How do I split a string using a regular expression in Perl? - regex

I have a string in Perl: 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A'.
I want to split this string using a regular expression: "^[any_character]C". In other words, I want to split it by the actual character ^, followed by any character, followed by a specific letter (in this case C, but it could be A, or any other character).
I have tried looking at other questions/posts and finally came up with my #split_str = split(/\^(\.)C/, $letters), but this seems not to be working.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

You were very close. There were just a couple of errors in your code. Before I explain them, here's the code I was using to test solutions.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
$_ = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A';
my #data = split /\^(\.)C/;
say Dumper #data;
Running this with your original regex, we get this output:
$VAR1 = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A';
No splitting has taken place at all. That's because your regex includes \.. The dot matches any character in a string, but by escaping it with the backslash you have told Perl to treat it as an ordinary dot. There are no dots in your string, so the regex doesn't match and the string is not split.
If we remove the backslash, we get this output:
$VAR2 = 'h';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = 'i';
$VAR5 = '';
$VAR6 = '*';
$VAR7 = '';
$VAR8 = '"';
$VAR9 = '^8A';
This is better. Some splitting has taken place. But because we have parentheses around the dot ((.)), Perl has "captured" the characters that the dot matches and added them to the list of values that split() returns.
If we remove those parentheses, we get only the values between the split markers.
$VAR2 = '';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = '';
$VAR5 = '^8A';
Note that we get a few empty elements. That's because in places like "^hC^iC" in your string, there is no data between two adjacent split markers.
By moving the parentheses around the whole of the regex (split /(\^.C)/), we can get a list which includes all of the split markers together with the data between them.
$VAR2 = '^hC';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = '^iC';
$VAR5 = '';
$VAR6 = '^*C';
$VAR7 = '';
$VAR8 = '^"C';
$VAR9 = '^8A';
Which of these options is most useful to you depends on exactly what you're trying to do.

When you say [any_character], you must mean . pattern, a dot matches any char but linebreaks symbols, and if you use an s modifier, it will match any char.
So, in your case, you just should not have escape the dot:
#split_str = split /\^.C/, $letters;
Or, with an s modifier:
#split_str = split /\^.C/s, $letters;
The caret should be escaped to denote a literal caret symbol in a regex pattern.

There was a question regarding Counting and not Spliting.
Could be done using the regex substitution and global s//g for counting, and scalar return (the $_ contains the modified text):
my $text = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8C^9A^!B'; #litte longer than yours
$_ = $text ;
my $countanychar = s/\^.C//g ;
print "counting any char and C:\t $countanychar in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countnormalchar = s/\^\wC//g ; # h and i and 8 in this example avoid the * and "
print "counting normal char and C:\t $countnormalchar in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countnumber = s/\^\dC//g ;# the 8 in this example
print "counting number and C:\t $countnumber in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countextended = s/\^.\w//g ;# the he C and the A
print "counting extended C and A and B:\t $countextended in $text\n";

try like this #split_str = split(/\^/, $letters)


Splitting a css selector into its components [duplicate]

I have a string in Perl: 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A'.
I want to split this string using a regular expression: "^[any_character]C". In other words, I want to split it by the actual character ^, followed by any character, followed by a specific letter (in this case C, but it could be A, or any other character).
I have tried looking at other questions/posts and finally came up with my #split_str = split(/\^(\.)C/, $letters), but this seems not to be working.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
You were very close. There were just a couple of errors in your code. Before I explain them, here's the code I was using to test solutions.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
$_ = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A';
my #data = split /\^(\.)C/;
say Dumper #data;
Running this with your original regex, we get this output:
$VAR1 = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8A';
No splitting has taken place at all. That's because your regex includes \.. The dot matches any character in a string, but by escaping it with the backslash you have told Perl to treat it as an ordinary dot. There are no dots in your string, so the regex doesn't match and the string is not split.
If we remove the backslash, we get this output:
$VAR2 = 'h';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = 'i';
$VAR5 = '';
$VAR6 = '*';
$VAR7 = '';
$VAR8 = '"';
$VAR9 = '^8A';
This is better. Some splitting has taken place. But because we have parentheses around the dot ((.)), Perl has "captured" the characters that the dot matches and added them to the list of values that split() returns.
If we remove those parentheses, we get only the values between the split markers.
$VAR2 = '';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = '';
$VAR5 = '^8A';
Note that we get a few empty elements. That's because in places like "^hC^iC" in your string, there is no data between two adjacent split markers.
By moving the parentheses around the whole of the regex (split /(\^.C)/), we can get a list which includes all of the split markers together with the data between them.
$VAR2 = '^hC';
$VAR3 = '';
$VAR4 = '^iC';
$VAR5 = '';
$VAR6 = '^*C';
$VAR7 = '';
$VAR8 = '^"C';
$VAR9 = '^8A';
Which of these options is most useful to you depends on exactly what you're trying to do.
When you say [any_character], you must mean . pattern, a dot matches any char but linebreaks symbols, and if you use an s modifier, it will match any char.
So, in your case, you just should not have escape the dot:
#split_str = split /\^.C/, $letters;
Or, with an s modifier:
#split_str = split /\^.C/s, $letters;
The caret should be escaped to denote a literal caret symbol in a regex pattern.
There was a question regarding Counting and not Spliting.
Could be done using the regex substitution and global s//g for counting, and scalar return (the $_ contains the modified text):
my $text = 'CCCCCCCC^hC^iC^*C^"C^8C^9A^!B'; #litte longer than yours
$_ = $text ;
my $countanychar = s/\^.C//g ;
print "counting any char and C:\t $countanychar in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countnormalchar = s/\^\wC//g ; # h and i and 8 in this example avoid the * and "
print "counting normal char and C:\t $countnormalchar in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countnumber = s/\^\dC//g ;# the 8 in this example
print "counting number and C:\t $countnumber in $text\n";
$_ = $text ;
my $countextended = s/\^.\w//g ;# the he C and the A
print "counting extended C and A and B:\t $countextended in $text\n";
try like this #split_str = split(/\^/, $letters)

perl regex match using global switch

I am trying to match a word that starts with a letter and is followed by at .
I use this regex for it
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = "fat 123 cat sat on the mat";
my #a = $str =~ /(\s?[a-z]{1,2}(at)\s?)/g;
print Dumper( #a );
the out put I am getting is:
$ perl ~/playground/
$VAR1 = 'fat ';
$VAR2 = 'at';
$VAR3 = ' cat ';
$VAR4 = 'at';
$VAR5 = 'sat ';
$VAR6 = 'at';
$VAR7 = ' mat';
$VAR8 = 'at';
why does it match "at" as well when I clearly say match just 1 character before at.
Your optional spaces aren't a good way to delimit words: they are optional
Use the word boundary construct \b for a rough match to the ends of words
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = "fat 123 cat sat on the mat";
my #aa = $str =~ /\b[a-z]+at\b/gi;
print Dumper \#aa;
$VAR1 = [
If you want to be more clever and be certain that the word found isn't preceded or followed by a non-space character then you can write this instead
my #aa = $str =~ /(?<!\S)[a-z]+at(?!\S)/gi;
which produces the same result for the data you show

perl regex square brackets and single quotes

Have this string:
The data is repeated.
I need to remove the []' characters from the data so it looks like this:
I'm also trying to split the data to assign it to variables as seen below:
my($currency, $strike, $tenor, $tenor2,$ado_symbol) = split /,/, $_;
This works for everything but the ['TEST'] section. Should I remove the []' characters first then keep my split the same or is there an easier way to do this?
Something that's useful to know is this - that split takes a regex. (It'll even let you capture, but that'll insert into the returned list, which is why I've got (?: for non capturing groups)
I observe your data only has [' right next to the delimiter - so how about:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
while ( <DATA> ) {
my #fields = split /(?:\'])?,(?:\[\')?/;
print Dumper \#fields;
$VAR1 = [
my $str = "ABC,-0.5,10Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145721ABC,-0.5,20Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145722";
$str =~ s/\['|'\]//g;
print $str;
output is
Now you can split.
Clean up $ado_symbol after split:
$ado_symbol =~ s/^\['//;
$ado_symbol =~ s/'\]$//;
You can use a global regex match to find all substrings that are not a comma, a single quote, or a square bracket
Like this
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $s = q{ABC,-0.5,10Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145721ABC,-0.5,20Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145722};
my #data = $s =~ /[^,'\[\]]+/g;
my ( $currency, $strike, $tenor, $tenor2, $ado_symbol ) = #data;
print "\$currency = $currency\n";
print "\$strike = $strike\n";
print "\$tenor = $tenor\n";
print "\$tenor2 = $tenor2\n";
print "\$ado_symbol = $ado_symbol\n";
$currency = ABC
$strike = -0.5
$tenor = 10Y
$tenor2 = 10Y
$ado_symbol = TEST
Another alternative
my $str = "ABC,-0.5,10Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145721ABC,-0.5,20Y,10Y,['TEST'],ABC.1000145722";
my ($currency, $strike, $tenor, $tenor2,$ado_symbol) = map{ s/[^A-Z0-9\.-]//g; $_} split ',',$str;
print "$currency, $strike, $tenor, $tenor2, $ado_symbol",$/;
Output is:
ABC, -0.5, 10Y, 10Y, TEST

perl - spliting string with quoted characters

I want to split the following string at the pipe character without split at the escaped pipe:
"123|ABC|x\|yz|123" should result in ["123","ABC","x|yz",123]
Does anyone had such a split regexp for perl?
You could use a negative lookbehind:
use warnings 'all';
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = '123|ABC|x\|yz|123';
my #bits = split /(?<!\\)\|/, $str;
print Dumper(#bits);
Results in:
$VAR1 = '123';
$VAR2 = 'ABC';
$VAR3 = 'x\\|yz';
$VAR4 = '123';
As pointed out by Wiktor, if your string was of the form:
my $str = '123|ABC|x\|yz|123\\|456|123\\345';
The 123\\ would be grouped with 456 (athough the last string
123\\345 would be okay):
$VAR1 = '123';
$VAR2 = 'ABC';
$VAR3 = 'x\\|yz';
$VAR4 = '123\\|456';
$VAR5 = '123\\345';
This is because the negative lookbehind only asserts a single backslash.

Unable to replace a string via regex through a subroutine

I am trying to replace square brackets in a string with an empty string. which means if a string is [SECTION], I want to convert it to SECTION.
I have tried this and it works,
my $sectionName =~ tr/[]//d;
print "$sectionName\n";
However, when I tried to create a general subroutine for replacing strings, it didn't work out. Here's what I tried,
sub strReplace
my $string = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $replacement = shift;
$target = quotemeta $target;
$replacement = quotemeta $replacement;
$string =~ tr/$target/$replacement/d;
return $string;
I am calling the sub like this,
# the string "[SECTION]" below is intended to be replaced by a variable
my $sectionName = strReplace("[SECTION]", "[]", "");
print "$sectionName\n";
However, instead of getting the replaced string, I am still getting the old one, i.e, [SECTION]. What am I doing wrong? (PS: Perl version 5.14.2)
Perl's tr/// operator does not support variables. You can find various strategies to work around this here: Perl's tr/// is not doing what I want
To summarize, you have two main options:
Wrap your tr/// in an eval.
Convert your tr/// into a substitution using s///.
If your main case for strReplace is actually just to remove characters, I'd write a less-general-purpose sub that does that. Otherwise, a s/// conversion that can both remove and replace looks like this:
sub strReplace
my $string = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $replacement = shift;
my %replacement;
#replacement{ split //, $target } = split //, $replacement;
$string =~ s{ ([\Q$target\E]) }{ $replacement{$1} // '' }gxe;
return $string;
The substitution repeatedly (because of the /g flag) looks for [\Q$target\E] (a character in a class of any the characters in $target, any special characters automatically escaped if necessary by \Q...\E), and replaces it with the value found by looking in the hash, or just removes it if it wasn't found in the hash.