Reset Pentaho biserver 6.1 admin password - admin

I changed admin password, and today when I tried to login I got error message.
I have to reset it, but all pages I find tell me it is in administration-console\resource\config\ Looks like login file had changed, because my server doesn't have a administration-console folder. Still, I pages I find are outdated and point to this same file. I'm using biserver-ce-
Where is admin password stored now and how to reset it?


OpenCart Local Login

I have OpenCart on my laptop. There is a Bitnami file in my C drive and inside it is a file called "opencart-". Inside this file are many files.
When I type this number into the address bar:, a screen comes up with Bitnami at the top and "Awesome! OpenCart is now installed." Underneath it says "Access OpenCart". When I click Access OpenCart, a page comes up with "Your Store" at the top and some random products like phones and monitors for sale. So this must be OpenCart on my laptop.
I don't know what to do next. I want to get to a dashboard or somewhere I can edit this page with my own products but I don't know how to get to there. When I type this "" into the address bar, I get a login screen asking for username and password but I don't have a username or password. Can anyone tell me how I can acquire a username and password? Thank you!
When installing you should have seen a pre-installation check screen followed by a configuration screen, where you would be asked to enter the database name, database user, password etc, as well as choosing an administrator username and password.
If somehow you managed to install it without doing those things, then you need to open up your database using something like MySQL Workbench of phpMyAdmin and navigate to the user table (default oc_user). There you would be able to see the administrator user, password and salt. The password will be encrypted.
According to this page you can reset the password by following the instructions supplied. Good luck!

Coldfusion 11 (Multi-instance) - Administrator password reset not working

I'm trying to reset the CFAdmin password on a CF11 Enterprise server that has multiple CF instances running on the same server. The admin password on one of the instances is unknown, so we're trying to recover/change to a known password.
I've tried using the passwordreset.bat provided by Adobe, but after restarting the instance with lost admin password, that didn't work.
I also tried disabling the password all together to access the admin console per adobe. This gets me into the admin console temporarily, but I'm not able to actually change the password since I don't know the old password. Leaving the old PW blank, fails too. This is not a viable long-term option, we must have a password.
I even tried editing the file to type a password and set encryption=false, but that didn't work either.
I think I've exhausted all the standard ways to reset the password to no avail. Is there something else that I should do because it's a multi-instance setup? Is there some way to point it to the specific instance I want to change?

DRUPAL You are not authorized to access this page after clearing cookies

I was logged as a siteadmin on my local page, after clearing cookies I cannot login again on this same login and password. I tried to upload the backup of the database when i can login, but it not helped, i clear all the cache.
Did someone had a such problem? How to resolve it?
try like this:
Go in PhpAdmin and select the database of your drupal website
Scroll down and Go to record users, admin user is always the first user id:1
Make EDIT the first user (admin user) and change field email with your email.
After email changed, go to your website and try to do "forgot password" on your loggin page, you will receive a email restore password in your email inserted in your database.
This can be a way to login again like admin.
If you have Drush installed you can navigate to your sites root directory in the console and type drush uli It will give you a one time login.
it will look like:
Replace 'default' with your domain.

django registration disable activation email not working

I was trying to disable sending email activation of activation. but it is not happening
What i tried is i copy the registration folder in to my project and by following How to disable email activation in django-registration app? answers i changed in the file but it is not happening .
i also done the same changes in the files of the folder
but still it is not stopping .
When i do register it is going the page that verification email is send and when i check in admin it is showing not activated .
Please suggest what can be problem
Instead of hacking, use SimpleBackend which doesn't send anything but registers user immediately.

Django admin login page redirects to same page on correct login credentials

I'm running a relatively fresh Django app that I haven't added much to. I tried to set up the admin (which I've done on plenty of other apps) to create some sample data while I build out the app, but whenever I try to log in with the super user account I created I get kicked back to the login screen.
When I enter incorrect credentials, I see the proper error message... I just can't get it to take me past the login screen to the admin when I have correct credentials. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it? I'm at a dead end troubleshooting.
Check that SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is not set while you are not using HTTPS.
Looks like your cookies are messed up. Please start with clearing cookies in browser. If it doesn't help you can also check if your cookies configuration for project is correct. List of settings for cookies configuration can be found here.
Use the below settings for the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN: