Informatica Expression IS_DATE - informatica

This works:
TO_DATE(TO_CHAR('12'|| '-' || '12' || '-01'),'YYYY/MM/DD')
This does not work:
IS_DATE(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR('12'|| '-' || '12' || '-01'),'YYYY/MM/DD'))
IS_DATE(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR('12'|| '-' || '12' || '-01'),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'YYYY/MM/DD')
What exactly am I doing wrong?
I have tried datatypes STRING and DATE/TIME

please try this
IS_DATE(TO_CHAR('12'|| '-' || '12' || '-01'),'YYYY/MM/DD')
IS_DATE(input as char,format as char)
IS_DATE returns 1 if the input is a valid date and 0 if the date is not valid.
IS_DATE('02/01/2013', 'DD/MM/YYYY')-> returns 1
IS_DATE('02312013','MMDDYYYY')-> returns 0(as February 31st is not a valid date)


Oracle - How to find carriage return, new line and tab using REGEXP_LIKE?

I am trying to run a query in Oracle 11g where I am looking in a VARCHAR column for any rows that contain any of a carriage return, new line or tab. So far my code is as shown
select c1 from table_name where regexp_like(c1, '[\r\n\t]')
Not sure why but I am getting unexpected results. I saw some mention that Oracle doesnt support '\r' or any of the other characters I used? Some folks mentioned to use chr(10) for example and then I tried the following code
select c1 from table_name where regexp_like(c1, '[chr(10)|chr(13)]')
And again I am getting unexpected results. Pretty sure I am misunderstanding something here and I was hoping for some guidance.
You can use:
select c1
from table_name
where c1 LIKE '%' || chr(10) || '%'
or c1 LIKE '%' || chr(13) || '%'
or c1 LIKE '%' || chr(9) || '%';
select c1
from table_name
where regexp_like(c1, '[' || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(9) || ']')
where regexp_like(c1, '[\r\n\t]') does not work as you are matching any character that is \ or r or \ or n or \ or t (and not matching the perl-like character sets \r, \n or \t).
where regexp_like(c1, '[chr(10)|chr(13)]') does not wotk as you are matching any character that is c or h or r or ( or 1 or 0 or ) or | or c or h or r or ( or 1 or 3 or ) as you have a string literal and are not evaluating the contents of the literal. If you want to evaluate them as calls to the CHR function then it must be outside the string literal as the second example above.

Oracle APEX 5.0: add items values to dynamic URL

I have table containing data in columns apex_page, apex_to_item, apex_with_values like this:
apex_to_page: 6010
apex_to_item: P6010_XSRCS_ID,P6010_XSVER_ID
apex_with_values: XSRCS_ID,ID
During rendering of the page I want to parse this values (URL destination, list of items to set, list of values from current page) and create URLs based on it. For example: f?p=112:6010:4314006485638::NO::P6010_XSRCS_ID,P6010_XSVER_ID:100,200&cs=3LNhUQHJiAOOaiw3C_z3bHGtc4Us0LZV-D7ZMQhG0Z3EzCLeJpT8f--YA7SFOoD4xQD2C45qrv2PVxvwBY39qBA
I.e. I want to take current values of XSRCS_ID,ID items of current page (100,200) and insert it into URL. When there is only one value to pass I have solution:
SELECT name label,
APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL(p_url => 'f?p=' || NV('APP_ID') || ':' || apex_page || ':' || NV('APP_SESSION') || '::NO::' || apex_to_items || ':' || NV('P' || :APP_PAGE_ID || '_' || apex_with_values), p_checksum_type => 'SESSION') apex_url
FROM ...
When there are more that one item to pass I've tried something like this:
SELECT name label,
APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL(p_url => 'f?p=' || NV('APP_ID') || ':' || apex_page || ':' || NV('APP_SESSION') || '::NO::' || apex_to_items || ':' || regexp_replace(apex_with_values, '([^,]+)', NV('P' || :APP_PAGE_ID || '_\1')), p_checksum_type => 'SESSION') apex_url
FROM ...
and it isn't worked.
Is there a way to extract values from page and insert it into URL?
You need to add coma separated values. First you need to combine all the Keys together (coma separated) and then the values also coma separated.
Here is an example
p_url => 'f?p=' || l_app || ':'||apex_application.g_x01||':'||l_session||'::NO::'
||l_item_item1|| ','||l_item_item2||
||apex_application.g_x02|| ','||apex_application.g_x03||','||
apex_application.g_x04||','|| apex_application.g_x05,
p_checksum_type => 'SESSION');

How to remove all foreign characters SAS

I have been dealing with this problem all day today, so far I tried below but it is still causing error. The error shows
Last Name field may only contain alphabetic characters, hyphens, or apostrophes. Please remove all foreign characters and resubmit.
last_name=compress(last_name,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!##$%^&*()-_=+\|[]{};:',.<>?/ " , "kis");
pos_notalpha = notalpha ( TRIMN ( last_name )) ;
keep last_name;
where pos_notalpha=0;
Is anything I can do anything else to remove all foreign Characters?
Here's how you can clean specific ASCII chars from a string. Define an FCMP function:
proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.funcs;
function clean(iField $) $200;
bad_char_list = byte( 0) || byte( 1) || byte( 2) || byte( 3) || byte( 4) || byte( 5) || byte( 6) || byte( 7) || byte( 8) || byte( 9) ||
byte(10) || byte(11) || byte(12) || byte(13) || byte(14) || byte(15) || byte(16) || byte(17) || byte(18) || byte(19) ||
byte(20) || byte(21) || byte(22) || byte(23) || byte(24) || byte(25) || byte(26) || byte(27) || byte(28) || byte(29) ||
byte(30) || byte(31) ||
iCleaned = translate(iField," ",bad_char_list);
return (iCleaned );
Example Usage - Cleaning line breaks prior to exporting to CSV:
data x;
length employer $200;
employer = cats("blah",byte(10),"diblah");
employer = clean(employer);
proc export data=x
Note - This function is pretty slow if you have a very large dataset and/or are running against many fields. If you are targeting very specific bad characters (for example those that may affect CSV integrity) then you may want to reduce the character list to just bytes 9/10/13.
Here are two ways
Regular expression
Use PRXCHANGE with a regular expression pattern containing a bracketed NOT (^) character class specifying which non-matching characters are to be replaced with nothing (//). The literal characters dash (-) and apostrophe (') need to be escaped with backslash (\)
lastname = prxchange("s/[^A-Za-z\-\']//", -1, lastname);
Compress with list of characters to keep
The compress function using the third parameter form to specify the compress option K to mean keep instead of remove.
lastname = compress(lastname, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-'", 'K');

CoffeeScript String Comparison

In CoffeeScript, is there a way to simplify the following:
if(value === "something" || value === "else" || value === "wow"){}
I've tried:
if value is "something" or "else" or "wow"
But this produces the literal output of this:
if(value === "something" || "else" || "wow){}
Is there a way to check if a string is one of multiple values (OR or AND) in CoffeeScript?
I think you probably want
if value in ['something', 'else', 'wow']

High Surrogate Detection in Oracle Regular Expression

I have a web service that pulls text from an NCLOB column and returns the data via XML. The NCLOB column is populated by extracting text from documents, so there are occasions where invalid XML characters are placed in the XML, causing the consuming system to fail.
As per the W3C, the range of valid characters is:
#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
/* any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. */
We have tried a few different RegExp patterns, and we're close, but we're not completely there yet. Here is the closest we've come. All of the invalid characters are replaced except for the high surrogates (DB9B - DBFF).
'[^[:print:]' || chr(13) || chr(10) || ']|[' || UNISTR('\FFFE-\FFFF') || ']',
We have also tried this, but none of the surrogates (D800 - DFFE) are replaced.
REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE(TEXT, unistr('\0000'), ' '),
'[' || unistr('\0001-\0008') || ']'
|| '|[' || unistr('\000B-\000C') || ']'
|| '|[' || unistr('\000E-\001F') || ']'
|| '|[' || unistr('\D800-\DFFF') || ']'
|| '|[' || unistr('\FFFE-\FFFF') || ']',' ')
How can we match the high surrogates? Any thoughts or guidance would be most appreciated.
You could write your own function since regex_replace does not seem to work for the high surrogates. Here's an example (tested on 9.2 and 11.2):
l_result NCLOB;
l_char NVARCHAR2(1 char);
FOR i IN 1 .. length(p_clob) LOOP
l_char := substr(p_clob, i, 1);
IF utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_char))
BETWEEN to_number('DB9B', 'xxxx') AND to_number('DBFF', 'xxxx') THEN
l_result := l_result || N'*';
l_result := l_result || l_char;
RETURN l_result;
It should run with large NCLOB, here's an example with a clob > 32k characters:
2 l_in NCLOB;
3 l_out NCLOB;
5 FOR i IN 1 .. to_number('DBFF', 'xxxx') LOOP
6 l_in := l_in || nchr(i);
8 dbms_output.put_line('l_in length:' || length(l_in));
9 l_out := replace_invalid(l_in);
10 dbms_output.put_line('l_out length:' || length(l_out));
11 dbms_output.put_line('chars replaced:'
12 || (length(l_out) - length(REPLACE(l_out, '*', ''))));
13 END;
14 /
l_in length:56319
l_out length:56319
chars replaced:102
You can use series of calls TRANSLATE.
For example,
SELECT UNISTR('abc\00e5\00f1\00f6') Source FROM DUAL;
SELECT TRANSLATE(UNISTR('abc\00e5\00f1\00f6'), UNISTR('a\00e5\00f1'), 'a') Final FROM DUAL;