QML can't hide Rectangle - c++

I have a Window containing what I called a Page - a Rectangle the size of the main window:
LoginWindow {
id: loginWindow
SelectionWindow {
id: selectionWindow
ServiceWindow {
id: serviceWindow
ConfirmWindow {
id: confirmWindow
IssueWindow {
id: issueWindow
Each *Window here is an element inheriting from Page.
Now I can jump between different Page elements setting their visibility. Only one Page can be visible at a time. The last Page is IssueWindow and from there I want to switch back to LoginWindow and logout the user.
From C++ I emit a signal issueFinished and in MainWindow I have this code:
onIssueFinished: {
// This line won't hide the Page
issueWindow.visible = false;
As noted in the comment, the Page element just won't hide, while other elements will change their visibility. I am using GammaRay to see the changes and everything works, just hiding the issueWindow doesn't. Also when printing the issueWindow.visible to console, it's false.

Use opacity instead of visibility, and bind one method on opacity change which handle the enabled and disabled state like.
onIssueFinished: {
// This line won't hide the Page
issueWindow.opacity = 0.0;
IssueWindow {
id: issueWindow
onOpacityChanged: {
enabled = ( opacity === 1.0)
You need to implement opacity change in all the windows.
And set the opacity for all other windows.
Or you can use stack view or swipe view.

Found out the issue was actually incorrect order of switching visibility and firing signals and responding to them.

To make sure only one Page is visible, you might use an index.
You set the visibility to:
visible: (selected == thisPageIdentifier)
With this you make sure, only the page with the corresponding pageIdentifyer is visible, and you don't have to throw around multiple signals to show and hide.
When a new page shall become visible, just set the selected property to the corresponding identifier (int or string or what ever) and the other pages turn invisible.
This should increase scalability as you do not have new signals to handle in all the other pages, if you decide to add a new page once. You only need to make sure, the identifier is unique.
Your example code adjusted to this:
Item {
property int selection: 0
LoginWindow {
id: loginWindow
visible: (selection === 0)
SelectionWindow {
id: selectionWindow
visible: (selection === 1)
ServiceWindow {
id: serviceWindow
visible: (selection === 2)
ConfirmWindow {
id: confirmWindow
visible: (selection === 3)
IssueWindow {
id: issueWindow
visible: (selection === 4)


How to change a property binding during an element creation in QML?

Suppose I have a custom CheckBox:
CheckBox {
required property QtObject proxy
checked: proxy.value
Binding {
target: proxy
property: "value"
value: checked
So the checked status of the MyCheckBox bound to the value property of my object (proxy) and vise-versa, i.e. I have a two-way binding.
I am using my custom checkbox as follows:
//My window
Item {
MyCheckBox {
id: ordinaryCheck
proxy: ...
Everything works as expected. But what if I need to invert the logic for some instance of MyCheckBox: when proxy.value is true the checkbox is unchecked, and when proxy.value is false the checkbox is checked ? But this, ofc, doesn't work as I have a binding loop here if I try to do this:
Item {
MyCheckBox {
id: invertedCheck
proxy: ...
checked: !proxy.value
Binding {
target: proxy.value
property: "value"
value: !checked
The Qt bindings are also not an option:
CheckBox {
required property QtObject proxy
checked: proxy.value
Component.onCompleted {
property.value = Qt.binding(function() { return checked });
I have the same binding loop error in this case.
So what is my option to reach the goal, how to alternate the binding at the moment of instantiation ?
Update 1
Here is my PropertyProxy::setValue member function:
void setValue( const QVariant& v )
if( v != value() )
//do some stuff
emit valueChanged();
If you're concerned about a potential binding loop, it is a potential candidate to rewrite it as an imperative implementation, e.g.
CheckBox {
required property QtObject proxy
onCheckedChanged: {
if (proxy && proxy.value !== checked) {
proxy.value = checked;
property bool proxyValue: proxy && proxy.value ? true : false
onProxyValueChanged: {
if (checked !== proxyValue) {
checked = proxyValue;
Your first version might also technically be a binding loop but is not detected as such.
You want to bind your checkbox value to your proxy value, and when the user toggles the checkbox you want to modify the proxy value.
To avoid binding loops, use specific interaction signals for each component, not generic onChanged signal. The former will fire only when the user interact with the UI, the latter will fire every time, even when the changes come from a backend change, leading to a potential binding loop.
In your case you want the toggled signal:
CheckBox {
required property QtObject proxy
checked: proxy.value
onToggled: proxy.value = checked
Note that this only works with QQC2 since they are not breaking the checked: proxy.value binding when the user toggles the checkbox, but still change the checked property value, hoping for an eventual resolution.

Signal-Slot for TabbedPane Blackberry 10

I'm a newbie to Blackberry 10 development and the whole qt signal-slot mechanism.
I am trying to register a signal and slot for when a user clicks on a different tab in my Blackberry 10 native application. I have the following code for my UI:
TabbedPane {
id: mainTabbedPane
showTabsOnActionBar: true
peekEnabled: true
sidebarState: SidebarState.VisibleFull
Tab {
} //End of first tab
Tab {
} //End of second tab
AbstractPane *appPane = qmlDocument->createRootObject<AbstractPane>();
if (appPane) {
// Set the main application scene to NavigationPane.
TabbedPane* tabbedPane = appPane->findChild<TabbedPane*>("mainTabbedPane");
qDebug("Pane: %p", tabbedPane);
QObject::connect(tabbedPane, SIGNAL(activeTabChanged(bb::cascades::Tab*)), SLOT(sectionTriggered(bb::cascades::Tab*)));
My issue is that it seems the TabbedPane is not being found despite being in the UI. What I'm I doing wrong? Also, I'm I implementing the signal-slot correctly?
Thank you in advance.
You could also use onTriggered in QML, so you can get that this way. Depends on what you want
Tab {
title: "Tab name"
onTriggered: {
BUT to fix your problem directly, you're missing objectName
TabbedPane {
id: mainTabbedPane
objectName: "mainTabbedPane"
showTabsOnActionBar: true
peekEnabled: true
sidebarState: SidebarState.VisibleFull
Tab {
} //End of first tab
Tab {
} //End of second tab

QtQuick, Dynamic Images and C++

I'm new to Qt, and from what I've read on qt-project.org and other places; QtQuick seems like an attractive option because of its ability to work on both pointer and touch based devices. My problem is getting it to work well with c++.
I decided to write a variant of Conway's Game of Life as a next step after "Hello World". I am thoroughly mystified as to how to get the "board" -- a [height][width][bytes-per-pixel] array of char -- integrated into the scene graph.
Basically, the process is that the "LifeBoard" iterates through its rules and updates the char*/image. I've got this simple QML:
ApplicationWindow {
id: life_app_window
visible: true
title: qsTr("Life")
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("File")
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Quit")
onTriggered: Qt.quit();
toolBar: ToolBar {
id: lifeToolBar;
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonQuit
text: qsTr("Quit")
onClicked: Qt.quit()
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonStop
text: qsTr("Stop")
enabled: false
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonStart
text: qsTr("Start")
enabled: true
//onClicked: //Start life.
ToolButton {
id: toolButtonReset
text: qsTr("Stop")
// onClicked: //Reset life.
Flow {
id: flow1
anchors.fill: parent
statusBar: StatusBar {
enabled: false
Text {
// Get me from number of iterations
text: qsTr("Iterations.")
I want to image to come from a class with a api kinda like this:
class Life {
QImage getImage() {}
// Or
char* getPixels(int h, int w, QImage::Format_ARGB8888) {}
I have no clue, and hours wading through tutorials did not help. How does one link a char* image in c++ to a ??? in QML so that the QML can start/stop the "Life" loop and so that the "Life" loop and update the char array and notify QML to redraw it?
Note: I've looked at subclassing QQuickImageProvider based on the info here. The problem with this approach is that I cannot see how to let c++ "drive" the on screen image. I wish to pass control from QML to c++ and let c++ tell QML when to update the display with the changed image. Is there a solution with this approach? Or another approach entirely.
First way to do that would be creating a Rectangle for each game pixel in QML, which might be fancy for a 8x8 board, but not for a 100x100 board, since you need to write the QML code manually for each pixel.
Thus I'd go for images created in C++ and exposed to QML. You call them via an image provider to allow asynchronous loading. Let Life do the logic only.
The image is called from QML like this:
Image {
id: board
source: "image://gameoflife/board"
height: 400
width: 400
Now gameoflife is the name of the image provider and board the so-called id you can use later.
Register gameoflife in you main.cpp
LifeImageProvider *lifeIP = new LifeImageProvider(life);
engine.addImageProvider("gameoflife", lifeIP);
where engine is your main QQmlApplicationEngine and life an instance of your Life game engine.
LifeImageProvider is your class to create pixeldata. Starts somehow like
class LifeImageProvider : public QQuickImageProvider
LifeImageProvider(Life *myLifeEngine);
QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize);
Life *myLifeEngine_;
The important method is requestPixmap, which is called from QML. You need to implement it.
To refresh the game board when Life sends a stateChanged() signal, expose life as a global object to QML:
context->setContextProperty("life", &life);
You can bind the signal to QML
Image {
id: board
source: "image://gameoflife/board"
height: 400
width: 400
Connections {
target: life
onStateChanged: {
board.source = "image://gameoflife/board?" + Math.random()
// change URL to refresh image. Add random URL part to avoid caching
Just for fun, and at the risk of downvotes for a completely tangential answer, here's a GameOfLife implemented entirely in QML, just put it in a .qml file and run it with qmlscene. Works on Qt 5.3.0, and runs surprisingly (to me) fast on an old Core 2 Duo lappy. I'm sure it'll never be as fast/efficient as a C++ QQuickImageProvider based solution though, but it does make the point it's possible to do quite a lot in QML without resorting to C++.
import QtQuick 2.2
Rectangle {
id: main
width: 640
height: 640
color: '#000088'
Timer {
interval: 1000/60
running: true
repeat: true
onTriggered: {advance();display();}
Component {
id: cellComponent
Rectangle {
objectName: 'cell'
property int row: 0
property int col: 0
x: main.width/2+width*col
y: main.height/2+height*row
width: 5
height: 5
radius: 2
smooth: true
color: '#ffcc00'
property var cells: null
Component.onCompleted: {
cells=[[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[ 0,-1],[ 0, 0],[ 1, 0]];
function display() {
// Just completely regenerate display field each frame
// TODO: might be nicer to do differential updates, would allow birth/death animations
// Nuke all previously displayed cells
for (var i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
if (children[i].objectName=='cell') {
// Show current set of cells
for (var i=0;i<cells.length;i++) {
var c=cellComponent.createObject(
function advance() {
// Build a hash of the currently alive cells and a neighbour count (includes self)
var a=new Object;
var n=new Object;
for (var i=0;i<cells.length;i++) {
var p=cells[i]
var r=p[0];
var c=p[1];
if (!(r in a)) a[r]=new Object;
for (var dr=r-1;dr<=r+1;dr++) {
for (var dc=c-1;dc<=c+1;dc++) {
if (!(dr in n)) n[dr]=new Object;
if (!(dc in n[dr])) n[dr][dc]=0;
// For all live cells, assess viability
var kill=[];
var stay=[];
for (var r in a) {
for (var c in a[r]) {
if (n[r][c]-1<2 || n[r][c]-1>3)
// For neighbours of live cells, assess potential for births
var born=[];
for (var r in n) {
for (var c in n[r]) {
if (!((r in a) && (c in a[r]))) {
if (n[r][c]==3)
And for a pure QML version using GLSL (via a recursive QML ShaderEffect) to compute the Game of Life rules on GPU see here.

Animate Binding Change in Qt

I'm trying to find a way to do a transition on a QML element, when a binding changes. Say you have a Text element, with the text property bound to something. What I want is when the data in the binding changes, the element fades out (Still displaying old data), switches and fades back in with the new data (the actual transition occurring while the element isn't visible.)
I've been searching everywhere for a way to do this but I can figure it out. I've tried using Qt Quick animations within QML, but the data itself changes before the animation runs, leaving the animation unnecessary. I've tried creating a custom QDeclarativeItem object that calls an animation within the QDeclarativeItem::paint() but I can't figure out how to get it to actually run.
I should note here that I know my bindings are working fine as the displayed data changes, I just can't get these animations to run at the proper time.
Here is what I tried with QML:
Text {
id: focusText
text: somedata
Behavior on text {
SequentialAnimation {
NumberAnimation { target: focusText; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 500 }
NumberAnimation { target: focusText; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 500 }
And here is what I tried in implementing a custom QDeclarativeItem:
void AnimatedBinding::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) {
// Setup the pen
QPen pen(m_color, 2);
// Draw the item
if (m_bindingType == QString("text")) {
QPropertyAnimation animation(this, "opacity");
if (drawn) {
} else drawn = true;
painter->drawText(boundingRect(), m_data.toString());
} else {
qCritical() << "Error unknown binding type!";
But like I said, the animation that I start within the painter never actually fires.
Any tips? Anyone ever done this before? I've been banging my head on this for about a week.
How about doing it in qml only this ways :
Define a custom element of your own type, that behaves the way you want it to.
Use this element instead of traditional element to be animated.
eg. I have create a custom 'AnimatedText' type to have the fading in and fading out behavior on the text elements whenever text related to them changes.
File 1 : AnimatedText.qml
import QtQuick 1.0
id: topParent
property string aText: ""
property string aTextColor: "black"
property int aTextFontSize: 10
property int aTextAnimationTime : 1000
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: aTextAnimationTime } }
topParent.opacity = 0
junkTimer.running = true
id: junkTimer
running: false
repeat: false
interval: aTextAnimationTime
junkText.text = aText
topParent.opacity = 1
id: junkText
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: ""
font.pixelSize: aTextFontSize
color: aTextColor
and in your main.qml
import QtQuick 1.0
id: topParent
width: 360
height: 360
id: someText
anchors.centerIn: parent
aText: "Click Me to change!!!.."
aTextFontSize: 25
aTextColor: "green"
aTextAnimationTime: 500
anchors.fill: parent
someText.aText = "Some random junk"

QML ListView multiselection

How can I select a few elements in the QML ListView and send its indices to C++ code?
Do something like that: if an element is clicked, set its property selected (or however you call it), and set in delegate that if selected is true, then it should be formatted differently. Plus add it to some list, to work with it.
I am pretty sure there is no way to make a QML ListView multi-selectable. Qt Declarative is focused on touch screen use and there is no meaningful way to multiselect in a pure touch UI.
i had the same issue and i found the best way to implement it, is to create a new role to the listview. Lets assume it is firstname and selected. you need to use both onCurrentIndexChanged and onClicked, because if you scroll, this will change the item but it is not a click. In both of them change the role selected into true, or adjust as it suits you, may be you don't need scroll to select and thus use only the onClicked. When clicked you can change the role selected into true
mListModel.append({"firstName": newEntry,"selected":true})
mListModel.append({"firstName": newEntry,"selected":true})
then you may use a highlight in the deligate, this will change the color based on the state of the selected.
Here is a full code that is tested to work
//copyright: Dr. Sherif Omran
//licence: LPGL (not for commercial use)
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
Item {
property string addnewitem:""
property int removeitemindex: -1
property string appenditemstring: ""
property int appenditemindx:-1
property int fontpoint: 20
property int radiuspoint: 14
property int spacingvalue: 0
property string delegate_color:"beige"
property string delegate_border_color:"yellowgreen"
property string highlight_color:"deeppink"
signal selectedvalueSignal (string iTemstring, string stateval)
property string sv: ""
property int indexcopy:0
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
ListModel {
id : mListModel
// ListElement {
// firstName : "John"
// }
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
id : mListViewId
delegate :delegateId
Layout.fillWidth : true
Layout.fillHeight: true
clip: true
snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem //this stops the view at the boundary
spacing: spacingvalue
highlight: Rectangle
id: highlightid
width: parent.width
color: mListModel.selected==="true"?"blue":highlight_color
border.color: "beige"
opacity: 0.2
highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
console.log("olistdynamic Indexchanged" + currentIndex)
lstmodelitem.selectedvalueSignal(currentIndex, mListModel.selected)
function getindex()
console.log("current index = " + indexcopy)
return mListViewId.currentIndex
function setindex(index)
//console.log("olistdynamic set index"+index)
function add2Item(newEntry,statev){
console.log("added item with value = " + newEntry + "state " + statev)
mListModel.append({"firstName": newEntry,"selected":statev})
function deleteItem(index){
function appendIdem(index,valueEntry,newselectedsate)
console.log("append item")
mListModel.set(index,{"firstName": valueEntry,"selected":newselectedsate})
Component {
id : delegateId
Rectangle {
id : rectangleId
width : parent.width // Remember to specify these sizes or you'll have problems
height: textId.implicitHeight*1.2
color: selected==="true"?"blue":delegate_color
border.color: delegate_border_color
radius: radiuspoint
Text {
id : textId
anchors.centerIn: parent
text : firstName
font.pointSize: fontpoint
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
console.log("current index = " + index)
//if the item has been changed from null to text
onAddnewitemChanged: {
console.log("added item" + addnewitem)
//remove item with index
onRemoveitemindexChanged: {
console.log("remove item")
//to change the item, change the index first then the string
onAppenditemstringChanged: {
You may try to get the ListItem's data and store it to an array on odd click and remove the ListItem's data from the array on even click. May be a simple workout, instead of creating a list of check box like items.