How do you call the anchestor function on a child, like using keyword super in Java.
exports.test = function(){'Parent Function');
exports.baseController = 'parent';
exports.test = function() {
// super.test(); <-- should print "Parent Function"'Child Overriden Function');
Appcelerator Alloy Inheritance :!/guide/Inheritance
Use this. instead of super.
I have problem unit testing method inside closure called by call_user_func() example :
public function trans($lang, $callback)
on controller :
public function sendMail()
$foo = $baz = 'something';
$mail = $this->mailer;
$this->helper->trans_c('en', function() use($foo, $baz, $mail) {
$mail->send('Subject', $foo, $baz);
test case :
public function testSomething()
$helperMock = Mockery::mock('Acme\Helper');
$helperMock->shouldReceive('trans_c')->once(); // passed
$mailMock = Mockery::mock('Acme\Mail');
$mailMock->shouldReceive('send')->once(); // got should be called 1 times instead 0
$act = new SendMailController($helperMock, $mailMock);
how can I ensure that ->send() method is called inside closure trans_c()
I tried with
$helperMock->shouldReceive('trans_c')->with('en', function() use($mailMock) {
no luck. :(
well it works fine with passing Mockery::type('Closure') in the second param of trans_c, but I really need to ensure that method send from mailer class is called.
A mocked class does not execute the real code by default. If you mock the helper it will check that the calls are being made but won't execute the anonymous function.
With mockery, you can configure the expectation so that the real method will be executed: passthru();
Try this:
$helperMock = Mockery::mock('Acme\Helper');
This is explained in the docs.
Maybe you don't really need to mock the helper. If you mock the Mail class and expect the send method to be called once, just let the real helper do it.
I'm using Meteor 1.0.
I have a Template.*name*.rendered function that makes a number of calculations. At the end of the calculations, I would like the output to make its way into a Template.*name*.helpers so I can use it in the corresponding html page.
Here's a simplified version of the code:
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function () {
var x = Math.random();
randomNum: x
When I call {{randomNum}} in otherTemplate, nothing happens.
I have also tried putting the Template.*name*.helpers outside of Template.*name*.rendered, in which case, I get the error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined
This isn't really the right way of going about things as the way Meteor works is by compiling templates before the application starts, rather than at run-time. Whilst something along these lines may be possible (for example by using Template.registerHelper), it would be much better to set a reactive variable to a specific value in the rendered callback and have the helper set to return that instead:
Session.setDefault('randomNum', 0);
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function () {
Session.set('randomNum', Math.random());
randomNum: Session.get('randomNum')
If you'd rather use a private variable for the randomNum, have a look at ReactiveVar. It could be any reactive data source and it would work.
You used to create helpers as an object of the template but since Meteor has deprecated that you now have to create the helpers within the helper function.
Now in order to call the helper via javascript you must use this function
Its a pretty simple way of doing this and it keeps the functions out of the global scope so its pretty clean.
Here is an example of how I am using this
'click .pair': function(event) {
var _this = $(event.currentTarget);
'devices' : function() {
return Session.get('devices');
'pairDevice' : function(elm) {
var deviceList = [
'name' : 'Patrick\'s Phone',
'UUID' : '234123,4n123k4nc1l2k3n4 l1k23n4l12k3nc4l12'
'name' : 'Mike\'s Phone',
'UUID' : '734k23k4l2k34l2k34l2k34l2k3m'
'name' : 'Edgar\'s Phone',
'UUID' : '567k56l7k4l56k7l5k46l74k56l74k5'
Session.set('devices', deviceList);
I spent a little while trying to figure out how to implement a sub menu bar and eventually decided all I really want is a little helper method that appends my template to the current view instead of an actual view helper:
//To use in any action requiring the sub navbar to be displayed
protected function addSubNav(ViewModel $view) {
$subNavView = new ViewModel();
$view->addChild($subNavView, 'subNav');
return $view;
But when I call it in a method like this $this->subNav in my template is null:
public function indexAction() {
//return new ViewModel();
$this->addSubNav(new ViewModel());
When doing $this->subNav in index.phtml is NULL, why is that?
addSubNav() should be returning the view which I appended a template to.
You don't return your view model a the end of your action
public function indexAction() {
return $this->addSubNav(new ViewModel());
Consider this situation. I have a common logic which I want to reuse across Ember.ArrayController and Ember.ObjectController instances.
Both Ember.ArrayController and Ember.ObjectController are derived from a basic Ember.Object so I am trying something like:
AbstractController = Ember.Object.extend({
// some methods with common logic
AbstractArrayController = AbstractController.extend({});
AbstractObjectController = AbstractController.extend({});
The problem is I also need AbstractArrayController and AbstractObjectController to extend from their parents (Ember.ArrayController and Ember.ObjectController).
How would I achieve this sort of inheritance?
I am looking at reopen and reopenClass methods right now, maybe they could be useful:
I tried just doing something like:
foo: function () {
return "foo";
But that doesn't seem to work.
Another way to put the problem:
App.HelloController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
foo: function () {
return "foo";
App.WorldController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
foo: function () {
return "foo";
How to abstract the foo computed property?
reopenClass adds methods on the class object, not the instance objects. When you do:
foo: function () {
return "foo";
You are creating
You need to use reopen if you want to methods at an instance level, for example Ember.Object.create().foo().
To answer you question, the best way to abstract a function that many types of objects can use is with a mixin. To create a mixin you use.
var mixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
foo: function() {
return 'foo';
And to have your objects take advantage of that mixin you can use.
var MyController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(mixin, {
// ...
More about mixins: and
Below I have provided an example of what I 'think' should work, but does not. My expectation is that if a controller inherits from another controller, than it should be able to access provided behaviors in the parent class. I know that the same behavior can be achieved with 'needs', but I think it would be much cleaner if you could inherit behavior.
You can alternatively use mixin. What it is? It is kind of multi inheritance.
App.Important = Ember.Mixin.create({
sharedBehavior: function() {
return "A winner is you!!!";
App.OtherImportant = Ember.Mixin.create({
otherSharedBehavior: function() {
return "A winner is not you!!!";
App.AnotherController = Ember.controller.extend(App.Important, App.OtherImportant, {
importantStuff: function() {
var ohBeehave = this.get("sharedBehavior");
if(ohBeehave) {
return ohBeehave;
} else {
return "FML";
You are correct that controllers should be able to inherit properties from other controllers. Here is a working example based on your gist:
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
sharedBehavior: function() {
return "A winner is you!!!";
App.AnotherController = App.ApplicationController.extend({
importantStuff: function() {
var ohBeehave = this.get("sharedBehavior");
if(ohBeehave) {
return ohBeehave;
} else {
return "FML";
That said, from experience I can tell you that inheritance is very rarely what you want. There are many reasons for this, see Prefer composition over inheritance? for detail.
By declaring an array of dependencies via the needs property rather than inheritance you will find over time that your application is less brittle and easier to test/change.