I am trying to automate importing template from my local machine to the Vcenter but facing error "host did not have virtual network defined".Can anyone look into this and please help me out.
connecting to vcenter
Connect-VIServer $Vcentername -user $Username -pass $Password
importing OVF/OVA FILE configuration into a variable
$ovffile = "C:\Users\nsrira001c\Desktop\Linux_Rhel71_v1_gold_version_test\Linux_Rhel71_v1_gold_version_test.ovf"
$ovfconfig = Get-ovfconfiguration $ovffile
12 a List the properties of the OVF/OVA configuration
parameters for the
$myCluster = Get-Cluster -Name $Clustername
$VMHost = Get-Cluster $Clustername | Get-VMHost | sort MemoryGB | select -first 1
$Datastore = $VMHost | Get-datastore | sort FreespaceGB -Descending | select -first 1
$Network = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name "dv_HO_Backup_Green_305" -VMHost $VMHost
Import-vApp -Source $ovffile -VMHost $VMHost -Location $myCluster -Name "Linux_Rhel71_v1_gold_version_test"
WARNING: The output of the command produced distributed virtual portgroup objects. This behavior is obsolete and may
change in the future. To retrieve distributed portgroups, use Get-VDPortgroup cmdlet in the VDS component. To retrieve
standard portgroups, use -Standard.
Import-vApp : 10/17/2016 8:40:24 AM Import-VApp Host did not have any virtual network defined.
At C:\Users\nsrira001c\Desktop\Linux_template_deployment_code2.ps1:29 char:1
+ Import-vApp -Source $ovffile -VMHost $VMHost -Location $myCluster -Na ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Import-VApp], OvfNoHostNic
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_VappServiceImpl_ImportVApp_CreateImportSpecError,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cm
You assume that your network adapter is on your first host.
$Network = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name "dv_HO_Backup_Green_305" -VMHost $VMHost
$VMHost = The first in the list. Try entering the name that has that virtual port group attached to it.
$baseline = "HPE 7.0U3f"
$vmhost = "HOSTNAME"
$baseline = Get-Baseline | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $baseline}
Attach-Baseline -Entity (get-vmhost $vmhost) -Baseline $baseline
$baseline | remediate-inventory -entity $vmhost -confirm:$false
Update-Entity The operation for the entity
"HOSTNAME" failed with the following message: "The
operation is not supported on the selected inventory objects. Check
the events for the objects select ed for the operation."
Manually attaching the image and remediating the host works just fine. What did I miss?
I have defined all the needed variables in a separate Variable_Defination.ps1 file and have called it up here.
Is there a better way to do this?
I just want a script to create 2 redundant VMs both running on separate datastores and having Affinity rule set up for disaster recovery cases
. ./Variable_Defination.ps1
function CreateRedundantVMs {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
$Viabledatastores = (Get-Cluster $ClusterName | Get-Datastore) |
Where {$_.Name -like '*vSSD*'} |
Sort-Object FreeSpaceGB -Descending |
Select -First 2 -ErrorAction 'Stop'
if ($Viabledatastores) {
} else {
Write-Host "No Viable Datastores found"
Write-Verbose "`n---------------------- Creating redundant VMs now ------------------------`n " -Verbose
New-VM -Name $ComputerName1 -ResourcePool $InfraResourcePoolName -Datastore $Viabledatastores[0] -Description $description -Template $sourcetemplate -OSCustomizationspec $OSCustomizationspec -DiskStorageFormat Thin
New-VM -Name $ComputerName2 -ResourcePool $InfraResourcePoolName -Datastore $Viabledatastores[1] -Description $description -Template $sourcetemplate -OSCustomizationspec $OSCustomizationspec -DiskStorageFormat Thin
Start-Sleep -s 3
Write-Host "`n -------------------------------------------------------------------------`n "
Write-Verbose -Message "Virtual Machine $ComputerName1 and $ComputerName2 Deployed. Powering On" -Verbose
Write-Host "`n -------------------------------------------------------------------------`n "
Start-VM -VM $ComputerName1
Start-VM -VM $ComputerName2
# calling function
CreateRedundantVMs $ClusterName $ComputerName1 $ComputerName2 $sourcetemplate $InfraResourcePoolName $OSCustomizationspec $description
I've been trying to use Powershell with imported PowerCLI commands for VMware administration and I've hit a snag. What I'm trying to do is query all VM's in a location (doesn't matter where), and for every VM I want the group with "Virtual Machine User with Snapshot" permission, and then use that group name to run a Get-ADGroupMembers query for everyone in that group. I also have to remove the domain prefix from the AD query, which would otherwise cause an error.
After some more playing around with outputting hash table information into the csv, as opposed to 'SystemObject[]', I finally got the script so it doesn't return errors EXCEPT on VM's where there is more than one group. It throws an error but the script continues, and just outputs the members of the first group.
How do I get it to do a recursive AD query for every group that is pulled into the owner groups hashtable? The output would be the same as for all the other VM's, just with a line for each group and members.
$AllVMs = #()
$vms = get-vm * -Location datacenter
foreach ($vm in $vms)
$owners = Get-VIPermission $vm.name | where-object {$_.role -eq "virtual machine user with snapshot"}
foreach ($owner in $owners)
$members = Get-ADGroupMember ($owners.principal -replace '^prefix\\')
$temp = New-Object psobject |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Name" -value $vm.name -PassThru |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Owner" -value (#($owners.principal) -join ',') -PassThru |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Members" -value (#($members.SamAccountName) -join ',') -passthru
$AllVMs | Export-Csv -Path c:\users\me\desktop\AllVMs.csv
I was playing around with it some more today and figured it out! I'm running the script right now against a datacenter with 350+ machines so technically I don't know 100% that it works, but it worked against 3 machines :-) I also added a line to list every machine that's owned by more than one group - handy for troubleshooting. Here's the script:
$AllVMs = #()
$vms = get-vm -Location DATACENTER
foreach ($vm in $vms)
$owners = #(Get-VIPermission $vm.name | where-object {$_.role -eq "virtual machine user with snapshot"})
if ($owners.count -gt 1) {write-host "** Note ** '$vm' has"$owners.count "owner groups"}
foreach ($owner in $owners)
$members = Get-ADGroupMember ($owner.principal -replace '^prefix\\')
$temp = New-Object psobject |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Name" -value $vm.name -PassThru |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Owner" -value (#($owner.principal) -join ',') -PassThru |
Add-Member Noteproperty "Members" -value (#($members.SamAccountName) -join ',') -PassThru
Change $owners.principal to $owner.principal after $members = Get-ADGroupMember? In case you have nested AD groups, Get-ADGroupMember has a -Recursive parameter.
hi I want to show and add items in Sharepoint via Powershell (I use for testing a list and a libary)
The name is Powershell-Test
the Url is
I enable remote on the Sharepoint Server and make a remote connection to this from my localhost.
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName [sharepoint server] -Authentication Negotiate -Credential [Domain\name]
if((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell
$webURL = "http//intranet/departments/it/abt/Lists/"
$listname = "Powershell-Test"
$web = Get-SPWeb $webURL
$web.lists | format-table title
$list = $web.LIsts[$listName]
$list.items | foreach { $_[„Title“] + „`n“ + $_[„Body“] }
The Problem is that I don#t get the connection to the list :(
How I can to this?
I presume you have permission to access the site.
I also presume you don't have a site or subsite with the name "Lists".
I don't think you can use Get-SPWeb with the path "/Lists/" within it (unless the site was named "lists").
Could you try:
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
$siteURL = "http//intranet/departments/it/abt/"
$web = Get-SPWeb $siteURL
$list = $web.Lists["Powershell-Test"]
$list.Items | foreach { $_["Title"] + "`n" + $_["Body"] }
Hi i am new to power shell and i cant seem to get this script to run it is to remote execute a command using the command prompt on a computer in a workgroup here is the error i get the script is below i am running the script on a win 7 machine the machine i want to remote execute on is windows xp sp3 the fire wall is off and the com settings are set for default for authentication settings and identify for impersonate and help would be great
here is the Error
Invoke-WmiMethod : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
At C:\Users\Kevin\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1:57 char:40
+ $newproc = Invoke-WmiMethod <<<< -class Win32_process -name Create `
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Invoke-WmiMethod], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWmiMethod
$command = Read-Host " Enter command to run"
$user = "\Administrator"
$Domainname = $HostName +$user
$login = Get-Credential $domainname
[string]$cmd = "CMD.EXE /C " +$command
process {
$newproc = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create `
-ArgumentList ($cmd) -EnableAllPrivileges -ComputerName $HostName -authentication Packetprivacy -Impersonation 3 -Credential $login
if ($newproc.ReturnValue -eq 0 )
{ Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Command $($command) Ran Sucessfully on $($HostName)"}
I think this is because Get-Credential won't pass the password to the -credential of Invoke-WmiMethod. I do this exact thing by creating the credential password using "convertto-securestring"
I know it's not as secure as you have to put the password in as plain text, but if you're the only one using the script to do maintenance or such..it's no biggie.
Try this:
$command = Read-Host " Enter command to run"
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "yourpassword" -Force -AsPlainText
$Domainname = 'Domain'
$user = '\administrator'
$login = $Domainname + $user
$cred = (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $login, $pass)
[string]$cmd = "CMD.EXE /C " +$command
process {
$newproc = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create `
-ArgumentList ($cmd) -EnableAllPrivileges -ComputerName $HostName -authentication Packetprivacy -Impersonation 3 -Credential $cred
if ($newproc.ReturnValue -eq 0 )
{ Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Command $($command) Ran Sucessfully