Here is what I have done so far, I did my best to label each bit of the code. It should also be noted that this was written in XCode, so it's running on a Mac.
Ayush Sharma
4 November 2016
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main (){
//clearing the screen
//seeding the random
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
//variables & arrays
char answer;
int r, m, correct = 0;
string capitals[50] =
{"Montgomery", "Juneau", "Phoenix", "Little Rock", "Sacramento", "Denver", "Hartford", "Dover", "Tallahassee", "Atlanta", "Honolulu", "Boise", "Springfield", "Indianapolis", "Des Moines", "Topeka", "Frankfort", "Baton Rouge", "Augusta", "Annapolis", "Boston", "Lansing", "St. Paul", "Jackson", "Jefferson City", "Helena", "Lincoln", "Carson City", "Concord", "Trenton", "Santa Fe", "Albany", "Raleigh", "Bismarck", "Columbus", "Oklahoma City", "Salem", "Harrisburg", "Providence", "Columbia", "Pierre", "Nashville", "Austin", "Salt Lake City", "Montpelier", "Richmond", "Olympia", "Charleston", "Madison", "Cheyenne"};
string states[50] = {"Alabama","Alaska","Arizona","Arkansas","California","Colorado","Connecticut","Delaware","Florida","Georgia","Hawaii","Idaho","Illinois","Indiana","Iowa","Kansas","Kentucky","Louisiana","Maine","Maryland","Massachusetts","Michigan","Minnesota","Mississippi","Missouri","Montana","Nebraska","Nevada","New Hampshire","New Jersey","New Mexico","New York","North Carolina","North Dakota","Ohio","Oklahoma","Oregon","Pennsylvania","Rhode Island","South Carolina","South Dakota","Tennessee","Texas","Utah","Vermont","Virginia","Washington","West Virginia","Wisconsin","Wyoming"};
cout << "***************************************************************\n";
cout << "* *\n";
cout << "* United States Capitals Quiz *\n";
cout << "* *\n";
cout << "***************************************************************\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
//Picking A Random State
r = rand() % 50;
//Checking if State is a Repeat
if (states[r] != "-1") {
cout << "What is the capital of " << states[r] << "? ";
//Picking Correct Answer Choice and Respective Layout
m = rand() % 4;
if (m == 0) {
cout << "\nA: " << capitals[r] << endl;
cout << "B: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "C: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "D: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
if (m == 1) {
cout << "\nA: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "B: " << capitals[r] << endl;
cout << "C: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "D: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
if (m == 2) {
cout << "\nA: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "B: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "C: " << capitals[r] << endl;
cout << "D: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
if (m == 3) {
cout << "\nA: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "B: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "C: " << capitals[rand()%50] << endl;
cout << "D: " << capitals[r] << endl;
//Recieving Answer
cout << "Answer: ";
cin >> answer;
//Converting Letter to Number
if (answer == 'A' || answer == 'a') answer = 0; if (answer == 'B' || answer == 'b') answer = 1;
if (answer == 'C' || answer == 'c') answer = 2; if (answer == 'D' || answer == 'd') answer = 3;
//Comparing Answer to Correct Answer
if (m == answer) {
cout << "Correct!" << endl << endl;
cout << "Incorrect! The correct answer was " << capitals[r] << "! \n\n";
//Removing State from Array
states[r] = "-1";
//If State was a Repeat, generate another State
//Printing Results
cout << "Number Correct: " << correct << "/15 or " << ((correct/15.00)*100) << "%!\n";
return 0;
The code works, almost. The problem is that answers are sometimes being repeated, such as in the scenario:
What is the capital of Wisconsin?
A. Madison
B. Frankfort
C. Jackson
D. Madison
Only A or D is the "correct" answer despite both having the same text (altough I'd rather make it impossible for the answers to repeat). I also would like to know if there is a more efficient way to create the layout of multiple choice questions. Thanks in advance!
Given that there are 50 values you want to draw from at random, without repetition, simply create an array or vector containing those values, shuffle it, and then access the elements of the shuffled array in order.
In C++11, this is easy using algorithms std::iota() and std::random_shuffle() from <algorithm>.
int value[50];
std::iota(std::begin(value), std::end(value), 0); // populate array with values 0 to 49
std::random_shuffle(std::begin(value), std::end(value));
Then in your outer loop, instead of r = rand()%50 use r=value[i].
std::begin() and std::end() are in standard header <iterator>.
The same idea can be used before C++11, but the method is a little different (C++11 didn't support std::begin(), std::end() or std::iota(), but equivalents are easy enough to implement).
Instead of value being an array, I'd create it as an std::vector<int>, also with 50 elements. I've illustrated above using an array, since you seem to be defaulting to using an array.
That's a pretty obvious thing to happen. An easy solution would be to make an array to hold the options already displayed. Use a while loop to add unique options to the array.You could check whether there is any repetition in the array using another function. Then, display capitals[r] along with three other options from the array.
bool noRepeat(int arr[], int o){
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
if(arr[i] == o)
return false;
return true;
int main(){
//picking correct answer and determining layout
int m = rand()%4, n=0, y, options[3];
if (m == 0) {
y = rand()%50;
if(noRepeat(options, y) && capitals[y]!=capitals[r])
options[n++] = y;
//display according to layout
cout << "\nA: " << capitals[r] << endl;
cout << "B: " << capitals[options[0]] << endl;
cout << "C: " << capitals[options[1]] << endl;
cout << "D: " << capitals[options[2]] << endl;
//do the same for the rest
Just like #Isaiah said you can use a while loop to test for the index generated to not be same your correct answer.
Something like :
int index = rand() % 50;
while(index == r)
index = rand() % 50;
cout << "B: " << capitals[index] << endl;
NOTE: this still can produce repeats of "incorrect answers", but i guess you get the point to avoid the repeats produced by rand. And obviously this is code is just to correct the repeats of corrects answer, you should be using rand at all as mentioned in comments by others.
Your problem is to pick three random capitals without repeats. So here's some pseudo code.
Put all capitals, except the true answer into a vector
Generate a random index into this vector
Use the capital at that index, and erase the capital from the vector
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the second and third random capitals. Note the random index should allow for the reduced vector size on each iteration.
I'm having a problem with the if statement at the end.
**if the sum of the cubs of the number a user inputs, is equal to the number itself, say "....". Else, say "....." **
The problem is that it always jumps the if part to the else.
Its a task from the uni, no homework or nothing, just training. IF you have suggestions on how to better I would appreciate that too.
Thank you!
int n;
cout << "Write a number different from 0 -> ";
cin >> n;
while (n == 0)
cout << "Choose another number -> ";
cin >> n;
cout << "Good number " << n << " is!" << "\n";
cout << "lets separate each digit:" << "\n" << " -----------------------------------" << endl;
vector<int> vecN;
while (n != 0)
int digit = n % 10;
n /= 10;
cout << n << endl;
cout << "Digit: " << digit << endl;
cout << "There you go!" << endl;
cout << "Next stage, let's find the cubes for each one of the digits!" << endl;
vector<int> sums;
for (auto i = vecN.begin(); i != vecN.end(); i++)
int Cubes = pow(*i, 3);
cout << Cubes << endl;
cout << "Now let's sum the cubs and see if the number is an Armstrong Number" << endl;
int armSum = accumulate(sums.begin(), sums.end(), 0);
if ( armSum == n )
cout << "Sum: " << armSum << endl;
cout << "That's an Armstrong Number!" << "\n"
"The sum of the cubs of each digit in the number is equal to that same number!" << endl;
cout << "Sum: " << armSum << endl;
cout << "That's not an Armstrong Number!" << endl;
return 0;
} ```
When the if-part is entered, the else-part won't be entered any more. Note that your if/else is not surrounded by a loop. So when control passes by once, e.g. when having entered n==0, then it has passed by and won't step into neither the if nor the else-part a second time.
Try something like
while (n==0) {
cout << "Choose another number -> ";
cin >> n;
// continue here; n is != 0
its a text based monopoly game where i need the dice to select the number from the array like on a board.
I have the number generator, what i need to do though is when the value comes up it pluses it on the array to get the matching number so for example if the players rolls a 6, the 6 + array 0 = array value 6 which will be a name of a street but it means the player knows which place on the made up board they are on. here is the coding i am using to try and do so but i keep on getting 006ff65 what ever. i how can i get it for showing just the number as the names will be added later.
int main()
int number = 12;
int rnum = (rand() % number) + 1;
int house = 1;
int moneyscore = 10000;
double values[] = {
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 };
char name[50];
cout << "Who are you, Dog, Car, Hat or Bus" << endl;
cin.getline(name, 50);
cout << "Welcome to Our Game " << name << " You have " << moneyscore << " .PLease Roll dice to get started" << endl;
cout << "\n----------------------Press any Enter to roll dice----------------------" << endl;
int choiceOne_Path;
cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;
rnum = values[rnum];
cout << "# you have " << moneyscore << endl;
cout << "# You move to grid "<< values << endl;
cout << "\t >> Enter '1' Buy Property" << endl;
cout << "\t >> Enter '2' Recieve Rent" << endl;
cout << "\t >> Enter '3' End turn" << endl;
cout << "\nEnter your choice: ";
cin >> choiceOne_Path;
if (choiceOne_Path == 1)
cout << "\n Buy Property " << endl;
cout << " " << name << " has " << moneyscore << endl;
cout << " " << house <<" House has been placed by " << name <<" who spent 2,500" << endl;
moneyscore -= 2500;
cout << " " << name << " now has " << moneyscore << endl;
cout << "\n Roll again" << endl;
cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;
else if (choiceOne_Path == 2)
cout << "\n You recieved 2500 from rent" << endl;
moneyscore += 2500;
cout << " " << name << "\n now has" << moneyscore << endl;
cout << "\n(Player will gain money form house, will need to find a way in order to make the
console remember what score == to postion)" << endl;
cout << "Ends turn" << endl;
else if (choiceOne_Path == 3)
cout << "\n Roll again" << endl;
cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;
cout << "You are doing it wrong, player! Press either '1' or '2', nothing else!" << endl;
goto retry;
cout << "\n----------------------Press any key to continue----------------------" << endl;
As far as I know, you should use srand (time(NULL)); between every call to rand() to correctly return a new random number from every call.
"srand" initialize the random number generator using a seed. In this case seed is time, which should be different on every call.
Pretty basic. You either made a few typos or need to learn how arrays work (and program flow, and subroutines, but perhaps that is for later lessons.)
First you are assigning the result of the array lookup back into your random number: rnum = values[rnum]; which is not a big deal except you use that variable later and it no longer contains what you may think it does. It actually contains the value you are looking for!
Second the variable values is a pointer to the head of your array so you are outputting the address of the values array with this line: cout << "# You move to grid "<< values << endl; there is no array look up happening at all here. It is strange you missed that because you did reference the array contents properly when you replaced the random number value earlier.
I'm working on a self-imposed practice exercise. The parameters are that I allow the user to enter a name that is stored in a vector. Printing the list of names in the vector gives you the position of each name. You can choose to encrypt a name in the list by providing the name's position. Encryption compares each letter in the name with another string that is the allowed alphabet for names. When it finds the letter in the alphabet, it pulls a corresponding character from another string of random characters and assigns the new character to the same position.
Using a range based for loop I almost got it to work. By adding output statements I can see the code correctly comparing the characters of a name to the allowed alphabet and finding the corresponding value in the encryption key. However when the loop is complete and I print the list of names again, the characters in the name to be encrypted are unchanged.
Trying to troubleshoot the issue, I have commented out the range based for loop and tried to do the same thing with a traditional for loop. With this code I get and error during encryption:
Position 1 A is the same as #
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 26) >= this->size() (which is 2)
The "Position 1 A is the same as #" line is a debug output that I added to show that the code is able to find the correct string, a letter in the string, and the corresponding letter in they key.
Any help in understanding why I get those errors would be appreciated.
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Declare strings for Encryption and Decryption
string alphabet {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "};
string key {"mnbvfghytcqwi1234567890`~!##$%^&*()-=_+[]\{}|;':,./<>?"};
//Declare collection of names for the list
vector <string> names {};
//Declare character to hold the user menu selection
char selection {};
string user_input{};
string banner (50, '=');
//Print menu
cout << "\n" << banner << endl;
cout << "A - Add name to list" << endl;
cout << "P - Print all names in list" << endl;
cout << "E - Encrypt a name in the list" << endl;
cout << "D - Decrypt a name in the list" << endl;
cout << "S - Show details of a name in the list" << endl;
cout << "C - Clear all names in the list" << endl;
cout << "Q - Quit" << endl;
cout << banner << endl;
cout << "Selection: ";
getline(cin, user_input);
if (user_input.size() != 1)
cout << "Error 4: Menu selection must be a single character" << endl;
selection = '1';
for (auto c: user_input)
if (!isalpha(c))
cout << "Error 5: Menu selection must be an alphabetic character" << endl;
selection = '1';
selection = c;
// cin >> selection;
// cin.clear();
// cin.sync();
switch (selection)
case 'a':
case 'A':
string temp_name{};
bool invalid_name {false};
cout << "Enter full name: ";
getline(cin, temp_name);
if (!isalpha(temp_name[0]))
cout << "Error 2: Names must begin with an alphabetic character" << endl << endl;
for (auto c: temp_name)
if (!isalpha(c) && !isspace(c) && c != '-')
invalid_name = true;
invalid_name = false;
if (invalid_name)
cout << "Error 3: Name contains invalid characters" << endl << endl;
{ = toupper (;
for (size_t i {1}; i < temp_name.size(); i++)
size_t position{i-1};
if (isspace( || == '-')
{ = toupper(;
cout << "Added name #" << names.size() << endl;
case 'p':
case 'P':
for (size_t i {0}; i < names.size(); i++)
cout << i+1 << ". " << << endl;
case 'e':
case 'E':
size_t encrypt_input{}, key_position{}, name_position {}, name_size {};
cout << "Enter the position of the name to encrypt: ";
cin >> encrypt_input;
if (encrypt_input < 1 || encrypt_input > names.size())
cout << "Error 6: Invalid selection for name to encrypt" << endl << endl;
name_position = encrypt_input - 1;
name_size =;
cout << "Encrypting name: " << << " of size " << name_size << endl << endl;
cout << "Position 1 " << << " is the same as ";
key_position = alphabet.find(;
cout << << endl;
for (size_t i {0}; i < name_size; i++)
key_position = alphabet.find(;
cout << "Finding " << << " in key at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Found encryption value of " << << " at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Changing " << << " to " << << endl; =;
for (auto c:
cout << "Converting " << c << " to ";
key_position = alphabet.find(c);
cout << << endl;
c =;
cout << "C is now " << c << endl << endl;
cout << << endl;
case 'q':
case 'Q':
cout << "Goodbye" << endl << endl;
cout << "Error 1: Invalid menu selection" << endl << endl;
} while (selection != 'Q' && selection != 'q');
return 0;
Welcome to Stackoverflow! I agree entirely with PaulMcKenzie that such a big function is not the best for a variety of reasons - the immediate reasons are that its hard to read and hard to find problems - but there are more reasons as well.
Having said that you have a bug that I can see in the E case.
for (size_t i {0}; i < name_size; i++)
key_position = alphabet.find(;
cout << "Finding " << << " in key at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Found encryption value of " << << " at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Changing " << << " to " << << endl; =;
Should be
for (unsigned int i{ 0 }; i < name_size; i++)
key_position = alphabet.find(;
cout << "Finding " << << " in key at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Found encryption value of " << << " at position " << key_position << endl;
cout << "Changing " << << " to " << << endl; =;
ie key_position should be name_position in 2 places.
There may be other bugs, but this should stop the crashing and do the encoding right.
EDIT: On request of OP have added a new code fragment.
int i = 0; // position counter
for (auto c:
cout << "Converting " << c << " to ";
key_position = alphabet.find(c);
cout << << endl;
c =;
cout << "C is now " << c << endl << endl; = c; // update the names variable.
This should solve the problem you mentioned for the auto loop.
You're accessing an invalid location of names vector and the error / exception is showing that.
When you do this: key_position ).at( i )
// ^^^
// It should be name_position
in this statement,
cout << "Finding " << key_position ).at( i ) << " in key at position " << key_position << endl;
you're accessing an invalid index of names whereas it should be: name_position ).at( i )
and, that'll work because it access a valid index.
You're making the same mistake in this statement as well:
cout << "Changing " << key_position ).at( i ) << " to " << key_position ) << endl;
Correct these and it should work!
It's time you read How to debug small programs.
It'll help you figure out what's wrong with your program in a more systematic way.
A few points regarding your code organization in general:
You should divide your program in functions instead of cluttering the main function.
You may write functions corresponding to each of your case in switch statement e.g. addName(), encryptName(), decryptName(), etc.
This modularity will definitely help you and other people to read, debug, maintain and extend your code easily and efficiently. In your case, it would also help you write an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example in no time.
Hope that helps!
Best of luck!
Happy coding!
I am trying to add a countdown timer to this program. I would like the timer to start when the first math fact question is asked and upon expiration i want the program to give the grade. What's the code to do this in c++ if possible?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main(int args, char* argv[])
int i;
int result;
int solution;
char fact;
bool done = false;
int correct = 0;
int count = 0;
do {
try {
cout << "Enter (m)ultiplication or "
<< "(a)ddition." << endl; /*or (s)ubstraction. */
cin >> fact;
while (!cin)
throw fact;
if (fact != 'A')
if (fact != 'a')
if (fact != 'M')
if (fact != 'm')
while (!cin)
throw fact;
cout << "Now, enter the number of the fact that
you would like to do." << endl;
cin >> i;
int wrong = 0;
int score = 0;
int j = 0;
while (!cin)
throw i;
switch (fact) {
case 'm':
case 'M':
while (j < 13) {
cout << "What's " << i << " x " << j << "?" << endl;
cin >> result;
while (!cin)
throw result;
solution = i * j;
if (result == solution) {
cout << "Great Job! That is the correct answer for the problem "
<< i << " x " << j << "." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
if (result != solution) {
cout << "Oh no! " << result << " is NOT the correct answer for "
<< i << " x " << j << "." << endl;
wrong = wrong + 1;
if (count == 3) {
cout << "The correct answer is " << i * j << "." << endl;
wrong = wrong - 3;
count = 0;
if (count == 1) {
cout << endl;
wrong = wrong - 1;
if (count == 2) {
cout << endl;
wrong = wrong - 2;
case 'a':
case 'A':
while (j < 13) {
cout << "What's " << i << " + " << j << "?" << endl;
cin >> result;
while (!cin)
throw result;
solution = i + j;
if (result == solution) {
cout << "Great Job! That is the correct answer for the problem "
<< i << " + " << j << "." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
if (result != solution) {
cout << "Oh no! " << result << " is NOT the correct answer for "
<< i << " + " << j << "." << endl;
wrong = wrong + 1;
if (count == 3) {
cout << "The correct answer is " << i + j << "." << endl;
wrong = wrong - 3;
count = 0;
if (count == 1) {
cout << endl;
wrong = wrong - 1;
if (count == 2) {
cout << endl;
wrong = wrong - 2;
if (j == 13) {
correct = score - wrong;
score = (correct * 100) / 13;
if (score >= 80) {
cout << "Excellent!!!!!" << endl;
cout << "You scored " << score << "%." << endl;
cout << "You got " << correct << " out of 13 correct." << endl;
cout << "Keep up the good work." << endl;
} else if (score >= 70) {
cout << "Congratulations!!!!!" << endl
cout << "You scored " << score << "%." << endl;
cout << "You got " << correct << " out of 13 correct." << endl;
cout << "Let's see if we can score even higher next time." << endl;
} else {
cout << "You scored below 70 which means that you may need some"
<< " more practice." << endl;
cout << "You scored " << score << "%." << endl;
cout << "You got " << correct << " out of 13 correct." << endl;
cout << "You might want to try the " << i << " facts again."
<< " Goodluck!!!!!" << endl;
} catch (char fact) {
cout << "Invalid input. You can only enter (m)ultiplication or"
<< " (a)ddition. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
} catch (int i) {
cout << "Invalid input0. You can only enter a
number here. Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
} catch (...) {
cout << "Invalid input2. You can only enter a number here.
Please try again." << endl;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
} while (!done);
return 0;
The task is quite hard, but if you dare trying, I suggest doing it in two steps:
Implement inaccurate solution: timer expiration is checked between queries to user.
If there is some time left, next question is asked, otherwise statistics is shown. So program always waits for user input on the last question despite timer has run out. Not what exactly quizzes look like, but good move to start with.
Method: before starting quiz save current time, before each question take delta between saved time and current one and compare with time limit. Example with chrono (starting from C++11), example with oldschool clock
Add middle-question interruption
This part requires function, which will wait for user input not longer, than specified amount of time. So instead of using std::cin() you'll need to calculate amount of time left (time limit minus delta between cur time and start time) and call some sort of cin_with_timeout(time_left).
The hardest thing is implementing cin_with_timeout(), which requires solid knowledge of multithreading and thread synchronization. Great inspiration can be found here, but it is direction to start thinking rather than complete solution.
I've been having trouble doing this assignment. I'm just having a hard time understanding and I am not entirely sure what to do. I've researched and watched videos and havent been able to find the right, specific information. Its a bunch of questions, so I hope someone can not only giveme the answers, but also explain to me so I have a strong understanding :) . Here are the questions:
1)In this exercise we have been given some program code that will accept two integers as inputs
and evaluate which one holds the larger value. This evaluation occurs in multiple places
throughout the code. Write a function that the program could use to perform this same evaluation
instead of duplicating the code over and over. Start by writing a suitable function declaration
towards the beginning of the code file. You will have to decide whether your function will return
some output or not.
2) With your declaration written proceed to define the function, including the appropriate pieces of
code that will evaluate which of the two integers is the largest. If you stated earlier that your
function will return a value, be sure to define what it will return here.
3) Use your result from parts (1) and (2) to reduce the amount of duplicate code in the main function
provided by replacing the multiple instances of the integer comparison with a call to invoke the
function you have created. Remember that the function will require two integers to be passed in
as arguments and if you are returning some value from the function it should be used (stored in
a variable, outputted to screen, etc.). As a word of advice, test your function works correctly after
replacing just one of the evaluations, don’t replace them all at once (if the function works correctly
for the first replacement then it should work for the others).
4) Since the function you have created only compares the values of its parameters and doesn’t write
to them (i.e. change the value stored in them) we should specify in the function declaration and
definition that these parameters should be treated like constants. Make the necessary
modifications to the function and test again to verify the function still works. Confirm the function
will not let you change the data of the parameters by trying to include an operation in the function
that would change the value of one of the variables (e.g. number2 += 10;)
-- Here is the code ( I apologise for the long writing):
#include <iostream>
int main(void)
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int nNum1 = 10, nNum2 = 11;
cout << "This program will compare two numbers and report which one is larger.\n\n"
<< "Proceeding with evaluation...\n" << endl;
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << nNum1 << " and " << nNum2 << ", the larger one is: ";
if (nNum1 > nNum2)
cout << nNum1 << endl;
else if (nNum1 < nNum2)
cout << nNum2 << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
int numberA = 234;
int numberB = 234;
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << numberA << " and " << numberB << ", the larger one is: ";
if (numberA > numberB)
cout << numberA << endl;
else if (numberA < numberB)
cout << numberB << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
int one = 'a';
int two = 'A';
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << one << " and " << two << ", the larger one is: ";
if (one > two)
cout << one << endl;
else if (one < two)
cout << two << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << 13 << " and " << 84 << ", the larger one is: ";
if (13 > 84)
cout << 13 << endl;
else if (13 < 84)
cout << 84 << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
int input1 = 0;
int input2 = 0;
cout << "\nPlease enter a number: ";
cin >> input1;
cout << "\nPlease enter a second number: ";
cin >> input2;
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << input1 << " and " << input2 << ", the larger one is: ";
if (input1 > input2)
cout << input1 << endl;
else if (input1 < input2)
cout << input2 << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
cout << "\n\tThank you for running me :3\n" << endl;
return 0;
You basically have to refactor the code to replace the duplicate code part in your main function.
If you look closely you will see that code like this repeats:
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << nNum1 << " and " << nNum2 << ", the larger one is: ";
if (nNum1 > nNum2)
cout << nNum1 << endl;
else if (nNum1 < nNum2)
cout << nNum2 << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
So put that into a function:
void CompareNumbers(int nNum1, int nNum2)
cout << "\nUsing numbers: " << nNum1 << " and " << nNum2 << ", the larger one is: ";
if (nNum1 > nNum2)
cout << nNum1 << endl;
else if (nNum1 < nNum2)
cout << nNum2 << endl;
cout << "Neither of them! It's a draw." << endl;
And call this in your main function instead of duplicating the said code block.