libnl/nl80211 equivalent of iw_set_ext - c++

I started writing a code to handle wifi card using iwconfig/ioctl when I realised that it is depricated and most of applications uses nl80211.
I started reading its source code but there is no docs and code is a bit complicated.
How can I do simple things like scanning, turning off/on, setting card mode using nl80211 or libnl?
This is what I started with iw:
void set_card_mode(MODE mode, std::string ifname)
int skfd = iw_sockets_open();
struct iwreq wrq;
wrq.u.mode = static_cast<unsigned int>(mode);
power_interface(ifname, false);
if(iw_set_ext(skfd, ifname.c_str(), SIOCSIWMODE, &wrq) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Can set card mode");
MODE get_card_mode(std::string ifname)
int skfd = iw_sockets_open();
struct iwreq wrq;
if (iw_get_ext (skfd, ifname.c_str(), SIOCGIWMODE, &wrq) >= 0)
return static_cast<MODE>(wrq.u.mode);
Is there any equivalent of iw_get_ext to set/get wifi interface or any api with simple functions like "set_mode" or "power_off"?

I scan with netlink using the following steps
Prepare and execute NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN
Prepare and execute NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN
Together with NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN a callback is registered.
In the callback the raw data are parsed as BSS. The IE's are parsed to. See enums with NL80211_BSS_MAX, NL80211_ATTR_MAX from nl80211.h.
Check the return values of every netlink call before process the next step.
Code snippets:
nl_sock* socket = nl_socket_alloc();
struct nl_msg* msg = nlmsg_alloc();
int driverId = genl_ctrl_resolve(socket, "nl80211");
genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, driverId, 0, 0, NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN, 0);
and fetch with:
genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, driverId, 0, NLM_F_DUMP, NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN, 0);
nl_socket_modify_cb(socket, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, onScanResult, null);
My callback starts with:
struct genlmsghdr* msgHeader = (genlmsghdr*)nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg));
struct nlattr* attributes[NL80211_ATTR_MAX + 1];
struct nlattr* bss[NL80211_BSS_MAX + 1];
if(nla_parse(attributes, NL80211_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(msgHeader, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(msgHeader, 0), NULL) == 0)
// Read the attributes
// and check for NL80211_ATTR_BSS != 0
Most of the scanning results did I found in NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS.
if (nla_parse_nested(bss, NL80211_BSS_MAX, attributes[NL80211_ATTR_BSS], bss_policy) == 0)
{ /* read the bss attributes */ }
See NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS from nl80211.h and
But I failed to check for WEP privacy.
To check for WPA or WPA2 is easy, because there is an extra IE element with ID 48 (Śee IEEE Std 802.11 2012, chapter 8.4.2, free download form ieee side)


Detecting the camera that scanned image belongs to

I'm using Leadtools 20 API to control the scanner and scan some documents. I have 2 questions.1 - When using L_TwainAcquire with a callback function that receives the images from the scanner and keeps returning SUCCESS to get the next image. Is there anyway inside the callback function to determine if the image is from the front camera or the back camera?2 - Is there a way to force the scanner to use only the back camera for scanning?
Thank youSam
If you mean the 2 sides of a scanned document when using a duplex scanner, the answer is as follows:
To know which side of the paper is currently being processed in the bitmap callback, the following code can be used inside the callback function:
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK LTwainBitmapCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap, L_VOID * pUserData)
int nExtraInfoAftreZero = 0; // we have only one info, so no extra needed
pExtImg = (TW_EXTIMAGEINFO *)malloc(sizeof TW_EXTIMAGEINFO + nExtraInfoAftreZero * sizeof TW_INFO);
if (pExtImg)
pExtImg->NumInfos = 1;
pExtImg->Info[0].InfoID = TWEI_PAGESIDE;
pExtImg->Info[0].ItemType = TWTY_UINT16;
nRet = L_TwainGetExtendedImageInfo (hSession, pExtImg);
if (nRet == SUCCESS)
// Do processing to returned values
if(pExtImg->Info[0].Item == TWCS_TOP)
OutputDebugString("Front of sheet.\n");
else if (pExtImg->Info[0].Item == TWCS_BOTTOM)
OutputDebugString("Rear of sheet.\n");
nRet = L_TwainFreeExtendedImageInfoStructure (&pExtImg);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
return SUCCESS;
Forcing a specific side to scan can be done using a combination of CAP_CAMERASIDE and CAP_CAMERAENABLED capabilities, as explained in the Twain Spec.
Quoting from that document:
To enable bottom only scanning, set CAP_CAMERASIDE to TWCS_BOTTOM and
If you mean you have a computer with 2 Twain camera sources (back and front), the answer becomes as follows:
To know which Twain source (e.g. camera) triggered the Twain Bitmap Callback when L_TwainAcquire() was called, you can use the
L_TwainGetSources() function with the LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_DEFAULT flag to get the currently-selected Twain device. This can be done inside the Bitmap Callback as shown in the following code:
// Source Info Callback
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK TwainSourceInfoCallbackCurrent(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pLTWAINSOURCEINFO pSourceInfo, L_VOID * pUserData)
strcpy((L_CHAR *)pUserData, pSourceInfo->pszTwnSourceName);
return SUCCESS;
// Twain Bitmap Callback
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK LTwainBitmapCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap, L_VOID * pUserData)
char szSourceName[1024];
L_TwainGetSources(hSession, TwainSourceInfoCallbackCurrent, sizeof LTWAINSOURCEINFO, LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_DEFAULT, szSourceName);
// Now szSourceName contains name of Twain Source.
return SUCCESS;
Yes, you can force scanning from a specific device (scanner, camera, etc.) by sending its name to the L_TwainSelectSource() function before scanning, as follows:
TwainSource.uStructSize = sizeof LTWAINSOURCE;
TwainSource.pszTwainSourceName = pszRearCameraTwainSourceName;
L_TwainSelectSource(twainSession, &TwainSource);
// Now L_TwainAcquire() will capture from Rear Camera
To find the name of all devices, you can use this code:
L_TwainGetSources(twainSession, TwainSourceInfoCallback, sizeof LTWAINSOURCEINFO, LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_ALL, NULL);
The Source Info Callback will be triggered once for each Twain source. It can be implemented like this:
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK TwainSourceInfoCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pLTWAINSOURCEINFO pSourceInfo, L_VOID * pUserData)
OutputDebugString(pSourceInfo->pszTwnSourceName); // You can save the names of Twain Sources into global variables if you like
return SUCCESS;

Find service`s uuid of a bluetooth device

I'm trying to get information about services provided by bluetooth devices. Using WSALookupServiceNext I can get list of all services. However, regardless of what bluetooth device I try to discover, the resulting WSAQUERYSET structure (pqs) never contains lpServiceClassId field (while the lpszServiceInstanceName is always present). I want to know UUID of a service to determine to which class of the Table 2: Service Class Profile Identifiers it belongs.
int main()
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &data);
qs.dwSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
qs.dwNameSpace = NS_BTH;
qs.dwNumberOfCsAddrs = 0;
qs.lpszContext = (LPWSTR)L"12:34:56:78:99:11";
qs.lpServiceClassId = const_cast<LPGUID>(&PublicBrowseGroupServiceClass_UUID);
HANDLE hlookup = nullptr;
WSALookupServiceBegin(&qs, flags, &hlookup);
while (true) {
char buff[4096];
DWORD size = sizeof(buff);
memset(buff, 0, size);
const INT res = WSALookupServiceNext(hlookup, flags, &size, pqs);
if (res != 0 && GetLastError() == WSA_E_NO_MORE) {
// it prints "service name=Advanced Audio, service uuid=0x0"
wprintf(L"service name=%s, service uuid=0x%X\n", pqs->lpszServiceInstanceName, pqs->lpServiceClassId->Data1);
Answering my own question:
In order to get service ID we have to parse SPD structures which are returned from WSALookupServiceNext function call and accessible via WSAQUERYSET.lpBlob member.
For more details see Mike Petrichenko's comment.
Also, there is a very good example how to implement it from Qt framework source code.
As for myself, I decided not to follow this path, because my goal was to write a console utility for pairing Bluetooth devices. I have found that there is a better way to do that using Windows.Devices.Enumeration API. Finally, using this API, I managed to create the BluetoothDevicePairing utility I was working on.

How to use PERF_SAMPLE_READ with mmap

This question is related to the perf_event_open syscall, but there is no tag for it.
I'm currently looking to use the PERF_SAMPLE_READ member of the enum perf_event_sample_format to retreive some data from a memory map, but for an unknown reason, the syscall itself return "invalid argument" (errno 22).
I have the following configuration :
this->eventConfiguration.sample_freq = 11;
this->eventConfiguration.freq = true;
this->eventConfiguration.inherit = true;
this->eventConfiguration.sample_type = PERF_SAMPLE_CPU | PERF_SAMPLE_TIME | PERF_SAMPLE_PERIOD /*| PERF_SAMPLE_READ*/;
The event I'm tracking is PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES.
There is my syscall. I spy each core of my computer :
int fileDescriptor = syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, this->configuration.getEventConfiguration() , -1, i, -1, 0);
The handling of the error is shown below, but I don't think it's useful...
if(fileDescriptor < 0) {
switch(errno) {
// here is some cases
Thanks in advance ! :-)
I've found the bug !
The problem is that the kernel don't support the use of PERF_SAMPLE_READ when the inherit member of the perf_event_attr structure is set.
The following code is from the kernel sources :
* We currently do not support PERF_SAMPLE_READ on inherited events.
* See perf_output_read().
if (attr->inherit && (attr->sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_READ))
goto err_ns;

COM port handle for reading data in c++ vs2012

I have a code to open and read serial COM port in vs2012 c++ which is working fine when I run the code separately in an individual solution.The code is as follow:
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected()) // check com port availability
printf("We're connected"); // send the result
char incomingData[512] = ""; // don't forget to pre-allocate memory
int dataLength = 256;
int readResult = 0; //if there is no reading it is -1
readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
//std::string test(incomingData);
res1=strtol(incomingData,&pos1,10); //receive data in right patern
res2=atof(pos1); //convert the character to integer
res3=(double)res2; // convert integer to double (as my desired output is a double)
printf("%f\n",res2); // print the result
Sleep(50); // pause so that I can see the coming data
in which Serial,ReadData and other functions and headers are defined in a separate header and .cpp file.
My problem occurs when I want to plug the code in my other solution (SOFA Simulation) which I want to use to make a graphical interface. but I get the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE error and the get last error gives me ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. this is my code in the solution I want to use:
namespace sofa
namespace component
namespace behaviormodel
customUnsignedData(initData(&customUnsignedData, (unsigned)1,"Custom Unsigned Data","Example of unsigned data with custom widget")),
regularUnsignedData(initData(&regularUnsignedData, (unsigned)1,"Unsigned Data","Example of unsigned data with standard widget"))
void MyBehaviorModel::init()
void MyBehaviorModel::reinit()
void MyBehaviorModel::updatePosition(SReal dt)
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
printf("We're connected");
char incomingData[512] = ""; // don't forget to pre-allocate memory
int dataLength = 256;
int readResult = 0;
readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
//std::string test(incomingData);
using core::behavior::MechanicalState;
mState1 = dynamic_cast<MechanicalState<sofa::defaulttype::Rigid3dTypes> *> (this->getContext()->getMechanicalState());
helper::WriteAccessor<sofa::core::objectmodel:: Data<sofa::defaulttype::Rigid3dTypes::VecCoord> > xp = *mState1- >write(core::VecCoordId::position());
int MyBehaviorModelClass = core::RegisterObject("Dummy component with a custom widget.").add< MyBehaviorModel >();
} // namespace behaviormodel
} // namespace component
} // namespace sofa
I really can not figure out what the problem is because as I said the problem is not from my serial reader code as I tested it and I know it works fine separately.can you find out where the problem lies?
thanks in advance!
This is my Serial constructor:
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
{//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile((LPCWSTR)portName,
//Check if the connection was successfull
//If not success full display an Error
//Print Error if neccessary
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
//Try to get the current
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
//Setting the DTR to Control_Enable ensures that the Arduino is properly
//reset upon establishing a connection
dcbSerialParams.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//Flush any remaining characters in the buffers
PurgeComm(this->hSerial, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
The function CreateFile is actually a Macro that is mapped to either CreateFileA or CreateFileW depending on your project (unicode) configuration. As others have mentioned, you should not use a type cast to LPCWSTR to hide the fact that your code is not correct, you just need to use the right type of string.
If a function expects a widestring (LPCWSTR) and you pass it a chunk of memory that contains an ANSI string, it will never work. In this particular case, you can use the function CreateFileA directly so that you can pass your ANSI string to it.

Is there a way to detect if a monitor is plugged in?

I have a custom application written in C++ that controls the resolution and other settings on a monitor connected to an embedded system. Sometimes the system is booted headless and run via VNC, but can have a monitor plugged in later (post boot). If that happens he monitor is fed no video until the monitor is enabled. I have found calling "displayswitch /clone" brings the monitor up, but I need to know when the monitor is connected. I have a timer that runs every 5 seconds and looks for the monitor, but I need some API call that can tell me if the monitor is connected.
Here is a bit of psudocode to describe what I'm after (what is executed when the timer expires every 5 seconds).
if(If monitor connected)
ShellExecute("displayswitch.exe /clone);
//Do Nothing
I have tried GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS) to return the number of monitors, but it returns 1 if the monitor is connected or not. Any other ideas?
Try the following code
BOOL IsDisplayConnected(int displayIndex = 0)
device.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);
return EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, displayIndex, &device, 0);
This will return true if Windows identifies a display device with index (AKA identity) 0 (this is what the display control panel uses internally). Otherwise, it will return false false. So by checking the first possible index (which I marked as the default argument), you can find out whether any display device is connected (or at least identified by Windows, which is essentially what you're looking for).
Seems that there is some kind of "default monitor" even if no real monitor is connected.
The function below works for me (tested on a Intel NUC and a Surface 5 tablet).
The idea is to get the device id and check if it contains the string "default_monitor".
bool hasMonitor()
// Check if we have a monitor
bool has = false;
// Iterate over all displays and check if we have a valid one.
// If the device ID contains the string default_monitor no monitor is attached.
dd.cb = sizeof(dd);
int deviceIndex = 0;
while (EnumDisplayDevices(0, deviceIndex, &dd, 0))
std::wstring deviceName = dd.DeviceName;
int monitorIndex = 0;
while (EnumDisplayDevices(deviceName.c_str(), monitorIndex, &dd, 0))
size_t len = _tcslen(dd.DeviceID);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
dd.DeviceID[i] = _totlower(dd.DeviceID[i]);
has = has || (len > 10 && _tcsstr(dd.DeviceID, L"default_monitor") == nullptr);
return has;