ARM Embedded Linux (AM335x), Text File Contents Deleted After Power Off - c++

Kernel: 3.12.30-AM335x-PD15.2.1 (by PHYTEC)
My application requires editing a text file on run time and using it contents next time it powers on. So I created a text file in which I write a simple text, "Disable" or "Enable" using the program I have written with QT C++.
What I realized is, after the program writes the simple text, if I use the command "reboot" on bash, and wait for the program to reboot before I power off the the system (by plugging off its cable), "cat TextFile.txt" command yields "Enable" or "Disable", whichever the program has last written correctly.
However if I don't do a reboot and power the system off right away, and then power on again, the text file remains but the contents are deleted, so "cat TextFile.txt" yields nothing.
I tried to do the same manually, using the below methods:
Method 1:
echo Disable > TextFile.txt
.....wait for it to reboot
cat TextFile.txt
The results is "Disable".
Method 2:
echo Disable > TextFile.txt
.. power off by plugging off the cable
.. power on the system
cat TextFile.txt
No resulting text..
I simply don't want to have to reboot the system for the files to be saved. So I would be happy with executing commands within my QT C++ program to save everything without a reboot; but I do not know the operating system very well, therefore I do not know what is it that I should do to be able to do this.
This is my code my by the way:
QFile file(filename);
// Trying to open in WriteOnly and Text mode
if(! |
qDebug() << " Could not open file for writing";
// To write text, we use operator<<(),
// which is overloaded to take
// a QTextStream on the left
// and data types (including QString) on the right
QTextStream out(&file);
out << "Enable";

As your experiement on the shell has shown this is not strictly a c++ or Qt matter, the file is just not written to disk right away.
The system setup is likely using delayed writing to optimize disk access times, i.e. first writing into in-memory buffers and writing to actual disk every once in a while.
You might want to tune that if you have other programs that write files and expect power loss as a realistic scenario.
Now, for the Qt program in question, you could try using QSaveFile instead of QFile, its commit() asks the system to actually sync to disk.


copying binary files to remote location in C++

I'm in the process of trying to copy an hdf5 binary file on a local machine to a remote computing blade. I am using libssh to copy the desired directory or files out after they are generated by my Qt application. Using libssh I am able to open an ssh_session, authenticate it, open a channel and send remote commands.
for (QStringList::iterator it = ipList.begin(); it != ipList.end(); ++it)
ssh_session my_session = new ssh_new();
QString ip_address = *it;
ssh_options_set(my_session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, ip_address.toStdString().c_str());
// Connect...Authenticate using public key....
QString command = QString("rm -r %2; cp -r %1 %1; cp /local/file.txt /remote/file.txt").arg(local_dir, remote_dir);
execute_remote_command(my_session, command.toStdString().c_str());
// Open channel and execute command
This command is being executed for each individual computing blade. In between each of the calls I am closing and opening an ssh session to the next blade. The files make it out the blades but they appear to be corrupt. They are the exact same file size. I haven't figured out a way to compare the individual bytes to see just how corrupt they are, any tips there would be appreciated as well.
When I run my ssh copy commands in a separate test terminal program the files appear to make it intact and are readable on the blades. The issue only seems to occur when the files are moved from within the Qt GUI program.
EDIT: So delving a little bit deeper into what is wrong, it appears that the file on the remote server is not the same size. It appears to be missing a large portion of the bytes. On top of that when I examine what is there byte by byte with the local version of the file, almost all of the bytes differ.
Turns out the answer was that the HDF5 writer wasn't being closed properly before the SSH commands were being called. I fixed the problem by dynamically allocating the custom H5 class that someone else wrote and made sure to delete it before the SSH commands were called. Turns out whoever wrote the HDF5 read and write class didn't handle file opening and closing properly and didn't provide functions to do so.
Below is an example of what I am talking about.
HDF5writer_class *hdf5_writer = new HDF5writer_class();
// ... add the data to the file
delete hdf5_writer;
// Open SSH Session and run the copy commands
Long story short, make sure the file you are writing is closed and released for use before you try to copy it.

Will File I/O In Current Working Directory Ever Fail?

On my home Linux laptop, I like to write wrapper programs and GUI helpers for things I use frequently. However, I don't like Bash scripting very much, so I do a lot of stuff in C++. However, a lot of times, this requires me to use the system() function from the cstdlib.
This system() command is awesome, but I wanted a way to call system() and receive the stdout/stderror. The system() command only returns the return code from the command. So, in a Bash script, one can do:
myVar=$(ls -a | grep 'search string')
echo $myVar
and myVar will output whatever the stdout was for the command. So I began writing a wrapper class that will add a pipe-to-file to the end of the command, open the file, read all of the piped stdout, and return it as either one long string or as a vector of strings. The intricacies of the class are not really relevant here (I don't think anyway), but the above example would be done like this:
SystemCommand systemCommand;
systemCommand.setCommand("ls -a | grep \'search string\' ");
std::cout << systemCommand.outputAsString() << std::endl;
Behind the scenes, when systemCommand.execute() is called, the class ensures that the command will properly pipe all stdout/stderr to a randomly generated filename, in the current working directory. So for example, the above command would end up being
"ls -a | grep 'search string' >> 1452-24566.txt 2>&1".
The class then goes attempts to open and read from that file, using ifstream:
std::ifstream readFromFile;;
if (readFromFile.is_open()) {
//Read all contents of file into class member vector
//Remove temporary file
} else {
//Handle read failure
So here is my main question will std::ifstream ever fail to open a recently created file in the current working directory? If so, what would be a way to make it more robust (specifically on Linux)?
A side/secondary question: Is there a very simplified way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve without using file pipes? Perhaps some stuff available in unistd.h? Thanks for your time.
So here is my main question will std::ifstream ever fail to open a recently created file in the current working directory?
Mount a USB thumb drive (or some other removable media)
cd to the mount
Execute your program. While it's executing, remove the drive.
Watch the IO error happen.
There's a ton of other reasons too. Filesystem corruption, hitting the file descriptor limit, etc.
If so, what would be a way to make it more robust (specifically on Linux)?
Make temporary files in /tmp, whose entire purpose is for temporary files. Or don't create a file at all, and use pipes for communication instead (Like what popen does, like harmic suggested). Even so, there are no guarantees; try to gracefully handle errors.

How to create an uncleared file?

I am a beginner C++ programmer.
I want to create a binary file, that is uncleared with the previous information that was in it. This is easy to do with RAM, simply by making an array, but how do I do this on a hard drive?
How do I create a uncleared file?
In other words how do I retrieve data that was not "cleared" but just marked "empty".
However, if the OS does not allow it, can I launch linux from USB and run my software?
To keep the content of a file to be written on, you can open a file in append mode with:
[ofstream ofs ("filename", ios::binary | ios::app);][1]
All output operations append at the end of the file. Alternatively, you could also use ios::ate so that the output position starts at the end of the file (but afterwards it's up to you).
With the usual read operations you can retrieve preexisting content, by first positionning yourself using seekp().

Open a txt file with texteditor while its already opend by "fopen()" and in use?

Logger for my program. I saw in another program that it’s somehow possible to open and read a file with text editor while the program is still using it. Seems it just opens a copy for me and continue logging in the background. This kind of log system I need too. But if I use fopen() I only can open and read the file with my text editor if the Programm already closed it with fclose(); This way would work but I think its a very bad solution and also very slow... to open and close the file on every log :S
Someone knows how the needed log system is working?
P.S. I'm working in VisualStudio 2013 on Windows 8.1
Sry for my bad English :S
There are 2 different problems.
First is writing of logs. In a Windows system, the buffering will cause the data to be actually written to disk :
if you close the file
when you have a fair quantity of new data (unsure between several ko and several Mo)
if you explicitely flush
Unless if you have a high throughput, I would advise to at least flush (if not close) after each write to avoid loosing logs if program crashes. And it also allows you to read the log file in real time.
Second is reading. Vim for example is known to be able to monitor a file that can be modified by an external process. It will open a popup saying that file has been modified and offer to reload it. I do not know what notepad does in same conditions. But :
it does not have sense unless first problem has gone
it is not very efficient since you will reload whole file each time
IMHO, you'd better write a custom reader that mimics Linux tail -f :
read (and display) until end of file
repeteadly read (with a short sleep after an unsuccessful read) to process newly added data
It all depends on the text editor you are using. Some will notice edit to the file and ask you if you want to reload a fresh version.
If you work on linux, and you'd like to have an idea of what's happening in real time you could do someting like
tail -f <path-to-file>
or if the file doesnt yet exist
watch -n 0,2 "cat <path-to-file> | tail"
which will display the content of the file and refresh it every 0.2 sec
Thx for your fast answers :)
Crazy.. i was working so long with fopen() and found no solution.. also the fflush(pFile) didnt help (I wasnt able to open file.. always error that its already in use by another program). I never tryed the fstream. Seems fstream solved my problem now. I can open my file with msnotepad.exe while the program is still writing to the file :) Here a small test-code:
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
int main(){
ofstream FILE;"E:\\Log.txt");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 50; i++)
FILE << "Hello " << i << endl;
cout << "log" << endl;
cout << "finish" << endl;
return 0;}

printing to a network printer using fstream c++ in mac

I wish to print some text directly to a network printer from my c++ code (I am coding with xcode 4). I do know that everything on unix is a file and believe that it would not be impossible to redirect the text using fstream method in c++ to the printer device file. The only problem is I don't know the device file in /dev associated with my network printer.
Is it possible to achieve printing using fstream method? Something like
std::fstream printFile;"//PATH/TO/PRINTER/DEV", std::ios::out);
printFile << "This must go to printer" << std::endl;
And, if so
How to obtain the file in /dev corresponding to a particular printer?
Thanks in advance,
Opening and writing directly to a file used to be possible back in the days of serial printers; however, this is not the approach available today.
The CUPS daemon provides print queuing, scheduling, and administrative interfaces on OS X and many other Unix systems. You can use the lp(1) or lpr(1) commands to print files. (The different commands come from different versions of print spoolers available in Unix systems over the years; one was derived from the BSD-sources and the other derived from the AT&T sources. For compatibility, CUPS provides both programs.)
You can probably achieve something like you were after with popen(3). In shell, it'd be something like:
echo hello | lp -
The - says to print from standard input.
I haven't tested this, but the popen(3) equivalent would probably look like this:
FILE *f = popen("lp -", "w");
if (!f)
fprintf(f, "output to the printer");
I recommend testing some inputs at the shell first to make sure that CUPS is prepared to handle the formatting of the content you intend to send. You might need to terminate lines with CRLF rather than just \n, otherwise the printer may "stair-step" the output. Or, if you're sending PDF or PS or PCL data, it'd be worthwhile testing that in the cheapest possible manner to make sure the print system works as you expect.