Remove broken link related to sitecore datasource - sitecore

I had created one Data source 'DS1' with 5 values in it say 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'. I had then used that Data source in templates and created pages. Now I want to remove the value 'C' from Data source. For that i have remove the value from the list of values in 'DS1' but when i checked on pages I found that the link for values 'C' still exists and the guid is displayed there saying not found. When i am creating a new page, it is not showing me the deleted value but the problem is in the case of existing pages.

I believe when you removed the "C" you should got a popup telling you that there are some links and options of what you wanna do like remove links, keep ....etc.
Now as you have the broken links check the following solution:


APEX 5: Make a report cell clickable and pass values

Just got started on APEX 5 and can't seem to figure out how to make cells in an Interactive Report clickable. What I'm trying to achieve is something like this:
Let's say I have a report on Page 1:
I want to be able to click on any cell in Column 2 and 3, and it should open a new page and show a list of items that made up that number, something like this:
I understand how dynamic actions work and how I can pass values but I just can't figure out how I can hyperlink or make the cells clickable, to set up any dynamic actions.
You can make the Column Type a Link and under Link Attributes, define the target page and set the items or filter report accordingly. You can have the Link Text as #COLUMN_NAME#.
I think you will find this post useful
but most of the time you should start with a very declarative looking link builder, once you change the column Type to "Link"

Oracle/APEX Adding a row to an Interactive Grid with a Dynamic Action

Currently using APEX 5.1.4
My goal is to have the user press a button, which triggers a new row to be added to the bottom of the IG. This row would also need to have some default values pre-populated, such as the sequence column I have functioning as a primary key.
Doesn't matter how exactly, but I was considering doing it with Javascript. However, none of the methods I have found online, regarding adding a row with Javascript, work.
Also, I have the header bar of the IG removed, so finding the native Add Row Button probably is not an option.
I found some Javascript that successfully allows me to add a row, however, it adds the row directly underneath the currently selected row. I do not see any methods to automatically select the last row of the IG, and it still doesn't solve that the row needs to have some dynamic values upon instantiation.
Here is the javascript:
This shows all of the available functions that can be invoked ( with .invoke() ):
These following lines both instantiate a new empty row on the IG:
("row-add-row" adds to top of IG, "insert-record" adds underneath currently selected row.)
Better to use below code:
Before applying this code make interactiveGrid editable by clicking on attributes and also apply primary key on one column and then apply this code in Execute javascript code:

Ajax call returned server error ORA-01403: no data found for APEX Interactive Grid

I am trying to save data into my table using an interactive grid with the help of custom plsql. I am running into an "ORA-01403-no data found" error while inserting data and I can't figure out why.
This is my plsql custom process which I run. Appreciate your help.
em_id NUMBER;
CASE :apex$row_status
SELECT NVL (MAX (emergency_id), 0) + 1
INTO em_id
FROM emp_emergency_contact;
INSERT INTO emp_emergency_contact
(emergency_id, emp_id, emergency_name, emergency_relation
VALUES (em_id, :emp_id, :emergency_name, :emergency_relation
UPDATE emp_emergency_contact
SET emergency_name = :emergency_name,
emergency_relation = :emergency_relation
WHERE emergency_id = :emergency_id;
DELETE emp_emergency_contact
WHERE emergency_id = :emergency_id;
So far I have not come across any documented way on how to use custom PL/SQL logic for processing submitted rows of APEX 5.1 Interactive Grid via AJAX call.
You are getting no data found error because the return is expected to be in certain json format.
The example you have provided is not too complex and can be with done using standard "Interactive Grid - Automatic Row Processing (DML)" process, which is an AJAX approach. If AJAX call is not important then you can create your own PL/SQL process with custom logic. Example of which is demonstrated in "Sample Interactive Grids" package application, check out Advanced > Custom Server Processing page in this application for more information.
I agree with Scott, you should be using a sequence or identity column for ids.
Not entirely sure. A 'select into' can raise a no_data_found exception, but yours shouldn't.
That being said, you shouldn't have max(id)+1 anywhere in your code. This is a bug. Use a sequence or identity column instead.
I have gotten this many times so the first thing I do is go look at any columns in my grid sql that are not part of the "Save", they are from a join for data only.
I just got it again and it was a heading sort column that I had as a column type of "Number". I changed it to display only and the "Save" now works.
Although, I had already set the "Source" of the column to "Query Only" which is also needed.
It is a bummer the Ajax error message doesn't at least give the column name that caused the error.
Hope this helps someone..
Add a RETURNING INTO clause after the insert. IG expects a primary key to be returned to query the inserted row.

Adding data to database in django issue

I have code like this:
form = TestForm(request.POST)
This code sometimes work sometimes dont. Problem is in auto increment id.
When i have some data in db that is not written by django and i want to add data from django i get IntegrityError id already exists.
I i have 2 rows in db(not added by django) i need to click "add data" 3 times. After third time when id increment to 3 all is ok.
How to solve this?
These integrity errors appear, when your table sequence is not updated after new item is created. Or if sequence is out of sync with reality. For example - you import items from some source and the items also contain id, which is higher than your table index sequence indicates. I have not seen a case where django messes sequences up.
So what i guess happens is, that the other source that inserts data into your database, also inserts id's and sequence is not updated. Fix that and your problems should disappear.

My test script is not finding items in dynamic web list control - list in code not updated with current info

I am having a problem in QTP with selection of a web list box and I have exhausted what I know to do to resolve it. I am hoping someone can help.
There are 5 controls in a container, 2 webedit controls and 3 weblist controls. Together, they allow entry of accounts associated with a customer, and there can be 16 accounts for any customer. There are only ever five controls active at any time, whether editing or entering information for an account. When the information for an account is entered and accepted, it changes to a read-only table row and a new set of controls appears below it for entry of the next account.
The information entered in these controls is the account number, type, description, designation, and status. The status value is contingent on the designation, and the items in the list change dynamically depending on what the user specifies for the designation. The status list is not enabled until the designation is specified.
After some experimenting with timing, I was able to get past an issue where the status list for the first account was seen by QTP as disabled even though it was clearly enabled. I was then able to advance to entry of the second account.
I change the designation on the second account and try to select an appropriate item (specified in a data table) in the status list. My specification from the data table is never found. I figured it was a problem with verbiage differences and also that I should probably anticipate that and address it now, so I wrote a function to accept three parameters, the list and up to two search items. My function searches the listbox passed to it and looks for a match (full or partial) on the search items it receives. Here is where I encountered a significant problem.
The list of the control my function received was from the previous iteration of the test, corresponding to the designation of that account. This is why my function was not finding the selection item. The list on the screen shows the appropriate items, which suggests that I am looking at the wrong object. I also get the ‘object is disabled’ message when I put my data table value directly into the list with the select statement.
The active controls are displayed below the readonly presentation of the previously entered accounts. I am very new to QTP, but I also read documentation. My only theory at this point is that ATP is not passing the right list to my function… that perhaps that how it was learned included the position, which will change each time. However, the spy identifies the screen control as the same item I processed for the preceding account, which makes my theory suspect. In addition, the other four controls, which are not dynamically changing, do not present the same problem. I can put the information in them consistently.
I apologize for the length of this question, but I wanted to be as thorough and clear as possible. Can anyone help me get past this obstacle.
There are many possiblities why it is exposing this behaviour, so let's start with something simple:
Did you try a myWebList.Refresh call before you do something with the listbox? Refresh re-identifies the object.
Have you put a break point (red dot) inside the custom function. Just see what is happening there. With the debug viewer you can enter a realtime command in the scope of that function like msgbox myWebList.exist(0) or myWebList.Highlight
Can you see how the disabled property is propagated to the webpage? If you can 'Object Spy' it as TO property, you can add it in the GUI Map description.
A more sophisticated aproach is to create a Description with the weblist properties. If you can read the disabled property as an RO property from the 'Object Spy', you can use it as an identifier like "attribute/customDisabledProperty:=false".
If you cannot correctly read the disabled property, you can create a description object and do a count on the amount of items that match that description on that page with numberOfLists = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription).Count and get the last list with Set lastList = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription)(numberOfLists-1)
Keep us informed. Depending on how this works out, we can work into a direction for a solution.
I figured this out early this morning. There are 4 different list boxes used, each made visible or enabled dependent on the selection of the previous list. This is why the spy found the one listed when I was using it and also why the items in the list were not appropriate to what I had selected and also why it appeared disabled to QTP but enabled to me.
I was selecting the same designation when trying to spy it. It was intuitive that the controls were all the same. I am also a windows programmer and I would have populated the same list each time with the appropriate list items, and I presumed that was what the web developer was doing. It was not and it took some time to figure that out. Now that I figured it out, everything is working fine, and I came back to report that. This was a significant, time-intensive lesson.
Thank you very much for your input. It is still useful because I am very new to QTP and every thing I learn is of value.