Executing cmd commands from python program - python-2.7

from subprocess import *
print out
The python program above executes successfully but it shows no output.
Nothing is printed on the shell.
While running command on cmd it gives output "1".

Your command is failing because the parameters being passed to it are not what you think they are; keep in mind that backslashes are normally treated as the start of escape sequences in Python string literals. Specifically, the \1 and \2 are being treated as octal character escapes, rather than digits. If you looked at the contents of err, you would probably find something like a file not found error. Some possible solutions:
Double all of the backslashes, to escape them.
Put an 'r' in front of each string literal, to make them 'raw strings' that don't specially interpret backslashes.
Not actually applicable in this case, but you can often just use forward slashes instead - most of Windows will happily accept them instead of backslashes, the one exception being the command line (which is what you're actually invoking here).


Powershell: Replace all occurrences of different substrings starting with same Unicode char (Regex?)

I have a string:
[33m[TEST][90m [93ma wonderful testorius line[90m ([37mbite me[90m) which ends here.
You are not able to see it (as stackoverflow will remove it when I post it) but there is a special Unicode char before every [xxm where xx is a variable number and [ as well as m are fixed. You can find the special char here: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mlocati/fdabcaeb8071d5c75a2d51712db24011/raw/b710612d6320df7e146508094e84b92b34c77d48/win10colors.cmd
So, it is like this (the special char is displayed here with a $):
$[33m[TEST]$[90m $[93ma wonderful testorius line$[90m ($[37mbite me$[90m) which ends here.
Now, I want to remove all $[xxm substrings in this line as it is only for colored monitor output but should not be saved to a log file.
So the expected outcome should be:
[TEST] a wonderful testorius line (bite me) which ends here.
I tried to use RegEx but I dont understand it (perhaps it is extra confusing due to the special char and the open bracked) and I am not able to use wildcards in a normal .Replace ("this","with_that") operation.
How am I able to accomplish this?
In this simple case, the following -replace operation will do, but note that this is not sufficient to robustly remove all variations of ANSI / Virtual Terminal escape sequences:
# Sample input.
# Note: `e is used as a placeholder for ESC and replaced with actual ESC chars.
# ([char] 0x1b)
# In PowerShell (Core) 7+, "..." strings directly understand `e as ESC.
$formattedStr = '`e[33m[TEST]`e[90m `e[93ma wonderful testorius line`e[90m (`e[37mbite me`e[90m) which ends here.' -replace '`e', [char] 0x1b
# \x1b is a regex escape sequence that expands to an ESC char.
$formattedStr -replace '\x1b\[\d*m'
Generally speaking, it's advisable to look for options on programs producing such for-display-formatted strings to make them output plain-text strings instead, so that the need to strip escape sequences after the fact doesn't even arise.

Detecting semicolon as command line argument in linux

I am trying to run a C++ application where I am passing some command line arguments to it as follows:
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}
The application is getting crashed because it is not able to get the correct port. Searching over the web, I found that ";" is treated an end of command character (Semicolon on command line in linux) so everything after that is getting ignored. I also understand the putting it inside the quotes will work fine. However, I do not want to force this restriction of putting the arguments in the quotes on the users. So, I want to know is there a way I can process the ";" character with the argv array?
The semicolon separates two commands so your command line is equivalent to
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no
Your application will never know anything about either the semi colon or the second command, these will be completely handled by the shell. You need to escape the colon with a back slash or enclose it in quotes. Other characters which may cause similar issues include: $,\-#`'":*?()&|
Complex strings are much easier to pass either from a file or through stdin.
You need to quote not only the ; but in the general case also the { and }:
./startServer -ip 'tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}'
If your users are required to type in that complicated last argument, then they can also be made to quote it.

Python Raw-Unicode-Escape encoding

I am reading documentation of python 2.7, I just don't understand Raw-Unicode-Escape encoding. Original documentation is below:
For experts, there is also a raw mode just like the one for normal strings. You have to prefix the opening quote with ‘ur’ to have Python use the Raw-Unicode-Escape encoding. It will only apply the above \uXXXX conversion if there is an uneven number of backslashes in front of the small ‘u’.
And I wonder why the required number of backslashes is uneven. Is it just a rule or due to anything else?
\uXXXX escapes are handled specially in raw strings, as the text you quoted describes. ur'\\\\' is a string containing four backslashes, while ur'\\\u0020\\' is four backslashes and a space. If I had to guess why there have to be an uneven number of backslashes for the \u to be recognized, I'd guess that it was because the non-raw string parser works like that too (I haven't looked at the source to be sure).
The question of why probably comes down to "because that's the way it was defined" for python 2. Python 3 doesn't do that anymore - r'\\\u0020\\' is the same as

how to handle unix command having \x in python code

I want to execute command
sed -e 's/\x0//g' file.xml
using Python code.
But getting error ValueError: invalid \x escape
You are not showing your Python code, so there is room for speculation here.
But first, why does the file contain null bytes in the first place? It is not a valid XML file. Can you fix the process which produces this file?
Secondly, why do you want to do this with sed? You are already using Python; use its native functions for this sort of processing. If you expect to read the file line by line, something like
with open('file.xml', 'r') as xml:
for line in xml:
line = line.replace('\x00', '')
# ... your processing here
or if you expect the whole file as one long byte string:
with open('file.xml', 'r') as handle:
xml = handle.read()
xml = xml.replace('\x00', '')
If you really do want to use an external program, tr would be more natural than sed. What syntax exactly to use depends on the dialect of tr or sed as well, but the fundamental problem is that backslashes in Python strings are interpreted by Python. If there is a shell involved, you also need to take the shell's processing into account. But in very simple terms, try this:
os.system("sed -e 's/\\x0//g' file.xml")
or this:
os.system(r"sed -e 's/\x0//g' file.xml")
Here, the single quotes inside the double quotes are required because a shell interprets this. If you use another form of quoting, you need to understand the shell's behavior under that quoting mechanism, and how it interacts with Python's quoting. But you don't really need a shell here in the first place, and I'm guessing in reality your processing probably looks more like this:
sed = subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-e', r's/\x0//g', 'file.xml'],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
result, err = sed.communicate()
Because no shell is involved here, all you need to worry about is Python's quoting. Just like before, you can relay a literal backslash to sed either by doubling it, or by using a r'...' raw string.
Hex escapes in Python need two hex digits.

C++ on Windows: executable path with whitespace in system() call

I am trying to execute a file with parameters using the "system()" function in C++ on Windows, and it works as long as there are no whitespaces in the filename. For parameters, putting double quotes around the string works, but when I try the same with the executable itself, I get the following error:
"the filename,directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect"
Does anyone know how to handle this correctly?
Use a string like this:
cmd /S /C "your entire command line string"
See: How do I deal with quote characters when using cmd.exe
It should work, look for the problem elsewhere.
Perhaps something in your flow is removing the whitespace or the double quotes from the string.