c++ static observer class - c++

I have two programs: a server and a client
class client
Network net;
Gui gui;
Here's the Network class
class Network
void receivePacket(packet)
Here's the Gui class
class Gui
std::string informations;
void displayInfo();
void updateInformation(information);
And here's Protocol
class Protocol
static void readPacket(packet)
if (packet.command == "refreshGui")
//I need somehow to call GUI::UpdateInformation here and give the information from packet.information
Protocol is considered as a "static class" which means that in shouldn't be instantiate. So the idea is that, when Protocol::readPacket get a packet from the server, it should be able to send the information to the GUI. However, it's not always the case, so passing a point/reference is not what I'm looking for.
It's not well illustrated but the idea is:
- Protocol::readPacket seek if we need to call GUI
- Protocol shouldn't take another argument, and shouldn't be instantiate.
Someone gave me the advice about using Observer-pattern. Protocol would be the subject and GUI the Observer. However, I couldn't make it without instantiate Protocol.
So is there a way to do it without instantiate Protocol ?

In distributed computing, it is a common pattern for the network manager of a node to receive a message and call a dispatcher associated with the message type. Your need is quite similar. Here is what you could do:
In your Network class, maintain an unordered_map< packet_type, std::function >.
When your program starts, push into that unordered_map an std::pair<"refreshGui", Gui::UpdateInformation>
In Network::receivePacket, retrieve the function from the unordered_map and call it.


C++ class design with polymorphism

I am doing some networking stuff, but the question is not related to networking. I have a generic network event handler, where I can register an network connection ("NwConnection" class) and idea is whenever a message arrives on the connection, it will call me back.
class NwEventManager {
using CallBack = std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<NwConnection>)>;
std::shared_ptr<NwConnection> con,
CallBack rdCallback,
CallBack errorCallBack);
So the application will create a NwConnection and register with Event Manager.
(NwConnection is an abstract class, which internally can be a TCP/Unix domain socket etc.)
Anyway, I need to keep some per-connection information, say some statisctics.
Currently what I am doing is:
class TcpNwConnection : public NwConnection {...}
class MyNwConnection : public TcpNwConnection {
using NwConnection::NwConnection;
MyStatistics& getStats ()
return myStats_;
MyStatistics myStats_;
And in the callback, which will call me back with the NwConnection Abstract class I static cast the pointer to my type and access the stats.
// read callback
[] (std::shared_ptr<NwConnection> con)
auto myConn = static_cast<MyNwConnection *>(con.get());
auto& stats = myConn->getStats();
Is this a good approach?
Obviously the problem is, if my code has to be independant of the NwConnection type, say I want to deal with TcpConnection and UnixConnection, I cannot follow this approach (unless I do with templates).
One solution is to re-write things with connection type inside the NwConnection:
class TcpStream : public AbstractStream {}
class UnixStream : public AbstractStream {}
class NwConnection {
Message read (...)
return stream->read(...);
AbstractStream *stream;
Now I can do my static_cast and the type of connection doesnt matter.
But what is a better way to design this thing, while allowing applications to keep the per-connection data? (I am free to rewrite any part of the code.)

How can I reduce coupling in my Event Bus implementation

In my application, I have several modules that don't fit an 'is-a' or 'has-a' relationship, but still need to communicate and pass data to each other. To try and loosely couple these modules, I've implemented an Event Bus class that handles message passing from 'event posters' to 'event listeners'.
Classes can implement IEventListener if they wish to register to receive certain events. Likewise, classes can call EventBus::postEvent() if they need to push an event out to the bus. When EventBus::update() is called EventBus processes the queue of scheduled messages and routes them to registered listeners.
#pragma once
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
class IEvent
static enum EventType
virtual ~IEvent() {};
virtual EventType getType() const = 0;
class IEventListener
virtual void handleEvent(IEvent * const e) = 0;
class EventBus
EventBus() {};
~EventBus() {};
void update();
void postEvent(std::unique_ptr<IEvent> &e);
void registerListener(IEvent::EventType t, IEventListener *l);
void removeListener(IEvent::EventType t, IEventListener *l);
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<IEvent>> m_eventBus;
std::map<IEvent::EventType, std::set<IEventListener *>> m_routingTable;
#include "EventBus.h"
using namespace std;
* Gives the EventBus a chance to dispatch and route events
* Listener callbacks will be called from here
void EventBus::update()
while (!m_eventBus.empty())
// Get the next event (e_local now owns the on-heap event object)
unique_ptr<IEvent> e_local(move(m_eventBus.front()));
IEvent::EventType t = e_local->getType();
auto it = m_routingTable.find(t);
if (it != m_routingTable.end())
for (auto l : ((*it).second))
* Posts an event to the bus, for processing and dispatch later on
* NB: The event bus will takes ownership of the on-heap event here
void EventBus::postEvent(unique_ptr<IEvent> &e)
// The EventBus now owns the object pointed to by e
* Registers a listener against an event type
void EventBus::registerListener(IEvent::EventType t, IEventListener *l)
// Add this listener entry
// If the routing table doesn't have an entry for t, std::map.operator[] will add one
// If the listener is alredy registered std::set.insert() won't do anything
* Removes a listener from the event routing table
void EventBus::removeListener(IEvent::EventType t, IEventListener *l)
// Check if an entry for event t exists
auto keyIterator = m_routingTable.find(t);
if (keyIterator != m_routingTable.end())
// Remove the given listener if it exists in the set
As you can see, in my current implementation, I create concrete IEvent implementations for every type of event I want to pass around. I did this so that each event can have custom data attached to it (a requirement for my situation). Unfortunately, this means my EventBus system has to know about all the users of the system, increasing the coupling between my EventBus class and the users of the class. Additionally, the IEvent interface needs to hold a list of all event types as an enum, which has the same problem (increased coupling).
Is there a way to modify this implementation so that EventBus can be totally generic (doesn't need to know about the users of the EventBus), and yet still allow me to pass custom data with each event? I looked into C++11 variadic template functions but couldn't figure out how to use them in this case.
As a side-question, am I using std::unique_ptr correctly here?
Question 1 "Is there a way to modify this implementation so that EventBus can be totally generic":
Short answer, yes.
Longer answer: There are many ways of accomplishing this. One is described here:
Both the producer and the consumer of the event needs to agree on the type/data but the EventBus itself does not need to know. One way of accomplishing this could be to use boost::signals2::signal<T> as the event type. This will give you a proven, flexible and type safe signal/slot implementation. What it will not provide, however, is the possibility to queue up slot callbacks and process them from the EventBus::update()-function.
But, that can also be remedied. By making the event type EventBus::postEvent() takes as a parameter be std::function<void()> and calling postEvent() like this:
boost::signals2::signal<int> signal;
eventbus.postEvent(boost::bind(signal, 42));
// note: we need to use boost::bind (not std::bind) for boost::signals to be happy
The EventBus will see a std::function<void()> and dispatch to the slot. The data (42 in this example) will be kept by the result of boost::bind and be used as the parameter when the slot is called.
Question 2 "Am I using std::unique_ptr correctly":
Almost. I would drop the reference of EventBus::postEvent making it:
void EventBus::postEvent(std::unique_ptr<IEvent> e);
By doing this, you force the caller to actively move the std::unique_ptr<IEvent> into the EventBus. This will make the user aware the EventBus takes ownership and also making it obvious to people reading the code what the intent is and how ownership is transferred.
CppCoreGuidelines R.32:
"Take a unique_ptr parameter to express that a function assumes ownership of a widget"

Design pattern for device data link

I have three types of devices (USB, COM and wireless) and one PC software to connect with them. Every device have functions like connect, read and write data from RS485 network. On PC software I must implement application layer classes to work with devices. I am looking for some design pattern to write connection between application layer and transport layer. The first idea is to write abstract class DataLink and every device will inherit from the abstract class interface (pure OOP):
class DataLink {
virtual bool read() = 0;
virtual bool write() = 0;
class USBDevice : public DataLink {
bool read() { /* some code */ }
bool write() { /* some code */ }
bool specificUSBFunction() { /* some code */ }
class COMDevice : public DataLink {
bool read() { /* some code */ }
bool write() { /* some code */ }
bool specificCOMFunction(){ /* some code */ }
DataLink *dl = new COMDevice();
Now if I want to use specific USB or COM function I must use ugly cast.
The other problem is that this class must be singleton because we have only one device available so we cannot create multiple objects.
I am looking for a good way to do this using C++ (can be v11 or v14).
First, as you have an abstract class, I'd suggest you strongly to consider defining an abstract constructor.
class DataLink {
virtual bool read() = 0;
virtual bool write() = 0;
virtual ~DataLink() {}
Now creating the devices raises some questions. Your polymorphic design would rather speak for a parameterized factory method, where a parameter (configuration data ?) would tell if a COM, USB or WIFI device is to be created:
DataLink *dl = CreateDevice("COM"); // For example. COuld use an enum as well
But you add another constraint:
This class must be singleton because we have
only one device available so we cannot create multiple objects.
In fact, the intent of a singleton is not only to ensure a single instance, but also to ensure a global point of access to it. If you don't need such a global access, I'd strongly recommend not to use a singleton here.
By the way, your constraint raises other questions: Do you have one device of each type ? Or do you have one device whatever its type is ? And most of all, won't it be possible one day, that you have to support several devices ?
So, conceptually speaking, even if you have only one device currently, the unicity is not a property of your generic device class nor its concrete implementations. It's only your current use case for creating the DataLink. I'd therefore recommend you implement a factory and derive an application specific factory to implement your creational constraints;
class DeviceFactory { // application independent
enum DeviceType { COMDevice, USBDevice, ... };
DataLink *CreateDevice(std::string devicename, DeviceType t);
class MySpecificFactory : public DeviceFactory { // application specific constraints
std::map<std::string,DataLink*> objects;
DataLink *CreateDevice(std::string devicename, DeviceType t) {
if (objects.count(devicename)!=0) {
// device already exists, either report an error, or
// return the previously created object with the same name (provided it has the same type)
else {
DataLink* dl = DeviceFactory::CreateDevice(devicename,t);
if (dl)
return dl;
The handling of link specific functions is orthogonal to the creation issue. The easiest and safest way is certainly the dynamic cast:
if (COMDevice* cd=dynamic_cast<COMDevice>(dl)) // nullptr if it isn't a COMDevice
else ...
It's difficult to advise on more specific patterns, without knowing the purpose of the link specific functions and how they relate in the context of your application.
You have a couple options, but my own personal experience is from the middle-ware approach. So that approach is what I will recommend (even if you aren't writing 'middleware' the 'ideas' can still be useful)
We had several different 'physical connections': Military Radio 1, Military Radio 2, Wifi, USB to Ethernet, etc. Each of these can be thought of as similar to your different connection types.
Make use of the Bridge Pattern which...
is meant to "decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently". The bridge uses encapsulation, aggregation, and can use inheritance to separate responsibilities into different classes.
1) Define an interface that all of your connections will use.
2) Encapsulate the base atomic actions of each connection type into a 'helper' class. (open(), close(), read(), write(Byte[] data), etc.)
3) Write a bridge class that converts the universal interface to the 'helper class' implementation for each connection type.
4) Have some logic that determines which 'connection' should be 'active' at a given time, and associate the 'connection interface' with the bridge impl. of the connection type being used. (or list of connections if this is multi-cast sending, etc.)
That should do it. You have a single Interface that the 'rest' of your application can write/read from. and the "impl. details" are hidden inside your atomic action 'helper' class and/or bridge class.
Example Interface: // obviously extremely simple examle
interface IConnection{
byte[] read(int size);
void write(byte[] data);
bool open();
bool close();
And an implementation class:
class usb_wrapper{
// this is completely made up, but made up methods to show pattern as an example
// these methods are extreme exaggerations and not 'real' at all
int open(String connectionName, int id){
// returns connection_id of new connection
int close(int connection_id){...} // returns a flag if connection was closed
bool write128byte(byte[] data) {...} // you can only write 128 byte chunks
byte[] read128byte(){...} // you can only read 128 byte chunks
As you can see the snippets above the have 'similarities' but the actual methods have different parameters, different requirements, etc.
bridge class:
class usbConnectionBridge implements IConnection{
usb_connection conn = new usb_connection();
// Here is where you have the IConnection methods, inside these methods you
// have the logic to 'adapt' from these methods ... to the 'conn' object
byte[] read(int size){...}
void write(byte[] data){...}
bool open(){...}
bool close(){...}
// possibly additional helper methods below, etc.
So the 'bridge' class would wrap(encapsulate) the usb_wrapper and make it able to interact with the interface. Thereby allowing the decoupling of the interface(abstraction) from its implementation(usb_wrapper) so that the two can vary independently" which is the bridge pattern by definition.

Passing Data Between abstract classes

I'm looking for opinions on the best OO way to accomplish what I am about to describe. I'm writing what is going to become an event system for games and the like and I want it to be as extensible as possible, as such there is a lot of abstract classes. Two of these are monitors which are assigned to monitor one event, and callbacks, which wrap the function pointer to be called should the event take place. The issue arises when I want to send the data that the callback needs. The data that will be sent is going to be sub-class specific (depending on the function signature) and stored in the subclassed monitor. I want to be able to pass this data along to the callback before calling execute, but since everything is abstract from the perspective of the monitor this is difficult. I'm looking for suggestions on how to do this in the best OO way possible, as of yet I haven't come up with anything I'm too fond of. Since the callbacks are sent to another class to actually be dispatched the data needs to end up inside them at some point.
For reference, the monitor abstract class
#pragma once
#include "DIVE_GUI_Types.h"
#include "DIVE_GUI_Callback.h"
#include "DIVE_GUI_Event_Dispatcher.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
Class to monitor events to be handled by the event system.
class DIVE_GUI_Event_Monitor
friend class DIVE_GUI_Kernel;
DIVE_GUI_Event_Dispatcher* m_Dispatcher;
static DIVE_HANDLE m_Active_GUI;
const std::string m_Event_ID;
std::map<DIVE_HANDLE, DIVE_GUI_Callback*> m_GUI_Map;
virtual bool Dispatch() = 0;
void Update();
std::string Get_Event_ID() const { return m_Event_ID; }
DIVE_GUI_Event_Monitor(const std::string& id) : m_Event_ID(id) { }
void Add_Callback(DIVE_HANDLE, DIVE_GUI_Callback* function);
And the callback abstract class
#pragma once
Abstract class representing a wrapper for a callback function as per the Command design pattern.
class DIVE_GUI_Callback
virtual void Excecute_Callback() const = 0;
Any and all opinions / suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
If I correctly understood you, this data should be supplied to callback constructor. Suppose you have Callback1 and Callback2 derived from DIVE_GUI_Callback. So the code could look like:
DIVE_GUI_Event_Monitor* monitor;
This specific data then will be used in Excecute_Callback().

How to implement the observer pattern safely?

I'm implementing a mechanism similar to the observer design pattern for a multithreaded Tetris game. There is a Game class which contains a collection of EventHandler objects. If a class wants to register itself as a listener to a Game object it must inherit the Game::EventHandler class. On state change events a corresponing method is called on the EventHandler interface of each listener. This is what the code looks like:
class Game
class EventHandler
virtual ~EventHandler();
virtual void onGameStateChanged(Game * inGame) = 0;
virtual void onLinesCleared(Game * inGame, int inLineCount) = 0;
EventHandler(const EventHandler&);
EventHandler& operator=(const EventHandler&);
static void RegisterEventHandler(ThreadSafe<Game> inGame, EventHandler * inEventHandler);
static void UnregisterEventHandler(ThreadSafe<Game> inGame, EventHandler * inEventHandler);
typedef std::set<EventHandler*> EventHandlers;
EventHandlers mEventHandlers;
typedef std::set<Game*> Instances;
static Instances sInstances;
void Game::RegisterEventHandler(ThreadSafe<Game> inGame, EventHandler * inEventHandler)
ScopedReaderAndWriter<Game> rwgame(inGame);
Game * game(rwgame.get());
if (sInstances.find(game) == sInstances.end())
LogWarning("Game::RegisterEventHandler: This game object does not exist!");
void Game::UnregisterEventHandler(ThreadSafe<Game> inGame, EventHandler * inEventHandler)
ScopedReaderAndWriter<Game> rwgame(inGame);
Game * game(rwgame.get());
if (sInstances.find(game) == sInstances.end())
LogWarning("Game::UnregisterEventHandler: The game object no longer exists!");
There are two problems that I often experience with this kind of pattern:
A listener object wants to unregister itself on an already deleted object resulting in a crash.
A event is fired to a listener that no longer exists. This happens most often in multithreaded code. Here's a typical scenario:
The game state changes in a worker thread. We want the notification to occur in the main thread.
The event is wrapped in a boost::function and sent as a PostMessage to the main thread.
A short time later this function object is processed by the main thread while the Game object is already deleted. The result is a crash.
My current workaround is the one that you can see in above code sample. I made the UnregisterEventHandler a static method which checks against a list of instances. This does help, but I find it a somewhat hackish solution.
Does anyone know of a set of guidelines on how to cleanly and safely implement notifier/listener system? Any advice on how to avoid the above pitfalls?
PS: If you need more information in order to answer this question you can find the relevant code online here: Game.h, Game.cpp, SimpleGame.h, SimpleGame.cpp, MainWindow.cpp.
The rule of thumb is that delete and new for an object should be near each other. E.g. in constructor and destructor or before and after a call where you use the object. So it's a bad practice to delete an object in another object when the latter one didn't create the former one.
I don't understand how you pack the events. It seems that you have to check whether the game is still alive before processing an event. Or you can use shared_ptr in events and other places to be sure that games are deleted last.
I write a lot of C++ code and needed to create an Observer for some game components I was working on. I needed something to distribute "start of frame", "user input", etc., as events in the game to interested parties. I had the same problem to consider...the firing of an event would lead to the destruction of another observer which may also subsequently fire. I need to handle this. I did not need to handle thread safety, but the design requirement I usually shoot for is to build something simple enough (API wise) that I can put in a few mutexes in the right place and the rest should take care of itself.
I also wanted it to be straight C++, not dependent on the platform or a specific technology (such as boost, Qt, etc.) because I often build and re-use components (and the ideas behind them) across different projects.
Here is the rough sketch of what I came up with as a solution:
The Observer is a singleton with keys (enumerated values, not strings) for Subjects to register interest in. Because it is a singleton, it always exists.
Each subject is derived from a common base class. The base class has an abstract virtual function Notify(...) which must be implemented in derived classes, and a destructor that removes it from the Observer (which it can always reach) when it is deleted.
Inside the Observer itself, if Detach(...) is called while a Notify(...) is in progress, any detached Subjects end up on a list.
When Notify(...) is called on the Observer, it creates a temporary copy of the Subject list. As it iterates over it, it compare it to the recently detached. If the target is not on it, Notify(...) is called on the target. Otherwise, it is skipped.
Notify(...) in the Observer also keeps track of the depth to handle cascading calls (A notifies B, C, D, and the D.Notify(...) triggers a Notify(...) call to E, etc.)
This is what the interface ended up looking like:
The Notifier is a singleton implementation of the Subject/Observer design
pattern. Any class/instance which wishes to participate as an observer
of an event can derive from the Notified base class and register itself
with the Notiifer for enumerated events.
Notifier derived classes MUST implement the notify function, which has
a prototype of:
void Notify(const NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T& event)
This is a data object passed from the Notifier class. The structure
passed has a void* in it. There is no illusion of type safety here
and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure it is cast properly.
In most cases, it will be "NULL".
Classes derived from Notified do not need to deregister (though it may
be a good idea to do so) as the base class destrctor will attempt to
remove itself from the Notifier system automatically.
The event type is an enumeration and not a string as it is in many
"generic" notification systems. In practical use, this is for a closed
application where the messages will be known at compile time. This allows
us to increase the speed of the delivery by NOT having a
dictionary keyed lookup mechanism. Some loss of generality is implied
by this.
This class/system is NOT thread safe, but could be made so with some
mutex wrappers. It is safe to call Attach/Detach as a consequence
of calling Notify(...).
class Notified;
class Notifier : public SingletonDynamic<Notifier>
typedef enum
NE_MIN = 0,
typedef map<Notified*,NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_VECTOR_T>::iterator NOTIFIED_MAP_ITER_T;
typedef vector<Notified*> NOTIFIED_VECTOR_T;
NOTIFIED_MAP_T _notifiedMap;
// This vector keeps a temporary list of observers that have completely
// detached since the current "Notify(...)" operation began. This is
// to handle the problem where a Notified instance has called Detach(...)
// because of a Notify(...) call. The removed instance could be a dead
// pointer, so don't try to talk to it.
vector<Notified*> _detached;
int32 _notifyDepth;
void RemoveEvent(NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_VECTOR_T& orgEventTypes, NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType);
void RemoveNotified(NOTIFIED_VECTOR_T& orgNotified, Notified* observer);
virtual void Reset();
virtual bool Init() { Reset(); return true; }
virtual void Shutdown() { Reset(); }
void Attach(Notified* observer, NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType);
// Detach for a specific event
void Detach(Notified* observer, NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType);
// Detach for ALL events
void Detach(Notified* observer);
/* The design of this interface is very specific. I could
* create a class to hold all the event data and then the
* method would just have take that object. But then I would
* have to search for every place in the code that created an
* object to be used and make sure it updated the passed in
* object when a member is added to it. This way, a break
* occurs at compile time that must be addressed.
void Notify(NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T, const void* eventData = NULL);
/* Used for CPPUnit. Could create a Mock...maybe...but this seems
* like it will get the job done with minimal fuss. For now.
// Return all events that this object is registered for.
vector<NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T> GetEvents(Notified* observer);
// Return all objects registered for this event.
vector<Notified*> GetNotified(NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T event);
/* This is the base class for anything that can receive notifications.
class Notified
virtual void Notify(Notifier::NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType, const void* eventData) = 0;
virtual ~Notified();
NOTE: The Notified class has a single function, Notify(...) here. Because the void* is not type safe, I created other versions where notify looks like:
virtual void Notify(Notifier::NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType, int value);
virtual void Notify(Notifier::NOTIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_T eventType, const string& str);
Corresponding Notify(...) methods were added to the Notifier itself. All these used a single function to get the "target list" then called the appropriate function on the targets. This works well and keeps the receiver from having to do ugly casts.
This seems to work well. The solution is posted on the web here along with the source code. This is a relatively new design, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.