_popen() in Windows does not work interactively - c++

I am using _popen() to create a pipe to communicate with another program which I can only execute and do not have source code access to. I have tried examples given in MSDN here (_popen example) and here (CreateProcess and CreateThread example(). Note that the code is almost the same except that for _popen I have modified it to write to pipe instead as below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main( void )
char psBuffer[128];
FILE *pPipe;
/* Run DIR so that it writes its output to a pipe. Open this
* pipe with read text attribute so that we can read it
* like a text file.
if( (pPipe = _popen( "myprogram", "wt" )) == NULL )
exit( 1 );
/* Read pipe until end of file, or an error occurs. */
while(!feof( pPipe)))
char cmd[32]="";
while(fgets(psBuffer, 128, pPipe))
scanf("%s", cmd);
/* Close pipe and print return value of pPipe. */
if (feof( pPipe))
printf( "\nProcess returned %d\n", _pclose( pPipe ) );
printf( "Error: Failed to read the pipe to the end.\n");
The output I expect to get is like:
Some Text -> from myprogram
command entered from parent
Some more Text -> from myprogram
more command from parent
Till myprogram terminates
However what I get is
Some Text -> from myprogram
command entered
and it keeps on accepting the commands eternally
Can you help here?


Communication with Arduino using Linux

This is the first time I'm communicating with Arduino using my computer. I use Ubuntu 14.04. This is the C program for writing to the file. The Arduino shows up ttyACM0.
While compiling using gcc the compiler shows an error saying:
Segmentation fault(core dumped)
How do I rectify this error.
int main() {
char data[] = {'f','b','r'}; //Random data we want to send
FILE *file;
file = fopen("/dev/ttyACM0","w"); //Opening device file
int i = 0;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) {
fprintf(file,"%c",data[i]); //Writing to the file
fprintf(file,"%c",','); //To separate digits
Pardon my ignorance. I tried researching on it. Couldn't make it work. Thanks in advance for your help.
You're getting a NULL return from the fopen() that NULL is being passed to fprintf() which is expecting a valid FILE* and messing up causing the SEGV.
If you use fopen you should check what it returns so you can give the user a something more useful than "segmentation fault".
The probable cause of the fopen() failure is you don't have permission to play with the serial port.
Normally you need the group dialout to be able to access the serial port.
As root do:
usermod -a -G dialoutyourusername
Then log out and back in so you get the new group.
Consider using minicom or microcom (on any of the several other serial terminal programs) to access the serial port instead of writing your own.
I also suggest you have the Arduino send a hello message when it boots up so you can be sure you have the right baud rate etc...
You did not put any success check on the return value of fopen("/dev/ttyACM0","w");. In case fopen() fails, using file further is undefined behavior, causing segmentation fault. Do something like
file = fopen("/dev/ttyACM0","w"); //Opening device file
if (file)
//do something with file
return 0;
Also, add a return 0 before ending main().
// the following code:
// compiles cleanly
// performs appropriate error checking
// has proper return statement
#include <unistd.h> // sleep()
#include <stdio.h> // fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), perror()
#include <stdlib.h> // exit() and EXIT_FAILURE
int main()
char data[] = {'f','b','r'}; //Random data we want to send
FILE *file;
if( NULL == (file = fopen("/dev/ttyACM0","w") ) ) //Opening device file
{ // then fopen failed
perror("fopen failed for ttyACM0" );
// implied else, fopen successful
int i = 0;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
if( 0 >= fprintf(file,"%c",data[i]) ) //Writing to the file
{ // fprintf failed
perror("fprintf data failed" );
// implied else, fprintf successful for data
if( 0 >= fprintf(file,"%c",',') ) //To separate digits
{ // then, fprintf failed
perror( "fprintf for comma failed");
// implied else, fprintf successful for comma
} // end for
} // end function: main
On failure fopen returns NULL, so you are potentially dereferencing a NULL pointer, the correct way of doing that, is checking the result of fopen. I would however suggest low level IO for this kind of thing something like
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
char data[] = {'f','b','r'}; //Random data we want to send
int fd;
int i;
fd = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_WRONLY); //Opening device file
if (fd == -1)
perror("cannot open /dev/ttyACM0");
return -1;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
write(fd, &(data[i]), 1);
write(fd, ",", 1);
return 0;
on error open returns a special value -1 so you should abort writing to it.
I'm pretty sure in your case there will be a permission denied error, since normally the /dev/tty* belong to group dialout and they have group write permission by default, but since probably your user doesn't belong to that group you don't have write access to /dev/ttyACM0.

How to capture the exit_code and stderr of the command that is run in C++?

I'm writing a c++ program that executes and outputs (in real-time) a shell script, makefile or just another program. However I would like to have my program return differently when there are errors or no error.
#include "execxi.h"
using namespace std;
int execXI::run(string command)
FILE *in;
char buff[512];
// is this the check for command execution exited with not 0?
if(!(in = popen(command.c_str(), "r"))){
// I want to return the exit code and error message too if any
return 1;
// this part echoes the output of the command that's executed
while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), in)!=NULL){
cout << buff;
return 0;
is what I have so far.
Let's say this script ran make to build a program and it gave an error like so
on_target_webkit_version out/Release/obj/gen/webkit_version.h
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../build/webkit_version.py", line 107, in <module>
File "../build/webkit_version.py", line 103, in main
return EmitVersionHeader(*sys.argv[1:])
File "../build/webkit_version.py", line 86, in EmitVersionHeader
webkit_revision = GetWebKitRevision(webkit_dir, version_file)
File "../build/webkit_version.py", line 60, in GetWebKitRevision
version_info = lastchange.FetchVersionInfo(
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'FetchVersionInfo'
make: *** [out/Release/obj/gen/webkit_version.h] Error 1
Is it possible for me to know that this exited with error?
Does that exit with code else than 0 since it is an error?
Is that last part outputted in stderr?
Considering that make exited with code not 0, let's say 1, and it output in stderr is it not possible for me to capture these exit codes and error message in the end?
How can I capture the exit code and stderr after outputting the results of the program, and return the exit code/ stderr in the function?
If you are interested in the error code, this is a more portable way of getting it rather than dividing by 256:
printf("Exit code: %i\n", WEXITSTATUS(pclose(fp)));
However, popen is one way, so you are either creating further workarounds by the usual redirection style in shell, or you follow this untested code to do it right:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* since pipes are unidirectional, we need two pipes.
one for data to flow from parent's stdout to child's
stdin and the other for child's stdout to flow to
parent's stdin */
#define NUM_PIPES 2
int pipes[NUM_PIPES][2];
/* always in a pipe[], pipe[0] is for read and
pipe[1] is for write */
#define READ_FD 0
#define WRITE_FD 1
int outfd[2];
int infd[2];
// pipes for parent to write and read
if(!fork()) {
char *argv[]={ "/usr/bin/bc", "-q", 0};
/* Close fds not required by child. Also, we don't
want the exec'ed program to know these existed */
execv(argv[0], argv);
} else {
char buffer[100];
int count;
/* close fds not required by parent */
// Write to child’s stdin
write(PARENT_WRITE_FD, "2^32\n", 5);
// Read from child’s stdout
count = read(PARENT_READ_FD, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
if (count >= 0) {
buffer[count] = 0;
printf("%s", buffer);
} else {
printf("IO Error\n");
The code is from here:
The returnvalue of the child process is in the top 16 8 bits. You have
to divide the returned value of pclose by 256, then you get the
searched return value of the child process.
Gotten from http://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/131694-pclose-returning-termination-status-command
My answer would be pclose(in)/256 is exit code.
I still don't know how to capture stderr or sdtout differently but until there's an answer for that I will accept this as my answer.
Thanks for the reply about exit code Logan.
I believe a round-trip to get stderr would be to redirect it to a temporary file:
FILE* f = popen("cmd 2>/tmp/tmpfile.txt", "r");

Opening a console from app

I am working on a C and C++ app that uses some graphical engine to handle gtk windows (Opencv/highgui). This app does some minor output to stdout/cout.
On Windows, starting this kind of app from the desktop automatically opens a console, showing the user what is been written on standard output, either with "printf()" or "std::cout".
On Linux, if I start it from a previously opened console, no trouble. But if I start it through the desktop (double-click), then linux doesn't open an associated console, and data written on stdout/cout is lost.
Seems that this is the normal behaviour on Linux (?).
I would like to automatically open a console from my app, when compiled on a linux platform.
This seems like a dupe of this one, the point is, it doesn't work! I have at present the following code:
#ifndef __WIN32
filebuf* console = new filebuf();
console->open( "/dev/tty", ios::out );
if( !console->is_open() )
cerr << "Can't open console" << endl;
(cerr is redirected in a file using freopen() )
I keep getting "Can't open console". I tried replacing the console name:
console->open( "/dev/console", ios::out );
but that didn't change.
Am I in the right direction? What can I try next? Should I try to open specifically the terminal application (xterm)? But then, how could I "connect" that console with my app?
Solution 1
Very simple solution you might not like: have a script that runs your application in a terminal using gnome-terminal -x <your_program> <your_args>. Double-clicking the script will open the terminal.
Solution 2
A bit more involved solution add a '--noconsole' argument to your application. If the argument is present, just run your application. If '--noconsole' is not present:
if( fork() == 0 ) {
execlp("gnome-terminal", "gnome-terminal", "-x", argv[0], "--noconsole", NULL );
} else {
exit( 0 );
This creates a child process in which it runs the application in gnome-terminal using the --noconsole arugment. Makes sense? A bit hacky, but hey, it works.
Solution 3
This one is the trickiest solution, but in some ways more elegant. The idea is to redirect our stdout to a file and create a terminal running tail -f <file_name> --pid=<parent_pid>. This prints the output of the parent process and terminates when the parent dies.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Create terminal and redirect output to it, returns 0 on success,
// -1 otherwise.
int make_terminal() {
char pidarg[256]; // the '--pid=' argument of tail
pid_t child; // the pid of the child proc
pid_t parent; // the pid of the parent proc
FILE* fp; // file to which output is redirected
int fn; // file no of fp
// Open file for redirection
fp = fopen("/tmp/asdf.log","w");
fn = fileno(fp);
// Get pid of current process and create string with argument for tail
parent = getpid();
sprintf( pidarg, "--pid=%d", parent );
// Create child process
child = fork();
if( child == 0 ) {
// Replace child process with a gnome-terminal running:
// tail -f /tmp/asdf.log --pid=<parent_pid>
// This prints the lines outputed in asdf.log and exits when
// the parent process dies.
execlp( "gnome-terminal", "gnome-terminal", "-x", "tail","-f","/tmp/asdf.log", pidarg, NULL );
// if there's an error, print out the message and exit
exit( -1 );
} else {
close(1); // close stdout
int ok = dup2( fn, 1 ); // replace stdout with the file
if( ok != 1 ) {
return -1;
// Make stdout flush on newline, doesn't happen by default
// since stdout is actually a file at this point.
setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ );
return 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Attempt to create terminal.
if( make_terminal() != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Could not create terminal!\n" );
return -1;
// Stuff is now printed to terminal, let's print a message every
// second for 10 seconds.
int i = 0;
while( i < 10 ) {
printf( "iteration %d\n", ++ i );
sleep( 1 );
return 0;
Your examples all "open" a console - in the sense that one opens a file. This doesn't do anything to a gui. If you want to do that you will have to open a gtk window and direct the output to it.

How to read the failure log message displayed when a system call failed in C++?

I have a C++ code that calls a test. I am doing a system call to execute this test. When this test fails, it will display something like this " ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:"
I have a C++ code that runs on Linux redhat and it is capable of detecting if the system call pass or failed. But it can not capture the error message (ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:) and append into the log file or print it.
Can someone please tell me how to capture the error message (ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:)?
PS: I am an intern, any help would be really nice.
int main ()
int i;
if (system(NULL))
puts ("Ok");
exit (1);
i=system("hpsp --discover -verbose --user Admin --oapasswd password");
printf ("The value returned was: %d.\n",i);
return false;
Instead of using system() use popen(). This will open a pipe capturing the standard output of the test program so that your program can read it via the pipe.
Example EDITED:
#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
#define BUFFSIZE 400
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *cmd = "hpsp --discover -verbose --user Admin --oapasswd password";
char buf[BUFFSIZE];
char* searchResult;
int testPassed = 0;
FILE *ptr;
if ((ptr = popen(cmd, "r")) != NULL)
while (fgets(buf, BUFFSIZE, ptr) != NULL)
if ((searchResult = strstr(buf, "The test passed")) != NULL )
testPassed = 1;
if (testPassed)
return 0;
You can use dup and dup2 to backup/store the stderr file descriptor to redirect to your log file. Well, I'm guessing that errors go to stderr anyways.
Here's an example if you just want to write to a log file.
//open log file, choose whatever flags you need
int logfd = open("whateveryourlogfileis", O_APPEND);
//back up stderr file descriptor
int stderr_copy = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
//redirect stderr to your opened log file
dup2(logfd, STDERR_FILENO);
//close the original file descriptor for the log file
//system call here
//restore stderr
dup2(stderr_copy, STDERR_FILENO);
//close stderr copy
Note: dup2 closes the target file descriptor before dup2ing to it. dup just duplicates the file descriptor and returns to you the new file descriptor.

Execute a process and return its standard output in VC++

What's the easiest way to execute a process, wait for it to finish, and then return its standard output as a string?
Kinda like backtics in Perl.
Not looking for a cross platform thing. I just need the quickest solution for VC++.
Any ideas?
WinAPI solution:
You have to create process (see CreateProcess) with redirected input (hStdInput field in STARTUPINFO structure) and output (hStdOutput) to your pipes (see CreatePipe), and then just read from the pipe (see ReadFile).
hmm.. MSDN has this as an example:
int main( void )
char psBuffer[128];
FILE *pPipe;
/* Run DIR so that it writes its output to a pipe. Open this
* pipe with read text attribute so that we can read it
* like a text file.
if( (pPipe = _popen( "dir *.c /on /p", "rt" )) == NULL )
exit( 1 );
/* Read pipe until end of file, or an error occurs. */
while(fgets(psBuffer, 128, pPipe))
/* Close pipe and print return value of pPipe. */
if (feof( pPipe))
printf( "\nProcess returned %d\n", _pclose( pPipe ) );
printf( "Error: Failed to read the pipe to the end.\n");
Seems simple enough. Just need to wrap it with C++ goodness.