I am working on a project that has a serial communication between a Windows PC and an Arduino Uno card.
In the C++ code I have a SerialClass.h and a Serial.cpp
My problem is that I get a compiler fault: identifier "SP" undefined
in the function
void Serial::SendtoArd(int val, int var)
if (SP->IsConnected())
bool writeData = false;
writeData = SP->WriteData("test",4);
I know if I define the SP in this function I get rid of this fault, but
I do not want to activate the Serial port in that function . I want to activate the serial port in this function
bool Serial::OpenPtoArd()
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
bool status = true;
and keep it active as long as my app is running.
Can anyone help me out here?
Here is the SerialClass.h
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Serial
//Serial comm handler
HANDLE hSerial;
//Connection status
bool connected;
//Get various information about the connection
COMSTAT status;
//Keep track of last error
DWORD errors;
//Initialize Serial communication with the given COM port
Serial(char *portName);
//Close the connection
//Read data in a buffer, if nbChar is greater than the
//maximum number of bytes available, it will return only the
//bytes available. The function return -1 when nothing could
//be read, the number of bytes actually read.
int ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
//Writes data from a buffer through the Serial connection
//return true on success.
bool WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
//Check if we are actually connected
bool IsConnected();
bool OpenPtoArd();
void SendtoArd(int val, int var);
Here is the Serial.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SerialClass.h"
#define LEN 1
bool status = false;
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile(portName,
//Check if the connection was successfull
if (this->hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
//If not success full display an Error
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
//Print Error if neccessary
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 };
//Try to get the current
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_9600;
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if (!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
//Check if we are connected before trying to disconnect
if (this->connected)
//We're no longer connected
this->connected = false;
//Close the serial handler
int Serial::ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
//Number of bytes we'll have read
DWORD bytesRead;
//Number of bytes we'll really ask to read
unsigned int toRead;
//Use the ClearCommError function to get status info on the Serial port
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
//Check if there is something to read
if (this->status.cbInQue>0)
//If there is we check if there is enough data to read the required number
//of characters, if not we'll read only the available characters to prevent
//locking of the application.
if (this->status.cbInQue>nbChar)
toRead = nbChar;
toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
//Try to read the require number of chars, and return the number of read bytes on success
if (ReadFile(this->hSerial, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL) && bytesRead != 0)
return bytesRead;
//If nothing has been read, or that an error was detected return -1
return -1;
bool Serial::WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
DWORD bytesSend;
//Try to write the buffer on the Serial port
if (!WriteFile(this->hSerial, (void *)buffer, nbChar, &bytesSend, 0))
//In case it don't work get comm error and return false
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
return true;
bool Serial::IsConnected()
//Simply return the connection status
return this->connected;
void readme()
Serial serial("COM3");
char c[LEN + 1];
int numBytes = 0;
while (true)
numBytes = serial.ReadData(c, LEN);
if (numBytes != -1)
// Terminate the string if we want to use c variable as a string
c[numBytes] = 0;
bool Serial::OpenPtoArd()
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
bool status = true;
void Serial::SendtoArd(int val, int var)
if (SP->IsConnected())
bool writeData = false;
writeData = SP->WriteData("test",4);
The problem with this code
bool Serial::OpenPtoArd()
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
bool status = true;
is that you are creating the new Serial - and then losing the pointer to that Serial when the function exits. If you want other functions to be able to access it, you need the SP variable to be outside the OpenPtoArd() function.
You can (should?) either make it a member of your class (which by the way will clash with Arduino's Serial class - call it something else!), or make it a global variable: put the following line near the top of the file:
YourSerialClass *SP = NULL;
Note that I set the variable to NULL. Your other code needs to know whether the SP port has been created yet or not - and to not use it if it hasn't been:
if ((SP!=NULL) && (SP->IsConnected()) {
... do SP things
} // if
I want to connect a seairl port with C++ using USB hub (USB splliter).
I have a code that works perfectly fine with my COM ports, but when I'm trying to use the USB hub, I get an error says the COM port not available (even though I see it in the device manager).
I there a way to connect a USB hub COM port in C++?
I attached my current code if necessary. Thank you!
* Author: Manash Kumar Mandal
* Modified Library introduced in Arduino Playground which does not work
* This works perfectly
#pragma once
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 1024
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class SerialPort {
std::string readBuffer;
HANDLE handler;
bool connected;
COMSTAT status;
DWORD errors;
explicit SerialPort(const char* portName, DWORD baudRate = CBR_9600);
int readSerialPort(const char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
int readSerialPortUntil(std::string* payload, std::string until);
bool writeSerialPort(const char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool writeSerialPort(std::string payload);
bool isConnected();
void closeSerial();
* Author: Manash Kumar Mandal
* Modified Library introduced in Arduino Playground which does not work
* This works perfectly
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "SerialPort.hpp"
SerialPort::SerialPort(const char* portName, DWORD baudRate) {
this->connected = false;
this->handler = CreateFileA(static_cast<LPCSTR>(portName),
if (this->handler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Handle was not attached.Reason : " << portName << " not available\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "ERROR!!!\n";
} else {
DCB dcbSerialParameters = { 0 };
if (!GetCommState(this->handler, &dcbSerialParameters)) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to get current serial parameters\n";
} else {
dcbSerialParameters.BaudRate = baudRate;
dcbSerialParameters.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParameters.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParameters.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbSerialParameters.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
if (!SetCommState(handler, &dcbSerialParameters)) {
std::cout << "ALERT: could not set serial port parameters\n";
} else {
this->connected = true;
PurgeComm(this->handler, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
SerialPort::~SerialPort() {
if (this->connected) {
this->connected = false;
// Reading bytes from serial port to buffer;
// returns read bytes count, or if error occurs, returns 0
int SerialPort::readSerialPort(const char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size) {
DWORD bytesRead{};
unsigned int toRead = 0;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0) {
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size) {
toRead = buf_size;
} else {
toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
memset((void*)buffer, 0, buf_size);
if (ReadFile(this->handler, (void*)buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL)) {
return bytesRead;
return 0;
int SerialPort::readSerialPortUntil(std::string* payload, std::string until) {
int untilLen = until.length(), len;
do {
char buffer[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
int bytesRead = this->readSerialPort(buffer, MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
int endIndex = this->readBuffer.find(until);
if (endIndex != -1) {
int index = endIndex + untilLen;
*payload = this->readBuffer.substr(0, index);
this->readBuffer = this->readBuffer.substr(index);
return bytesRead;
this->readBuffer += std::string(buffer);
len = this->readBuffer.length();
} while (this->readBuffer.find(until) == std::string::npos);
int index = this->readBuffer.find(until) + untilLen;
*payload = this->readBuffer.substr(0, index);
this->readBuffer = this->readBuffer.substr(index);
return index;
// Sending provided buffer to serial port;
// returns true if succeed, false if not
bool SerialPort::writeSerialPort(const char* buffer, unsigned int buf_size) {
DWORD bytesSend;
if (!WriteFile(this->handler, (void*)buffer, buf_size, &bytesSend, 0)) {
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
return true;
bool SerialPort::writeSerialPort(std::string payload) {
return this->writeSerialPort(payload.c_str(), payload.length());
// Checking if serial port is connected
bool SerialPort::isConnected() {
if (!ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status)) {
this->connected = false;
return this->connected;
void SerialPort::closeSerial() {
I am trying to write data to the tap adapter(a virtual network interface) through its file descriptor. I opened the file by calling the "CreateFile" API and I am able to write the data. I am writing some 100 bytes of data to the file which is sometimes taking more time to complete which I could not figure out what is causing that issue.
I am not getting any error codes and the call is getting success. The only problem is, it is taking more time to complete. I am writing the data 100 times in a loop and only some say 10 iterations "WriteFile" calls are taking more time to complete which is causing some delay in further processing of the packets.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#define LINE_LEN 16
#define ETHER_MAX_LEN 65535
#ifdef WIN32
#include <tchar.h>
BOOL LoadNpcapDlls()
_TCHAR npcap_dir[512];
UINT len;
len = GetSystemDirectory(npcap_dir, 480);
if (!len) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in GetSystemDirectory: %x", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
_tcscat_s(npcap_dir, 512, _T("\\Npcap"));
if (SetDllDirectory(npcap_dir) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in SetDllDirectory: %x", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void physical_dispatcher_handler(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *);
HANDLE hTapAdapter;
pcap_t *port_a;
DWORD WINAPI DataReceiveHandlerThread(LPVOID lpParam)
pcap_loop(port_a, 0, physical_dispatcher_handler, NULL);
return 0;
#define BUFFERSIZE 65535
int main(int argc, char **argv)
BOOL bErrorFlag = FALSE;
//Initilize the critical section
/*if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage Error:\tIncorrect number of arguments\n\n");
_tprintf(TEXT("%s <file_name>\n"), argv[0]);
hTapAdapter = CreateFile("\\\\.\\Global\\{A2AC038D-EBC1-48F9-B507-BB822AE1C393}.tap", // name of the write
GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // open for writing
0, // do not share
NULL, // default security
OPEN_EXISTING, // create new file only
NULL); // no attr. template
if (hTapAdapter == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
_tprintf(TEXT("Terminal failure: Unable to open file \"%s\" for write.\n"), argv[1]);
DWORD threadIdentifier = 0;
HANDLE threadHandle = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // use default stack size
DataReceiveHandlerThread, // thread function name
NULL, // argument to thread function
0, // use default creation flags
&threadIdentifier); // returns the thread identifier
// Check the return value for success.
// If CreateThread fails, terminate execution.
// This will automatically clean up threads and memory.
if (threadHandle == NULL)
WaitForSingleObject(threadHandle, INFINITE);
void physical_dispatcher_handler(u_char *temp1,
const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,
const u_char *pkt_data)
u_int i = 0;
* unused variable
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
time_t my_time = time(NULL);
// ctime() used to give the present time
printf("Data received in port A - %s", ctime(&my_time));
// Lock the Critical section
BOOL bErrorFlag = WriteFile(
hTapAdapter, // open file handle
pkt_data, // start of data to write
header->len, // number of bytes to write
&dwBytesWritten, // number of bytes that were written
NULL); // no overlapped structure
if (FALSE == bErrorFlag)
printf("Terminal failure: Unable to write to file.\n");
if (dwBytesWritten != header->len)
// This is an error because a synchronous write that results in
// success (WriteFile returns TRUE) should write all data as
// requested. This would not necessarily be the case for
// asynchronous writes.
printf("Error: dwBytesWritten != dwBytesToWrite\n");
time_t my_time = time(NULL);
// ctime() used to give the present time
printf("Data written to tap - %s", ctime(&my_time));
_tprintf(TEXT("Wrote %d bytes to successfully.\n"), dwBytesWritten);
//Release the Critical section
I'm having some problems with my Winsock application.
As it currently stands, when my client first connects to the server, the welcome message is sent fine but thats when it screws up. After that initial message its like the program goes into turbo mode.
Each client has a vector that stores messages that need to be sent, to debug I have it output how many messages are left to send and heres what the latest one says:
Successfully sent message. 1 messages left.
Successfully sent message. 1574803 messages left
................... (Counts down)
Successfully sent message. 1574647 messages left
Client connection closed or broken
EDIT: Managed to place some output code in the right place, for some reason when it starts sending update messages to clients, it starts sending the same message over and over.
Heres some code, am only posting the cpp's, 'Network::Update' is run by a thread in 'Game'
-- Server --
m_Game -> Update();
#include "Network.h"
Network::Network(char* ServerIP, int ServerPort)
Initialise(ServerIP, ServerPort);
void Network::Initialise(char* ServerIP, int ServerPort)
// Initialise the winsock library to 2.2
int error = WSAStartup(0x0202, &w);
if ((error != 0) || (w.wVersion != 0x0202))
MessageBox(NULL, L"Winsock error. Shutting down.", L"Notification", MB_OK);
// Create the TCP socket
m_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (m_Socket == SOCKET_ERROR)
MessageBox(NULL, L"Failed to create socket.", L"Notification", MB_OK);
// Fill out the address structure
m_Address.sin_family = AF_INET;
m_Address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ServerIP);
m_Address.sin_port = htons(ServerPort);
// Bind the server socket to that address.
if (bind(m_Socket, (const sockaddr *) &m_Address, sizeof(m_Address)) != 0)
MessageBox(NULL, L"Failed to bind the socket to the address.", L"Notification", MB_OK);
// Make the socket listen for connections.
if (listen(m_Socket, 1) != 0)
MessageBox(NULL, L"Failed to listen on the socket.", L"Notification", MB_OK);
m_ID = 1;
void Network::Update()
// Structures for the sockets
fd_set readable, writeable;
// Let the socket accept connections
FD_SET(m_Socket, &readable);
// Cycle through clients allowing them to read and write
for (std::list<Client *>::iterator it = m_Clients.begin(); it != m_Clients.end(); ++it)
Client *client = *it;
if (client->wantRead())
FD_SET(client->sock(), &readable);
if (client->wantWrite())
FD_SET(client->sock(), &writeable);
// Structure defining the connection time out
timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 2;
timeout.tv_usec = 500000;
// Check if a socket is readable
int count = select(0, &readable, &writeable, NULL, &timeout);
if (count == SOCKET_ERROR)
ExitProgram(L"Unable to check if the socket can be read.\nREASON: Select failed");
// Check if a theres an incoming connection
if (FD_ISSET(m_Socket, &readable))
// Accept the incoming connection
sockaddr_in clientAddr;
int addrSize = sizeof(clientAddr);
SOCKET clientSocket = accept(m_Socket, (sockaddr *) &clientAddr, &addrSize);
if (clientSocket > 0)
// Create a new Client object, and add it to the collection.
Client *client = new Client(clientSocket);
// Send the new client a welcome message.
NetworkMessage message;
message.m_Type = MT_Welcome;
// Loop through clients
for (std::list<Client *>::iterator it = m_Clients.begin(); it != m_Clients.end(); ) // note no ++it here
Client *client = *it;
bool dead = false;
// Read data
if (FD_ISSET(client->sock(), &readable))
dead = client->doRead();
// Write data
if (FD_ISSET(client->sock(), &writeable))
dead = client->doWrite();
// Check if the client is dead (Was unable to write/read packets)
if (dead)
delete client;
it = m_Clients.erase(it);
void Network::sendMessage(NetworkMessage message)
//Loop through clients and send them the message
for (std::list<Client *>::iterator it = m_Clients.begin(); it != m_Clients.end(); ) // note no ++it here
Client *client = *it;
#include "Client.h"
Client::Client(SOCKET sock)
m_Socket = sock;
send_count_ = 0;
// Destructor.
// Process an incoming message.
void Client::processMessage(NetworkMessage message)
// Return the client's socket.
SOCKET Client::sock()
return m_Socket;
// Return whether this connection is in a state where we want to try
// reading from the socket.
bool Client::wantRead()
// At present, we always do.
return true;
// Return whether this connection is in a state where we want to try-
// writing to the socket.
bool Client::wantWrite()
// Only if we've got data to send.
//return send_count_ > 0;
return Messages.size() > 0;
// Call this when the socket is ready to read.
// Returns true if the socket should be closed.
bool Client::doRead()
return false;
// Call this when the socket is ready to write.
// Returns true if the socket should be closed.
bool Client::doWrite()
/*int count = send(m_Socket, send_buf_, send_count_, 0);
if (count <= 0)
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
send_count_ -= count;
// Remove the sent data from the start of the buffer.
memmove(send_buf_, &send_buf_[count], send_count_);
return false;*/
int count = send(m_Socket, (char*)&Messages[0], sizeof(NetworkMessage), 0);
if( count <= 0 )
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
printf(" Successfully sent message. %d messages left.\n", Messages.size() );
return false;
void Client::sendMessage(NetworkMessage message)
/*if (send_count_ + sizeof(NetworkMessage) > sizeof(send_buf_))
ExitProgram(L"Unable to send message.\nREASON: send_buf_ full");
memcpy(&send_buf_[send_count_], message, sizeof(NetworkMessage));
send_count_ += sizeof(NetworkMessage);
printf(" Size of send_count_ : %d \n", send_count_);
void Game::Update()
tempPlayer -> ChangePosition(1, 1); //Increase X and Y pos by 1
void Game::Dispatch()
NetworkMessage temp;
temp.m_Type = MT_Update;
temp.m_ID = tempPlayer->getID();
temp.m_positionX = tempPlayer->getX();
temp.m_positionY = tempPlayer->getY();
There are a few problems with your code.
The main problem is that Network::sendMessage() runs an infinite loop. Your it iterator is never incremented (there is a comment saying as much - the comment is doing the wrong thing!), so the loop sends the same NetworkMessage to the same Client over and over without ever stopping. Do this instead:
void Network::sendMessage(NetworkMessage message)
//Loop through clients and send them the message
for (std::list<Client *>::iterator it = m_Clients.begin(); it != m_Clients.end(); ++it)
Client::doWrite() is using pop_back() when it should be using pop_front() instead. If there are multiple pending messages in the vector, you will lose messages. Rather than using the [] operator to pass a NetworkMessage directly to send(), you should pop_front() the first pending message and then send() it:
bool Client::doWrite()
NetworkMessage message = Messages.pop_front();
int count = send(m_Socket, (char*)&message, sizeof(NetworkMessage), 0);
if( count <= 0 )
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
printf(" Successfully sent message. %d messages left.\n", Messages.size() );
return false;
Your dead check in Network::Update() has a small logic hole in it that can prevent you from deleting dead clients correctly if doRead() returns true and then doWrite() return false. Do this instead:
bool dead = false;
// Read data
if (FD_ISSET(client->sock(), &readable))
if (client->doRead())
dead = true;
// Write data
if (FD_ISSET(client->sock(), &writeable))
if (client->doWrite())
dead = true;
I want to access serial port by visual c++
I get the program from internet but when I run the program, it seems the port can not open
here my program serialClass.cpp
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Serial
HANDLE hSerial;
bool connected;
COMSTAT status;
DWORD errors;
Serial(char *portName);
int ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
bool WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
bool IsConnected();
and my Serial.cpp
#include "SerialClass.h"
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile((LPCWSTR) portName,
//Check if the connection was successfull
//If not success full display an Error
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: COM1 not available.\n");
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
//Try to get the current
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
printf("Current Settings\n Baud Rate %d\n Parity %d\n Byte Size %d\n Stop Bits %d", dcbSerialParams.BaudRate,
dcbSerialParams.Parity, dcbSerialParams.ByteSize, dcbSerialParams.StopBits);
//Check if we are connected before trying to disconnect
//We're no longer connected
this->connected = false;
//Close the serial handler
int Serial::ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
//Number of bytes we'll have read
DWORD bytesRead;
//Number of bytes we'll really ask to read
unsigned int toRead;
//Use the ClearCommError function to get status info on the Serial port
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
//Check if there is something to read
//If there is we check if there is enough data to read the required number
//of characters, if not we'll read only the available characters to prevent
//locking of the application.
toRead = nbChar;
toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
//Try to read the require number of chars, and return the number of read bytes on success
if(ReadFile(this->hSerial, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL) && bytesRead != 0)
return bytesRead;
//If nothing has been read, or that an error was detected return -1
return -1;
bool Serial::WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
DWORD bytesSend;
//Try to write the buffer on the Serial port
if(!WriteFile(this->hSerial, (void *)buffer, nbChar, &bytesSend, 0))
//In case it don't work get comm error and return false
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
return true;
bool Serial::IsConnected()
//Simply return the connection status
return this->connected;
The result is always
ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: COM1 not available.
any body can help?
The problem is with casting to a wide string instead of converting, I replaced that part of the code opening the port with the following and it worked:
wchar_t wcPort[64];
size_t convertedChars = 0;
mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, wcPort, strlen(portName), portName, _TRUNCATE);
this->hSerial = CreateFile(wcPort,
Or as Ben Voigt has pointed out in a comment you could also call the CreateFileA variant so that Windows performs the conversion for you.
I've been trying to communicate with Arduino through its serial port and with the C++ code below.
The only thing is: it is always returning an invalid_handle_value.
I've looked everywhere, and all people are using kind of the same code... except it's working for them.
P.S: Arduino is on COM15. This code worked with port COM4 (Bluetooth).
The code
#include "SerialClass.h"
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile(portName,
//Check if the connection was successful.
if (this->hSerial==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
//If not success full display an Error.
if (GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
//Print Error if neccessary
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
//Try to get the current
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if (!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
//Check if we are connected before trying to disconnect
if (this->connected)
//We're no longer connected
this->connected = false;
//Close the serial handler
int Serial::ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
//Number of bytes we'll have read
DWORD bytesRead;
//Number of bytes we'll really ask to read
unsigned int toRead;
//Use the ClearCommError function to get status info on the Serial port
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
//Check if there is something to read
if (this->status.cbInQue>0)
//If there is we check if there is enough data to read the required number
//of characters, if not we'll read only the available characters to prevent
//locking of the application.
if (this->status.cbInQue>nbChar)
toRead = nbChar;
toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
//Try to read the require number of chars, and return the number of read bytes on success
if (ReadFile(this->hSerial, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL) && bytesRead != 0)
return bytesRead;
//If nothing has been read, or that an error was detected return -1
return -1;
bool Serial::WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
DWORD bytesSend;
//Try to write the buffer on the Serial port
if (!WriteFile(this->hSerial, (void *)buffer, nbChar, &bytesSend, 0))
//In case it don't work get comm error and return false
ClearCommError(this->hSerial, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
return true;
bool Serial::IsConnected()
//Simply return the connection status
return this->connected;
int main() {
Serial serial("COM15");
if (serial.IsConnected()){
printf("\nData sent successfully!\n");
return 0;
Try using a filename of "\\\\.\\COM15" (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/115831).