I am unable to see any of the images in media library. I am getting 404 when trying to load image through content editor and also by directly browsing to website.
I am new to sitecore. Please guide me. Sitecore version is 8.1.
Check if this is due to one of the following reasons.
Check the setting
It should be
You can try to refer this URL. This may help you.
Getting Sitecore 404 for physical files
Good evening!
I have created a webapp using Django framework.
I have replaced a file in the /static/ folder locally (and put the same name for the new file). Then I pushed those changes to my GitHub repo and pulled them using bash console for my pythinanywюhere web app. Then I tried to reload the page, but I got the following message on pythonanywhere: "Your webapp took a long time to reload. It probably reloaded, but we were unable to check it".
The file was not replaced and the webpage shows and old version of image.
What should I do with this situation? I can't even suggest what the problem is.
The webpage will show older image until you reload your application.
But since you can't reload, it's showing older image.
I'm having same issue on my webApp on pythonAnywhere about reloading.
It has happened before. It's the problem with their servers. Wait until they solve it.
pythonAnywhere forum
Thanks for reporting. We had a problem with one of our servers,
it's fixed now. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
My first Sitecore project and I've been tasked with building a site using Sitecore's new SXA 1.4 module. I was getting along nicely and created a wireframe version of my home page when I decided I'd like to test out the Creative Exchange Export feature to see what kind of markup would be generated by Sitecore for my front-end developer. My first attempt worked with no problems but I realized that I'd exported the site using the Wireframe theme which I did not want. Following Sitecore's documentation I dutifully created a new them for my site by right clicking on it in the Content Editor and selecting Scripts > New Site Theme. All went well during theme creation so I went back into the Experience Editor and selected the new theme as as my Default then attempted to export again. The export package contains HTML files for each of my pages but their only content is text stating that Page could not be downloaded from the server! After this I tried changing my Theme back to Wireframe and exported again with the same result. I am using Unicorn serialization on this project and my theme is included as one of the predicates. I'm not sure what happened that caused the export to stop functioning, but from what I can tell it seems to have started after running the script to create a new theme. Anything I may have missed working through this process? I tried googling for sitecore and the Page could not be downloaded from the server message to no avail.
There is a configuration file called Sitecore.XA.Feature.CreativeExchange.config which contains the setting XA.Feature.CreativeExchange.SkipServerCertificateValidation. Changing this to true should fix the problem with self-signed certificates.
Looking through the Sitecore logs I noticed this entry:
ManagedPoolThread #7 11:38:39 ERROR Creative Exchange: exporting page
https://fakesite.com/?sc_itemid=%7b12872DF3-557B-46A3-8464-3D697DCAD00A%7d&aodisabled=true&overlay=true&sc_mode=preview&CreativeExchangeExport=true&CreativeExchangeMode=AgencyDrop&sc_lang=en&sc_device=%7bFE5D7FDF-89C0-4D99-9AA3-B5FBD009C9F3%7d&sc_site=fakesite finished with error.
Exception: System.Net.WebException
Message: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
Source: System
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Sitecore.XA.Feature.CreativeExchange.Services.Export.PageRequestService.ReadUrl(HttpWebRequest request)
at Sitecore.XA.Feature.CreativeExchange.Services.Export.PageRequestService.RetrieveHtml()
At this point I realized that Sitecore was failing to export the Agency Drop SXA package correctly because I had my development site setup with a self-signed SSL certificate. I have this certificate in my Trusted Root Certification Authorities store but it appears that Sitecore checks for SSL validity using some other method. For now I've just switched over to using HTTP to continue working on the site.
It was definitely not the case in 2017, but nowadays it could be:
When you run Sitecore with SXA inside Docker you need to make sure that the address that you use in your browser is available inside the container.
SXA uses HttpWebRequest inside for the export process. And as the hostname for a web request, it takes the URL of the current context(it will be the address that you entered in browser). That is why if you have Sitecore in the container and your website address will not be resolved inside the container then you will get Page could not be downloaded from the server.
I have a website built in Django 1.5 that - at times - doesn't load correctly. And by not loading correctly, I specifically mean that if I type its url in my samsung s6 edge's mobile browser, I sometimes (but not mostly) see the page below. I am clueless regarding why this is happening (not much shows up in my logs), and how I can troubleshoot it. Please advise.
Unfortunately you didn't include enough information in your post to properly debug your issue. Also, Django is now on version 1.8.5 and it may be possible that your issue has been patched since then.
Posting your source code is the best way to get help on issues like this.
If you are trying to troubleshoot it yourself and your app is using logging properly you should try writing unit tests for the various components that make up your app.
I have been working with JCS for a while now and I seem to have run into an issue with the JSPAdmin.jsp page that comes bundled with the jcs download from apache. The page helps us monitor the cache elements in the Remote Cache Server setup.
The links (Summary | Detail | Clear) on the page does not seem to work as I get a resource not found error when I trying clicking those. The JCS forums suggest tweaking couple of class files in the jar to enable this but that did not work.
The Remote cache server is currently setup within jetty.
Has anyone run into such an issue and was able to configure the pages for those links? The main page works fine.
I am using the multisite.dll ISAPI filter (http://www.hairy-spider.com/post/Multisite.aspx) in order to develop on several websites simultaneously on my Windows XP Professional/IIS 5.1 workstation. I am developing both HTML and ColdFusion websites. On the ColdFusion websites, when I use CFIMAGE to create an image in memory - a CAPTCHA image, to be exact - it is not viewable. I know the image is being created in the correct directory - ColdFusion8\tmpCache\CFFileServlet_cf_captcha - and the ColdFusion is generating the correct code to display the image:
<img src="/CFFileServlet/_cf_captcha/[file].png" />
But I can't get the image to display. I've tried adding a virtual directory to the Default Website in IIS, as well as adding a mapping in the ColdFusion Administrator, but neither helps.
Does anyone have any suggestions that don't include upgrading Windows?
I don't think you need that DLL any more. IIS 5 can handle host headers natively, unless you've ran into other issues that require you to use it.
Two things:
1. Try unchecking the 'Verify file exists' setting in IIS.
2. If that doesn't work, does the cfimage tag work without the DLL installed?
first thing i would do is remove the multisite.dll and just use one site to see if it really is the dll causing the problem or if it is something else.
next... what version of cf is this? are you at the least service pack for your version of ColdFusion?