Haskell split string on last occurence - list

Is there any way I can split String in Haskell on the last occurrence of given character into 2 lists?
For example I want to split list "a b c d e" on space into ("a b c d", "e").
Thank you for answers.

I'm not sure why the solutions suggested are so complicated. Only one two traversals are needed:
splitLast :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Either [a] ([a],[a])
splitLast c' = foldr go (Left [])
go c (Right (f,b)) = Right (c:f,b)
go c (Left s) | c' == c = Right ([],s)
| otherwise = Left (c:s)
Note this is total and clearly signifies its failure. When a split is not possible (because the character specified wasn't in the string) it returns a Left with the original list. Otherwise, it returns a Right with the two components.
ghci> splitLast ' ' "hello beautiful world"
Right ("hello beautiful","world")
ghci> splitLast ' ' "nospaceshere!"
Left "nospaceshere!"

Its not beautiful, but it works:
import Data.List
f :: Char -> String -> (String, String)
f char str = let n = findIndex (==char) (reverse str) in
case n of
Nothing -> (str, [])
Just n -> splitAt (length str - n -1) str
I mean f 'e' "a b c d e" = ("a b c d ", "e"), but I myself wouldn't crop that trailing space.

I would go with more pattern matching.
import Data.List
splitLast = contract . words
where contract [] = ("", "")
contract [x] = (x, "")
contract [x,y] = (x, y)
contract (x:y:rest) = contract $ intercalate " " [x,y] : rest
For long lists, we just join the first two strings with a space and try the shorter list again. Once the length is reduced to 2, we just return the pair of strings.
(x, "") seemed like a reasonable choice for strings with no whitespace, but I suppose you could return ("", x) instead.
It's not clear that ("", "") is the best choice for empty strings, but it seems like a reasonable alternative to raising an error or changing the return type to something like Maybe (String, String).

I can propose the following solution:
splitLast list elem = (reverse $ snd reversedSplit, reverse $ fst reversedSplit)
reversedSplit = span (/= elem) $ reverse list
probably not the fastest one (two needless reverses) but I like it's simplicity.
If you insist on removing the space we're splitting on, you can go for:
import qualified Data.List as List
splitLast list elem = splitAt (last $ List.elemIndices elem list) list
however, this version assumes that there will be at least one element matching the pattern. If you don't like this assumption, the code gets slightly longer (but no double-reversals here):
import qualified Data.List as List
splitLast list elem = splitAt index list where
index = if null indices then 0 else last indices
indices = List.elemIndices elem list
Of course, choice of splitting at the beginning is arbitrary and probably splitting at the end would be more intuitive for you - then you can simply replace 0 with length list

My idea is to split at every occurrence and then separate the initial parts from the last part.
import Control.Arrow -- (&&&)
import Data.List -- intercalate
import Data.List.Split -- splitOn
breakOnLast :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
breakOnLast x = (intercalate x . init &&& last) . splitOn x
liftA2 (.) ((&&& last) . (. init) . intercalate) splitOn
(.) <$> ((&&&) <$> ((.) <$> pure init <*> intercalate) <*> pure last) <*> splitOn


List of tuples in haskell

Given a list of tuples asd :: [(Char, Char)], I want to write a function that takes in a string and returns the same string, with characters matching the first element of tuples in asd replaced with the corresponding second element.
For example, with asd = [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')], with input "ac", it should return "bd".
I also want to write a function that does the reverse, which when given input "bd" should return "ac".
I have a solution, but I can't use list generator and recursion.
This is my solution:
xyz :: String -> String
xyz x = concat (map y x) where y ys = [a | (b,a) <- asd, ys == b]
zyx x :: String -> String
zyx x = concat (map y x) where y ys = [a | (a,b) <- asd, ys == b]
How can I write this without recursion and list generator?
Pending clarification regarding exact specification in comments, I am assuming that you want to replace characters while keeping non-matching as-is.
To apply a function to each element of a list (a String is just [Char]), use map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]. Hence, you will need to write a map on the input string like so
xyz :: String -> String
xyz = map replace
This replace function should run through the list of tuples asd, and find the first tuple that matches. (I'm making an assumption here as it wasn't specified how to handle having more than one matching tuple.) To do this, we make use of filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] to find which tuples are matching.
replace :: Char -> Char
replace c = case filter ((== c) . fst) asd of
((_, c'):_) -> c' -- found a replacement
[] -> c -- no match, don't replace character
where ((== c) . fst) compares the first element of the tuple to the character c.
Lastly, to implement the reverse function, simply do the same thing but with the replacement looking up by the second element instead, like so
zyx :: String -> String
zyx = map replace'
replace' :: Char -> Char
replace' c = case filter ((== c) . snd) asd of
((c', _):_) -> c' -- found a replacement
[] -> c -- no match, don't replace character
Reference links for fst and snd.

Partitioning a String into more pieces with separating char in Haskell

I have the following homework:
Define a function split :: Char -> String -> [String] that splits a string, which consists of substrings separated by a separator, into a list of strings.
split '#' "foo##goo" = ["foo","","goo"]
split '#' "#" = ["",""]
I have written the following function:
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split c "" = [""]
split a "a" = ["",""]
split c st = takeWhile (/=c) st : split c tail((dropWhile (/=c) st))
It does not compile, and I can't see why.
TakeWhile adds all the characters which are not c to the result, then tail drops that c that was found already, and we recursively apply split to the rest of the string, gotten with dropWhile. The : should make a list of "lists" as strings are lists of chars in Haskell. Where is the gap in my thinking?
I have updated my program to the following:
my_tail :: [a]->[a]
my_tail [] = []
my_tail xs = tail xs
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split c "" = [""]
split a "a" = ["",""]
split c st = takeWhile (/=c) st ++ split c (my_tail(dropWhile (/=c) st))
I still get an error, the following:
Why is the expected type [String] and then [Char]?
The reason why this does not compile is because Haskell, sees your last clause as:
split c st = takeWhile (/=c) st : split c tail ((dropWhile (/=c) st))
It thus thinks that you apply three parameters to split: c, tail and ((dropWhile (/=c) st)). You should use brackets here, like:
split c st = takeWhile (/=c) st : split c (tail (dropWhile (/=c) st))
But that will not fully fix the problem. For example if we try to run your testcase, we see:
Prelude> split '#' "foo##goo"
["foo","","goo"*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
tail :: [a] -> [a] is a "non-total" function. For the empty list, tail will error. Indeed:
Prelude> tail []
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
Eventually, the list will run out of characters, and then tail will raise an error. We might want to use span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) here, and use pattern matching to determine if there is still some element that needs to be processed, like:
split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split _ [] = [[]]
split c txt = pf : rst
where rst | (_:sf1) <- sf = split c sf1
| otherwise = []
(pf,sf) = span (c /=) txt
Here span (c /=) txt will thus split the non-empty list txt in two parts pf (prefix) is the longest prefix of items that are not equal to c. sf (suffix) are the remaining elements.
Regardless whether sf is empty or not, we emit the prefix pf. Then we inspect the suffix. We know that either sf is empty (we reached the end of the list), or that the the first element of sf is equal to c. We thus use pattern guard to check if this matches with the (_:sf1) pattern. This happens if sf is non-empty. In that case we bind sf1 with the tail of sf, and we recurse on the tail. In case sf1 is empty, we can stop, and thus return [].
For example:
Prelude> split '#' "foo##goo"
Prelude> split '#' "#"

string to list of lists of rhyming words

My goal is a function which takes a sentence and returns a list of lists with the words rhyming (rhyming = last 3 chars are equal).
Example: "Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks." ->
This is my code so far (bsort is bubblesort):
rhymeWords:: String -> [[String]]
rhymeWords "" = []
rhymeWords xs = bsort (words (reverse xs))
I do not know how to translate it into code but I would like to take the first three chars of the first string and put them into a list. Then take the next String and test if it is equal to the first. If true put the second string into the first list otherwise create a second list. Then move on to the third string, each time testing with previous lists.
Can anyone please help me?
The following code groups rhymes as requested, although it converts all characters to lower case.
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Char (toLower)
rhymeWords:: String -> [[String]]
rhymeWords "" = []
rhymeWords xs = [map reverse g | g <- groupRhymes (sortRhymes xs) []]
where sortRhymes xs = sort $ map reverse (words [toLower x | x <- xs])
groupRhymes :: [String] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
groupRhymes [] acc = acc
groupRhymes (x:xs) acc = case acc of
[] -> groupRhymes xs [[x]]
_ -> if take 3 x == take 3 (head (last acc))
then groupRhymes xs ((init acc) ++ [(last acc) ++ [x]])
else groupRhymes xs (acc ++ [[x]])
Example result:
hymeWords "Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks"
Note that the example input doesn't have a period at the end of the sentence, because the last word would include it and break the sorting. You'll need to fiddle a bit with presented code if you need to pass sentences with a period.
When you have to group items together, you can use Data.List's grouping higher order functions. With groupBy you can easily solve your problem just by writing your grouping function. In your case, you want to group words that rhyme together. You just have to write the function rhyming:
rhyming :: String -> String -> Bool
rhyming word1 word2 = last3 (lower word1) == last3 (lower word2)
last3 = take 3 . reverse -- if you wanted `last3` to return the last three characters in order, you'd just have to apply `reverse` to the result, but that's unnecessary here
lower = map toLower
So your rhymeWords function can be written like so:
import Data.List (groupBy, sort)
import Data.Char (toLower)
rhyming :: String -> String -> Bool
rhyming word1 word2 = last3 (lowercase word1) == last3 (lowercase word2)
last3 = take 3 . reverse
lowercase = map toLower
rhymeWords :: String -> [[String]]
rhymeWords = groupBy rhyming . map reverse . sort . map reverse . words
The map reverse . sort . map reverse thing is needed since groupBy groups elements that are next to another. It groups words that are likely to rhyme together.

Type error in generator , haskell list using tuple

Currently working with Haskell on a function that takes a String in parameters and return a list of (Char, Int) The function occur works with multiple type and is used in the function called word.
occur::Eq a=>a->[a]->Int
occur n [] = 0
occur n (x:xs) = if n == x
then 1 + occur n xs
else occur n xs
word xs = [(x,y) | x<-head xs, y<-(occur x xs)]
Get me this error
ERROR "file.hs":31 - Type error in generator
*** Term : head xs
*** Type : Char
*** Does not match : [a]
What am I doing wrong ? How can I make this code run properly , type-wise ?
The problem is you say that xs has type String, so head xs has type Char, and then you try to iterate over a single Char, which can't be done. The a <- b syntax only works when b is a list. You have the same problem in that y <- occur x xs is trying to iterate over a single Int, not a list of Int. You also had a problem in your type signature, the first type in the tuple should be Char, not String. You can fix it with:
word :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
word xs = [(x, occur x xs) | x <- xs]
Here we loop over the entire string xs, and for each character x in xs we compute occur x xs.
I would actually recommend using a slightly stronger constraint than just Eq. If you generalize word (that I've renamed to occurrences) and constrain it with Ord, you can use group and sort, which allow you to keep from iterating over the list repeatedly for each character and avoid the O(n^2) complexity. You can also simplify the definition pretty significantly:
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
occurrences :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences = map (head &&& length) . group . sort
What this does is first sort your list, then group by identical elements. So "Hello, world" turns into
> sort "Hello, world"
" ,Hdellloorw"
> group $ sort "Hello, world"
[" ", ",", "H", "d", "e", "lll", "oo", "r", "w"]
Then we use the arrow operator &&& which takes two functions, applies a single input to both, then return the results as a tuple. So head &&& length is the same as saying
\x -> (head x, length x)
and we map this over our sorted, grouped list:
> map (head &&& length) $ group $ sort "Hello, world"
[(' ',1),(',',1),('H',1),('d',1),('e',1),('l',3),('o',2),('r',1),('w',1)]
This eliminates repeats, you aren't having to scan the list over and over counting the number of elements, and it can be defined in a single line in the pointfree style, which is nice. However, it does not preserve order. If you need to preserve order, I would then use sortBy and the handy function comparing from Data.Ord (but we lose a nice point free form):
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
occurrences :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences = map (head &&& length) . group . sort
occurrences' :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences' xs = sortBy (comparing ((`elemIndex` xs) . fst)) $ occurrences xs
You can almost read this as plain English. This sorts by comparing the index in xs of the first element of the tuples in occurrences xs. Even though elemIndex returns a value of type Maybe Int, we can still compare those directly (Nothing is "less than" any Just value). It simply looks up the first index of each letter in the original string and sorts by that index. That way
> occurrences' "Hello, world"
[('H',1),('e',1),('l',3),('o',2),(',',1),(' ',1),('w',1),('r',1),('d',1)]
with all the letters in the original order, up to repetition.

How to print part of a list on a new line in Haskell

This may be a silly question, but I'm very new to Haskell. (I just started using it a couple of hours ago actually.)
So my problem is that I have a list of 4 elements and I need to print two on one line and two on a new line.
Here's the list:
let list1 = ["#", "#", "#", "#"]
I need the output to look like this:
I know that i could use the following to print every element on a new line:
mapM_ putStrLn list1
but I'm not sure how to adapt this for only printing part of the list on a new line.
You want something like Data.Text.chunksOf for arbitrary lists, which I've never seen anywhere so I always reimplement it.
import Data.List (unfoldr)
-- This version ensures that the output consists of lists
-- of equal length. To do so, it trims the input.
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n = unfoldr (test . splitAt n) where
test (_, []) = Nothing
test x = Just x
Then we can take your [String] and turn it into [[String]], a list of lists each corresponding to String components of a line. We map concat over that list to merge up each line from its components, then use unlines to glue them all together.
grid :: Int -> [String] -> String
grid n = unlines . map concat . chunksOf n
Then we can print that string if desired
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ grid 2 list1
Edit: apparently there is a chunksOf in a fairly popular library Data.List.Split. Their version is to my knowledge identical to mine, though it's implemented a little differently. Both of ours ought to satisfy
chunksOf n xs ++ chunksOf n ys == chunksOf n (xs ++ ys)
whenever length xs `mod` n == 0.
You can do:
mapM_ putStrLn [(take 2 list1), (drop 2 list1)]
where take and drop return lists with the expected number of elements. take 2 takes two elements and drop 2 drops the first two elements.
Looking at tel link Data.List.Split, another solution can be built on using chop.
Define as follow into the lib,
chop :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
chop _ [] = []
chop f as = b : chop f as'
where (b, as') = f as
Then following's simeon advice we end with this one liner,
let fun n = mapM_ putStrLn . chop (splitAt n)
chop appears to be a nice function, enough to be mentioned here to illustrate an alternative solution. (unfoldr is great too).
Beginner attempt:
myOut :: [String] -> IO ()
myOut [] = putStr "\n"
myOut (x:xs) =
do if x=="#"
then putStrLn x
else putStr x
myOut xs
ghci>myOut ["#", "#", "#", "#"]