Is it possible to restart a program from inside a program? - c++

I am developing a C++ program and it would be useful to use some function, script or something that makes the program restart. It's a big program so restarting all the variables manually will take me long time...
I do not know if there is any way to achieve this or if it is possible.

If you really need to restart the whole program (i.e. to "close" and "open" again), the "proper" way would be to have a separate program with the sole purpose of restarting your main one. AFAIK a lot of applications with auto-update feature work this way. So when you need to restart your main program, you simply call the "restarter" one, and exit.

You can use a loop in your main function:
int main()
while(!i_want_to_exit_now) {
// code
Or, if you want to actually restart the program, run it from a harness:
program "$#"
while [ $? -e 42 ]; do
program "$#"
where 42 is a return code meaning "restart, please".
Then inside the program your restart function would look like this:
void restart() {

On Unicies, or anywhere else you have execve and it works like the man page specifies, you can just...kill me for using atoi, because it's generally awful, except for this sort of case.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
(void) argc;
printf("arg: %s\n", argv[1]);
int count = atoi(argv[1]);
if ( getchar() == 'y' ) {
char buf[20];
sprintf(buf, "%d", count);
char* newargv[3];
newargv[0] = argv[0];
newargv[1] = buf;
newargv[2] = NULL;
execve(argv[0], newargv, NULL);
return count;
$ ./res 1
arg: 1
arg: 2
arg: 3
arg: 4
arg: 5
arg: 6
arg: 7
7 | $
(7 was the return code).
It neither recurses nor explicitly loops -- instead, it just calls itself, replacing its own memory space with a new version of itself.
In this way, the stack will never overflow, though all previous variables will be redeclared, just like with any reinvocation -- the getchar call prevents 100% CPU utilisation.
In the case of a self-updating binary, since the entire binary (at least, on Unix-likes, I don't know about Windows) will be copied into memory at runtime, then if the file changes on disk before the execve(argv[0], ... call, the new binary found on disk, not the same old one, will be run instead.
As #CarstenS and #bishop point out in the comments, due to the unique way in which Unix was designed, open file descriptors are kept across fork/exec, and as a result in order to avoid leaking open file descriptors across calls to execve, you should either close them before execve or open them with e, FD_CLOEXEC / O_CLOEXEC in the first place -- more information can be found on Dan Walsh's blog.

This is a very OS-specific question. In Windows you can use the Application Restart API or MFC Restart Manager. In Linux you could do an exec()
However most of the time there is a better solution. You're likely better off using a loop, as suggested in other answers.

This sounds like the wrong approach, like all your state is global and so the only clear-cut method you have of resetting everything (other than to manually assign "default" values to each variable) is to restart the whole program.
Instead, your state should be held in objects (of class type, or whatever). You are then free to create and destroy these objects whenever you like. Each new object has a fresh state with "default" values.
Don't fight C++; use it!

You probably need a loop:
int main()
while (true)
//.... Program....
Every time you need to restart, call continue; within the loop, and to end your program, use break;.

When I develop realtime systems my approach is normally a "derived main()" where I write all code called from a real main(), something like:
The main.cpp program:
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
while (true)
if (programMain(argc, argv) == 1)
The programmain.cpp, where all code is written:
int programMain(int argc, char *argv[])
// Do whatever - the main logic goes here
// When you need to restart the program, call
return 0;
// When you need to exit the program, call
return 1;
In that way, every time we decide to exit the program the program will be restarted.
Detail: all variables, globals and logic must be written inside programMain()- nothing inside "main()" except the restart control.
This approach works in both Linux and Windows systems.

It sounds to me like you're asking the wrong question because you don't know enough about coding to ask the right question.
What it sounds like you're asking for is how to write some code where, on a missed call, it loops back round to the initial state and restarts the whole call/location sequence. In which case you need to use a state machine. Look up what that is, and how to write one. This is a key software concept, and you should know it if your teachers were any good at their job.
As a side note, if your program takes 5s to initialise all your variables, it's still going to take 5s when you restart it. You can't shortcut that. So from that it should be clear that you don't actually want to kill and restart your program, because then you'll get exactly the behaviour you don't want. With a state machine you could have one initialisation state for cold startup where the system has only just been turned on, and a second initialisation state for a warm restart.
Oh, and 6 threads is not very many! :)

Depending on what you mean by "restarting" the program, I can see few simple solutions.
One is to embed your whole program in some "Program" class, that essentially provides some loop that has your proper program. When you need to restart the program, you call static public method "Restart" that starts the loop again.
You could also try to make system-specific call that would start your program again, and exit.
As suggested in other answer, you could create a wrapper program for this sole purpose(and check return code to know whether to quit or restart).
The other simple option is to use goto. I know that people will hate me for even mentioning it, but let's face it: we want to make simple program, not use beautiful boilerplate. Goto going back guarantees destruction, so you could create a program with a label in the beginning, and some function "Restart" that just goes back to the beginning.
Whatever option you choose, document it well, so others(or you in the future) will use one WTF less.
PS. As mentioned by alain, goto will not destroy global nor static objects, same would go for enclosing class. Therefore any approach that does not include starting new program in place of the current one should either refrain from using global/static variables, or take proper actions to re-set them(although that might be tedious, as with addition of each static/global, you need to modify the restart routine).

Simple and clean way to do this is to add a wire from an unused data pin to the RESET pin and set it low to reset! :-)


C++: repeated call of system()

I need some help with external program call from c++ code.
I have to call javap.exe (from JDK package) from my program many times (probably more than 100), but call system("javap.exe some_parameters") is extremely slow. It's work so good for one set of parameters but repeated calls of system() not acceptable. I think it is only because of costs to access the hard disk and application run (but I'm not sure).
What can I do for better performance? Can I "save javap.exe in RAM" and call it "directly".
Or may be somebody knows how can I get java-class description and methods signature without javap.exe?
The Java VM is not cheap to start running, and it's likely that its initialization is eating up the lion's share of your time. Luckily, the functionality of javap is available directly through Java code. I suggest that you write a small Java application which, while similar to javap, does with one invocation what you would otherwise need thousands for. (Though... maybe you could already use just one? javap will take multiple class files, after all...)
Calling system() is easy, but very inefficient, primarily because you are not just launching whatever program you specify. Rather, you are launching one process (a shell), and that shell will examine your parameter and launch a second process.
If you're on a system that supports fork() and exec*(), you're going to improve performance by using them instead. As a pseudo-code example, consider:
void replace_system(const char *command)
pid_t child = fork();
if (child < 0) {
if (child) {
/* this is the parent, wait for the child to finish */
while (waitpid(child, &status, options) <= 0);
/* this is the new process */
perror("failed to start the child");
Choose one of the exec* functions based on how you want to arrange the parameters. You'll need to break your string of arguments into components, and possibly provide an environment of your liking. Once you call the exec* function, that function will never return (unless there is an error starting the command you've defined for it).
Beyond performance considerations, another reason to use this is, if desired, it allows you to modify the child's standard paths. For example, you might be interested in the output of a child; if you modify its stdout to be a pipe available to you, you can simply read what it prints. Research source code for the standard popen() call to find an example of this.

Calling a function from a remote process using injected DLL

I saw a similar, but still different question to this, so just to clarify this is not a dupe of 13428881 (Calling a function in an injected DLL).
What I have at the minute:
A DLL, injected into a target process, displaying a message box and fiddling around doing math.
What I want in the future:
A DLL which can manipulate and toy with the internals of the target process.
The next step towards achieving the desired manipulation is to call a method in a remote thread within the process I'm injecting into.
Let's take an example:
I have a C++ application, which has int main, let's say it looks like this:
int PrintText(string text)
cout << text;
return 1;
int main()
while (true)
PrintText("From the DLL");
Ok, so that's lovely, my target application is currently printing some text, and it seems to be doing so very happily. It's spamming it at an unbelievable rate, but I can slow it down using threads and sleeps etc if I need to. The fact is this isn't an issue, the code here hasn't been compiled or tested, and I've no intention of using this exact code. I'm actually working with a game.
Now, let's say I create a pointer to the method, PrintText, and that I know the address of it within that process. How do I go about calling it, externally, passing in arguments?
Locally, I believe it would look something like this:
int i;
int (*PrintSomeText)(string) = PrintText;
I could then call this function using a reference, like so:
i = operation("Text to be printed", PrintSomeText);
This should, by my theory, declare an integer called i, then define a pointer to a method which returns int, takes one string as a parameter, and the pointer stores the value of the pointer which was in PrintText. (Or something of that nature).
Very nice, so I can call my own functions via pointer, that's great, cracking in fact. I've truly astonished myself with this ability, and I do now feel like superman. I'll go save some babies or something, brb.
Back, so now I want to continue a little further, and take that next step. Let's say I know that the the method is at the address 100 in the target process (decimal, I will likely do it in hexadecimal, as I'm using CheatEngine / OllyDBG to find methods in the target process, but for this example we'll stay simple).
I presume that my injected DLL gets its own space entirely, does it have any higher access to the target process? How can I find this out?
Thanks for your time,
Edit: A small note, I'm going through the C++ tutorial book, and it's proven so far to be very useful. I've noticed that I forgot to include my operation method, so apologies for that being missing. If it's required, let me know. Thanks!
Edit nr 2: I've just made some compilable code to test this out, since I wrote most of this free hand reading from the book without an IDE, and the IDE has finally configured itself, so here is the code I'm currently working with
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int PrintText(char * Text)
cout << Text << endl;
return 1;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int (*Print)(char*) = PrintText;
char Text[] = "Hello, world!";
int x = (*Print)("Oh my word, it really works!");
return 0;
Note I haven't yet made it run indefinitely, so yeah, please excuse that, I'll add it shortly.
Dauphic is pretty much bang on, I have full control, as wildly was I'd like, to the target process. So, here's what I'm doing to call the target processes method (for any future readers interest):
Locate the method in memory. To do this, I first disabled ASLR (Address space layout randomization), then created a pointer to my method locally within the target program, before using the iostream to dump the pointer to screen, now I know the address of the method.
Create a typedef in the dll to be injected. This is where I got kinda stuck, but I know some guys who do this quite a lot, so I've managed to get it out of them. In my case, this is how the typedef looks:
typedef int __printPrototype(char* text);
Bind the address of the method in the target application, to a reproduction of it in the injected dll:
int (*Print)(char*);
Print = (__printPrototype*)0x0041121C;
Print("I'm injecting myself into you.");
Thanks to dauphic and a good friend named DarkstaR.

Asynchronous call to MATLAB's engEvalString

Edit 2: Problem solved, see my answer.
I am writing a C++ program that communicates with MATLAB through the Engine API. The C++ application is running on Windows 7, and interacting with MATLAB 2012b (32-bit).
I would like to make a time-consuming call to the MATLAB engine, using engEvalString, but cannot figure out how to make the call asynchronous. No callback is necessary (but would be nice if possible).
The following is a minimum example of what doesn't work.
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
extern "C" {
#include <engine.h>
int main()
Engine* eng = engOpen("");
boost::thread asyncEval(&engEvalString,eng,"y=5");
return 0;
After running this program, I switch to the MATLAB engine window and find:
» x
x =
» y
Undefined function or variable 'y'.
So it seems that the second call, which should set y=5, is never processed by the MATLAB engine.
The thread definitely runs, you can check this by moving the engEvalString call into a local function and launching this as the thread instead.
I'm really stumped here, and would appreciate any suggestions!
EDIT: As Shafik pointed out in his answer, the engine is not thread-safe. I don't think this should be an issue for my use case, as the calls I need to make are ~5 seconds apart, for a calculation that takes 2 seconds. The reason I cannot wait for this calculation, is that the C++ application is a "medium-hard"-real-time robot controller which should send commands at 50Hz. If this rate drops below 30Hz, the robot will assume network issues and close the connection.
So, I figured out the problem, but would love it if someone could explain why!
The following works:
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
extern "C" {
#include <engine.h>
void asyncEvalString()
Engine* eng = engOpen("");
int main()
Engine* eng = engOpen("");
boost::thread asyncEvalString(&asyncEvalString);
return 0;
As you can see, you need to get a new pointer to the engine in the new thread. The pointer returned in asyncEvalString is different to the original pointer returned by engOpen in the main function, however both pointers continue to operate without problem:
» x
x =
» y
y =
» z
z =
Finally, to tackle the problem of thread safety, a mutex could be set up around the engEvalString calls to ensure only one thread uses the engine at any one time. The asyncEvalString function could also be modified to trigger a callback function once the engEvalString function has been completed.
I would however appreciate someone explaining why the above solution works. Threads share heap allocated memory of the process, and can access memory on other threads' stacks (?), so I fail to understand why the first Engine* was suddenly invalid when used in a separate thread.
So according to this Mathworks document it is not thread safe so I doubt this will work:
and according to this document, engOpen forks a new process which would probably explain the rest of the behavior you are seeing:
Also see, threads and forks, think twice about mixing them:

Is there any way a C/C++ program can crash before main()?

Is there any way a program can crash before main()?
With gcc, you can tag a function with the constructor attribute (which causes the function to be run before main). In the following function, premain will be called before main:
#include <stdio.h>
void premain() __attribute__ ((constructor));
void premain()
fputs("premain\n", stdout);
int main()
fputs("main\n", stdout);
return 0;
So, if there is a crashing bug in premain you will crash before main.
Yes, at least under Windows. If the program utilizes DLLs they can be loaded before main() starts. The DllMain functions of those DLLs will be executed before main(). If they encounter an error they could cause the entire process to halt or crash.
The simple answer is: Yes.
More specifically, we can differentiate between two causes for this. I'll call them implementation-dependent and implementation-independent.
The one case that doesn't depend on your environment at all is that of static objects in C++, which was mentioned here. The following code dies before main():
#include <iostream>
class Useless {
Useless() { throw "You can't construct me!"; }
static Useless object;
int main() {
std::cout << "This will never be printed" << std::endl;
return 0;
More interesting are the platform-dependent causes. Some were mentioned here. One that was mentioned here a couple of times was the usage of dynamically linked libraries (DLLs in windows, SOs in Linux, etc.) - if your OS's loader loads them before main(), they might cause your application do die before main().
A more general version of this cause is talking about all the things your binary's entry point does before calling your entry point(main()). Usually when you build your binary there's a pretty serious block of code that's called when your operating system's loader starts to run your binary, and when it's done it calls your main(). One common thing this code does is initializing the C/C++ standard library. This code can fail for any number of reasons (shortage of any kind of system resource it tries to allocate for one).
One interesting way on for a binary to execute code before main() on windows is using TLS callbacks (google will tell you more about them). This technique is usually found in malware as a basic anti-debugging trick (this trick used to fool ollydbg back then, don't know if it still does).
The point is that your question is actually equivalent to "is there a way that loading a binary would cause user code to execute before the code in main()?", and the answer is hell, yeah!
If you have a C++ program it can initialize variables and objects through functions and constructors before main is entered. A bug in any of these could cause a program to crash.
certainly in c++; static objects with contructors will get called before main - they can die
not sure about c
here is sample
class X
char *x = 0;
*x = 1;
X x;
int main()
return 0;
this will crash before main
Any program that relies on shared objects (DLLs) being loaded before main can fail before main.
Under Linux code in the dynamic linker library (ld-*.so) is run to supply any library dependancies well before main. If any needed libraries are not able to be located, have permissions which don't allow you to access them, aren't normal files, or don't have some symbol that the dynamic linker that linked your program thought that it should have when it linked your program then this can cause failure.
In addition, each library gets to run some code when it is linked. This is mostly because the library may need to link more libraries or may need to run some constructors (even in a C program, the libraries could have some C++ or something else that uses constroctors).
In addition, standard C programs have already created the stdio FILEs stdin, stdout, and stderr. On many systems these can also be closed. This implies that they are also free()ed, which implies that they (and their buffers) were malloc()ed, which can fail. It also suggests that they may have done some other stuff to the file descriptors that those FILE structures represent, which could fail.
Other things that could possibly happen could be if the OS were to mess up setting up the enviromental variables and/or command line arguments that were passed to the program. Code before main is likely to have had to something with this data before calling main.
Lots of things happen before main. Any of them can concievably fail in a fatal way.
I'm not sure, but if you have a global variable like this :
static SomeClass object;
int main(){
return 0;
The 'SomeClass' constructor could possibly crash the program before the main being executed.
There are many possibilities.
First, we need to understand what actually goes on before main is executed:
Load of dynamic libraries
Initialization of globals
One some compilers, some functions can be executed explicitly
Now, any of this can cause a crash in several ways:
the usual undefined behavior (dereferencing null pointer, accessing memory you should not...)
an exception thrown > since there is no catch, terminate is called and the program end
It's really annoying of course and possibly hard to debug, and that is why you should refrain from executing code before main as much as possible, and prefer lazy initialization if you can, or explicit initialization within main.
Of course, when it's a DLL failing and you can't modify it, you're in for a world of pain.
Sort of:
If you compile without standard library, like this:
gcc -nostdlib -o hello hello.c
it won't know how to run main() and will crash.
Global and static objects in a C++ program will have their constructors called before the first statement in main() is executed, so a bug in one of the constructors can cause a crash.
This can't happen in C programs, though.
It depends what you mean by "before main", but if you mean "before any of your code in main is actually executed" then I can think of one example: if you declare a large array as a local variable in main, and the size of this array exceeds the available stack space, then you may well get a stack overflow on entry to main, before the first line of code executes.
A somewhat contrived example would be:
int a = 1;
int b = 0;
int c = a / b;
int main()
return 0;
It's unlikely that you'd ever do something like this, but if you're doing a lot of macro-magic, it is entirely possible.
class Crash
Crash( int* p )
{ *p = 0; }
static Crash static_crash( 0 );
void main()
I had faced the same issue. The root-cause found was.. Too many local variables(huge arrays) were initialized in the main process leading the local variables size exceeding 1.5 mb.
This results in a big jump as the stack pointer is quite large and the OS detects this jump as invalid and crashes the program as it could be malicious.
To debug this.
1. Fire up GDB
2. Add a breakpoint at main
3. disassemble main
4. Check for sub $0xGGGGGGG,%esp
If this GGGGGG value is too high then you will see the same issue as me.
So check the total size of all the local variables in the main.
Sure, if there's a bug in the operating system or the runtime code. C++ is particularly notorious for this behaviour, but it can still happen in C.
You haven't said which platform/libc. In the embedded world there are frequently many things which run before main() - largely to do with platform setup - which can go wrong. (Or indeed if you are using a funky linker script on a regular OS, all bets are off, but I guess that's pretty rare.)
some platform abstraction libraries override (i personally only know of C++ libraries like Qt or ACE, which do this, but maybe some C libraries do something like that aswell) "main", so that they specify a platform-specific main like a int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ); and setup some library stuff, convert the command line args to the normal int argc, char* argv[] and then call the normal int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Of course such libraries could lead to a crash when they did not implement this correctly (maybe cause of malformed command line args).
And for people who dont know about this, this may look like a crash before main
Best suited example to crash a program before main for stackoverflow:
int main() {
char volatile stackoverflow[1000000000] = {0};
return 0;

C++ main() in a large OOP project

This may be a short & simple question, but I've never found a satisfying answer to it:
What code does the main() function usually consist of in a large C++ project? Would it be an incorrect assumption to think that it is usually just initializing a (wrapping) class object and calling a function inside of it to set things off?
Why is main() not a method in the first place? Is it to preserve backwards-compatibility with C?
In my code, it's basically a constructor call, possibly a method call, and some exception handling. This is the main for own of my projects (headers and comments omitted, and formatting messed up by SO, as usual):
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
int result = 0;
try {
CLIHandler ch( argc, argv );
result = ch.ExecCommand();
catch( const Exception & ex ) {
result = ExceptionHandler::HandleMyError( ex );
catch( const std::exception & ex ) {
result = ExceptionHandler::HandleOtherError( ex );
catch( ... ) {
result = ExceptionHandler::HandleUnknownError();
return result;
Mine usually do
Command-line parsing
Initialization of top-level objects
Exception handling
entering main 'exec' loop
As I understand it, int main(int argc, char *argv[]) is essentially a convention due to the C heritage. Never struck me as odd, but rather as useful. C++ extends C after all ... (and yes there are fine difference but that wasn't the question here).
Yes, the reason is backward compatibility. main is the only entry point allowed in a C program producing executables, and therefore in a C++ program.
As for what to do in a C++ main, it depends. In general, I used to:
perform global initialization (e.g. of the logging subsystem)
parse command line arguments and define a proper class containing them
allocate an application object, setting it up etc.
run the application object (in my case, an infinite loop method. GUI programming)
do finalization after the object has completed its task.
oh and I forgot the most important part of an application
show the splashscreen
The short answer: it depends. It may well create a few local objects that are needed for the duration of the program, configure them, tell them about each other and call a long running method on one of them.
A program needs an entry point. If main had to be a method on an object, what class type should it be?
With main as a global entry point it can choose what to set up.
My main() function often constructs various top-level objects, giving them references to one another. This helps minimize coupling, keeping the exact relationships between the different top-level objects confined to the main.
Often those top-level objects have distinct life cycles, with init(), stop(), and start() methods. The main() function manages getting the objects into the desired running state, waits for whatever indicates it is time to shut down, and then shutting everything down in a controlled fashion. Again, this helps keep things properly decoupled, and keeps top-level life cycle management in one easily understood place. I see this pattern a lot in reactive systems, especially those with a lot of threads.
You can use a static class member function in place of main with the MSVC++ compiler by choosing the entry point in the project settings, under the advanced linker options.
It really depends on your project as to what you want to place in there... if it is small you may as well put message loops, initialization and shutdown code in there. In larger projects you will have to move these into their own classes/functions or less have a monolithic entry point function.
Not all C++ applications are OOP and either way all code requires some entry point to start from.
When I'm writing OOP code, my main() tends to include an object instantiation, maybe proceeded by some user input. I do it this way because I feel that the 'work' is meant to be done within an object, otherwise the code isn't written in the 'spirit' of OOP.
I usually use main for reading in the command line, initializing global variables, and then calling the appropriate functions/methods.
Really large projects tend not comprise only a single program. Hence there will be several executables each with their own main. In passing, it's quite common for these executables to communicate asynchronously via queues.
Yes each main does tend to be very small, initialising a framework or whatever.
Do you mean why is main() a function rather than a method of class? Well, what class would it be a method of? I think it's mostly C++'s heritage from C, but ... everything got to start somewhere :-)