DPAPI NG - NCryptProtectSecret returns NTE_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE - windows-server-2012-r2

I am trying to encrypt data using DPAPI-NG but it fails on execution of NCryptProtectSecret, it returns:
I have created NCryptCreateProtectionDescriptor with local user SID:
Then I use this instance of descriptor as input for NCryptProtectSecret, but it does not work.
If I use a protection descriptor of:
everything seems okay, but it does not work with SID for user or group. I have tested this on Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows Server 2016.
Any idea?
Here is a code sample:
PBYTE ProtectedData = NULL;
ULONG ProtectedDataLength = 0;
LPCWSTR ProtectionDescString = L"SID=S-1-5-21-2942599413-360359348-3087651068-500";
Status = NCryptCreateProtectionDescriptor(
// Status is ERROR_SUCCESS (zero)
LPCWSTR SecretString = L"Some message to protect";
PBYTE Secret = (PBYTE)SecretString;
DWORD SecretLength = (ULONG)( (wcslen(SecretString)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
Status = NCryptProtectSecret(
NULL, // Use default allocations by LocalAlloc/LocalFree
NULL, // Use default parent windows handle.
&ProtectedData, // out LocalFree

I ran into this problem and found that the cause was our domain was running at a functional level that was less than 2012. After upgrading the domain to 2012 the problem was resolved.
A quick and easy way to determine the functional level is the following PowerShell cmdlet

Replace PlainText and PlainTextLength with Secret and SecretLength.

I haven't figured out what was the problem, but everything worked fine in different domain. Microsoft also confirmed that working example that we have sent to them was correct, but they didn't explain what was be the problem.

Check that the user running the application really is user
You can test this from and command prompt:
>whoami /user
User Name SID
============= ============================================
erbium\zeljko S-1-5-21-2942599413-360359348-3087651068-500
I got the NTE_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE when i was attempting to use a Group SID that i didn't actually have (the Domain Users group).
It might be you simply have the wrong sid compared to who is running the code.


WMI Query for SQL Server FilestreamSettings

Based on what I can find on the internet this doesn't seem to be something a lot of people do but I'm pretty stuck so I'm going to put it out here. I'm using WMI in C++ to try to manipulate SQL Server settings. I have the following code that doesn't return a result from my WMI query and I'm at a loss as to why:
hr = pLoc->ConnectServer(CComBSTR(L"root\\Microsoft\\SqlServer\\ComputerManagement10"), // Object path of WMI namespace
NULL, // User name. NULL = current user
NULL, // User password. NULL = current
0, // Locale. NULL indicates current
NULL, // Security flags
0, // Authority (e.g. Kerberos)
0, // Context object
// ----- Check for success and set proxy blanket here -----
IEnumWbemClassObject* pClassEnum = 0;
hr = pSvc->ExecQuery(_bstr_t("WQL"), _bstr_t("SELECT * FROM FilestreamSettings"),
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pClassEnum)
ULONG uReturn = 0;
while (pClassEnum && !myInstanceFound)
hr = pClassEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pObjInstance, &uReturn);
if (0 == uReturn || !pObjInstance)
// Get the value of the InstanceName property - the SQL Server instance name
CComVariant vtProp;
hr = pObjInstance->Get(L"InstanceName", 0, &vtProp, 0, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (VT_BSTR) == vtProp.vt)
if (vtProp.bstrVal == _bstr_t('MyInstance'))
myInstanceFound = true;
The ExecQuery command succeeds. The pClassEnum enumerator object is not null, so the while loop executes. The call to 'Next', however, does not return an object (pObjectInstance is null) and &uReturn is 0 (which, as I understand it means that the call to 'Next' returned 0 results). However, if I run the same query in the wbemtest tool, I get two results (which is correct, as I have 2 SQL Server instances on this machine). I have limited C++ skills and this is my first time with WMI. Not only do I not see what's wrong here, I'm not even sure what else to try. The few code samples I've seen suggest this code should be correct. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Update: The call to Next() actually returns S_FALSE. Which, if I'm reading the docs correctly, mostly just confirms the issue of not getting a result. Next() returns S_FALSE if there are less than the number of requested results (in my case, less than 1 - or in other words, 0).
Update #2: This same code does work on my laptop (well, the Next() call does anyway). Differences are: Does work on my laptop - Win 10, Sql Server 2019 (have to change namespace to be ComputerManagement15 instead of 10), FileStream already enabled. Does not work - Win 7 VM, Sql Server 2008, FileStream not enabled. A query using Wbemtest tool gets the correct data in both cases. Just thought I'd post in case this helps.
FYI, in case anyone stumbles across this: I didn't technically solve this, in that I never got my C++ code to work. I wrote some C# code using SQL Server Management Objects (basically a wrapper over WMI) and made it into a COM server that I could call from C++. Even this didn't work directly because my C# COM server kept getting an "Access Denied" even if I ran the C++ COM client application as Administrator. What eventually worked was to extract the SSMO code out into its own C# console app which I then ran from my C# COM server as its own process using the "run as" verb so it would run as Administrator. This finally managed to enable Filestream on my SQL Server instance. It's possible there was a better/easier way to get this done but I found something that worked (although it was pretty kludgy). So if there's a chance this helps anyone else, I'm putting it out there.

Can't load 64-bit key using RegLoadKey in 32-bit service

I need to open up and modify a user's registry key from a 32-bit service (note that the user is not logged in at the time.) I do the following:
//For simplicity error checks are not shown
//I also made sure to enable the following privileges:
//"ntuser.dat" = is the file OS uses to load user's profile
if(RegLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Test123", L"C:\\Users\\UserA\\ntuser.dat") == ERROR_SUCCESS)
HKEY hKey;
L"Test123\\Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\TrayNotify"),
//'dwRes' = is returned as 2, or ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Test123");
The problem is that the Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify key isn't loaded, even though I know that it exists in the actual user profile. I can verify that by loading the user account and by using 64-bit regedit.
I suspect that this has something to do with the Wow64 redirection but I can't seem to understand what am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Added error check for the first API.
I think I got it. Two corrections to my original code:
First off, since Vista I need to load Usrclass.dat file for the classes hive and not ntuser.dat. It kinda makes sense because ntuser.dat is a part of a user's roaming profile and Classes\Local Settings does not fit into the picture well. So here's the location of the Usrclass.dat file, which contains non-roaming user data (mostly COM stuff, but some other settings as well):
The key to open after the user hive loads is:
Test123\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify
that is because the original HKCU\Software\Classes is redirected to HKU\<UserSID>_Classes that is stored in the Usrclass.dat file.

try to change ActivePowerScheme: RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0

I need to set ActivePowerScheme by changing it in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\User\PowerSchemes.
So I try to do it with winapi functions RegOpenKeyEx and RegSetValueEx
wchar_t *PowerScheme=TEXT("8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c");
PWCHAR sKey = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Power\\User\\PowerSchemes");
PWCHAR sActivePowerS = TEXT("ActivePowerScheme");
HKEY hKeyResult = NULL;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey,sKey,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hKeyResult)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//it is always failing with error 0 !
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
But RegOpenKeyEx() is always failing with error 0, that means "Operation completed successfully". And RegSetValueEx() returns same value.
(BYTE *)PowerScheme,wcslen(PowerScheme))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
//it is always failing with error 0
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
And of course current power scheme doesn't change value. But according to msdn:
"If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code".
I will be grateful to any your answers.
P.S. it compiled in Windows 7 and executed with rights of admin
You are going about this the wrong way. You RARELY need to change stuff in the registry yourself.
Read Power Scheme Management on the MSDN site for the proper way of doing it.
As documentation states, RegOpenKeyEx does not update GetLastError, and return value is the error code itself. Would you mind checking it?
I'd bet you have ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error here.
UPD: While this perhaps answers your question, you should consider using API suggested by RedX in order to update power management settings. Permissions on this registry key are set (for a reason!) in a way that even Administrators have only read permissions, and not write.
In the comments you state that RegOpenKeyEx returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. This is because you request write access to a key to which you do not have sufficient rights because of UAC. You will need to run your process elevated to write to this key.
As others have correctly pointed out, you should not call GetLastError since RegOpenKeyEx does not set the last error value and instead returns the error code directly. More importantly you should be using the power management API rather than hacking the registry.
Even when you switch to the power management API you will still require administrator rights. You can arrange this by setting requestedExecutionLevel to requireAdministrator in your application manifest.
In Visual Studio you can make this change in the project configuration under Linker | Manifest File | UAC Execution Level.

How do you programmatically determine whether a Windows computer is a member of a domain?

I need a way to determine whether the computer running my program is joined to any domain. It doesn't matter what specific domain it is part of, just whether it is connected to anything. I'm coding in vc++ against the Win32 API.
Straight from Microsoft:
How To Determine If a Windows NT/Windows 2000 Computer Is a Domain Member
This approach uses the Windows API. From the article summary:
This article describes how to
determine if a computer that is
running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000
is a member of a domain, is a member
of a workgroup, or is a stand-alone
computer using the Local Security
Authority APIs.
The article also provides sample code for a small program that outputs whether the computer the program is running on is part of a domain, part of a workgroup, or a standalone computer.
I think the NetServerEnum function will help you in what you want; I would ask for the primary domain controllers with the SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL constant for servertype parameter. If you don't get any, then you're not in a domain.
The code in the MSDN sample is a little outdated. This is the function I came up with that works.
bool ComputerBelongsToDomain()
bool ret = false;
LSA_HANDLE policyHandle;
NTSTATUS status;
// Object attributes are reserved, so initialize to zeros.
ZeroMemory(&objectAttributes, sizeof(objectAttributes));
status = LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &objectAttributes, GENERIC_READ | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &policyHandle);
if (!status)
status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy(policyHandle, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, (LPVOID*)&info);
if (!status)
if (info->Sid)
ret = true;
return ret;
Here is a dead simple approach I don't see mentioned.
TCHAR UserDnsDomain[128] = { 0 };
DWORD Result = 0;
Result = GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN", UserDnsDomain, sizeof(UserDnsDomain));
if (Result == 0 || Result >= sizeof(UserDnsDomain) || GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
return(FALSE); // Not logged in to a domain
This is predicated on the idea that if the user who is running this code is not currently logged in to a domain, then the USERDNSDOMAIN environment variable will be empty or unavailable. But there are some caveats you should think about.
Very easy to implement.
99% reliable.
May fail or return false results if the computer is domain joined, but the user executing this code is logged on to that computer with a local account.
May fail or return false results if the computer is domain joined, but network connectivity to a domain controller was unavailable at the time of logon/user logged on with cached credentials.
You can check the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon for the value of 'CachePrimaryDomain'.
Avoid LSA which is a wrong method.
You must use DS api (2 lines of code)
what about from the name of the computer?
edit: this was a crapy 'answer' from way back. What I meant was cheching for the form domain\name in the computer name. That of course implies that you do know the name of the domain, it does not solves the issue of just knowing if the computer is in any domain.

IDebugProgramProvider2.GetProviderProcessData on Vista

As part of a JavaScript Profiler for IE 6/7 I needed to load a custom debugger that I created into IE. I got this working fine on XP, but couldn't get it working on Vista (full story here: http://damianblog.com/2008/09/09/tracejs-v2-rip/).
The call to GetProviderProcessData is failing on Vista. Anyone have any suggestions?
// Create the MsProgramProvider
IDebugProgramProvider2* pIDebugProgramProvider2 = 0;
HRESULT st = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MsProgramProvider, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDebugProgramProvider2, (void**)&pIDebugProgramProvider2);
if(st != S_OK) {
return st;
// Get the IDebugProgramNode2 instances running in this process
processID.ProcessId.dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
processID.ProcessIdType = AD_PROCESS_ID_SYSTEM;
CONST_GUID_ARRAY engineFilter;
engineFilter.dwCount = 0;
st = pIDebugProgramProvider2->GetProviderProcessData(PFLAG_GET_PROGRAM_NODES|PFLAG_DEBUGGEE, 0, processID, engineFilter, &processData);
if(st != S_OK) {
ShowError(L"GPPD Failed", st);
return st;
It would help to know what the error result was.
Possible problems I can think of:
If your getting permission denied, your most likely missing some requried Privilege in your ACL. New ones are sometimes not doceumented well, check the latest Platform SDK headers to see if any new ones that still out. It may be that under vista the Privilege is not assigned my default to your ACL any longer.
If your getting some sort of Not Found type error, then it may be 32bit / 64bit problem. Your debbugging API may only be available under 64bit COM on vista 64. The 32bit/64bit interoperation can be very confusing.
I'm not familiar with these interfaces, but unexpected failures in Vista may require being past a UAC prompt. Have you tried starting the debugger with admin privileges?