Mime message with attachment turns as empty spam using libcurl - c++

I'm trying to write a small smtp client in c++ using libcurl. I managed to send simple text email quite easily, but I'm failing when it comes to attachment...
For some weird reason, with my current implementation, some messages are correctly sent and received like this one
whereas others are constantly failing and transformed into an empty message, like this one
I spent some time looking around but I can't find any reason for that. Any help would be more than welcome!
Thanks a lot!
I found my problem. The mime message is correct, but too long, and was exceeding the size my lib was currently able to handle. I fixed it and it's now working like a charm. See here for more explanation: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/140805/sending-email-using-libcurl-follow-up-2/144208#144208


How should I go about serving a json file to a website in my current architecture

sorry for absolutly murdering the tilte. But I am not sure how to frame this question, please edit this if there is a better way of explaining my problem.
I am reading a bitstream from a program which I convert into json data, write it to a socket, where another program reads this data and appends it to a log.json file. I am doing all of this in C++
Now I want to display this data in a better way. So why not try to display this in an html document, with some css applied on it.
My first thought was to simply fetch this with javascript. But now-a-days this throws an error.
So my second thought was to create a simple node.js server which accepts GET requests and then use this to serve the file. But this feels like its a bit overkill.
My third thought is now to perhaps use my original server (who continuously reads from the socket). And use that one to also accept http requests. But then I would have to multithread it, which again seems kinda overkill.
So im kinda falling back to needing 2 different "servers". One that reads from the socket and appends to the log file and another to serve this file to the website.
Am I'm thinking wrong here? What would be a good way to solve this?

C++ Terminal-Output not one after another

I'm sorry if this question sounds a little childish, but I'm very new to C++ and console applications.
I recently wrote a HTTP1.1-Client to down/upload files. Everything works fine. The Problem is that there are quite a lot of logs to be output on the terminal and there is also the content of the remote host that should be print to the terminal. At the end of the application some of the output is not well formed - sometimes the order ist not right and sometimes the messages are just broken apart.
The application does not use multithreading and uses the libraries SPDLOG and FMT::FORMAT to output the data. The code is way to big to be put in here but if you'd anyway like to see it i can as well post it here.
I'd be thankful for every suggestion about what I might have done wrong and what the problem might be. Thanks!

C++ how to send protobuf message

Can somebody please give me some sample code to do this? I've been reading and looking at the tutorials but they all seem to cover how to create proto files and generate your message classes and how to populated the message. I cannot figure out how to actually send the message once I have it.
Here I am populating my message:
TestMessage message;
message.set_image(data, elemSize);
string out;
Did that serialize the message or do I still need to write it out to a buffer? I need to check this code but I believe the object serialized to a string might do what I need for protobufs.
Once I have a serialized class to send, what does the code look like to transmit over http to a url? I mean are there Google provided methods to do this? If so, where are they? If not, then what should I use?
Please note that I am a complete noob at C++. So please forgive me if it seems as if I didn't do enough research. It's just that the more I look the more confused I get. There seems to be so many options. Just one will do.

Moving, renaming huge amount of text files based on content and size

*Update July 4*
I ended up doing the following:
Sort on date
Check if last sentence is the same
If Yes: If bigger -> this is the new message to be chosen. If smaller: remove. If no more of the same can be found, choose this one and move to another folder.
If No: move on. Loop this again until all files with certain date have been checked.
Thanks all for the help!!
I'm busy with a big project where I have a huge number of emails that I have to filter, imported from gmail through thunderbird. There is a big problem though.
Because gmail uses conversations, but thunderbird doesn't format them as such, what I have is a text file for each email, though the complete previous conversation as well. And so a whole new text file for each reply.To clarify, an example of a conversation:
Me:Hi, how are you?
You, replying: Good!
Me: Great!
In gmail this looks exactly as above, but for me this are now 3 files:
file 1:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi, how are you?
file 2:
You, sent at 11:42:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi how are you?
file 3:
Me, sent at 11:43:
You, sent at 11:42:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi how are you?
As you can understand, this is no problem with 3 files: I just throw away file 1 and 2 and only use file 3. That's precisely what I want to do. But considering in total there are around 30k files, I would very much like to automate that.
It is unfortunately not possible to do this complete by file name, though partially it can. The files are named after their date. For instance: 20110102 for Jan 2, 2011. However as there are multiple email conversations on a day, I would lose a lot if I would just sort by date and only keep the largest.
I hope the problem is clear and you can help me with this.
I work on Mac OSX 10.7. I've tried using Applescript, but either my script is not good or Applescript can't handle the amount of files.
Maybe you have a recommendation for software or a script in some way? I'm open for all and not unfamiliar with programming.
Thanks in advance!
As your task is basically just text processing, any language you're familiar with, including AppleScript, PHP, bash, C, should be able to do the job. I think perhaps #inTide's breaking the problem down into discreet steps is what you need to do, building one portion at a time in the language of your choice.
Pick a language that you're familiar with and start writing one the code to the first step and make sure it's working as you expect, and then expand, adding a small bit of new functionality at each point and making sure that functionality works before moving on. Without an example of the code you've written or a better description of how AppleScript is failing for you, additional advice is difficult.

How do I extract the network protocol from the source code of the server?

I'm trying to write a chat client for a popular network. The original client is proprietary, and is about 15 GB larger than I would like. (To be fair, others call it a game.)
There is absolutely no documentation available for the protocol on the internet, and most search results only come back with the client's scripting interface. I can understand that, since used in the wrong way, it could lead to ruining other people's experience.
I've downloaded the source code of a couple of alternative servers, including the one I want to connect to, but those
contain no documentation other than install instructions
are poorly commented (I did a superficial browsing)
are HUGE (the src folder of the target server contains 12 MB worth of .cpp and .h files), and grep didn't find anything related
I've also tried searching their forums and contacting the maintainers of the server, but so far, no luck.
Packet sniffing isn't likely to help, as the protocol relies heavily on encryption.
At this point, all my hope is my ability to chew through an ungodly amount of code. How do I start?
Edit: A related question.
If your original code is encrypted with some well known library like OpenSSL or Ctypto++ it might be useful to write your wrapper for the main entry points of these libraries, then delagating the call to the actual library. If you make such substitution and build the project successfully, you will be able to trace everything which goes out in the plain text way.
If your project is not using third party encryption libs, hopefully it is still possible to substitute the encryption routines with some wrappers which trace their input and then delegate encryption to the actual code.
Your bet is that usually enctyption is implemented in separate, relatively small number of source files so that should be easier for you to track input/output in these files.
Good luck!
I'd say
find the command that is used to send data through the socket (the call depends on the network library)
find references of this command and unroll from there. If you can modify-recompile the server code, it might help.
On the way, you will be able to log decrypted (or, more likely, not yet encrypted) network activity.
IMO, the best answer is to read the source code of the alternative server. Try using a good C++ IDE to help you. It will make a lot of difference.
It is likely that the protocol related material you need to understand will be limited to a subset of the files. These will contain references to network sockets and things. Start from there and work outwards as far as you need to.
A viable approach is to tackle this as a crypto challenge. That makes it easy, because you control so much.
For instance, you can use a current client to send a known message to the server, and then check server memory for that string. Once you've found out in which object the string ends, it also becomes possible to trace its ancestry through the code. Set a breakpoint on any non-const method of the object, and find the stacktraces. This gives you a live view of how messages arrive at the server, and a list of core functions essential to message processing. You can next find related functions (caller/callee of the functions on your list).