = vtkSmartPointer::New();
RenWindow = vtkSmartPointer::New();
render->SetBackground(.1, .2, .3);
if(data_type == voxel_type)
void ManageVTK()
while true loop...
if(force close_window == true)
do some command to exit the iren loop
if(refresh_interactor == true)
do some command to refresh iren
Sorry for the english, it's not my native language, and also sorry about the question format, it's the first time I'm using stackoverflow
It may sounds stupid, but, I found a kind of solution for the problem.
I saw on related links this guy vtkRenderWindowInteractor event loop and threading and, it's almost the same problem...
class VTKNewEvent : public vtkCommand{
vtkTypeMacro(VTKNewEvent , vtkCommand);
static VTKNewEvent * New(){
return new VTKNewEvent ;
void Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long vtkNotUsed(eventId), void * vtkNotUsed(callData)){
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = static_cast<vtkRenderWindowInteractor*>(caller);
if (iren_close == true){
iren->GetRenderWindow()->Finalize // Stop the interactor
iren_close = false;
if (iren_update== true){
iren_update= false;
bool VTKWindow(){
vtkSmartPointer<VTKNewEvent > IrenRefresh= vtkSmartPointer<VTKNewEvent>::New();
iren->CreateRepeatingTimer(1);//this makes that IrenRefresh will be called at every 1ms
iren->AddObserver(vtkCommand::TimerEvent, IrenRefresh);
it's simple, but, maybe not the best, but it did Th job, I hope this link will help people that are starting into the VTK world, since threads + rendering loop wasn't a simple job to understand what was going on

Qt 4.7.4 QPropertyAnimation not working

I'm trying to have animation on a button click event. But somehow the animation is not working. I have referred the Qt reference docs, but could not find the root cause which is causing the issue
Below is sample code :
void MainWindow::AnimationClick()
// define toolbar y movement positions for animation
TOOLBAR_Y_HIDDEN = -m_AnimatedWidget->height();
m_AnimatedWidget = new AnimatedWidget(this);
QPropertyAnimation *m_ani = new QPropertyAnimation(m_AnimatedWidget, "pos", this);
m_ani->setEndValue(QPoint(m_AnimatedWidget->pos().x(), TOOLBAR_Y_HIDDEN));
With the above implementation nothing is happening on the click event.
Any suggestions , Thanks.
This looks wrong:
TOOLBAR_Y_HIDDEN = -m_AnimatedWidget->height();
m_AnimatedWidget = new AnimatedWidget(this);
First you access m_AnimatedWidget then you allocate it?
When you get a crash, such as segmentation fault, always run your program in a debugger. It would have helped you find this error quite easy as it would have stopped on the line of the error.
setDuration() argument is expressed in milliseconds. You should probably put more than half a second when you are testing.
I got it. I was not allowing the m_AnimatedWidget to show upon the screen.
Below is the edited snippet.
void MainWindow::AnimationClick()
// define toolbar y movement positions for animation
m_AnimatedWidget = new AnimatedWidget(this);
TOOLBAR_Y_HIDDEN = -m_AnimatedWidget->height();
QPropertyAnimation *m_ani = new QPropertyAnimation(m_AnimatedWidget, "pos", this);
m_ani->setEndValue(QPoint(m_AnimatedWidget->pos().x(), TOOLBAR_Y_HIDDEN));

QTime->addSecs cause segmentation fault

I'm writing simple pomodoro application, which is basically countdown timer. Right now, I've got countdown working, but the weird thing is that when I add another attribute to my class (arbitrary), I get Sedmentation fault error.
Using gdb, the problem should be here:
void Status::showPomodoroTime() {
QTime time = pomodoroTime->addSecs(elapsed);
where activeTime is QLCDNumber widget and elapsed is int.
More context:
void Status::createDefaultIntervals()
pomodoroInterval = new QTime(0, 25);
pomodoroBreak = new QTime(0, 5);
pomodoroLongBreak = new QTime(0, 15);
void Status::run()
if (pomodoroActive == STOP) {
pomodoroTime = pomodoroInterval;
pomodoroActive = RUN;
CreateDefaultInterval definitely runs before showPomodoroTime.
What bugs me, that whole application works fine. Just when I add another attribute, it starts to throw sedfault.
How can variable declaration in *.h file cause segfault in *.cpp?
If you want more code, I can put it anywhere. I just don't know, what place is persistent enough. Don't want to post it here (about 300 lines of code).
check if(pomodoro!= NULL) and then do addSecs().
pomodoroTime is probably uninitialized or deleted

How does MFC's "Update Command UI" system work?

I'd like to know more about how this system works, specifically when and how the framework actually decides to update a UI element.
My application has a 'tools' system where a single tool can be active at a time. I used the "ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" message to 'check' the tool's icon/button in the UI, which affected both the application menu and the toolbars. Anyway, this was all working great until some point in the last couple of days, when the toolbar icons stopped getting highlighted properly.
I investigated a little and found that the update command was only being received when the icon was actually clicked. What's strange is this is only affecting the toolbars, not the menu, which is still working fine. Even when the buttons in the menu are updated the toolbar icon stays the same.
Obviously I've done something to break it - any ideas?
Never mind. I'd overwritten the Application's OnIdle() method and hadn't called the original base class method - that is, CWinApp::OnIdle() - which I guess is where the update gets called most of the time. This code snippet from illustrates:
BOOL CMyApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount)
// CWinApp's original method is involved in the update message handling!
// Removing this call will break things
BOOL bMore = CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount);
if (lCount == 0)
TRACE(_T("App idle for short period of time\n"));
bMore = TRUE;
// ... do work
return bMore;
// return TRUE as long as there are any more idle tasks
Here's a good article that kinda explains how to do it. Don't use his code example with WM_KICKIDLE though, instead scroll down to the comments section. There are two code samples that explain how to do it better. I quote:
void CDialog::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu* pPopupMenu, UINT nIndex, BOOL bSysMenu)
CDialog::OnInitMenuPopup(pPopupMenu, nIndex, bSysMenu);
// TODO: Add your message handler code here
if(pPopupMenu &&
CmdUI.m_nIndexMax = pPopupMenu->GetMenuItemCount();
for(UINT i = 0; i < CmdUI.m_nIndexMax; i++)
CmdUI.m_nIndex = i;
CmdUI.m_nID = pPopupMenu->GetMenuItemID(i);
CmdUI.m_pMenu = pPopupMenu;
// There are two options:
// Option 1. All handlers are in dialog
CmdUI.DoUpdate(this, FALSE);
// Option 2. There are handlers in dialog and controls
CmdUI.DoUpdate( this, FALSE );
// If dialog handler doesn't change state route update
// request to child controls. The last DoUpdate will
// disable menu item with no handler
if( FALSE == CmdUI.m_bEnableChanged )
CmdUI.DoUpdate( m_pControl_1, FALSE );
if( FALSE == CmdUI.m_bEnableChanged )
CmdUI.DoUpdate( m_pControl_Last, TRUE );
See if this helps -

Mac event tap just delays discarded events

I'm trying to write some code that discards all keyboard and mouse events when enabled on Mac OSX 10.6. My code runs as the root user. The approach I'm taking is to create an event tap that discards all events passed to it (while enabled). The event tap callback function looks like this:
CGEventRef MyTapCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy,
CGEventType type,
CGEventRef event,
void *refcon)
return CKeyLocker::isEnabled() ? NULL : event;
And the code I'm using to enable and disable the event tap looks like this:
void CKeyLocker::enable(bool bEnable)
if (bEnable == m_bEnabled)
if (bEnable)
// which events are we interested in?
CGEventMask evMask = kCGEventMaskForAllEvents;
CFMachPortRef mp = CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEventTap,
if (mp)
qDebug() << "Tap created and active. mp =" << mp;
m_enabledTap = mp;
m_bEnabled = true;
CGEventTapEnable(m_enabledTap, false);
m_enabledTap =0;
m_bEnabled = false;
qDebug() << "Tap destroyed and inactive";
This approach works very well while the event tap is active - I can hammer on the keyboard and mouse as much as I want and no events make it through the system. However, when the tap is disabled all the keys I pushed while the tap was active appear in the current window. It's like the event tap is just delaying the events, rather than destroying them, which is odd, since the Mac documentation clearly states:
If the event tap is an active filter, your callback function should return one of the following:
The (possibly modified) event that is passed in. This event is passed back to the event system.
A newly-constructed event. After the new event has been passed back to the event system, the new event will be released along with the original event.
NULL if the event passed in is to be deleted.
I'm returning NULL, but the event doesn't seem to be deleted. Any ideas?
The linked comment does not have an answer from what I see, so I'll dump some info from what I've seen when poking around with this stuff.
First, I have much better luck with CGEventTapCreateForPSN. It's as if the system gives you some leeway for restricting your tap. However, from this example it looks like this is not sufficient.
Next up - and this /may/ be all you need... In your call back, you probably want (and may need) to check for the following events:
switch (type)
case kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout:
case kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput:
CFMachPortRef *pTap = (CFMachPortRef*)refcon;
CGEventTapEnable( *pTap, true );
return NULL;
Regardless of what the various documentation does or doesn't say, it's been my observation that the OS feels like it's 'probing' for bad callbacks; basically disabling event tap callbacks that are universally eating events. If you re-register in these cases the OS seems to be ok with it, as if saying: OK, you seem to know what you're doing, but I'll probably poke you again in a bit to make sure.
It's really strange, we use event taps for the same purpose (input blocking in a given scenario) and works perfectly 10.4 - 10.8.2. excpet one thing, it should not block or receive events from a password dialog (which is not a big surprise)
What I can see now is different compared to you sample is:
we use kCGTailAppendEventTap instead of kCGHeadInsertEventTap (this should not matter)
we do some event logging in the installed callback
we have some user event data in some self injected events, that filtered out, but apart from this we simply return NULL to drop an unwanted event (like you do), I can confirm, not all events are ignorable!
we turn on/off the event tap this way:
bool SetInputFilter(bool bOn)
bool result = false;
CFRunLoopRef runLoopRef = CFRunLoopGetMain();
if (bOn) {
// Create an event tap.
CGEventMask eventMask = kCGEventMaskForAllEvents;
if ((m_eventTapInput = CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEventTap,
eventMask, CGInputEventCallback, this)) == NULL) {
Log(L"Failed to create event tap");
return result;
// Create a run loop source.
m_runLoopEventTapSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_eventTapInput, 0);
CFRelease(m_eventTapInput); // CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource retains m_eventTapInput
if (m_runLoopEventTapSource == NULL) {
Log(L"Failed to create run loop source for event tap");
return result;
// Add to the current run loop.
CFRunLoopAddSource(runLoopRef, m_runLoopEventTapSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);//kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFRelease(m_runLoopEventTapSource); // CFRunLoopAddSource retains m_runLoopEventTapSource
result = true;
else {
// Disable the event tap.
if (m_eventTapInput)
CGEventTapEnable(m_eventTapInput, false);
// Remove our run loop source from the current run loop.
if (runLoopRef && m_runLoopEventTapSource) {
CFRunLoopRemoveSource(runLoopRef, m_runLoopEventTapSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);//kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
m_runLoopEventTapSource = NULL; // removing m_runLoopEventTapSource releases last reference of m_runLoopEventTapSource too
m_eventTapInput = NULL; // removing m_runLoopEventTapSource releases last reference of m_eventTapInput too
return result;
I can verify that returning NULL does effectively delete some events, but i have also seen times when it does not, exactly how it decides what deletions to permit is unclear but it looks like mass deletions seem to be prevented e.g.: when you delete more than 100 events or so in a row.