Get Token from destination response and pass to new Channel in Mirth - web-services

I've created a channel in Mirth which first calls authentication service and returns response. Source I've configured to HTTP Listener and in destination I've used HTTP Sender which calls a rest service for login and returns token as below.
{"token":"5912aa99-af21-5614-c232-d22be9e5c102","app":"TEST API Suite","expires":845,"userID":"ZCT06D123Cfk20oROB9x-bEXeY12oQGfack6dMMc-0o="}
Question: From the response that I'm receiving from rest service , how do I extract the token part and then pass that token to another channel and use it for calling another service.
Is there a way that I can set the token in a variable or global map in Destination1 and use that in Destination2 configuration?
Please Help. I'm a Newbie in Mirth.

The following helped me and solved my issue.
Add a post processor script as this in channel1:
var dest1 = responseMap.get("Destination 1");
var response123=dest1.getMessage();
var obj = JSON.parse(response123);'token==='+obj.token);
router.routeMessage('newChannelName', obj.token);
And then in newChannelName Channel preprocessor script, I was able to get this token as message.'token: '+message);


Can postman call some c# dll or custom routine before send request out?

I am trying to create some postman test cases for an old web api.
What I realized is that the web api expects binary content in the HttpRequest body other than a Json message. We have a c# client, which does this before sending request:
var body = new ByteArrayContent( SerializeToByteArray(info));
using ( var result = await Client.Post<HttpResponseMessage>( options , body , Configuration , ct ).ConfigureAwait( false ) )
In postman, can I call a routine(either existing function or some custom dll) to convert body to byte array before sending the request out?
No, Postman does not support this.
No, it is not possible directly.
What you can do is to run a (local) server, send a request to it from Postman's prerequest script, and the server then executes the binary.
An approach is drafted at the Postman community forum:

Receive Callback request inside Postman automated test

I am trying to write automated tests with Postman. I am new to postman automation world so sorry if the question will seem dumb.
In the api that I need to test when I send a request I immediately receive a response with a transactionID, no matter transaction succeeded or not. Along with my request I send a CallbackURL to the server where I expect the actual transaction result to be called back. The server will do a PUT request back to the CallbackURL that I have provided with the transactionID and the actual response or error.
So the question is, can I have such kind of scenarios in my postman tests?
I guess I should run a web server and expose an endpoint which will expect a PUT request and I should get the body of this PUT request in my tests to check it, and respond back to it with success.
In other words, within my script I need to perform the following actions:
Do a request to the server passing a callback URL
check the immediate response from the server and keep the returned transactionID
Have a webserver run with an endpoint that I passed as a callback URL
Expect a request to that endpoint with transactionID and actual response
Check that the response is what I actually expected
Respond to the request with success
I was thinking about Postman Mock server, but seems it is not designed for such usage.
I also think may be I can run some JS Webserver (may be nodeJS) inside the postman Sandbox...
Actually I am very new to postman testing and I am really confused about this kind of issue. Is it even possible to do this with postman or I need something else?
There are some features provided by POSTMAN which can help you to resolve your problem
When you do request to server passing callback URL it gives you transactionID in response. Save that transactionID in environment variable or global variable. Same you can do it for callbackURL.
Eg. pm.environment.set("transactionID", transactionID);
Then you can do the second request where you passed callback URL and transactionID which you have already.
In short in POSTMAN there are features like
Set global and environment variable which helps to pass some values fetched from response to another request.
call other request on success of first request
eg. postman.setnextRequest({{requestname}});
If you can mentioned your problem statement little bit in details it will be easy to answer in better way.
Hope This Will Help You

getting http session cookies in spring-ws soap web service client

I have a SOAP web service client written with Spring-WS. In response to a logon request, the web service I connect to returns a session cookie in the HTTP response header with a token in it. Each subsequent call to the service requires that cookie with the token. How can I get the session cookie from the response and then add it to the HTTP header on subsequent calls to the service?
To summarize what I'm asking, how do you extract and inject cookies with Spring-WS.
Here is a snippet of code similar to what I am using to call into the web service:
MySessionLogon api = new MySessionLogon();
MySessionLogonResponse response = (MySessionLogonResponse) getWebServiceTemplate()
new SoapActionCallback(""));
return response;
I have searched the internet and read a lot of things that seem close to what I need, but I haven't seen a good way to get the value of the cookies I need to use. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Did you check WebServiceMessageExtractor ?
You could do the following
MySessionLogonResponse response = (MySessionLogonResponse) getWebServiceTemplate()
new SoapActionCallback(""),
new WebServiceMessageExtractor<ResponseAndHeader>() {
public ResponseAndHeader extractData(WebServiceMessage message) throws IOException {
TransportContext context = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
HttpComponentsConnection con = (HttpComponentsConnection) context.getConnection();
httpResponse httpResponse = con.getHttpResponse();
//use the method getHeaders from to retrieve the data you want

How to Parse XML Response getting from WebService in Mirth Connect 3.0

I have one destination of type Web Service Sender. That web service sends XML Response.
I want to read values from that response & write in to the database.
How can I read XML Response & retrieve values from response XML.
I tried in 'Edit Response' option from channel Tasks by putting XML template & creating variables from xml tree.But it didn't work.
How could I read & parse xml response ?
Are you sure that you are getting response back from the Web Service Sender??
Response from the destination must be in Edit Response 'msg' variable, if the response is empty none of the steps in Edit Response gets executed.
To check if you are really getting response from destination put a logger statement in Edit Response, to check if the control is going in Edit Response.
The Response from Webservice Sender , can be got from the responseMap in Mirth. The following code can help.
var destination = responseMap.get("Destination Name");
var responseMessage = destination.getMessage();
You can get the responseMessage and add it to the Channel Map so that the rest of the destinations in the channels can also access it.
Let us know how it goes.

Stub generated using Axis2 Webservice forming new connection for redirect URL...Need same TCP connection...!

I am badly stuck with a SOAP based integration using Axis2 framework for generation of client stubs from the Server WSDL. The scenario is as follows :
There is always a login API call first, which gives a Success response in SOAP body and Temporary Redirect in HTTP header. Also provides a URL which contains the session ID in the Location field of HTTP Header.
The next API call is required to be made at this redirect location. IN THE SAME TCP CONNECTION, for getting a proper response.
Now, the problem is, as a part of Webservice implementation using Axis2 generated stubs, I need to reload this redirect URL and re-instantiate it as --- "stub=new Stub(newurl)"
As soon as this is done, it creates a new TCP connection and so, the next request gives the response as "session ID invalid" because it goes out-of-sync with login API.
I have tried everything mentioned as a solution in this forum and nothing is working out.
For e.g --
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(httpConnectionManager);
ServiceClient serviceClient = stub._getServiceClient();
Options opts = stub._getServiceClient().getOptions();
opts.setTo(new EndpointReference(prop.getProperty("target_end_point_url")));
opts.setProperty(HTTPConstants.REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT, Constants.VALUE_TRUE);
opts.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CACHED_HTTP_CLIENT, httpClient);
Similarly, I have tried many other options too. But it's not helpful at all.
Faced exactly the same issue.
Following steps solved the issue.
1. Using HttpClient, perform login. Don't use stub object to perform login.
2. Use the Location Header URL, to create new stub object i.e. stub = new Stub(locationURL). (Your existing options setting should be retained.)
3. There is a default timeout, by which server disconnects the TCP connection. In my case it was 50 seconds. Hence as soon as i performed login in step 1, i execute a timer every 40 seconds, to send an empty requests to new Location URL using HeadMethod of same HttpClient object.