Using function parameters and arguments in Xcode 8 with C++ - c++

I've only recently started learning to code (About 3 days ago, to be exact!) so I really have no idea what I'm doing, to the point that I'm having trouble researching answers to my questions because I don't really know the terminology for anything.
Anyway, I'm learning on, and I'm up to 1.4a – "A first look at function parameters and arguments".
I tried to run this piece of code:
#include <iostream>
void printValues(int x, int y)
std::cout << x << std::endl;
std::cout << y << std::endl;
int main()
printValues(6, 7);
return 0;
Apparently it's supposed to spit out:
in the console window.
However, when I run it, it just says (lldb) in the console window and in the variable window it says:
[A]x = int (6)
[A]y = int (7)
The program also doesn't seem to finish running as it should – it doesn't spit out the return number at the end and when I try to change it and rerun it it asks if I want to terminate the program that's already running.
If it's any help, it highlights this line in green:
std::cout << x << std::endl;
It might also be worth noting that the tutorials on the website use Visual Studios, so I assume there's a difference between two programs that's causing me to have a problem?
Sorry if there is an obvious way to find the answer to this question, I've done some Googling and I tried watching Youtube tutorials etc. but I can't seem to find anything addressing my issue. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place.
If anybody would be able to help me or even direct me to where I might find an answer that would be much appreciated.
Thank you!

Did you set a breakpoint on that line? Usually the debugger will stop on a line if there's an error, or the developer set a breakpoint on that line. If it's highlighted in green, that's a breakpoint. You should see a blue pointer to the left of the line, like this:
If you click on it, it will turn light blue and the breakpoint will be disabled. You can then either type "continue" at the prompt, or press the continue button (it's a right-pointing triangle with a rectangle to the left of it, sort of like the "Play/Pause" button on a music player).
To remove the breakpoint, grab the blue arrow and drag it to the left and then let go of it. It should disappear in a puff of smoke.


How does a program interact with another program?

Alright, I'm a little bit (honestly way too) confused about how the heck I can make a program interact with another program.
For example, let's say a game, a shooter, when you run an external program and you make your character not able to die, or immediately shoot when detects an enemy, etc...
I was reading a little bit about it, and they say you have to know how the "target" is composed. But I still don't get it.
For example, let's say we've got a simple code like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main() {
for(int h = 0; ; h++) {
std::cout << "The H's value is: " << h << std::endl;
return 0;
Then, how do I create another program where I can change the H's value to zero everytime I press any key?
Don't get me wrong, I ain't trying to hack anyone or anything, I'm just curious about how those programs work.
(Sorry if I've got some grammar issues, English isn't my native language).
Specific to your program in the exapmle if we take that the program is already compiled and you are not allowed to make any changes to the source code the solution would be to build a program which will run with high enough privileges to examine this process's memory and directly change the in-memory value of h, which should be on the top of the stack(or almost).
Speaking of some more "legal" ways to do so you should check you should read about inter process communication which can be done with multiple methods. Read this.
However most "Bots" and programs which help cheaters in games are in many cases graphics based and are able to analyse the image and thus help aim. On the other hand some "recoil reducers" simply move your mouse in the opposite direction of the recoil of the gun in game. So there is a ton of approaches to your question and for every particular case the answer might be different.

Xcode debugger not showing C++ cout output

I am currently trying to get the hang of the debugger in Xcode while I am trying to learn C++. I'm coming across a problem where the debugger is not showing any cout output to the console. It just says (lldb)
I've set breakpoints to make sure I don't miss anything:
4 variable outputs
As you can see this piece of code has already been run:
int x = 1;
std::cout << x << " ";
However, the console is still only showing me the following:
console output
I can step over each statement and it still won't show anyting but (lldb)
To my knowlegde the debugger should be showing 1 2 4 8 sequentially as I step over/step into each statement. However, the results are only output the console after I finish debugging.
My question essentially, why am I not seeing anything being displayed?
For the record this is my first question, if I've not searched well enough or broken any rules please feel free to let me know, thanks in advance.
You need to terminate your output line, e.g.:
std::cout << x << "\n";
std::cout << x << std::endl;
Your output should show up after your have written a line terminator character as in either of the statements above.

C++ output screen disappears

Why does my C++ output screen disappear immediately? I'm a beginner in cpp. Can anyone help me to find the problem please?
You should either launch your application inside of a terminal, or add a line of code that waits for the input in order for the window to not close. E.g. add in the end of the function main a line:
And also add at beginning of the file the include that holds that function.
#include <iostream>
This is hard to answer since there can be many things that can cause your output box to close immediately. First try having a cout statement and then a cin statement. Something like:
Also make sure to have the necessary include statement at the top and whatever you want to return at the bottom.
return 0;
As you have said that you are beginner in C++, you should keep in mind ,three major things while coding in C++. You've mentioned that your screen disappears , then following things you should try.
1). in C++ conventionally main returns value of type int.And the format of your program should be like...
int main()
//body of your program
return 0;
If the function returns 0, that means it ran successfully.
2). You have to inlcude #include<iostream> on the top of your program.
3).check whether the IDE you are using is compatibale to your operating system or not.
Hope this will help you.

SDL_GetRelativeMouseState strange behaviour

I have an application in SDL 2.0.3 that enters relative mouse mode before entering the main game loop. In addition, function mouse_input is called in each step:
int mdltx = 0, mdlty = 0;
void mouse_input () {
auto r = SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&mdltx, &mdlty);
if (mdltx != 0 || mdlty != 0)
cout << "(" << mdltx << "," << mdlty << ")" << endl;
// Update mouse key presses
mpul = !!(r&SDL_BUTTON(1)) | ((!!(r&SDL_BUTTON(3)))<<1);
According to the documentation of SDL_GetRelativeMouseState:
(...) x and y are set to the mouse deltas since the last call to SDL_GetRelativeMouseState() or since event initialization.
I've added the output lines for debugging purposes, because the resulting effect in the application was very awkward. It turns out that each time I move the mouse (and only when I move it), the console prints values in an unreasonable range. Below is a sample from doing simple mouse movements. The affected axis seems correct (moving horizontally will set mdlty to 0 and moving vertically will set mdltx to 0), but the numbers can get much higher than the screen resolution, and all of them are positive, regardless of the direction I move the mouse.
I have been looking around the web for people having the same problem, without any success.
Also note that this application was previously made for SDL 1, relying on SDL_GetMouseState and SDL_WarpMouse, but the latter function does not seem to do anything in some platforms. I'm working on the application under an Arch Linux + LXDE installation, which seems to simply ignore the mouse warp. This is the same machine where this other strange behaviour is happening.
The question is: why is this happening and how can I fix it with compatibility in mind, while keeping the advantages of having relative mouse mode? I even wonder if it could be an issue within SDL itself.
For anyone else struggling with this problem, it might help to set:
This seems to give you relative mouse-output, where the center of the screen is (0,0).
However for me it doesn't currently reset the Cursor-coordinates properly, so while every frame resets this to (0,0), it jumps straight to the previous coord += movement.
This is a lot better than the alternative though, it seems.
The same code is working in a different machine, so this seems to be a bug. And it seems that some people found it too, with a broader range of misbehaviours than the one mentioned.

How do I input data using the eclipse console? (c++)

I'm trying my hand at c++ and am using fedora eclipse (3.4.2) as my IDE.
At the moment I'm trying to enter a string of numbers into the console, get the program to sort them and spit them back out. The program is straight out of a book and works with xcode and through a normal terminal - so I know it's correct.
Basically I run the program and enter a few numbers into the eclipse console, the numbers are coloured green so I know its accepting the input correctly.
When I hit enter, the console jumps to a new line and nothing happens. When I press control+shift+D, nothing happens. When I press control+d, nothing happens.
I use eclipse for python too, and the console works properly. Just hitting enter inputs data to the program.
Am I missing something here? I've spent the last half hour or so trying to figure this out. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
What version of ecplise and what complier are you using? The following worked for me on Eclipse Ganymede with GCC version 3.4.5:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 0;
cout << "Type your input here:";
cin >> x ;
cout << "You entered " << x << endl;
return 0;
How does your program know that input has ended? It sounds like it accepts multiple lines of input in the console window. Isn't there some magic case that pops you out of that loop so you can process the input that's been collected?
As other said, without the code there's no answer.