c++ in visual studio - c++

I'm learning C++ but I have seen that Visual Studio has Visual C++. I searched about the difference but I haven't found anything satisfying.
The only thing I found was, that Visual C++ is a version of C++ but with more libraries. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
So I have two questions:
What's the difference between C++ and Visual C++?
And can I write normal C++ in Visual Studio? If I can't write normal C++ in Visual Studio, where do I write it the best in.
I want to try to make some small games.

C++ is a programming language and Visual C++ is a Microsoft's C++ compiler.
Visual C++: less portable, but has specialized libraries which may make you stick with Windows.


Visual Studio Code uses C++98. Change it to newer version?

I just downloaded Visual studio Code and like it so far. I mainly use C++, but I prefer the newer versions.
I just wanted to write a little test program and noticed, that my VS Code uses C++ 98.
Is there a way in which I can tell my compiler or VS Code to use a higher version of c++?

Compiler used by Visual Studio for C++?

I have tried searching on the internet but could not find out the compiler used by Visual Studio for C++ applications.
I wanted to know whether it is freely available & whether it can be used for commercial applications.
Traditionally I have been using Turbo C++.
The problem with Visual Studio C++ Express is that it does not work with some applications.
For example, BRL-CAD which is an open source project works properly with the commercial version but gives some problems for the Express edition.
It seems that there is some problem with MinGW compiler as well.
I am told this by the people running that project.
Visual Studio uses the same compiler for all editions. So, the Express edition uses the same compiler as the Professional edition. There are also no restrictions on producing commercial applications, in either case. There are differences in the advanced features offered by the IDE, but the compilers are the same. So whatever your problems are in getting the project to work, it is nothing to do with the compiler.

C++ Call dll function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Possible to call C++ code from C#?
Many years ago I did develp in C++ using Visual Studio 6.
Nowdays, I should writing a simple console application in order to call some dll function written in c++.
Note that none of that functions are exposed in .NET world, so I cannot write any wrap, instead I just need to remeber something about c++.
The first thing I got in my mind is how to call (in .net, referencing) native dll. Is it accomplished simply by "using ddlFilePath" instruction?
Finally, but not less important, wich are essential differents between C++ console app created with Visual Studio 6 and C++ Console app created with Visual Studio 2010?
Please look at this similar question:
Using .dll in Visual Studio 2010 C++
The first answer is very well written (I think)
The essential difference between C++ programs written in Visual Studio 6 and programs written in Visual Studio 2010 is the improvement and syntax change in the C++ language. The language should be backwards compatible, so programs written in Visual Studio 6 should compile in Visual Studio 10 (but not the other way!)
To use a non-COM DLL in .NET, you have to use Platform Invoke.

C++ snippet support in Visual Studio 2010

What is the best way to use snippets in Visual C++ 2010? I know about Visual AssistX and love it, but I'd prefer some free solution. I read question: C++ snippet support in visual studio? , but there is no answer to my question.
You can always create a poor-man's snippet by writing a Visual Studio Macro (written in VBScript and utilizing some VS-provided APIs) to insert a certain block of code in your file.

What is the difference between "VC++" and "C++"?

Someone asked me how familiar I am with VC++ and how familiar I am with C++. What is the difference?
C++ is the actual language, VC++ is Microsoft's Visual C++, an IDE for C++ development.
From stason.org:
C++ is the programming language, Visual C++ is Microsoft's implementation of it.
When people talk about learning Visual C++, it usually has more to do with learning how to use the programming environment, and how to use the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFCs) for Windows rather than any language issues. Visual C++ can and will compile straight C and C++.
C++ is the name of a programming language that has been approved by international standards committees (ANSI/ISO).
VC++ (“Visual C++”) is the product name of Microsoft's C++ compiler and sometimes, but not officially, the IDE it's shipped with (“Visual Studio”).
Well, Visual C++ used to stand for the Microsoft C++ compiler plus the MFC library. Basically there's no difference in the language itself, but VC++ includes a library, and some IDE support, for easily building GUIs.
vc++ is a development environment and c++ is a language
VC++ means different things to different people. You can use the Visual Studio environment to build (almost) standard C++ applications. You can also use it for Micrososft-specific additions - which vary from version to version. For example, the MFC components for windows applications, or the newer C++/CLI for .NET applications
VC++ is short for Visual C++, and is an IDE (integrated development environment) developed by Microsoft, included as part of Visual Studio. C++ is a language.
C++ is a language, VC++ (Visual C++) is a Microsoft development environment which was a forerunner to Visual Studio which helps you write C++.
You can know everything there is to know about C++ and never have seen VC++.
VC++ is IDE developed by Microsoft using microsoft c++ compiler.while C++ is the programming language.
Visual C++ and C++ are two entirely different things. They are related, though.
C++ is a high-level programming language that a compiler translates into machine code a computer can understand and execute.
Visual C++ is a tool created by Microsoft to make writing, compiling and debugging C++ source code easier. Visual C++ is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
In some cases, they refer to its corresponding C++ implementation and its compilers.
C++ refers to standard headers/functions and its GCC C++ compiler.
VC++ refers to Microsoft implementation of C++ standard and its VC++
They are not compatible with each other. Linux network/threading functions, numeric data types are different than its Windows counterpart. You can't compile Linux C++ code directly in Windows without using third-party GCC ports such as Cygwin/MinGW.
Most academic/research tools and libraries are written in C++ (GCC), and one will have the hard time to compile those in VC++.