using \b with grep pattern - regex

I am learning bash and I have come across regular expressions.
There is an exercise where I have to match a word and I tried to use \b<word>\b but for some reason it was not matched until I used \\b<word>\\b. I actually tried it out of desperation when I couldn't understand why \b wasn't working.

You are proabably using grep \bword\b which is really grep bwordb after bash parses the backslashes.
Use grep '\bword\b' (note the single-quotes).

You can also use grep -w word to match whole words only.


How do I find words with three or more vowels (of the same kind) with regex using back referencing?

How can I find words with three or more vowels of the same kind with a regular expression using back referencing?
I'm searching in text with a 3-column tab format "Word+PoS+Lemma".
This is what I have so far:
ggrep -P -i --colour=always '^\w*([aeioueöäüèéà])\w*?\1\w*?\1\w*?\t' filename
However, this gives me words with three vowels but not of the same kind.
I'm confused, because I thought the back referencing would refer to the same vowel it found in the brackets? I solved this problem by changing the .*? to \w*.
Thanks for the help!
Your regex looks too complicated, not sure what you're trying to accomplish with the .*? but the usage looks suspect. I'd use something like:
i.e. match a vowel as a capture group, then say you need two more.
Didn't realise you wanted to allow other letters between vowels, just allow zero or more "word" letters between backreferences:
I suggest with GNU grep:
grep -E --colour=always -i '\b\w*([aeioueöäüèéà])(\w*\1){2,}\w*'
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ
Using grep
$ grep -E '(([aeioueöäüèéà])[^\2]*){3,}' input_file

Regex whitespace before character [duplicate]

I am attempting to grep for all instances of Ui\. not followed by Line or even just the letter L
What is the proper way to write a regex for finding all instances of a particular string NOT followed by another string?
Using lookaheads
grep "Ui\.(?!L)" *
bash: !L: event not found
grep "Ui\.(?!(Line))" *
Negative lookahead, which is what you're after, requires a more powerful tool than the standard grep. You need a PCRE-enabled grep.
If you have GNU grep, the current version supports options -P or --perl-regexp and you can then use the regex you wanted.
If you don't have (a sufficiently recent version of) GNU grep, then consider getting ack.
The answer to part of your problem is here, and ack would behave the same way:
Ack & negative lookahead giving errors
You are using double-quotes for grep, which permits bash to "interpret ! as history expand command."
You need to wrap your pattern in SINGLE-QUOTES:
grep 'Ui\.(?!L)' *
However, see #JonathanLeffler's answer to address the issues with negative lookaheads in standard grep!
You probably cant perform standard negative lookaheads using grep, but usually you should be able to get equivalent behaviour using the "inverse" switch '-v'. Using that you can construct a regex for the complement of what you want to match and then pipe it through 2 greps.
For the regex in question you might do something like
grep 'Ui\.' * | grep -v 'Ui\.L'
(Edit: this is not as strong as a true lookahead, but can often be used to work around the problem.)
If you need to use a regex implementation that doesn't support negative lookaheads and you don't mind matching extra character(s)*, then you can use negated character classes [^L], alternation |, and the end of string anchor $.
In your case grep 'Ui\.\([^L]\|$\)' * does the job.
Ui\. matches the string you're interested in
\([^L]\|$\) matches any single character other than L or it matches the end of the line: [^L] or $.
If you want to exclude more than just one character, then you just need to throw more alternation and negation at it. To find a not followed by bc:
grep 'a\(\([^b]\|$\)\|\(b\([^c]\|$\)\)\)' *
Which is either (a followed by not b or followed by the end of the line: a then [^b] or $) or (a followed by b which is either followed by not c or is followed by the end of the line: a then b, then [^c] or $.
This kind of expression gets to be pretty unwieldy and error prone with even a short string. You could write something to generate the expressions for you, but it'd probably be easier to just use a regex implementation that supports negative lookaheads.
*If your implementation supports non-capturing groups then you can avoid capturing extra characters.
If your grep doesn't support -P or --perl-regexp, and you can install PCRE-enabled grep, e.g. "pcregrep", than it won't need any command-line options like GNU grep to accept Perl-compatible regular expressions, you just run
pcregrep "Ui\.(?!Line)"
You don't need another nested group for "Line" as in your example "Ui.(?!(Line))" -- the outer group is sufficient, like I've shown above.
Let me give you another example of looking negative assertions: when you have list of lines, returned by "ipset", each line showing number of packets in a middle of the line, and you don't need lines with zero packets, you just run:
ipset list | pcregrep "packets(?! 0 )"
If you like perl-compatible regular expressions and have perl but don't have pcregrep or your grep doesn't support --perl-regexp, you can you one-line perl scripts that work the same way like grep:
perl -e "while (<>) {if (/Ui\.(?!Lines)/){print;};}"
Perl accepts stdin the same way like grep, e.g.
ipset list | perl -e "while (<>) {if (/packets(?! 0 )/){print;};}"
At least for the case of not wanting an 'L' character after the "Ui." you don't really need PCRE.
grep -E 'Ui\.($|[^L])' *
Here I've made sure to match the special case of the "Ui." at the end of the line.

How can I translate a regex within vim to work with sed?

I have a string that exists within a text file that I am trying to modify with regex.
and I want to modify it so that it looks like this
Within vim I can accomplish this with the following regex command
But if I try to pass that regex command to sed such as
sed 's/33-\(\d\d\)/33-\1_6ks/' input_file.json
The string is not changed, even if I include the -e parameter.
I have also tried to do this using ex as
echo '%s/33-\(\d\d\)/33-\1_6ks/' | ex input_file.json
If I use
sed 's/wks_33-\(\d\d\)*/wks_33-\1_6ks/' input_file.json
then I get
For that, I've tried various different escaping patterns without any luck.
Can someone help me understand why this changes are not working?
vim has a different syntax for regular expressions (which is even configurable). Unfortunately, sed doesn't understand \d (see With -E, you can match digits with [0-9] or [[:digit:]]:
$ sed -E 's/33-[0-9][0-9]/&_6ks/'
Note that you can use & in the replacement for adding the entire matched string.
So why is this:
$ sed 's/wks_33-\(\d\d\)*/wks_33-\1_6ks/' input_file.json
Here, (\d\d)* is simply matched 0 times, so you replace wks_33- by wks_33-_6ks (\1 is a zero-length string) and 40 remains where it was before.
Translation from one language to another is best done with some reference material on hand:
sed BRE syntax
sed ERE syntax
sed classes
sed RE extensions
The superficial reading of which shows that sed doesn't support \d.
Possible alternatives to \d\d:
How can I translate a regex within vim to work with sed?
Since you write "a regex", I think you refer to any regex.
Translating a Vim regex to a Sed regex is not always possible, because a Vim regex can have lookarounds, whereas a Sed regex has no such things.

Grep regex to unscramble a word

I want to unscramble a word using the grep command.
I am using below code. I know there are other ways to do it, but I think I'm missing something here:
grep "^[yxusonlia]\{9\}$" /usr/share/dict/words
should produce one output:
but it produces:
and many more. Basically I can't find how I should specify that characters
can only be matched once, so that I get only one output.
I apologise if it seems very simple but I tried a lot and can't find anything.
You can use grep -P (PCRE regex) with negative lookahead
grep -P '^(?:([yxusonlia])(?!.*?\1)){9}$' /usr/share/dict/words
This grep regex uses negative lookahead (?!.*?\1) for each character matched by group #1 i.e. \1. Each character is matched only and only when it is not followed by the same character again in the string till the end.
You can use lookaheads to make sure that each letter is matched exactly one time. It is verbose and requires a version of grep that supports lookaheads (e.g. via -P). It may be better to build the search string programmatically.
grep -P "^(?=.*y)(?=.*x)(?=.*u)(?=.*s)(?=.*o)(?=.*n)(?=.*l)(?=.*i)(?=.*a)[yxusonlia]{9}$" /usr/share/dict/words

zshell grep negative lookbehind

I'm trying to play around w/ a negative lookbehind regex, but I can't seem to get it to work in my zshell. Am I doing this wrong?
echo "Nate or nate" | grep "(\?<!N)a"
This should match the a in nate but NOT the a in Nate...right?
When I think of lookahead or lookbehind assertions, I think of Perl. You will need to use perl-regexp and single quotes to find the a in nate:
echo "Nate or nate" | grep -P '(?<!N)a'
It should. However, grep will print out any line with a match.
If you'd like grep to print out only the parts of the line it matches, you should give it the -o option.
There are a number of different regex flavours, but the regex for grep should probably look like this: "(?<!N)a".
First off you want to use single quotes (double quotes in zsh will try to expand the !N), you probably want extended regexen (grep -E). Also depending on your version of grep, it may not support 0-width assertions at all, check your man 7 re_format.