Running Google test at build time with CMake generated system - c++

My configuration has CMake 3.6, Visual Studio 2015 and latest Google test from GitHub. I add my unit tests through one of my cmake functions addGtest and do the build. After this I can run the test from my RUN_TESTS target or using ctrl + F5 in VS and works as expected.
The final goal is to run the unit tests at build time using the CMake dependency management. For now, as a first step, I have enhanced my function to create a custom_target (included the entire function, in case there are unforeseen issues in the working part), but not build it:
function (addGtest)
# vvvv this part works as explained vvvv #
set (optBOOLS)
set (optSINGLES EXE)
cmake_parse_arguments (myARGS
"${optBOOLS}" "${optSINGLES}" "${optLISTS}" ${ARGN})
# addExecutable is a function that adds target executables
set(myARGS_DLL_LIST gtest_main gtest "${myARGS_DLL_LIST}")
) # so it can be run using ctest
# ^^^^ this part works as explained ^^^^ #
add_custom_target (${myARGS_EXE}.tgt DEPENDS ${myARGS_EXE}
COMMAND ${myARGS_EXE} --gtest_output="xml:${myARGS_EXE}.xml"
endfunction (addGtest)
As expected when I perform the build, a new target, say, utMyTest.tgt is added to VS, but it is not built. Now when I build this new target by hand in VS, I expect that the test will be run. But it doesn't and gives the following error:
1> The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
I tried providing full path to the COMMAND option, removing double quotes around --gtest_output value, but to no avail. On the other hand when I cd to the working directory in a command line window and invoke the exe, it works fine!!
The first question is how do I fix it to run the test by building this new target? After that, I plan to add_custom_target (${myARGS_EXE}.run) and add_dependencies (${myARGS_EXE}.run ${myARGS_EXE}.tgt). Would this then run the test whenever the exe changes? Or should I do something else? Thank you for your help.

Could not add so much details in the comment, hence this answer.
1. Answer to the original problem
Since I needed the configuration dependent path in the WORKING_DIRECTORY option of the add_custom_target command, but cannot pass generator expressions to it, the idea is to use the CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR variable so:
add_custom_target (${myARGS_EXE}.tgt
COMMAND ${myARGS_EXE} --gtest_output=xml:${myARGS_EXE}.xml
Now, when you build the above target, the unit test is run in the WORKING_DIRECTORY which is not entirely desirable, since that is the install directory for libs and exes. It would be really nice to ...
2. Run the unit test from its build directory
While, at the same time, picking up the DLL paths from within Visual Studio, and storing the Gtest generated .xml file in the build directory. This is the solution:
In CMake version 3.10 CMAKE_MSVCIDE_RUN_PATH property was added. In the project wide CMakeLists.txt, set(CMAKE_MSVCIDE_RUN_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/bin) - thanks to this solution #3, we can appendPATH to point to our install directory. And then replace the above add_custom_target command with this:
add_custom_command (
COMMAND ${myARGS_EXE} --gtest_output=xml:${myARGS_EXE}.xml
This solution avoids the mess of creating additional targets. Clearly only when myARGS_EXE is built, the unit test is run. Obviously myARGS_EXE's transitive dependency on other DLLs is covered also.
If you have other elegant solutions, please post.


How to trigger CMake reconfiguration from a target?

I have the following setup:
- build/
- conanbuildinfo.cmake (generated)
- CMakeLists.txt
A conan command is ran before CMake, generating conanbuildinfo.cmake. This contains include paths etc. to be used during the compilation later. If I change the conanfile, I want to trigger conan again and a re-run of CMake from the generated ninja build. I have a script that can call conan and it updates everything properly. However, this happens after CMake was ran and even though conanbuildinfo was changed, CMake won't run once more. This causes ninja to "not see" the changes in the dependency graph, so it doesn't rebuild everything it has to rebuild. That means I have to run ninja twice to get everything to update. The way I trigger the reconfigure currently is like this:
COMMENT "Checking if reconfigure is needed"
Is there a way to trigger a reconfigure after this script was ran?
I tried using the following without any success:
Running cmake from the script
Touching the main CMakeLists.txt from the script
Using execute_process to run the script
Why didn't execute_process work?
It seems to me like this should work if you use execute_process (not add_custom_command) to run conan/ before any of the CMake logic that depends on its output, combined with adding the input files of that command to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS.
Trying to run something before CMake won't work... but you don't need to do that, anyway. I think your problem is that you are trying to solve the wrong question. Instead, look at it as a) you want to run something during CMake's execution, and b) you want to re-run CMake if your "conanfile" changes. Re-running CMake will re-run conan.

How to run a copy script after every build in CMAKE and CLION? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to always run command when building regardless of any dependency?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to copy a directory of files after my project is built, every time my project is built.
In my project's CMakeLists.txt file I have the following:
# Copy resources
This works the first time the project is built, and it works anytime I call make in the directory that CMAKE has generated the makefile in.
However, in my IDE (CLion) I think there is some sort of caching / checking to see if the project is already built.
As a result, if I only change an asset file, and not the underlying code, the files are never copied to the location of the binary.
Is there a way to force a post-build script to be executed after every time build is called?
Or, put another way, is there a way to force the CMakeLists.txt file to be every time I build my project?
This is specific to CLion but concerns cmake more generally.
I am using CMAKE 3.9.1
File(COPY file path) is executed at configure time, one of the three main phase of CMake flow Configure -> build -> install
If you want to execute a command after a build there is two ways to do it.
First with (Probably the better one)
add_custom_command(TARGET MyTarget POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:MyTarget>/assets)
Will copy the asset directory, to artifactDirectory/assets.
You need to precise the assets directory in the destination.
CMake documentation isn't that clear on this point
copy_directory ...
Copy directories to directory. If directory does not exist it will be created.
Reference is there : add_custom_command (3.9.6)
Second with a custom target that execute at the end of the build of every targets and so depends on all targets.
Syntax would be
add_custom_target( MyTarget ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:MyTarget>/assets DEPENDS MyOtherTargets)`
Will create a target called MyTarget that execute, a command when builded after target or files it depends on are builded/generated.
(This command have some unexpected behaviours when a project is built, with multiple cores.)
Reference is there : add_custom_target (3.9.6)
For information my environment is CLION 2017.3 and CMake 3.10

CMake: How to specify directory where ctest should look for executables?

I wanted to integrate ctest to a c++/c project. I use google tests to write unit tests.
Relevant part of my CMakeLists.txt looks like this:
####### CREATING EXE #######
add_executable(test_exe main.cpp test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_exe GTest::GTest GTest::Main)
add_test(test_exe test_exe)
As you can see i specified the output directory of my executable (UNIT_TEST_BIN_OUTPUT_DIR).
The executable works fine on its own when I use the terminal:
I want to use ctest to execute my tests. So I go to the "ctest folder" generated by cmake. Here I want to use ctest to execute all test added by "add_test" in cmake.
user#user:~/<dir to cmake>/cmake/unit_tests$ ctest
Test project /<dir to cmake>/cmake/unit_tests
Start 1: test_exe
Could not find executable test_exe
Looked in the following places:
Unable to find executable: test_exe
1/1 Test #1: test_exe ......***Not Run 0.00 sec
0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1
Total Test time (real) = 0.00 sec
The following tests FAILED:
1 - test_exe (Not Run)
Errors while running CTest
If I put the "test_exe" in one of the shown paths it works fine. But I don't want them to be there.
My Question:
Is there a way to tell ctest it should look in UNIT_TEST_BIN_OUTPUT_DIR in order to find the executable?
Documentation for add_test specifies WORKING_DIRECTORY option for long form of the command. Value of this option is used as a directory in which test operates:
If you just want the test to find the executable, it is sufficient to use
add_test(NAME test_exe COMMAND test_exe)
This is a long form of add_test command. In this form, CMake checks whether COMMAND is a target name, and, if it is so, replaces it with an absolute path to the executable corresponded to that target. Such way the test can be run from any directory.
Note, that automatic replacement of the target doesn't work for a short form of add_test which you use.
Using CMake 3.20 and greater, you can tell CTest which directory contains your tests by using a CLI option:
ctest --test-dir /path/to/your/tests
This is a less-invasive solution for existing tests, for which you don't want to modify the CMake files.
In our projects we always specify the path when we call add_test(), e.g.:
add_test( ${filename} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${filename} )

How can I keep ctest from deleting my tests on failure? [duplicate]

I am building a test executable using CMake. During the build process, I would like to run the executable, which returns whether the tests pass or not. If not, I would like the build to fail. However, when I use add_custom_command(... POST_BUILD ... ), and use a Makefile generator, the test executable will be deleted (explain in this question: Why does GNU make delete a file).
Is there a way to have CMake treat the executable as a .PRECIOUS, or otherwise change the CMakeLists.txt such that the executable doesn't get deleted if the tests fail?
For reference, my CMakeList.txt looks like the following (simplified from actual):
add_executable(UnitTest unittest.cpp)
add_custom_command(TARGET UnitTest POST_BUILD COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:UnitTest>)
The solution that I was alluding to was to use add_custom_target instead of add_custom_command. While it will not delete the executable if the test fails and the build process as a whole fails if runUnitTest fails, this target does not get built as a result of building the UnitTest target specifically.
add_executable(UnitTest unittest.cpp)
add_custom_target(runUnitTest UnitTest COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:UnitTest> DEPENDS UnitTest)
I struggled with this same problem: I have a unit test I only want to run in the following conditions:
The test has been modified.
The code under test has been modified.
The test failed its previous execution.
In the event the test is run and fails I want the test binary to remain for debugging.
The solution I ended up with uses a flag file to indicate the test has run and no longer needs to execute again. Note the flag must live in the binary directory so that other builds are not impacted. However the WORKING_DIRECTORY is set so the test can access read-only data files relative to its source location. Here's what it all looks like -- I stuck this in a macro so all my various unit tests can invoke this, the only input to the macro is the test executable:
# This isn't normally needed since a rebuild will have a newer time stamp.
# But it adds robustness to handle changes to the system clock.
add_custom_command(TARGET ${TEST_EXECUTABLE}
COMMENT "Unit test ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} rebuilt; clearing flag ${TEST_FLAG_FILE}."
# This command only runs if the flag isn't present or is older than the executable.
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${TEST_FLAG_FILE}
COMMENT "Unit Test Execution: ${TEST_EXECUTABLE}"
# Any "make all" will evaluate the preceding custom command.

cmake: trying to call msbuild during cmake script execution

I'm trying to migrate my Visual Studio solution to CMake.
I have two projects - generator (generator.exe generates C++ sources from text files) and myProj (includes some text files that have to be processed by generator.exe).
What I want is:
build generator project
use generator.exe from step1 to generate C++ source files from text files in project myProj
put those generated source files in resulting VS project for myProj
what I've so far:
# in root/generator/CMakeLists.txt:
set(SRC_LIST .... )
set(HDR_LIST .... )
add_executable(generator ${SRC_LIST} ${HDR_LIST})
# in root/my_proj/CMakeLists.txt:
add_subdirectory(../generator/ ../generator/cmake_out)
execute_process(COMMAND msbuild ../generator/cmake_out/generator.vcxproj)
# <copy generated files to ./src>
# in root/my_proj/src/CMakeLists.txt:
set(SRC_LIST SomeSource.cpp .... )
set(HDR_LIST SomeSource.h .... )
add_library(myProj STATIC ${SRC_LIST} ${HDR_LIST} )
So, what is wrong here? Why execute_process() fails? Seems like CMake's order of execution is absolutely chaotic.
Use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND to execute generator.exe during compilation. Be sure to specify all of the OUTPUT files generated. List those output files as sources for myProj. CMake should build you a solution with two projects that will build generator first, execute it to generate the automatic myProj files, then build myProj.
COMMAND generator
DEPENDS generator
add_library(myProj ${CMAKE_CURRONT_BINARY_DIR}/output.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/output.cpp)
It looks like execute_process failing is the least of your problems, but to answer your question: First of all you can see the result of the called command using
execute_process(COMMAND msbuild ../generator/cmake_out/generator.vcxproj
message(STATUS "Result: ${result}")
You will probably see "The system cannot find the file specified" because the CMake shell does not know what directory the msbuild command is in. You can just give the full path to msbuild, for example on my system (VS 2013), I would use:
execute_process(COMMAND "C:\\Program Files\\MSBuild\\14.0\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe"